God, Government and the Poor

It goes to core values. Good Christians help people out of their own pockets. Socialists like the Obama's think that is governments job
And to make the matters worse the Obama's { Michelle at Princeton then
Harvard and Obama at Columbia U. then Harvard } Refused to comment
until halfway into Obama's 2nd term as to How they Paid for those
Pretigious College Educations.It was occassionally brought up by
Conservatives.Never-ever by any Democrat.Just goes to show their
operational mindset.
It goes to core values. Good Christians help people out of their own pockets. Socialists like the Obama's think that is governments job
I agree, but I wouldn’t limit it to Christians. (I’m Jewish.) I would say that’s the difference between conservatives and liberals: conservatives believe in helping people out personally, and liberals think the government should.

The most ridiculous cheapskates I have met are all far left.
I agree, but I wouldn’t limit it to Christians. (I’m Jewish.) I would say that’s the difference between conservatives and liberals: conservatives believe in helping people out personally, and liberals think the government should.

The most ridiculous cheapskates I have met are all far left.
Which begs the question.What does one do after meeting
a ridiculous cheapskate. Whose Jewish.Go out and buy a nice
bottle of Mogen David and Talk the Torah.
Which begs the question.What does one do after meeting
a ridiculous cheapskate. Whose Jewish.Go out and buy a nice
bottle of Mogen David and Talk the Torah.
I have no idea what you mean, other than it sounds like you are mocking Jews. My point was: liberals are generous with other people’s money.
No, blacks are not the predominant group in my region of the state. They are around 14%. It is RACIST for MACYs to send out brochures with the majority of the models black, when blacks are the minority, and brag how they are partnering with black designers to being the “black perspective” to their lines of clothing. What the hell?

Probably parts missing to this story. Was this addressed to you personally, or was it marked "Resident". If you got something mailed, your name ended up on a mailing list somewhere.

But given your previous hysterical ranting about models in the mall, I suspect this is just more of your projection. Wait, wait, you are going to freak out here in a second.


And you’re not one to call other people bigots. You are one of the biggest antidemites in this forum, and typify the leftist: rail against what you perceive as racism (which in this case is pointing out how ridiculous it is for a corporation to focus its advertising on a slim minority of its customers and ignore the majority) and then spew your disgusting Jew-hate.
You believe in a sky fairy who validates your bad behavior.
I know there is no such sky fairy.
Deal with it.

Of course, in your case, maybe Macy's could have had the prefect solution to your looks.

I have no idea what you mean, other than it sounds like you are mocking Jews. My point was: liberals are generous with other people’s money.
If nor for Jewish Americans voting Democrat and being in
the lead at the ACLU then maybe Moses would make a snap
appearance.For posterity if nothing else.
If nor for Jewish Americans voting Democrat and being in
the lead at the ACLU then maybe Moses would make a snap
appearance.For posterity if nothing else.

I have to say I am disappointed in so many of my fellow CINO Catholics - Catholic In Name Only.

If all Catholics voted pro life and pro traditional marriage/sexuality, the Democrat party would cease to exist.
I have to say I am disappointed in so many of my fellow CINO Catholics - Catholic In Name Only.

If all Catholics voted pro life and pro traditional marriage/sexuality, the Democrat party would cease to exist.

Thank goodness most Catholics have the sense to put their economic interests above their religion.

The reality is, of course, is that the reason most non-Hispanic Catholics have a middle class at all is because of Democrats, not Republicans. And they like eating meat on Sunday, having sex outside of marriage, using contraception to have babies on their own timetable, and even hanging out with the gay coworker who is a pretty good guy.

I come from a very traditional Catholic Family (even though I flipped the Church the Bird 40 years ago). When my cousin moved in with her boyfriend before marriage 50 years ago, it was a HUGE family scandal.

Now... meh, everyone lives together before marriage, and it frankly isn't that big of a deal.

The reason why the bloated, corrupt Catholic Church survives in America is because it knows not to be pushy.
I have to say I am disappointed in so many of my fellow CINO Catholics - Catholic In Name Only.

If all Catholics voted pro life and pro traditional marriage/sexuality, the Democrat party would cease to exist.
I feel the same way about the Jews who continue to vote Democrat, which has now become the anti-Israel party (which is rooted in and advances antisemitism), has a prominent Squad of antisemites in Congress, and refused to support the legislation that would combat antisemitism on campus (when Republicans were all for it).

When I talk to Democrat Jews, I find that they fall into one of two camps: either their liberalism trumps their Judaism, or they have been manipulated by the media into believing there are millions of Jew-hating MAGAS on the right.
I have to say I am disappointed in so many of my fellow CINO Catholics - Catholic In Name Only.

If all Catholics voted pro life and pro traditional marriage/sexuality, the Democrat party would cease to exist.
And after the Democrats are gone we could get rid of the immortal GOP as well. They believe they have the market on lifelong Christians like myself. I see right thru their twisted values. The GOP is the do as I say not as I do party.
And after the Democrats are gone we could get rid of the immortal GOP as well. They believe they have the market on lifelong Christians like myself. I see right thru their twisted values. The GOP is the do as I say not as I do party.
How can you say that after what happened in Martha’s Vineyard? The Dems are all about “we should welcome illegals who just want a chance at a better life“ - as long as they are dumped into working class neighborhoods and kept far away from them.
I feel the same way about the Jews who continue to vote Democrat, which has now become the anti-Israel party (which is rooted in and advances antisemitism), has a prominent Squad of antisemites in Congress, and refused to support the legislation that would combat antisemitism on campus (when Republicans were all for it).

When I talk to Democrat Jews, I find that they fall into one of two camps: either their liberalism trumps their Judaism, or they have been manipulated by the media into believing there are millions of Jew-hating MAGAS on the right.

Or they have the cognitive dissonance of realizing you can't support human rights and common decently, and also support a religious apartheid state.

Back when I was in college, and was a lot more conservative than I am now, I remember we had this one obnoxious liberal Jew who was trying to show the black kids how woke he was by denouncing South Africa and Apartheid.... And I pointed out that the Israelis are doing the same thing to the Palestinians.

The problem with the Zionists is that they are like abused children who have gotten big enough to beat up on someone else. It's not appealing.

Key note, when all was said and done, when Apartheid fell, most Afrikaners were able to live their lives in the new South Africa. They had Truth and Reconciliation Committees where all sides admitted and repented their wrongs.

I don't see that ever happening with the Israelis and Palestinians.

How can you say that after what happened in Martha’s Vineyard? The Dems are all about “we should welcome illegals who just want a chance at a better life“ - as long as they are dumped into working class neighborhoods and kept far away from them.

-Yes, let's dump them in a place which has no jobs for them instead of somewhere they can find work... that makes sense.
Joe Bunghole strikes again with another post full of bullshit.

The first post is total fact:

Recently I posted an article called "30 Good Things President Trump Has Done for America"

At the end of the list the author states this:

"If you believe (as I do) that God is sovereign over the affairs of nations, do you think that Donald Trump’s presidency has been evidence of divine blessing or divine judgment? I admit that perceiving divine purposes in human events is a task that cannot be proved with certainty one way or another, but when I look over this list of 30 actions, it appears to me to be far more characteristic of divine blessing than of divine judgment. If others disagree, I respect your right to have a different opinion, but that is my view"

In my thread a leftwing democrat forum member went on to respond with Scripture about helping the poor. The inference there was that democrats help the poor and Republicans do not.

That is a common belief, and a total lie.

Who has heard the phrase, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life."

This is so applicable today: Democrats love to give a man a fish and feed him for a day, or in our case they love to give people free cheese and food stamps. Republicans want to teach a man to fish and feed him for life, or in our case, create a strong economy with good jobs and allow all Americans the dignity or earning a living. Democrats do not seem to grasp the concept of personal dignity and the Godliness of a honest days labor.

So, when it comes to helping the poor, Republican policies are best. A rising tide lifts all boats.
Under President Trump we reached the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, and in case anyone forgot, Trump achieved the lowest Black and Hispanic unemployment rates on record. As I say, a rising tide lifts all boats.

And as for social issues like sodomy (gay marriage) and killing (abortion) etc., well we all know what God says about those.

Go with GOD and go with GOP

ABC News October 4, 2019, 2:30 PM
There is nothing more pathetic, and yet entertaining, than watching a bunch of Godless freak Leftist baby-killers and promoters of sodomy (i.e. Democrats) try to speak about God. LOL
At the end of the list the author states this:

"If you believe (as I do) that God is sovereign over the affairs of nations, do you think that Donald Trump’s presidency has been evidence of divine blessing or divine judgment? I admit that perceiving divine purposes in human events is a task that cannot be proved with certainty one way or another, but when I look over this list of 30 actions, it appears to me to be far more characteristic of divine blessing than of divine judgment. If others disagree, I respect your right to have a different opinion, but that is my view"

Uh, sorry, if God sent Trump, it was because he ran out of locust.

you guys like to keep pretending that 2020 didn't happen with the worst recession in 80 years, the worst epidemic in 100 years, and the worst civil unrest in 50 years. All of which you can link directly to Trump's gross mismanagement.

In my thread a leftwing democrat forum member went on to respond with Scripture about helping the poor. The inference there was that democrats help the poor and Republicans do not.

That is a common belief, and a total lie.

Who has heard the phrase, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life."

That would be awesome if people being taught to fish meant they got to keep the fish. Our system is we teach people how to fish, but the one percenters own the lake, and any of the fish you catch belong to them. They maybe give you a small slice of the profits they make when they sell the fish you catch.

Also, if you go through life only eating fish, you will die.... you will be missing key nutrients that you need to survive.

So, when it comes to helping the poor, Republican policies are best. A rising tide lifts all boats.
Under President Trump we reached the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, and in case anyone forgot, Trump achieved the lowest Black and Hispanic unemployment rates on record. As I say, a rising tide lifts all boats.

Except Trump had very little to do with that. The unemployment rate had been declining since 2010. The bigger economic factor in the decline of the unemployment rate has been that the Baby Boomers started retiring in 2011, and there hasn't been enough Millenials to replace them. This has been a major driver for the inflation we are now having, as employers now have to offer premium wages to get workers. Trump's immigration policies have actually made that worse, as a lot of key industries rely on immigrant labor (Hospitality, Construction, IT) and can't get the bodies they need. And, nope, no one is going to teach people how to fish to do that.

And as for social issues like sodomy (gay marriage) and killing (abortion) etc., well we all know what God says about those.

Go with GOD and go with GOP

God also says we should murder people for working on Sundays, murder our daughters for not being virgins on their wedding nights, murder rape victims for not crying out,

God on the other hand, doesn't say a damned thing about abortion. In fact, quite the contrary, he calls for adulterous women to be murdered if they are impregnated by anyone but their husbands, and even tells the priest how to mix a magic abortion potion to detect adulteresses.

Num. 5: 11The LORD spoke to Moses, saying:
Num. 5:12: Speak to the Israelites and say to them: If any man’s wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him,
Num. 5:13: if a man has had intercourse with her but it is hidden from her husband, so that she is undetected though she has defiled herself, and there is no witness against her since she was not caught in the act;
Num. 5: 14 if a spirit of jealousy comes on him, and he is jealous of his wife who has defiled herself; or if a spirit of jealousy comes on him, and he is jealous of his wife, though she has not defiled herself;
Num. 5:15: then the man shall bring his wife to the priest. And he shall bring the offering required for her, one-tenth of an ephah of barley flour. He shall pour no oil on it and put no frankincense on it, for it is a grain offering of jealousy, a grain offering of remembrance, bringing iniquity to remembrance.
Num. 5:16: Then the priest shall bring her near, and set her before the LORD;
Num. 5:17: the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel, and take some of the dust that is on the floor of the tabernacle and put it into the water.
Num. 5:18: The priest shall set the woman before the LORD, dishevel the woman’s hair,
Num. 5:18 and place in her hands the grain offering of remembrance, which is the grain offering of jealousy. In his own hand the priest shall have the water of bitterness that brings the curse.
Num. 5: 19Then the priest shall make her take an oath, saying, “If no man has lain with you, if you have not turned aside to uncleanness while under your husband’s authority, be immune to this water of bitterness that brings the curse.
Num. 5: 20 But if you have gone astray while under your husband’s authority, if you have defiled yourself and some man other than your husband has had intercourse with you,”
Num. 5: 21—let the priest make the woman take the oath of the curse and say to the woman—“the LORD make you an execration and an oath among your people, when the LORD makes your uterus drop, your womb discharge;
Num. 5:22: now may this water that brings the curse enter your bowels and make your womb discharge, your uterus drop!” And the woman shall say, “Amen. Amen.”
Num. 5:23 Then the priest shall put these curses in writing, and wash them off into the water of bitterness.

Now, this is all manner of fucked up, which is probably why the Priests didn't tell you about it in Church. You have some poor woman who has been dragged into the temple, being accused, and they give her this magic potion, most women would probably miscarry out of pure stress.. after which she's probably be stoned to death.

There is nothing more pathetic, and yet entertaining, than watching a bunch of Godless freak Leftist baby-killers and promoters of sodomy (i.e. Democrats) try to speak about God. LOL

What is pathetic is that we are in the 21st century, and you are still groveling in front of an imaginary Bronze Age sky pixie.

So let me ask you this question.... if your "God" is the Supreme being, why do the majority of humans believe in something else?
There is nothing more pathetic, and yet entertaining, than watching a bunch of Godless freak Leftist baby-killers and promoters of sodomy (i.e. Democrats) try to speak about God. LOL
A bigger bunch of hypocrites you’d never want to meet. They also screech about “welcoming the poor” (as in the illegals), but then if the poors end up in their neighborhood, they call out the National Guard.

An example of that type of hypocrisy was in my own neighborhood. My ultra-leftist neighbor, crying about how awful Republicans are to “undocumented workers” who merely want to come here for a better life, had a FIT when the townhouse on her other side went up for rent. She said that renters lower the caliber of the neighborhood, and went door to door to get a petition signed to forbid the owner of the house from renting. She lost that attempt, but it sure proved her hypocrisy.
A bigger bunch of hypocrites you’d never want to meet. They also screech about “welcoming the poor” (as in the illegals), but then if the poors end up in their neighborhood, they call out the National Guard.

An example of that type of hypocrisy was in my own neighborhood. My ultra-leftist neighbor, crying about how awful Republicans are to “undocumented workers” who merely want to come here for a better life, had a FIT when the townhouse on her other side went up for rent. She said that renters lower the caliber of the neighborhood, and went door to door to get a petition signed to forbid the owner of the house from renting. She lost that attempt, but it sure proved her hypocrisy.
Once again, thanks for your great posts
A bigger bunch of hypocrites you’d never want to meet. They also screech about “welcoming the poor” (as in the illegals), but then if the poors end up in their neighborhood, they call out the National Guard.

Please point out a case where someone called out the "National Guard" because poor people moved in. Thanks. Oh, wait, you can't because you are hysterically exaggerating again?

An example of that type of hypocrisy was in my own neighborhood. My ultra-leftist neighbor, crying about how awful Republicans are to “undocumented workers” who merely want to come here for a better life, had a FIT when the townhouse on her other side went up for rent. She said that renters lower the caliber of the neighborhood, and went door to door to get a petition signed to forbid the owner of the house from renting. She lost that attempt, but it sure proved her hypocrisy.

Not sure if the two things are related, exactly, but never mind. You freak the fuck out if someone sends you a flier with a black person on it.

Wow, you can advocate a more humane policy towards undocumented immigrants - or even a less stupid one than we are doing now - and still be legitimately concerned about rental properties ruining a neighborhood. We have a labor shortage. It is one of the main drivers for inflation right now. So instead of triggering a recession to bring inflation down, how about just welcoming some additional people who will work for a reasonable wage... even if they - gasp - aren't white?

I am still trying to extricate myself from a condo situation where 56% of the units are rentals, and the quality of the neighborhood HAS declined. Renters don't give a shit. They don't maintain the property because they don't own it. They tend to be younger and less responsible. Conversely, people who rent properties out they don't live in often don't give a shit, either. Just collect that rent. So, yes, your neighbor probably had a completely valid concern.

When I got my new property, the first thing I made sure was that they had a owner-occupied policy.
Once again, thanks for your great posts
And yours as well.

In recent days, I am reminded of a saying a wise man told me when I was young: “Don’t let the bastards get you down.” I have to hold strong to that as I deal with hypocritical, nasty leftists both on this forum and IRL.

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