"Go Green" "Common Man" Barry Sotereo Hussein Erects Tree Grove in Residence

What petty little minds. Making a fuss over some Christmas trees. What a bunch of petty little minds.

Way to set an example of frugality, Barry, you fucking asswipe.

Many victims of Hurricane Sandy will have no house, let alone no tree. But this jackass needs 54 and has to be "public" about it. I'm sure other Presidents had many trees as well but ironic that we never knew until the Pretender-in-Chief has suddenly made it newsworthy that there are so many.

He forgets about the women who he promised help to during his visit to NJ. She was just in the news explaining how she actually put her faith in him. Even I could have told her that her trust was misplaced. Her and her family don't matter...the election is over.
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So Moooochelle thinks 50 something christmas trees are great, but July fourth is stupid? "All this for a flag?"
The point is...WHO needs 54 Christmas trees!?!?
Why is he WASTING money on this.....probably OUR money.
I can't afford ONE Christmas tree!

Plus he's going to spend 2 weeks in Hawaii at about 4 million!
Him and his wife are fricking "stoopid" and couldn't care less that people are struggling.

ill have to remember this post for the future
The point is...WHO needs 54 Christmas trees!?!?
Why is he WASTING money on this.....probably OUR money.
I can't afford ONE Christmas tree!

Plus he's going to spend 2 weeks in Hawaii at about 4 million!
Him and his wife are fricking "stoopid" and couldn't care less that people are struggling.

ill have to remember this post for the future
bet you never considered how much of an economy boost the state of HI will see due to all the people who will be following the president. this will create tax revenues and boost local economic sales. but never mind because the president doesn't deserve a few days off, he should just work 24/7 365.

never mind the fact that in between jan 2009 and oct 2012 he has only spend 72 days on vacation. thats an average of 18 days per year, or a little more than 3 weeks. he has also only spent approx 54 days at camp david. in comparison, George W. Bush spent 32 months at his ranch (490 days) or Camp David (487 days) — an average of four months away every year, Ronald Reagan was away for 436 days, usually at Rancho del Cielo (his mountaintop retreat in California) or Camp David. Lyndon Johnson spent 484 days in five and a half years at his Texas ranch. Dwight Eisenhower took long summer breaks in Denver and spent almost every single weekend at Camp David.

Time off doesn't mean goofing off. President Bush, for example, met with a variety of foreign leaders at his ranch. President Obama held a G-8 summit at Camp David.

Deconstructing the 5 most ridiculous myths about Barack Obama - The Week
The fact that you guys think that the President is involved with the decision of how to decorate the public part of the White House is hilarious to me.

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