God bless you Trump !!!

In a way ?? (We all know T won that fake election!! ) he have to face an even worse situation with SS Schumer running the fake Senate
By fake you mean real. Biden is really going to be president today and Dems really won control of Congress. Thatā€™s reality dude. Wake up and smell the coffee
Schumer is not fit to run a bagel store but the slab of pastrami is in charge of the cartel called the Senate
I agree Schumer sucks. Heā€™s in charge because Trump and McConnell sucked colossally more
A bold and superb leader

He accomplished much despite being viscously attacked by a Goebbels media , Stalin Dem party and a fake GOP

He was tough on China and Iran
He eviscerated ISIS
He was close to finishing major trade deals to favor USA . He did finish NAFTA 2.0
He got us out of the fake Paris accords
He was only 2 yrs away from finishing the wall
He has the best economy ever until the virus
He had sweeping peace deals in the Middle East

He won the election but the established Himmlers stacked the deck

Have your peace in Florida
Good riddance. The embarrassment is leaving and we can finally start to heal!!

what an ugly ugly human he is
What a pathetic cockroach youā€™re . Youā€™re lower than a crawling insect and your on iggy
Iā€™m a swell guy. Why do you say those ugly things about me? Just because I donā€™t think Trump is a good leader or a good person?
Youā€™re a vicious little propagandist
I listed several wonderful accomplishments and you had to trample on my thread like the gutter rat youā€™re
I was just sharing my honest opinion. If you donā€™t want critique of Trump on your thread and just want to celebrate thatā€™s fine, Iā€™ll take off. Just ask me to leave
I am asking you to leave !!!
Cool. See ya... enjoy Inauguration Day!
In a way ?? (We all know T won that fake election!! ) he have to face an even worse situation with SS Schumer running the fake Senate
By fake you mean real. Biden is really going to be president today and Dems really won control of Congress. Thatā€™s reality dude. Wake up and smell the coffee
I know itā€™s reality ! Mitch is one corrupt , dirty filthy POS
A bold and superb leader

He accomplished much despite being viscously attacked by a Goebbels media , Stalin Dem party and a fake GOP

He was tough on China and Iran
He eviscerated ISIS
He was close to finishing major trade deals to favor USA . He did finish NAFTA 2.0
He got us out of the fake Paris accords
He was only 2 yrs away from finishing the wall
He has the best economy ever until the virus
He had sweeping peace deals in the Middle East

He won the election but the established Himmlers stacked the deck

Have your peace in Florida
Good riddance. The embarrassment is leaving and we can finally start to heal!!

what an ugly ugly human he is
What a pathetic cockroach youā€™re . Youā€™re lower than a crawling insect and your on iggy
Iā€™m a swell guy. Why do you say those ugly things about me? Just because I donā€™t think Trump is a good leader or a good person?
Youā€™re a vicious little propagandist
I listed several wonderful accomplishments and you had to trample on my thread like the gutter rat youā€™re
I was just sharing my honest opinion. If you donā€™t want critique of Trump on your thread and just want to celebrate thatā€™s fine, Iā€™ll take off. Just ask me to leave
I am asking you to leave !!!
Cool. See ya... enjoy Inauguration Day!
When you see the complete flood of millions of more 5th World filth and deficits in the several trillion a year ....it will be too late to fix
Most of the GOP are self serving frauds and only cater to big businesses
A bold and superb leader

He accomplished much despite being viscously attacked by a Goebbels media , Stalin Dem party and a fake GOP

He was tough on China and Iran
He eviscerated ISIS
He was close to finishing major trade deals to favor USA . He did finish NAFTA 2.0
He got us out of the fake Paris accords
He was only 2 yrs away from finishing the wall
He has the best economy ever until the virus
He had sweeping peace deals in the Middle East

He won the election but the established Himmlers stacked the deck

Have your peace in Florida
Good riddance. The embarrassment is leaving and we can finally start to heal!!

what an ugly ugly human he is
What a pathetic cockroach youā€™re . Youā€™re lower than a crawling insect and your on iggy
Iā€™m a swell guy. Why do you say those ugly things about me? Just because I donā€™t think Trump is a good leader or a good person?
Youā€™re a vicious little propagandist
I listed several wonderful accomplishments and you had to trample on my thread like the gutter rat youā€™re
I was just sharing my honest opinion. If you donā€™t want critique of Trump on your thread and just want to celebrate thatā€™s fine, Iā€™ll take off. Just ask me to leave
I am asking you to leave !!!
Cool. See ya... enjoy Inauguration Day!
When you see the complete flood of millions of more 5th World filth and deficits in the several trillion a year ....it will be too late to fix
Haha, donā€™t even start on deficits. Hahaha.
A bold and superb leader

He accomplished much despite being viscously attacked by a Goebbels media , Stalin Dem party and a fake GOP

He was tough on China and Iran
He eviscerated ISIS
He was close to finishing major trade deals to favor USA . He did finish NAFTA 2.0
He got us out of the fake Paris accords
He was only 2 yrs away from finishing the wall
He had the best economy ever until the virus
He had sweeping peace deals in the Middle East
We had no wars.
Energy independent
Prison reform

He won the election but the establishment Himmlers stacked the deck

Have your peace in Florida

And let's remember: Last year he did NOT kneel (as "that woman" did in the Capitol) to the mobs running wild in our cities.

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