Go Ahead, Remove Roe V. Wade

Rightwinger- we’d need to specify which conservatives object to birth control to be accurate, certainly not in bulk. Yes, specific religious sectors but switching to a mass political comparison is not cut and dry. Same with childcare. Many workplaces throughout the country offer childcare within their businesses. Personally, I don’t know any conservative who is against that benefit, but maybe you do?

I agree that alternatives to abortion should be widely offered and made available. The “day after pill” for instance is a valid alternative, although a subset of the market didn’t like that this alternative, Plan B and the like, were getting too much positive publicity with recent pieces written against using the day after pill -which stems likely from the subversive motive to maintain profits from legalized abortions. I only wish a legitimate journalist with clout would expose these financial connections on a national basis, to take these businesses and individual profiteers down.

Obamacare included provisions to include birth control under healthcare. Republicans sued to remove it
Democratic run states include birth control under Medicaid, Republican states prohibit it
Republicans oppose paid maternity leave, job protection due to pregnancy, child care

All contribute to unwanted pregnancy and abortion

Go Ahead, Remove Roe V. Wade​

Application granted. o’tay!

Well, technically, not “removed.” Just overruled.
We’re not baby killers. We’re sick of men who hate women, telling women how to live their lives.

No rights for American women. Not even equality.
/——/ How about men who tell you you can’t work, can’t visit family in the hospital, must wear a mask and get a jab? Are you sick of them too?

Would you give $2,000 a month so that this woman can provide food and shelter for this child?
Would you give her $2,000 a month to have an abortion?
A man hater would say!
Well, when you’ve been busy passing a raft of laws that will force rape victims to bear a pregnancy to term, can you blame folks for hating you? Republicans now stand for forced pregnancy.
Well, just what is it you think you have been killing off when you have an abortion? A six pack of Old Milwaukee?
Why do you assume that everyone who supports a woman’s right to choose has had or will ever have an abortion?
Well, when you’ve been busy passing a raft of laws that will force rape victims to bear a pregnancy to term, can you blame folks for hating you? Republicans now stand for forced pregnancy.
Not if they report the rape before the fetus has a heartbeat, about 6 weeks.
Why do you assume that everyone who supports a woman’s right to choose has had or will ever have an abortion?
He asked what you think you are killing off when you get an abortion. You didn't answer but went off on a tangent.
Before they even know they are pregnant.
They will know after 2 to 3 weeks and that's according to PP itself. There are plenty of pregnancy tests available over the counter. If a woman (God forbid) gets raped, she will know in plenty of time.

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