Go ahead...just try and deny White House knowingly and willingly broke our trust

I take anything from Fox News with a small salt mine. As far as I know and can verify from credible sources, this is a case of one company receiving money as a part of a federal loan program to promote green energy, where the company failed, although the program as a whole has been a success.

If an investigation shows that there was anything else going on that was handled wrongly by the government, then those that were responsible for it need to be disciplined accordingly. But that should not be used to invalidate the program itself, nor, as many seem inclined to do, the whole idea of green energy.

So in other words you have completely ignored the issue.
There are numerous stories about this breach of trust in a plethora of sources.

Nice reveal.
Now we know who you are...a more refined Truthmatters.
So in other words you have completely ignored the issue.
There are numerous stories about this breach of trust in a plethora of sources.

Why didn't you link them, then?

And you're wrong, I've not been ignoring it. I perhaps haven't done a Whitewater-type fishing expedition looking for something, anything, that can be pinned on Obama, sifting through every single report with trembling hands and bated breath, but that doesn't mean I've ignored it.

Meanwhile, I can't see anything to support any conclusions here, although there is enough to warrant further investigation, which as far as I can see is ongoing. Until and unless that investigation actually comes up with something definite, seems to me we could all benefit from a chill pill.
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So in other words you have completely ignored the issue.
There are numerous stories about this breach of trust in a plethora of sources.

Why didn't you link them, then?

And you're wrong, I've not been ignoring it. I perhaps haven't done a Whitewater-type fishing expedition looking for something, anything, that can be pinned on Obama, sifting through every single report with trembling hands and bated breath, but that doesn't mean I've ignored it.

Meanwhile, I can't see anything to support any conclusions here, although there is enough to warrant further investigation, which as far as I can see is ongoing. Until and unless that investigation actually comes up with something definite, seems to me we could all benefit from a chill pill.

So what you are saying is Fox made up the senate hearing and what the treasury officers testified...you know it is public record right?
You choose to ignore what you don't like to see. That is clear.
So what you are saying is Fox made up the senate hearing and what the treasury officers testified

No, I'm reasonably sure that those words were said. What I don't know, and don't trust Fox to report accurately, is what else came out in those hearings, or even what other things the people they're talking about said. Fox is notorious for taking things out of context and cherry-picking information to make a point.

That's part of the reason why I say that this is not conclusive of anything. What's your hurry, anyway?
I take anything from Fox News with a small salt mine. As far as I know and can verify from credible sources, this is a case of one company receiving money as a part of a federal loan program to promote green energy, where the company failed, although the program as a whole has been a success.

If an investigation shows that there was anything else going on that was handled wrongly by the government, then those that were responsible for it need to be disciplined accordingly. But that should not be used to invalidate the program itself, nor, as many seem inclined to do, the whole idea of green energy.

post #11, I will put the question to you again sir;

a) is he responsible?

b) is he to blame?

c) neither

please select
I can and do deny that the White House broke our trust with respect to Solyndra.

Only because you have your head so far up his ass that you cannot see facts for what they are.

No, it's because I do see facts for what they are, and I know that in any loan program like that you are going to have some losses. Overall, the program has been a success. That one of the companies that was lent money went belly-up doesn't prove a damned thing.

Loan schmoan...It was straight-up payola and you know it...You simply can't pull your head out of Boiking's ass long enough to admit it.

Moreover, your cavalier attitude toward taxpayer dollars is prima facie evidence that know-it-all technocratic schmcuks like you have no business getting anywhere near taxpayer funding for anything...This fucking scam happens out in the real world and your loser asswipe of a matinee idol president is out of a job, if not behind bars for outright fraud.

Only in that he hasn't gone full communist for ya.

Knowing that you mean by "communist" anything to the left of Attila the Hun, and translating appropriately, that's about right.

Knowing that anyone to the right of Stalin is a reactionary in your world, I'd say my comment pretty much hit the mark.
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So what you are saying is Fox made up the senate hearing and what the treasury officers testified

No, I'm reasonably sure that those words were said. What I don't know, and don't trust Fox to report accurately, is what else came out in those hearings, or even what other things the people they're talking about said. Fox is notorious for taking things out of context and cherry-picking information to make a point.

soooo this is a Fox issue? this out of context, accuracy etc etc...

does it happen in other news/journalistic orgs?

That's part of the reason why I say that this is not conclusive of anything. What's your hurry, anyway?

justice delayed and all that....:rolleyes:
So what you are saying is Fox made up the senate hearing and what the treasury officers testified

No, I'm reasonably sure that those words were said. What I don't know, and don't trust Fox to report accurately, is what else came out in those hearings, or even what other things the people they're talking about said. Fox is notorious for taking things out of context and cherry-picking information to make a point.

That's part of the reason why I say that this is not conclusive of anything. What's your hurry, anyway?

My hurry??
This administration is trying to pass a similar bill so it can handpick another set of folks to give $billions to.
I think it would be nice to know whether this administration engaged in unlawful preferences to a company that was self imploding. As the treasury officer stated - "this is the first time in my career that I have ever seen a loan that favors shareholders over the taxpayers interest in case of default...it is unprecedented".

Comment on that sentence alone eh?
I do not want to give this administration another half $trillion in play money while there are serious and merited accusations of insider activity.
How could you possibly disagree?
Poor babies...so disappointed :razz:

I figure it pales next to cherry picking intel to get us into a war of choice or outing a CIA agent.

Just saying

But I guess if faux news says it, it must be true

Hard to understand Obama Fluffers sometimes when they talk with their mouth full.

You're admitting that Obama's a criminal but its ok with you because Richard Armitage outed Val Plame?
So what you are saying is Fox made up the senate hearing and what the treasury officers testified

No, I'm reasonably sure that those words were said. What I don't know, and don't trust Fox to report accurately, is what else came out in those hearings, or even what other things the people they're talking about said. Fox is notorious for taking things out of context and cherry-picking information to make a point.

That's part of the reason why I say that this is not conclusive of anything. What's your hurry, anyway?

My hurry??
This administration is trying to pass a similar bill so it can handpick another set of folks to give $billions to.
I think it would be nice to know whether this administration engaged in unlawful preferences to a company that was self imploding. As the treasury officer stated - "this is the first time in my career that I have ever seen a loan that favors shareholders over the taxpayers interest in case of default...it is unprecedented".

Comment on that sentence alone eh?
I do not want to give this administration another half $trillion in play money while there are serious and merited accusations of insider activity.
How could possibly disagree?

hey solyndra? old news...try this;

SunPower: Twice As Bad As Solyndra, Twice As Bad For Obama - HUMAN EVENTS

no, no hurry....:eusa_whistle:
No, I'm reasonably sure that those words were said. What I don't know, and don't trust Fox to report accurately, is what else came out in those hearings, or even what other things the people they're talking about said. Fox is notorious for taking things out of context and cherry-picking information to make a point.

That's part of the reason why I say that this is not conclusive of anything. What's your hurry, anyway?

My hurry??
This administration is trying to pass a similar bill so it can handpick another set of folks to give $billions to.
I think it would be nice to know whether this administration engaged in unlawful preferences to a company that was self imploding. As the treasury officer stated - "this is the first time in my career that I have ever seen a loan that favors shareholders over the taxpayers interest in case of default...it is unprecedented".

Comment on that sentence alone eh?
I do not want to give this administration another half $trillion in play money while there are serious and merited accusations of insider activity.
How could possibly disagree?

hey solyndra? old news...try this;

SunPower: Twice As Bad As Solyndra, Twice As Bad For Obama - HUMAN EVENTS

no, no hurry....:eusa_whistle:



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No denying it now...

At a tense hearing on Capitol Hill, two Treasury officials acknowledged that the government's restructuring of the loan earlier this year was unusual, if not unprecedented. Through that process, Solyndra investors, not taxpayers, were put at the front of the line for recovering money in case of bankruptcy.

House Panel Examines Solyndra Loan Restructuring

New documents reveal Treasury Department's concerns with loan

Gary Burner, chief financial officer of the Treasury Federal Financing Bank responsible for the loan and a 28-year veteran of the Treasury Department, said he's never heard of a case where private money was prioritized ahead of taxpayer money in a loan.

Read more: Treasury Officials' Testimony Fuels GOP Concerns Over Solyndra Loan Restructuring | Fox News

So when was the last time we had a WH that DIDN'T break our trust, lie to us etc... ?
No denying it now...

At a tense hearing on Capitol Hill, two Treasury officials acknowledged that the government's restructuring of the loan earlier this year was unusual, if not unprecedented. Through that process, Solyndra investors, not taxpayers, were put at the front of the line for recovering money in case of bankruptcy.

House Panel Examines Solyndra Loan Restructuring

New documents reveal Treasury Department's concerns with loan

Gary Burner, chief financial officer of the Treasury Federal Financing Bank responsible for the loan and a 28-year veteran of the Treasury Department, said he's never heard of a case where private money was prioritized ahead of taxpayer money in a loan.

Read more: Treasury Officials' Testimony Fuels GOP Concerns Over Solyndra Loan Restructuring | Fox News

So when was the last time we had a WH that DIDN'T break our trust, lie to us etc... ?

Strawman move along...
My hurry??
This administration is trying to pass a similar bill so it can handpick another set of folks to give $billions to.

See, THIS is why it's necessary to avoid any hysteria over Solyndra and ESPECIALLY to resist allowing it to become a talking point. It's not that it's wrong for corrupt or incompetent government officials to be investigated, and punished if malfeasance occurred. That's just what we should be doing. Looks to me like that's just what's happening, and it should continue happening. But I know very well that there are those on the right who are against any sort of government support for green energy, who will use any such bad behavior as a wedge to try to stop any such support from occurring.

Paddling any Obama administration officials who did wrong in regard to Solyndra, that you get to do.

Blocking any similar efforts because some people in the administration may have done wrong, that you don't.
No denying it now...

At a tense hearing on Capitol Hill, two Treasury officials acknowledged that the government's restructuring of the loan earlier this year was unusual, if not unprecedented. Through that process, Solyndra investors, not taxpayers, were put at the front of the line for recovering money in case of bankruptcy.

House Panel Examines Solyndra Loan Restructuring

New documents reveal Treasury Department's concerns with loan

Gary Burner, chief financial officer of the Treasury Federal Financing Bank responsible for the loan and a 28-year veteran of the Treasury Department, said he's never heard of a case where private money was prioritized ahead of taxpayer money in a loan.

Read more: Treasury Officials' Testimony Fuels GOP Concerns Over Solyndra Loan Restructuring | Fox News

That is assuming we trusted him in the first place...:eusa_whistle:
My hurry??
This administration is trying to pass a similar bill so it can handpick another set of folks to give $billions to.

See, THIS is why it's necessary to avoid any hysteria over Solyndra and ESPECIALLY to resist allowing it to become a talking point. It's not that it's wrong for corrupt or incompetent government officials to be investigated, and punished if malfeasance occurred. That's just what we should be doing. Looks to me like that's just what's happening, and it should continue happening. But I know very well that there are those on the right who are against any sort of government support for green energy, who will use any such bad behavior as a wedge to try to stop any such support from occurring.

Paddling any Obama administration officials who did wrong in regard to Solyndra, that you get to do.

Blocking any similar efforts because some people in the administration may have done wrong, that you don't.

Once again - you have proven you are no more than a refined Truythmatters.
So when was the last time we had a WH that DIDN'T break our trust, lie to us etc... ?

Strawman move along...

My apologies for bringing up a point that didn't totally agree with you in every possible way!
I just haven't been that thrilled with the integrity found in the WH for quite some time now...

If you wasn't trying to derail the topic like Truth and "Dragon"...then apologies are in order. I thought you were trying, like them, to avoid the topic by bringing up something else.

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