Goading Gullible America Into War


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
As President Obama departed for Israel, there came a startling report. Bashar Assad's regime had used poison gas on Syrian rebels.

Two Israeli Cabinet members claimed credible evidence. Justice Minister Tzipi Livni said, "It's clear for us that (gas is) being used. ... This ... should be on the table in the discussions."

Yet, 72 hours later, the United States still cannot confirm that gas was used, and Syria and Russia have called on U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to investigate whether it was used, and if so, by whom.

What's going on here?

It does not require Inspector Clouseau to surmise this may be a fabrication to stampede the ever-gullible Americans into plunging into Syria to win the war for the al-Qaida-saturated Syrian rebels.

Goading Gullible America Into War
But sucking America into Syria's civil war is only a near-term goal for the War Party, which is after larger game — greasing the skids for a U.S. war on Iran.

And lest we underestimate the War Party, the likelihood is they will get their war. For they have already gotten Obama to make concessions that are steering us inexorably toward such a war.

First, Obama was persuaded to declare it U.S. policy that, where Iran's uranium-enrichment program is concerned, "All options are on the table!" Translation: Absent major concessions by Iran, proving she is not seeking a nuclear weapon, war against Iran is in the cards.

Yet, even as Obama parrots the mantra, "All options are on the table," he has been persuaded to take off the table the option that won the Cold War, the George Kennan option of containment and deterrence.

Now we come to the sinister role of the U.S. Senate in setting the table for war. Consider what Senate Joint Resolution 65, crafted at AIPAC, the Israeli Lobby, and now being shopped around for signing by Sen. Lindsey Graham and Sen. Robert Menendez, does.

SR 65 radically alters U.S. policy by declaring it to be "the policy of the United States ... to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability and to take such action as may be necessary to implement this policy."

Obama's policy — no nuclear weapons in Iran — is tossed out. Substituted for it in SR 65 is Bibi Netanyahu's policy — "no nuclear weapons capability" in Iran.
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As President Obama departed for Israel, there came a startling report. Bashar Assad's regime had used poison gas on Syrian rebels.

Two Israeli Cabinet members claimed credible evidence. Justice Minister Tzipi Livni said, "It's clear for us that (gas is) being used. ... This ... should be on the table in the discussions."

Yet, 72 hours later, the United States still cannot confirm that gas was used, and Syria and Russia have called on U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to investigate whether it was used, and if so, by whom.

What's going on here?

It does not require Inspector Clouseau to surmise this may be a fabrication to stampede the ever-gullible Americans into plunging into Syria to win the war for the al-Qaida-saturated Syrian rebels.

Goading Gullible America Into War
But sucking America into Syria's civil war is only a near-term goal for the War Party, which is after larger game — greasing the skids for a U.S. war on Iran.

And lest we underestimate the War Party, the likelihood is they will get their war. For they have already gotten Obama to make concessions that are steering us inexorably toward such a war.

First, Obama was persuaded to declare it U.S. policy that, where Iran's uranium-enrichment program is concerned, "All options are on the table!" Translation: Absent major concessions by Iran, proving she is not seeking a nuclear weapon, war against Iran is in the cards.

Yet, even as Obama parrots the mantra, "All options are on the table," he has been persuaded to take off the table the option that won the Cold War, the George Kennan option of containment and deterrence.
Containment is not in the cards with regards to Iran, because it will not work. The rest of the Arabs and the Europeans are just as much against Iran havng a nuke that Israel and America are, and will be on board or at least be blessing an attack once all options to deter have been exhausted. Which is why Israeli air force is practicing it's military maneuvers from Saudi air bases. Sshhhh don't tell anybody.
As President Obama departed for Israel, there came a startling report. Bashar Assad's regime had used poison gas on Syrian rebels.

Two Israeli Cabinet members claimed credible evidence. Justice Minister Tzipi Livni said, "It's clear for us that (gas is) being used. ... This ... should be on the table in the discussions."

Yet, 72 hours later, the United States still cannot confirm that gas was used, and Syria and Russia have called on U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to investigate whether it was used, and if so, by whom.

What's going on here?

It does not require Inspector Clouseau to surmise this may be a fabrication to stampede the ever-gullible Americans into plunging into Syria to win the war for the al-Qaida-saturated Syrian rebels.

Goading Gullible America Into War
But sucking America into Syria's civil war is only a near-term goal for the War Party, which is after larger game — greasing the skids for a U.S. war on Iran.

And lest we underestimate the War Party, the likelihood is they will get their war. For they have already gotten Obama to make concessions that are steering us inexorably toward such a war.

First, Obama was persuaded to declare it U.S. policy that, where Iran's uranium-enrichment program is concerned, "All options are on the table!" Translation: Absent major concessions by Iran, proving she is not seeking a nuclear weapon, war against Iran is in the cards.

Yet, even as Obama parrots the mantra, "All options are on the table," he has been persuaded to take off the table the option that won the Cold War, the George Kennan option of containment and deterrence.
Containment is not in the cards with regards to Iran, because it will not work. The rest of the Arabs and the Europeans are just as much against Iran havng a nuke that Israel and America are, and will be on board or at least be blessing an attack once all options to deter have been exhausted. Which is why Israeli air force is practicing it's military maneuvers from Saudi air bases. Sshhhh don't tell anybody.

Sure the same illogical policies that created Iran as a power by getting rid of Saddam...Saudi Arabia fears Shia Iran more than Israel and will thank Israel for eliminating their enemy Iran, and to make the Arab Spring regimes even stronger for the future confrotations with Israel.
Yanno, Pat Buchanan never got elected to any Federal office - so I wouldn't be very sure he actually has experience enough inside the US Government to be a reliable observer or reporter of Government policy, etc

And he's pretty much of an extremist. So I don't think his view is all that useful - except as an example of a POV which is NOT reasonable or accurate.
peeeballs-----Iran already bombed Israel----2006----in fact
iranian rep NUSKHARAHALLAH ---admitted that his program
is an attack for ANNHILATION

for the record--the nazi propaganda of the 1930s also
focused on the concept of "JEWISH WAR MONGERS"
and the sweet nature of Adolf abu ali Hitler. Why do
you insist on announcing yourself a Pro-Hitlerite?
"And besides, Iran has no intention of bombing anyone anyway."

"yeah, i'm innocent I tell ya..."


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