Go Figure: NY Terrorist Was a Muslim Immigrant

If muslim inbreds are going to attack America, why can't they have the courtesy to pick a city that really deserves it, like San Franshitsco? To quote Obi-Wan, "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy." It's right across the Bay from Berkeley so they're made of the same stuff.
If muslim inbreds are going to attack America, why can't they have the courtesy to pick a city that really deserves it, like San Franshitsco? To quote Obi-Wan, "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy." It's right across the Bay from Berkeley so they're made of the same stuff.

They wish to destroy the US, not save it.
If muslim inbreds are going to attack America, why can't they have the courtesy to pick a city that really deserves it, like San Franshitsco? To quote Obi-Wan, "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy." It's right across the Bay from Berkeley so they're made of the same stuff.

They wish to destroy the US, not save it.

I know, I understand that, but muslims hate American leftist Islam-cocksuckers just as much as they hate any other non-muslims. So ideally, if ANY Americans deserve to die at the hands of Pisslam, it should be America's most treasonous leftist Islam-fellatrix. It's difficult to picture a more treasonous, American-hating, Islam-cocksucking town in this country than SF (my birth town, I know its evil a little too well). And there is no amount of horror and agony traitors don't deserve. That was the point I was trying to make.

LOL, muslims are too stupid to know that attacking San Franpsycho would be doing America a favor so shhhh, don't tell them. And actually do these leftists a favor with a wake-up call in the only language extreme liberals understand: mindless violence.
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The one area in which I completely support trump, is his tough stance on immigration: strong border enforcement, cracking down on illegals already here, and deeply cutting (hopefully stopping) legal immigration. We once needed lots of immigrants — when the country was then empty, but times have changed.

I especially want trump to completely stop ALL immigration from the middle east and all of Africa. The cultural differences are huge and these folks seem to cause only problems wherever they’re found, even after they’ve been in a place for long periods of time. I agree with another poster who asked why we are forever importing more problems for ourselves. We shouldn’t be importing more potential BLM members either, they already cause too many problems as it is. In fact, that’s all they’re good for.

While it’s true we have lot’s of American mass murderers, that doesn’t mean we should import more from every shithole on the planet. In fact, that’s another good reason to keep the biggest known troublemakers out of here.

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