Goading Gullible America Into War

peeeballs-----Iran already bombed Israel----2006----in fact
iranian rep NUSKHARAHALLAH ---admitted that his program
is an attack for ANNHILATION

for the record--the nazi propaganda of the 1930s also
focused on the concept of "JEWISH WAR MONGERS"
and the sweet nature of Adolf abu ali Hitler. Why do
you insist on announcing yourself a Pro-Hitlerite?

Got a link? I thought not, who is ANNHILATION ?

"And besides, Iran has
no intention of bombing anyone anyway."

"You know Iran supplies weapons to the terrorists in Syria and Lebanon, right?"

"Are you aware the US has supplied and continues to sell/give weapons to terrorists? That US media tends to describe recipients of US weapons as "freedom fighters" doesn't change what recipients are."

didn't the President nix
the overwhelming VOTE to supply weapons to the syrian rebels last month...

i was sooo glad to hear that !


it (sales) has to be stopped at all costs...

"You know Iran supplies weapons to the terrorists in Syria and Lebanon, right?"

"Are you aware the US has supplied and continues to sell/give weapons to terrorists? That US media tends to describe recipients of US weapons as "freedom fighters" doesn't change what recipients are."

didn't the President nix
the overwhelming VOTE to supply weapons to the syrian rebels last month...

i was sooo glad to hear that !


it (sales) has to be stopped at all costs...


Good. It'd be great to have an American president more interested in Americans than pumping up corporate profits at the expense of American citizens. No American able to understand real-world probabilities gives a shit what happens in the middle east unless they have family there or worse, are human potential enthusiasts posing as political liberals.

Neocon meddlers are too intellectually degenerate to count in any sense of the word "count".
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"It'd be great to have an American president more interested in Americans than pumping up corporate profits (and having america be A private BANK for illegal mexicans living here) at the expense of American (TAXPAYING) citizens."

all this wasted $$ being spent on...luxury items
for the muslim world.

i notice......more $$ being wasted...on plastic "cards."

the illegal mexican lady(s) at the supermarket.....

. . .doesn't even KNOW how to use the "Benefits Card" given to her.. the cashier does it for them.

they have no idea what's going on "in the supermarket." LOL.....


("wah ? I don't see no illegal mexicans").....
Yanno, Pat Buchanan never got elected to any Federal office - so I wouldn't be very sure he actually has experience enough inside the US Government to be a reliable observer or reporter of Government policy, etc

And he's pretty much of an extremist. So I don't think his view is all that useful - except as an example of a POV which is NOT reasonable or accurate.

Not much question Pat Buchanan is a few bricks short of a load. Papist Pat is a sort of "niche" nutball in nutball circles. When circular firing squad items are needed to rile up white trash (e.g., anti abortion craziness, racism) Pat is brought out from the bunker. Rational people of normal emotional development view him as a throwback or someone whose emotional limits make him unable to understand what is really in the mirror - or, in a shared moment with all but the smartest (and interestingly, most dishonest) nutballs - out the window.

Zionists, enthusiasts of free trade (and destroying the US middle class) as well as other anti-American scum turn to Irv Kristol's crowd when they need to stampede white trash off the nearest cliff from a different bugle.
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Is it an excerpt from the Akhmadi's speech at the iranian space cadet convention?

Doc..I think they said if bombed the they retaliate...are you denying the "Right of Self-Defense?"

How is destroying two very populated cities retaliating ?

when you attack someone, they will attack with what they have that's effective and deters attacks in the first place...Israel has nukes...Iran has enough rockets with poison gas and probably bacterial agents to inflict heavy losses. They fought Iraq and Saddam. They will retaliate.

Is Israel willing to risk it? That is the question? No military power can stop any determined nation to develop nukes if their enemies posses them.

North Korea, has taught us that lesson.
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Doc..I think they said if bombed the they retaliate...are you denying the "Right of Self-Defense?"

How is destroying two very populated cities retaliating ?

when you attack someone, they will attack with what they have that's effective and deters attacks in the first place...Israel has nukes they have enough rockets with poison gas and probably bacterial agents to inflict heavy losses. They fought Iraq and Saddam. They will retaliate.

Is Israel willing to risk it? That is the question? No military power can stop any determined nation to develop nukes if their enemies posses them.

North Korea, has taught us that lesson.
Why are you so hep on N Korea and Iran getting nukes? Both are going to have their nuke sites obliterated sometime in the near future.
How is destroying two very populated cities retaliating ?

when you attack someone, they will attack with what they have that's effective and deters attacks in the first place...Israel has nukes they have enough rockets with poison gas and probably bacterial agents to inflict heavy losses. They fought Iraq and Saddam. They will retaliate.

Is Israel willing to risk it? That is the question? No military power can stop any determined nation to develop nukes if their enemies posses them.

North Korea, has taught us that lesson.
Why are you so hep on N Korea and Iran getting nukes? Both are going to have their nuke sites obliterated sometime in the near future.

Armament Parrity among enemies is the goal of all nations thus far in Human History...Israel has Nukes, her enemies all will in time.

That's how its always worked in International Relations
Armament Parrity among enemies is the goal of all nations thus far in Human History...Israel has Nukes, her enemies all will in time.
With palistanians serving in a noble role of collateral damage, of course.

Armament Parrity among enemies is the goal of all nations thus far in Human History...Israel has Nukes, her enemies all will in time.

That's how its always worked in International Relations

No doubt----and no doubt Israel's enemies will USE them----
not only on Israel---but also on Israel's allies and on each other
-----that is how it has always worked with the
when you attack someone, they will attack with what they have that's effective and deters attacks in the first place...Israel has nukes they have enough rockets with poison gas and probably bacterial agents to inflict heavy losses. They fought Iraq and Saddam. They will retaliate.

Is Israel willing to risk it? That is the question? No military power can stop any determined nation to develop nukes if their enemies posses them.

North Korea, has taught us that lesson.
Why are you so hep on N Korea and Iran getting nukes? Both are going to have their nuke sites obliterated sometime in the near future.

Armament Parrity among enemies is the goal of all nations thus far in Human History...Israel has Nukes, her enemies all will in time.

That's how its always worked in International Relations
True, but how long will it take to gain parity with the US, Russia and China and their 5000+ warheads each? Or Israels hundreds? (That is, if Israel has any nukes.)
Why are you so hep on N Korea and Iran getting nukes? Both are going to have their nuke sites obliterated sometime in the near future.

Armament Parrity among enemies is the goal of all nations thus far in Human History...Israel has Nukes, her enemies all will in time.

That's how its always worked in International Relations
True, but how long will it take to gain parity with the US, Russia and China and their 5000+ warheads each? Or Israels hundreds? (That is, if Israel has any nukes.)

Israel does have nukes, no doubt about it, and with very good reason. LEt us never forget the true intention of the Arabs between 1948-1967: "To drive the Jews to the Sea'
Israel also has two or more german made nuclear capable subs in the water right now for any idiot who decides to cause another Holocaust.
Israel also has two or more german made nuclear capable subs in the water right now for any idiot who decides to cause another Holocaust.

Wars of attrition rarely get hot, the idea is to keep up constant pressure until the cost of vigilance causes economic collapse...I think Taliban dominated Pakistan is more worrisome with over 150 nukes than Iran...Wars of attrition can take centuries.
Armament Parrity among enemies is the goal of all nations thus far in Human History...Israel has Nukes, her enemies all will in time.
"With palistanians serving in a noble role of collateral damage, of course."

"israel has nukes"

all these years possessing nukes, imagine if 'israel' had this diabolical' mindset, they most likely would have used their nukes on the palestinians. all the rockets that are fired into israel by 'the palestinans' = if roles were reversed.....you know.
Armament Parrity among enemies is the goal of all nations thus far in Human History...Israel has Nukes, her enemies all will in time.
"With palistanians serving in a noble role of collateral damage, of course."

"israel has nukes"

all these years possessing nukes, imagine if 'israel' had this diabolical' mindset, they most likely would have used their nukes on the palestinians. all the rockets that are fired into israel by 'the palestinans' = if roles were reversed.....you know.

I always wondered what kind of intellect would post trinkets to speak...Tell that intellect that Israel is only 7 miles wide at one point, a nuke to the Pals would annihilate Israel too.

Hey post that explosion with your baubles.

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