God Bless You Gets Citizen Blasted with F-Bombs by Cop

And this is why Americans no longer trust cops. Both of these guys should be fired.

You and the other sissies posting here wouldn't have the balls to be an inner-city cop for 2 minutes.

BTW It's 2:15 Mountain time, Sunday morning. Since Friday noon, at least 17-20 blacks have gunned down other blacks in Chicago. You'd want to deal with that shit every day, wouldn't you?

These 4 animals shot down 13 people in one night last year at a Chicago park.

Chicago Back of the Yards Black Stones Gang Members out for Revenge for Earlier Shooting - Maggionews
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In the first clip I don't see the words that led up to the confrontation................Kid probably was a smart ass and was being a smart ass to the officer even as he said GOD BLESS YOU...........which was not meant to be polite................I worked in that area just for a little while.............Dade county isn't the best place in the world to be a police officer.............Lots of Drugs, and crime to deal with all the time..............We don't know if this kid wasn't a problem child in the past either.............

So I will not condemn the man as he has to deal with scumbags all the time down there.............and obviously this kid wanted a confrontation as he had his camera phone set up for the whole dang thing..............There is always more than one side of the story, and I believe that portion is missing from this equation.

To the other.............the officer may have well been patrolling a inner city gang area.........and the one staring may have been a known gang member showing his stuff by staring down the officer to look tough..........and it's possible the officer knew this from working this beat...................

I will not condemn the whole thing without knowing the other side of the equation...........there is usually more than is shown.
In the first clip I don't see the words that led up to the confrontation................Kid probably was a smart ass and was being a smart ass to the officer even as he said GOD BLESS YOU...........which was not meant to be polite................I worked in that area just for a little while.............Dade county isn't the best place in the world to be a police officer.............Lots of Drugs, and crime to deal with all the time..............We don't know if this kid wasn't a problem child in the past either.............

So I will not condemn the man as he has to deal with scumbags all the time down there.............and obviously this kid wanted a confrontation as he had his camera phone set up for the whole dang thing..............There is always more than one side of the story, and I believe that portion is missing from this equation.

To the other.............the officer may have well been patrolling a inner city gang area.........and the one staring may have been a known gang member showing his stuff by staring down the officer to look tough..........and it's possible the officer knew this from working this beat...................

I will not condemn the whole thing without knowing the other side of the equation...........there is usually more than is shown.

Bingo. 100% agreement. Context is EVERYTHING.

And it has absolutely nothing to do with politics.
I didn't watch the video and am not commenting on the video. Rather, I am commenting on someone saying "god bless you".

Its presumptuous and insulting and creepy.

Yep. It is.

Its related to the asinine threat of "I'll pray for you".

Note to bible thumpers: you really do not have some sort of special communication with a Magic Sky Fairy. The fact that you mumble to some non-existent, invisible, magic creature and actually believe the magical creature is listening to you is downright creepy and I'd appreciate it if you would keep your psychosis to yourself.

One comment about the incident. If the world made any real sense, telling a cop that he is being "blessed" by that same imaginary magic creature would and should be enough to get you a stay in a padded cell.
I didn't watch the video and am not commenting on the video. Rather, I am commenting on someone saying "god bless you".

Its presumptuous and insulting and creepy.

Yep. It is.

Its related to the asinine threat of "I'll pray for you".

Note to bible thumpers: you really do not have some sort of special communication with a Magic Sky Fairy. The fact that you mumble to some non-existent, invisible, magic creature and actually believe the magical creature is listening to you is downright creepy and I'd appreciate it if you would keep your psychosis to yourself.

One comment about the incident. If the world made any real sense, telling a cop that he is being "blessed" by that same imaginary magic creature would and should be enough to get you a stay in a padded cell.
Did you get dropped on your head at birth............Just curious.
The girlyguy was being sarcastic. That needs to be pointed out? If the f-bombs hurt her feelings that badly she should think more before running her yap.
If respect is what them cops are wanting, maybe they would have a better chance at getting some if they showed some first. :) :) :)

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)

Highly edited video is a favorite of the left, especially when it involves cops. But did you know that several states now have laws against that very thing? And you can go to jail for up to five years for videotaping, editing and posting video trash like the OP.

Guess who's in favor of such laws...I mean besides an ever-growing number of state law makers? Darling of the left, Alan Dershowitz, Harvard law professor and former White House council under Bill Clinton. He was on Al Jazeera a few weeks ago giving a lecture as to why these laws are necessary and why we'd better obey them.

Posting trash like the OP's video is considered an obstruction of justice, even in Obama's home state of Illinois. It's also against the law in Illinois and elsewhere to stop and videotape crime scenes, even from a distance.
Police, teachers and others in similar positions of authority have long been opposed to any documentation of their misbehavior. The majority are good people, but a substantial minority abuse their authority on a regular basis. I think capturing them on video is great.
Highly edited video is a favorite of the left, especially when it involves cops. But did you know that several states now have laws against that very thing? And you can go to jail for up to five years for videotaping, editing and posting video trash like the OP.

Guess who's in favor of such laws...I mean besides an ever-growing number of state law makers? Darling of the left, Alan Dershowitz, Harvard law professor and former White House council under Bill Clinton. He was on Al Jazeera a few weeks ago giving a lecture as to why these laws are necessary and why we'd better obey them.

Posting trash like the OP's video is considered an obstruction of justice, even in Obama's home state of Illinois. It's also against the law in Illinois and elsewhere to stop and videotape crime scenes, even from a distance.
Your POTUS has supplied you with 6 years of butt hurt. Are you going to make it through the next 2 white boy?
[QUOTE="Tom Sweetnam, post: 10093383, member:]
Your POTUS has supplied you with 6 years of butt hurt. Are you going to make it through the next 2 white boy?

I guess we still have the satisfaction of knowing that in his last two years in office, tens of thousands of of black men are going to shoot other black men in this country...black boy. Why do you reckon Obama and Holder never acknowledge the carnage going on in black communities? Not a peep. No sir. I think it's because they're race-baiting cowards, just like you, assleper.
[QUOTE="Tom Sweetnam, post: 10093383, member:]
Your POTUS has supplied you with 6 years of butt hurt. Are you going to make it through the next 2 white boy?

I guess we still have the satisfaction of knowing that in his last two years in office, tens of thousands of of black men are going to shoot other black men in this country...black boy. Why do you reckon Obama and Holder never acknowledge the carnage going on in black communities? Not a peep. No sir. I think it's because they're race-baiting cowards, just like you, assleper.
You avoided my question. Why are you white boys so butt hurt a Black man is in the white house? Are you going to make it the next 2 years?

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