Go MAGA Go Broke: Trump's PAC Down To $4 Million. It Gets Worse.

Speaking of globalists...




China Contributing $500 Million to Trump-Linked Project in Indonesia

Report: Jared Kushner’s $2 Billion Saudi Check Appears Even More Comically Corrupt Than Previously Thought

Funny shit hunter was selling his father's position to china
The only business experience hunter had.
And they couldn't care less. It was a tithe.

I wonder how many of these poor souls have given money they couldn't afford.

Trump is the most obvious con man the country has ever seen. What does that say about the country?
I used to see the exact same delusions in the clients of psychics and mediums. The desire to bleev is one of the most powerful psychological forces. The rube does all the heavy lifting for the con artist.
I used to see the exact same delusions in the clients of psychics and mediums. The desire to bleev is one of the most powerful psychological forces. The rube does all the heavy lifting for the con artist.
Do you think a con artist has some sort of innate sense of that weakness, or do they just do what comes naturally and it works?
Do you think a con artist has some sort of innate sense of that weakness, or do they just do what comes naturally and it works?
They simply tell the rubes what they want to hear. It's incredibly easy. You just have to be a sociopath with no conscience. The rest of the work is done by the rubes.

And just like with psychics, the rubes only remember the occasional hits and forget the thousands of misses (lies).
Funny shit hunter was selling his father's position to china
The only business experience hunter had.
That was Trump.

May 14 2018
“President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast,” Trump announced on Twitter Sunday morning. “Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done.

Trump did not mention in that tweet or its follow-ups that on Thursday, the developer of a theme park resort outside of Jakarta had signed a deal to receive as much as $500 million in Chinese government loans, as well as another $500 million from Chinese banks, according to Agence France-Presse.

Trump’s family business, the Trump Organization, has a deal to license the Trump name to the resort, which includes a golf course and hotels.

Trump drops sanctions, gets $1,000,000,000 in Chinese checks.
There is a terrific scene in The Music Man which aptly describes Trump's M.O.

TRUMP: Now, Melania, I need some ideas if I'm going to get our country out of the serious trouble it's in.

MELANIA: America ain't in any trouble.

TRUMP: We're gonna have to create some. Must create a desperate need in America to be great again.

That was Trump.

May 14 2018
“President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast,” Trump announced on Twitter Sunday morning. “Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done.

Trump did not mention in that tweet or its follow-ups that on Thursday, the developer of a theme park resort outside of Jakarta had signed a deal to receive as much as $500 million in Chinese government loans, as well as another $500 million from Chinese banks, according to Agence France-Presse.

Trump’s family business, the Trump Organization, has a deal to license the Trump name to the resort, which includes a golf course and hotels.

Trump drops sanctions, gets $1,000,000,000 in Chinese checks.
No he wasn't.
Biden dropped the sanctions imposed by Trump you dumb fuck

Trump's controversial ZTE order came days after the Chinese government provided millions to a Trump Organization-tied project

  • President Donald Trump's order regarding Chinese telecom company ZTE came just days after the Chinese government moved to provide cash to a venture that will help the president's bottom line.
Within three days of the Chinese government agreeing to provide $500 million in loans to an Indonesian theme park that the Trump Organization has a deal to license President Donald Trump's name to, the president stunningly ordered sanctions be rescinded against a major Chinese telecom company.

Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In China After Trump Was Elected

The Chinese government granted a total of 41 trademarks to companies linked to Ivanka Trump by April of 2019—and the trademarks she applied for after her father became president got approved about 40% faster than those she requested before Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election

On March 29, 2017, Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter of President Trump, became an official government employee, joining her husband, Jared Kushner, as an adviser to her father.

The day before that appointment, Ivanka applied for 17 new trademarks with the Chinese government.

In early May of 2018, ZTE, a Chinese electronics maker, said that it had halted “major operating activities” after being penalized by the United States Department of Commerce for breaking sanctions and selling electronics to Iran and North Korea.

Yet, in mid-May, President Trump surprisingly reversed course when he indicated a willingness to rethink the punishment and vowed to work with Chinese President Xi Jinping to prevent the collapse of the ZTE, which employs 75,000 people, with Trump tweeting,Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!”

That same month, May of 2018, amid tense trade negotiations between China and the United States, China approved seven Ivanka trademarks, according to Alexander’s book,
White House, Inc.
That was Trump.

May 14 2018
“President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast,” Trump announced on Twitter Sunday morning. “Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done.

Trump did not mention in that tweet or its follow-ups that on Thursday, the developer of a theme park resort outside of Jakarta had signed a deal to receive as much as $500 million in Chinese government loans, as well as another $500 million from Chinese banks, according to Agence France-Presse.

Trump’s family business, the Trump Organization, has a deal to license the Trump name to the resort, which includes a golf course and hotels.

Trump drops sanctions, gets $1,000,000,000 in Chinese checks.
From 2019 look who is in the back ground Mr Archer
Hunter Biden traded on his daddy's name. Big whoop. It isn't a crime.

Just ask Ivanka. And Jared.

They reaped WAY more money from their connection to daddy.

Way more.
After Paying Lawyers, Trump’s PAC Is Nearly Broke

Former President Donald J. Trump’s political action committee, which began last year with $105 million, now has less than $4 million left in its account after paying tens of millions of dollars in legal fees for Mr. Trump and his associates.

And here is where it gets worse:

The dwindling cash reserves in Mr. Trump’s PAC, called Save America, have fallen to such levels that the group has made the highly unusual request of a $60 million refund of a donation it had previously sent to a pro-Trump super PAC.


The super PAC, which is called Make America Great Again Inc.
(MAGAAAAAAGGGHHH!), has already sent back $12.25 million to the group paying Mr. Trump’s legal bills, according to federal records — a sum nearly as large as the $13.1 million the super PAC raised from donors in the first half of 2023. Those donations included $1 million from the father of his son-in-law, Charles Kushner, whom Mr. Trump pardoned for federal crimes in his final days as president (quid pro fucking quo!), and $100,000 from a candidate seeking Mr. Trump’s endorsement.

The extraordinary shift of money from the super PAC to Mr. Trump’s political committee, described in federal campaign filings as a refund, is believed to be larger than any other refund on record in the history of federal campaigns.

A billionaire with a begging bowl. :lol:

What happened to that $250 million he stole from the rubes?

Easy come, easy go, I guess.
/——/ So? Why do you care?

Top Donors to the Trump 2020 Campaign

1.Timothy Mellon, Pan Am Systems — $10 million​

2. Kelcy Warren, Energy Transfers — $10 million​

3.Geoffrey Palmer, G.H. Palmer Associates — $6 million​

4.Linda McMahon, America First Action — $4.5 million​

5.Patricia Duggan, Philanthropist/Entrepreneur — $3 million​

6.Stephen Schwarzman, The Blackstone Group — $3 million​

7.Elizabeth “Liz” Uihlein, Uline — $2 million​

8.Diane Hendricks, ABC Supply — $2 million​

9.Warren Stephens, Stephens Inc. — $1.5 million​

10.Cherna Moskowitz, Hawaiian Gardens Casino — $1.3 million​

Ordinary Americans. :laughing0301:
/——/ So? Who cares?
No he wasn't.
Biden dropped the sanctions imposed by Trump you dumb fuck
What a lying, fucking moron.

sanctionsnews.bakermckenzie.com › us-governmentUS Government Imposes $1.19 Billion Fine Against ZTE for ...

Mar 23, 2017 · US Government Imposes $1.19 Billion Fine Against ZTE for Violating US Sanctions and Export Controls. Ending a five-year investigation, ZTE Corp. (“ZTE”), the second-largest

The U.S. imposed the sanctions in the first place because ZTE had failed to comply with an original round of punishment for doing business with Iran and North Korea, and then misled the commerce department about their actions

“President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast,” Trump announced on Twitter Sunday morning. “Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!”

November 11 2021
U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday signed legislation to prevent companies like Huawei Technologies Co (HWT.UL) or ZTE Corp (000063.SZ)that are deemed security threats from receiving new equipment licenses from U.S. regulators.

The Secure Equipment Act, the latest effort by the U.S. government to crack down on Chinese telecom and tech companies, was approved unanimously by the U.S. Senate on Oct. 28 and earl

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