Go Figure: NY Terrorist Was a Muslim Immigrant

Who woulda thunk? I mean the left love these guys flooding in. I wonder why.


8 dead in New York City truck attack; mayor calls it act of terror
he is a "lone wolf" <<< that is a euphemism for---"HE IS MUSLIM BUT HIS ACTIONS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH
THE PLEASURE OF ALLAH" ----he did it-----because......?
well we have no idea
Whatever Muslim Shit-hole he is from, his Mother is now an Honored Citizen; because her son is a Martyr to the eighth century Culture in which these Barbarians still live.

It is NOT an explanation to say that this last is in a long line of Lunatic Muslim was was obviously also mentally ill. ALL people who kill innocent people at random are mentally ill.

What it is time for...long past time...is for America to realize that these mentally ill people are produced...MADE MENTALLY ILL....with way way way too much regularity....by an eight century culture originating in the Middle East....which encourages these Lunatics; which nurtures them; which believes they are right to kill and maim random people, including children....because they are Infidels...i.e. Americans.

You Liberals who have sold out our Country.....you Liberal Cocksuckers who have insisted that these Barbarians be allowed into this Country....and you have Blood on your hands tonight.
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Whatever Muslim Shit-hole he is from, his Mother is now an Honored Citizen; because her son is a Martyr to the eighth century Culture in which these Barbarians still live.

It is NOT an explanation to say that this nest is a long line of Lunatic Muslim was was obviously also mentally ill. ALL people who kill innocent people at random are mentally ill.

What it is time for...long past time...is for America to realize that these mentally ill people are produced...MADE MENTALLY ILL....with way way way too much regularity....by an eight century culture originating in the Middle East....which encourages these Lunatics; which nurtures them; which believes they are right to kill and maim random people, including children....because they are Infidels...i.e. Americans.

You Liberals who have sold out our Country.....you Liberal Cocksuckers who have insisted that these Barbarians be allowed into this Country....and you have Blood on your hands tonight.
Do you lump all Christians together, too?
I'll go with a conspiracy theory this time. It was a setup.
NYC terrorist was a Uzbeki muslim...

Suspect in NYC attack left note pledging his allegiance to ISIS
31 Oct.`17 - November 01 (ANI): The 29-year-old terror suspect, Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, who deliberately drove into bicyclists and pedestrians on a bike path in Lower Manhattan on Tuesday, killing at least eight people and injuring many, left a note behind in the rental truck, pledging his allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syriac (ISIS).
Hours after the attack, the U.S. President Donald Trump said that the United States must not let the ISIS "return to or enter" the country. "We must not allow ISIS to return, or enter, our country after defeating them in the Middle East and elsewhere. Enough!" Trump tweeted.

Trump's tweets came after the New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio called the incident "an act of terror." "Based on information we have at this moment, this was an act of terror, and a particularly cowardly act of terror aimed at innocent civilians," Blasio said at a news conference.


According to the NBC News, the attacker was a Uzbek national who came to the U.S. in 2010 and has been living in Florida for the past seven years. Meanwhile, a friend of the suspect who said he met Saipov five years ago when they both lived in Florida said, "he is no terrorist." "He was a very happy guy," said Kobiljon Matkarov, who added that Saipov was married with kids and worked as a truck driver. "He liked the U.S."

A senior law enforcement official said that the Federal authorities were treating the incident as a terrorist attack. "He jumped out of the truck with a pellet gun, yelled, 'Allahu Akbar,' and the First Precinct lit him up," a law enforcement official said. Officials said it was the deadliest terrorist attack in New York City since 9/11.

Suspect in NYC attack left note pledging his allegiance to ISIS

See also:

NYPD launches terror probe after truck mows down cyclists[/b
31Oct.`17 - A pick-up truck driver rammed into several cyclists as he drove the wrong way down the West Side Highway bike path near the World Trade Center memorial in New York City, leaving eight people dead.
Senior law enforcement officers at the New York Police Department have said that the incident on Tuesday afternoon occurred several blocks on the lower west side of Manhattan and that the truck driver struck people before getting out of the vehicle. After exiting the vehicle screaming, the driver displayed imitation firearms and was shot by the police. NYPD officers have said that the individual is now in police custody and is being taken to the hospital for treatment. The department said on Twitter that the vehicle struck "multiple people on the path. There are several fatalities and numerous people injured” and added later that those injured in the incident were rushed to the hospital.


A senior law enforcement official said that the driver also crashed into a school bus as he drove down about 20 city blocks near Stuyvesant High School, one of the city's elite public schools. Based on preliminary investigation, the police believe the act appeared to be deliberate and they are now considering terrorism as part of the investigation. Police have warned that people can expect "many emergency personnel" in the area of Chambers Street and West Street on the lower west side of Manhattan. Both New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said they are heading to the scene.

Videos broadcast from the scene of the crime showed a Home Depot truck with the front end smashed and surrounded by crowds of spectators, gathered behind police lines. News channel footage also shows parts of several mangled bicycles littered around the popular bike path and medics tending to the wounded surrounded by a large number of police vehicles. Hundreds of officers, including the bomb squad, were at the scene and NYPD has said that a large section of the West Side Highway Area has been cordoned off as they investigate. The police also said that at the moment they are not looking for additional suspects. The public has been advised to avoid the area.

This is a developing story. More to follow.

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