GObP wonn't cooperate with The President of The United States

You would find that the concept of Congressional checks and balances is a Constitutional mandate if you ever got beyond Civics and socialism 101. Some would say however that evidence indicates the Obama administration is engaging in a criminal conspiracy designed to thwart Congress's attempt to get to the bottom of the Fast/Furious debacle involving the Attorney General.
How DARE those Republicans follow the Constitution! I mean it's like they actually support it or something.

Either way, I'll bet this is somehow rooted in racism!
GOP Begins Judge Blockade : Roll Call News

How can we tell the difference. They've been anti-American traitors for the past 3 1/2 years. What's the difference now?

They should be brought up on charges of treason but hey, the rw's just love these crooks.

And when the democrats do the same thing the right will scream bloody murder.

Remind us again how you were opposed in 2001 2002 when the Democrats controlled the Senate and refused to vote on any Judge appointments by Bush.
GOP Begins Judge Blockade : Roll Call News

How can we tell the difference. They've been anti-American traitors for the past 3 1/2 years. What's the difference now?

They should be brought up on charges of treason but hey, the rw's just love these crooks.

And when the democrats do the same thing the right will scream bloody murder.

So is it wrong when both do it or is it ok when both do it?

It is a practice that BOTH sides use as established by the article. I don't recall the the left complaining when the Dems used it in 2008. I don't recall any complaints from the left when in 2001 through 2002 the Democrats with a one vote majority used that majority to shut down all appointment confirmation hearings.
Will the left ever stop whining about the "unfairness" of only controlling 2/3 of the federal government? The words "bipartisanship" and "cooperate" in a political sense translate to Republicans caving to every democrat party demand.
GOP Judges are required to answer one question in order to pass the GOP Judge test. They can otherwise be as stupid as a rock. Can you guess the question? Yep, that's it. "Are corporations people?" Answer must be 'yes.' How else will power manage the working class.

"Not only does there seem to be widespread social fragmentation and disillusionment with democracy in the United States, but the possibility of reversing this sense of alienation appears to many of us to be already lost. Any democratic president who wants to institute the desperately needed reforms in health, welfare and the environment faces one of two options. He can stick by his reform program and suffer a loss of public confidence through orchestrated campaigns to publicly portray him as 'too liberal' and ineffectual (the Carter image) or too indecisive or sexually indiscreet (the Clinton image). Alternatively, a reforming democratic president can move further to the Right, forget his promises and become part of the propaganda campaign. Given the history of democratic propaganda in the United States, some of us doubt that another Roosevelt or New Deal is possible. The political system is now so attuned to business interests that this kind of reformer could no longer institute the substantial health, welfare, education, environmental and employment reforms the country needs." Andrew Lohrey

If you want the source of above quote, pm me. lol
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To muddly.dullwit. It's "GOP."

There's no "b" in it, stupid.

And it's "won't." It's not "wonn't."

You stupid fuckwit.
GOP Begins Judge Blockade : Roll Call News

How can we tell the difference. They've been anti-American traitors for the past 3 1/2 years. What's the difference now?

They should be brought up on charges of treason but hey, the rw's just love these crooks.

And when the democrats do the same thing the right will scream bloody murder.

Remind us again how you were opposed in 2001 2002 when the Democrats controlled the Senate and refused to vote on any Judge appointments by Bush.

prove it
Its a tactic both parties use.

Thank God the Reps have blocked some of the bullshit Barry was pushing. God. Could you imagine if Cap and Trade had actually passed? Holy shit.
Its a tactic both parties use.

Thank God the Reps have blocked some of the bullshit Barry was pushing. God. Could you imagine if Cap and Trade had actually passed? Holy shit.

Both parties use it yes, but the Conservatives are ABUSING it.

I could absolutly understand blocking legislation that challanges your party's primary princple, but blocking legislation just to make the president look bad is wrong, childish, immature, and just flat out retarded.

Edit:pissed off that grammar nerd lmao!
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Its a tactic both parties use.

Thank God the Reps have blocked some of the bullshit Barry was pushing. God. Could you imagine if Cap and Trade had actually passed? Holy shit.

Both parties use it yes, but the Conservatives are ABUSING it.

I could absolutly understand blocking legislation that challanges your party's primary princple, but blocking legislation just to make the president look bad is wrong, childish, immature, and just flat out retarded.

Edit:pissed off that grammar nerd lmao!

You couldn't piss anybody off. You are far too intellectually crippled.

You spell about as well as your lib hero, the always mindless TdM.

But, despite your educational handicap, at least the substance of what you post is ridiculous.

Blocking the President's legislative agenda is a wholly good thing to the extent that the his legislative agenda includes socialist-like shit such as ObamaCare.

The ONE is an utterly reckless FAIL as President. To thwart that imbecile at EVERY turn is the way to go.
Its a tactic both parties use.

Thank God the Reps have blocked some of the bullshit Barry was pushing. God. Could you imagine if Cap and Trade had actually passed? Holy shit.

Both parties use it yes, but the Conservatives are ABUSING it.

I could absolutly understand blocking legislation that challanges your party's primary princple, but blocking legislation just to make the president look bad is wrong, childish, immature, and just flat out retarded.

Edit:pissed off that grammar nerd lmao!

You couldn't piss anybody off. You are far too intellectually crippled.

You spell about as well as your lib hero, the always mindless TdM.

But, despite your educational handicap, at least the substance of what you post is ridiculous.

Blocking the President's legislative agenda is a wholly good thing to the extent that the his legislative agenda includes socialist-like shit such as ObamaCare.

The ONE is an utterly reckless FAIL as President. To thwart that imbecile at EVERY turn is the way to go.

And the whole bebacle with conservatives publicly saying, "We'll take it down" directly referring to the debt ceiling if the democrats didn't give in to their demands (its worth mentioning that these "demands" were really more of a 3rd set of demands that the Reps. made after they found out the Dems may actually play ball) that was good too?

So if the Dems didn't compromise and the debt ceiling wasn't raised, it would have been perfectly fine for America not be able to pay a cent to people on medicare or social securty only so long as Obama was made to look bad in the progress?

And are you an English teacher? Because I couldn't help but notice you were correcting my spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, etc. I just wanted to let you know I appreciate it, but its not nessacary because, to a limited-degree, its just irrelevant.
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When the country's been going republican for awhile and the republicans start to fuck up, BAM, next election phase, repubs are out of the house and maybe senate, dems are in. At that point, the dems stop doing what the repubs want and start to unwind and rewind in their own image. And this is all to the good, because if those are the new representatives that are elected, then that's roughly what the country wanted in the first place.

Likewise, when the dems are perceived to be the ones fucking up, BAM, next phase a bunch of repubs get voted in and the balance of power changes. When that balance swings right, just as when it swings left, it does so BY THE WILL OF THE ELECTORATE. You know what the unspoken truth is about a lot of these republican blockades? They're what the country voted for in '10. That massive tea party movement RAN ON the concept of halting the bullshit coming down the tax-and-spend pipeline. Now they're doing that.

Working as intended.
Also, the debt ceiling issues aren't nearly as simple as most of you are making them out to be. Every time someone made a proposal to raise the debt ceiling, that proposal was chalk full of all sorts of other shit (the deal they made, after all, gave the president almost unilateral control of where it goes, and that via a deal with way less pork and bullshit added than its predecessors). The idea that ONLY one side or ONLY the other side was holding the whole issue hostage to get other shit done is just ridiculous. This is politics as usual for -both- parties, not just republicans.
Both parties use it yes, but the Conservatives are ABUSING it.

I could absolutly understand blocking legislation that challanges your party's primary princple, but blocking legislation just to make the president look bad is wrong, childish, immature, and just flat out retarded.

Edit:pissed off that grammar nerd lmao!

You couldn't piss anybody off. You are far too intellectually crippled.

You spell about as well as your lib hero, the always mindless TdM.

But, despite your educational handicap, at least the substance of what you post is ridiculous.

Blocking the President's legislative agenda is a wholly good thing to the extent that the his legislative agenda includes socialist-like shit such as ObamaCare.

The ONE is an utterly reckless FAIL as President. To thwart that imbecile at EVERY turn is the way to go.

And the whole bebacle with conservatives publicly saying, "We'll take it down" directly referring to the debt ceiling if the democrats didn't give in to their demands (its worth mentioning that these "demands" were really more of a 3rd set of demands that the Reps. made after they found out the Dems may actually play ball) that was good too?

So if the Dems didn't compromise and the debt ceiling wasn't raised, it would have been perfectly fine for America not be able to pay a cent to people on medicare or social securty only so long as Obama was made to look bad in the progress?

And are you an English teacher? Because I couldn't help but notice you were correcting my spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, etc. I just wanted to let you know I appreciate it, but its not nessacary because, to a limited-degree, its just irrelevant.

What the fuck is a bebacle?

Your illiteracy is not just irrelevant.

It impedes your ability to communicate what passes for your "thoughts."

I would try to answer the "question" you attempted to pose in that first sentence/paragraph of your clusterfuck post, but logic dictates that if it doesn't mean enough to you to pose intelligibly, then it probably isn't worth the time and effort required to decipher it.

Instead, I'll just reiterate it: opposing the sub-moron "policies" of the Imbecile in Chief is a wholly good thing EXACTLY to the extent that his policies are damaging, dangerous and violative of the ideals of our Constitutionally bound Republic.

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