Go to HighSchool - taste a condom!


Senior Member
May 12, 2004
(sigh)...again - I believe it would have been better for the entire world had the teacher in question never been born.

Teacher has kids tasting flavored condoms
Government agency backs instructor over 9th-grade girl's mom
© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

The New Mexico Health Department is standing behind a sex-education teacher in Santa Fe who encouraged ninth-graders to taste flavored condoms.

According to a report in the Santa Fe New Mexican, parent Lisa Gallegos said that when her 15-year-old daughter balked at putting a condom in her mouth, instructor Tony Escudero told her, "Come on, sweetie, have a little fun."

Also, Gallegos quotes her daughter as saying when a male student expressed his disgust with homosexual activity, Escudero said, "Never say never, because you never know. Someday you might like it that way."

"I agree with sex ed 100 percent," Gallegos, whose daughter attends Santa Fe High School, told the paper. "I also teach it here at my home. But I think that was inappropriate and wrong 100 percent."

According to the report, Dorothy Danfelser, deputy director for the public-health division of the state Health Department, said she wrote Gallegos last week to say Escudero did nothing wrong.

"It had been investigated," Danfelser told the New Mexican. "There was no wrongdoing. I have no more comment. ... (Gallegos) may or may not agree with that, but that's her prerogative."

Both Danfelser and Escudero claim this was the first complaint he has received about his presentation, which he has been doing for years.

"He didn't really tell them to just put (condoms) in their mouth," Danfelser said. "What he does, basically, in his classes, depending on the age appropriateness of the class, is to try to get them ... used to condoms and kind of destigmatize them.

"He tells them, if they're comfortable, they can open up the packages, they can touch them, they can stretch them out and those kind of things. And he has told them, if they're the flavored kind, they can go ahead and taste them if they want to. But it's generally to desensitize the whole stigma of 'Oh my God, it's a condom.'"
Why stop there??---I think he should simulate the pain of abortion for them. And then simulate the emotional distress of STDs etc etc. Cmon Teach!---get with it !
dilloduck said:
Why stop there??---I think he should simulate the pain of abortion for them. And then simulate the emotional distress of STDs etc etc. Cmon Teach!---get with it !

Note my sig... :-/
Hey in CA they had those kids reading the Koran! What can I say, too many go into education because they couldn't hack it in any other field. Then there's the rest. As for me, I chose other fields, teaching came for me at nearly 40, different perspective than many!
I would be livid if my daughter came home and told me this shit....
"Come on, sweetie, have a little fun."
Or my son...
"Never say never, because you never know. Someday you might like it that way."
What the hell is wrong with these people?
ah yes, the beautiful landscape of new mexico.....and home to some real morons. When I asked if they had ever heard of drainage (due to the fact that there was 2 feet of water running down every street during a heavy rain) one local idiot looked at me and said "we've got a mountain to the east of us and a river to the west of us. How much more drainage do you want?" :cuckoo:
Kathianne said:
Hey in CA they had those kids reading the Koran!

Where was the ACLU that time? Had that been a Bible, sure as shit, somebody would be out of a job. :(

side note: Wouldn't that be offensive to Muslims? I was pretty sure one had to be of a certian 'level of holiness' to read the texts...
Also, Gallegos quotes her daughter as saying when a male student expressed his disgust with homosexual activity, Escudero said, "Never say never, because you never know. Someday you might like it that way."

You might it with green eggs and ham
You might like it, Sam-I-am
You might like it here or there
You might like it anywhere.

You might like it in a house, you might like it with a mouse
You might like it here or there, You might like it anywhere

Could you? Would you? With a goat?
Could you? Would you? On a boat?
Could you? Would you? In the rain?
Could you? Would you? On a train?

You might like it in a box. You might like it with a fox.
You might like it in a tree. A homosexual you may yet be!

You might like it, Sam-I-am!
What ever happened to the frickin concept of right and wrong?
Incredible. Like -=d=- said, imagine if the teacher had said something like "Go ahead, maintain your virginity - it's the only way to ensure that you won't get pregnant" or "If you find homosexuality distasteful, that's fine." She would be in line for food stamps today for relaying common sense to her students.
gop_jeff said:
Incredible. Like -=d=- said, imagine if the teacher had said something like "Go ahead, maintain your virginity - it's the only way to ensure that you won't get pregnant" or "If you find homosexuality distasteful, that's fine." She would be in line for food stamps today for relaying common sense to her students.

Actually, that's pretty close to what we are telling kids, but it's a parochial school. My own children, in public high schools, were taught all the condom stuff, but also abstinence. Could that be because it's an upper middle class area? :dunno:
gop_jeff said:
Incredible. Like -=d=- said, imagine if the teacher had said something like "Go ahead, maintain your virginity - it's the only way to ensure that you won't get pregnant" or "If you find homosexuality distasteful, that's fine." She would be in line for food stamps today for relaying common sense to her students.

:laugh: :laugh: "distasteful" :laugh: :laugh:
Texas is having it' annual textbook fight and it's nasty as usual. I can't see how someone can teach abstinance and immediately turn around and give a kid a condom.
NewGuy said:
You might it with green eggs and ham
You might like it, Sam-I-am
You might like it here or there
You might like it anywhere.

You might like it in a house, you might like it with a mouse
You might like it here or there, You might like it anywhere

Could you? Would you? With a goat?
Could you? Would you? On a boat?
Could you? Would you? In the rain?
Could you? Would you? On a train?

You might like it in a box. You might like it with a fox.
You might like it in a tree. A homosexual you may yet be!

You might like it, Sam-I-am!
What ever happened to the frickin concept of right and wrong?

:laugh: :clap: :laugh: :laugh: :clap: :clap1:

I doff my cap to you sir. That was a damn good one!

Thanks for the guffaw.
If I had a bowing smiley, I would use it!

Instead, I give you this:


Next up, "we want the kids to get used to sex itself so that they become destigmatized to it. Everyone line up and wait in line for the teacher to bend you over his desk. ITs for their own good. They need to know these things."

:wtf: :blowup:
insein said:
Next up, "we want the kids to get used to sex itself so that they become destigmatized to it. Everyone line up and wait in line for the teacher to bend you over his desk. ITs for their own good. They need to know these things."

:wtf: :blowup:

Only if the teacher is female.

If the teacher were male and bending students over, it wouldn't shock us. We have already been desensitized.
NewGuy said:
Only if the teacher is female.

If the teacher were male and bending students over, it wouldn't shock us. We have already been desensitized.

"He didn't really tell them to just put (condoms) in their mouth," Danfelser said. "What he does, basically, in his classes, depending on the age appropriateness of the class, is to try to get them ... used to condoms and kind of destigmatize them.

"He tells them, if they're comfortable, they can open up the packages, they can touch them, they can stretch them out and those kind of things. And he has told them, if they're the flavored kind, they can go ahead and taste them if they want to. But it's generally to desensitize the whole stigma of 'Oh my God, it's a condom.'"

That is the stupidest, most ignorant thing I have ever heard. And this person works in the education industry. Even if the "lesson" to be learned is a valid, valuable one what teacher has the right to ridicule a student's personal beliefs??!! The supreme court declared that sex and it's trappings were so deeply personal as to be protected by the [imaginary] constitution- but you can make fun of a student for their preferences????

The hypocrisy of this situation is galling.

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