Go On Record Here About The Mandate

How Do You Feel About A Health Insurance Mandate?

  • A Mandate is A Violation of Liberty and Freedom

    Votes: 34 64.2%
  • I'm Okay With A Mandate

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • I'm Indifferent

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • I Think The Government Should Mandate A Voter ID

    Votes: 5 9.4%

  • Total voters
If the rest of Citizens have more expensive coverage because others don't have coverage, and if the rest of us have to pay for those with no coverage when they fall ill, then yes it makes perfect damn sense to me to mandate that if you can afford health coverage, you have to buy it. Everyone who doesn't want to die early or painfully will need it.

And again you don't mention that one must buy government approved insurance.

It's not good enough just to have insurance anymore now we have to let the fucking government tell us what our policies have to cover thereby the fucking government is forcing us to pay more than we have to.
CBO, Jan. 11, 2010: Overall, CBO estimates that premiums for Bronze plans purchased individually in 2016 would probably average between $4,500 and $5,000 for single policies and between $12,000 and $12,500 for family policies.

FactCheck.org : How Much Is the Obamacare ‘Tax’?

Of course, CBO estimates will rise.

A little off topic, but does anyone know if the hospital will notify the IRS if someone comes in uninsured? And if that's the case, will the "undocumented" be reported to ICE since they don't pay taxes?
Sadly, I think this question comes down to who you support rather than what the law is. The mandate was a Heritage Foundation idea after all.:razz: Just switch the rhetoric if a republican would have come up with this idea. Cons would be yelling about personal resonsibility and dems would be yelling about constitutionality. SSDD:mad:

Seriously ??? You are majority against a national health insurance, that could help millions of Americans to be covered, and that costs only ........... $ 58 / month ???

I couldn't believe my eyes !!!!
Is it okay to force someone to buy health insurance against their will and tax them if they don't?

No one is ‘forced’ to buy health insurance, the tax is not punitive and is no more or less appropriate than any other taxing provision.

For republicans, conservatives, libertarians, and the rest of the president’s enemies on the right, however, relating the facts of the issue is pointless, as they’ll blindly adhere to their partisan lies and contrivances, willfully ignorant of the truth.

Not punitive?

Obama disagrees with you.
White House Sticks to Individual Mandate as ‘Penalty,’ Not Tax
The White House and the Obama campaign today insisted that the individual mandate in the president’s health care bill is a “penalty,” not a tax, despite the Supreme Court’s ruling to uphold the law under Congress’ taxing power.

Penalty | Define Penalty at Dictionary.com
a punishment imposed or incurred for a violation of law or rule.

Punitive | Define Punitive at Dictionary.com
serving for, concerned with, or inflicting punishment: punitive laws; punitive action.

By definition, a penalty is a punishment, and something that inflicts punishment is punitive, so the 'tax', which is 'not a tax', is indeed punitive.
Ideologically, I am more of a pragmatist than a partisan. Everyone should have insurance. They are stupid if they don't. But the govt. can't outlaw stupidity.

I would be far more comfortable if the mandate was a very low cost, catastrophic policy that would cost no more than the "penalty". Believe it or not, many people won't take advantage of the govt. paying for them to get their balls checked. True story.
What about all the illegals who will still be free loaders?
We all are still paying for their emergency room services.
They should be obligated to have insurance if they can afford it, too. In fact, if they are filing a tax return, they ARE obligated.
If you are an undocumented immigrant you will not be subject to the individual insurance mandate and you will not be fined if you fail to purchase health insurance, nor will you be allowed to enroll in Medicaid or buy insurance in the health insurance exchange, says Herrick.

However, hospital emergency rooms will not be able to deny you health care if you are in need. What makes this surprising is that the most common argument for an individual mandate is that the uninsured should have to contribute to their own health care instead of getting it for free in the emergency room. This is why U.S. citizens will be required to pay hefty fines if they do not obtain insurance. If you are here illegally, however, you get to escape that penalty, says Herrick.

Source: Devon Herrick, "How Do Illegal Immigrants Fare Under ObamaCare?" National Center for Policy Analysis, August 2, 2010.

How Do Illegal Immigrants Fare Under ObamaCare?
Ideologically, I am more of a pragmatist than a partisan. Everyone should have insurance. They are stupid if they don't. But the govt. can't outlaw stupidity.

I would be far more comfortable if the mandate was a very low cost, catastrophic policy that would cost no more than the "penalty". Believe it or not, many people won't take advantage of the govt. paying for them to get their balls checked. True story.

They should be able to outlaw stupidity if it's going to negatively effect everyone else in the Country due to said stupidity. More common sense.
And you really think that illegal aliens are going to file an income tax return? I have this feeling that since they VIOLATED THE LAW by coming here illegally, then I seriously doubt that they will let the government know that they are here and where they are. Course, if you think about it, why not? Barry isn't going to deport them, so why not file and get their $5,000 tax refund.

And as a side note: Went to the latest meeting of the "dead" and "buried" Tea Party. We had TEN new members who joined immediately and emails from twenty other people wanting to know when and where we meet and what it takes to join. In our mail were two money orders: Each for $1,000 and information that if we need more, then to just let them know!
If you are an undocumented immigrant you will not be subject to the individual insurance mandate and you will not be fined if you fail to purchase health insurance, nor will you be allowed to enroll in Medicaid or buy insurance in the health insurance exchange, says Herrick.

However, hospital emergency rooms will not be able to deny you health care if you are in need. What makes this surprising is that the most common argument for an individual mandate is that the uninsured should have to contribute to their own health care instead of getting it for free in the emergency room. This is why U.S. citizens will be required to pay hefty fines if they do not obtain insurance. If you are here illegally, however, you get to escape that penalty, says Herrick.

Source: Devon Herrick, "How Do Illegal Immigrants Fare Under ObamaCare?" National Center for Policy Analysis, August 2, 2010.

How Do Illegal Immigrants Fare Under ObamaCare?
Oh, you're right, I forgot that the "conservatives" melted down over the idea of illegal immigrants being "allowed" to buy healthcare insurance. Nice work!
And you really think that illegal aliens are going to file an income tax return? I have this feeling that since they VIOLATED THE LAW by coming here illegally, then I seriously doubt that they will let the government know that they are here and where they are. Course, if you think about it, why not? Barry isn't going to deport them, so why not file and get their $5,000 tax refund.

And as a side note: Went to the latest meeting of the "dead" and "buried" Tea Party. We had TEN new members who joined immediately and emails from twenty other people wanting to know when and where we meet and what it takes to join. In our mail were two money orders: Each for $1,000 and information that if we need more, then to just let them know!

Thousands do file tax returns to document that they are worthy of becoming Americans in the future.
And it would be most helpful if someone would reiterate they argument about why it is okay that a state makes you buy auto insurance but why it is not okay to be forced to buy health insurance.

What I have always heard as a retort to the auto insurance argument is that you have a choice of whether or not to own a car, whereas you don't have a choice to buy health insurance with a mandate. That it is about personal freedom to choose.

Is this correct?

If they made you buy the car that would be the same as the mandate, not insurance for a state licensed vehicle.
If you are an undocumented immigrant you will not be subject to the individual insurance mandate and you will not be fined if you fail to purchase health insurance, nor will you be allowed to enroll in Medicaid or buy insurance in the health insurance exchange, says Herrick.

However, hospital emergency rooms will not be able to deny you health care if you are in need. What makes this surprising is that the most common argument for an individual mandate is that the uninsured should have to contribute to their own health care instead of getting it for free in the emergency room. This is why U.S. citizens will be required to pay hefty fines if they do not obtain insurance. If you are here illegally, however, you get to escape that penalty, says Herrick.

Source: Devon Herrick, "How Do Illegal Immigrants Fare Under ObamaCare?" National Center for Policy Analysis, August 2, 2010.

How Do Illegal Immigrants Fare Under ObamaCare?

Yep !
Illegals have more freedom now than Americans for emergency room treatment.

Now we all become like the rest of the world, who has Government running our health care system.
We will now have long waiting periods, when you call to make an appointment to see our Doctor's.
Now you can forget about getting a quick diagnosis for cancer.
This is one of the biggest complaints about gov. run health care, all around the world and we have now joined them.

Now we have a whole bunch of Seniors and poor citizens who will not be able to find Doctor's who will accept Medicare and Medicaid.
Many hospitals will not accept any emergency treatment for those who are on Medicare or Medicaid.
Isn't this just sweet?
Illegals can get treated for free in emergency rooms, but our own citizens who are poor or old will not. :clap2: :clap2: Thank You very much Democrats.
And it would be most helpful if someone would reiterate they argument about why it is okay that a state makes you buy auto insurance but why it is not okay to be forced to buy health insurance.

What I have always heard as a retort to the auto insurance argument is that you have a choice of whether or not to own a car, whereas you don't have a choice to buy health insurance with a mandate. That it is about personal freedom to choose.

Is this correct?
Stupidest argument of all the stupid arguments on this issue.

1) Nobody forces you to buy a car.

2) Auto insurance doesn't cover maintenance items like new tires, oil changes, etcetera.

3) You try to avoid using your auto insurance, while most people look upon health insurance as pre-paid medical.
"We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who does not have insurance"

Now, if all first responders, ERs, and all Medical Personnel were provided a "Bad Samaritan Shield" this entire mandate argument would go away.

So, the Congress should pass such a law. No mandate and a simple choice. Buy insurance or suffer the consequences - real consequences, not a simple fine.

Those too cheap or so callous they won't buy insurance because it helps others deserve no better.
"We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who does not have insurance"

Now, if all first responders, ERs, and all Medical Personnel were provided a "Bad Samaritan Shield" this entire mandate argument would go away.

So, the Congress should pass such a law. No mandate and a simple choice. Buy insurance or suffer the consequences - real consequences, not a simple fine.

Those too cheap or so callous they won't buy insurance because it helps others deserve no better.

holy cow..you are being serious, aren't you
Ideologically, I am more of a pragmatist than a partisan. Everyone should have insurance. They are stupid if they don't. But the govt. can't outlaw stupidity.

I would be far more comfortable if the mandate was a very low cost, catastrophic policy that would cost no more than the "penalty". Believe it or not, many people won't take advantage of the govt. paying for them to get their balls checked. True story.

They should be able to outlaw stupidity if it's going to negatively effect everyone else in the Country due to said stupidity. More common sense.

Seriously dude? Like not getting your balls checked? Like not eating your veggies? Like smoking and alcohol? How about out of wedlock birth to unskilled, unemployed, women? Talk about negatively affecting the country. :cuckoo:

This is my greatest concern beyond the price tag.

According to some partisans on this board, being a liberal/conservative makes one "stupid". Will that be outlawed as well?

Good grief.
"We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who does not have insurance"

Now, if all first responders, ERs, and all Medical Personnel were provided a "Bad Samaritan Shield" this entire mandate argument would go away.

So, the Congress should pass such a law. No mandate and a simple choice. Buy insurance or suffer the consequences - real consequences, not a simple fine.

Those too cheap or so callous they won't buy insurance because it helps others deserve no better.

holy cow..you are being serious, aren't you

Sarcasm a bit over your head Stephanie? I simply and sarcastically put forth an argument from your side of the aisle, "It's all about personal responsibility". Is that not the mantra of the Callous Conservative?
Illegals have more freedom now than Americans for emergency room treatment.
Ohhh come one !!!!

If you come in France (for hollidays for example, or if you are installed illegally, whatever, I dont care), and you get very sick, or that you need an operation, we will not say "you are illegal, so, sorry man, but you need to die ! "

NO !!! you receive healthcare, for free! Cause your are in danger!

You prefer to die ? I dont think so ...

But you, if I come to your country, and I get sick, you let me die on the roadside ?


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