God help us is this is who the american people elect tomorrow

You like those altered viddies I see...

Altered videos would seem to suit an altered president:


It's not about Biden. He's a lousy candidate, and his party is pretty unattractive.

It's about the issues, and it's about demonstrating that we're a more decent, thoughtful and intelligent country than the last four years have indicated.
When the marxists come to kill you, and they are, bye!
Um, okay!
You think this is a joke, you think the incivility is on Trump, which demonstrates two things, first you are just fucking stupid, and second you have it entirely ass backward. Trump fights back, all of the incivility, all of the hate, began with you fucktards, and ends with you fucktards! You started it with the refusal to peacefully transfer power in 2016 that you fucktards labeled "the resistance," then cower in basement and claim the men, and women you have pissed upon unrelentingly for four years are uncivil, which is ludicrous on its face. You hateful bastards started it all, we are going to end it, you are not gonna be a happy fema camper..... :wink:

Oh fuck off. This started with Clinton. You right-wing started way back then and it's gone downhill since then. Trump is a new low. Biden won't be as low, but he's still not that great.

Love the FEMA camp bit. At least you're honest about it. Have you had your uniform made up yet? Also, did you have many issues trying to get those swastika's made up? Not too many people would make them I imagine....
The most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER in US history is 'a new low'...

Yeah, if you are George Soros, Barak Obama, one of the members of Obama's treasonous administration who is looking at possibly spending the rest of their life in Prison if Trump wins, or an enemy of the United States who wants to use Biden as a puppet or have Komrade kamala lead the nation into a conversion to Socialism....
I'm not ignorant, what is ignorant is voting for a near brain dead senile incoherent elderly man because he's not Trump, now that is what I call ignorance.

Well all I hear on the issues is:

Open Borders
Make legal the 11 million Illegals
Do The Green Deal which is estimated to cost approx $96 trillion
Allow the entire Third World to walk in and on day two give them the right to vote
Do never ending Lockdowns
Give trillions to Blacks in Reparations
Force Section 8 Housing into all Suburbs
Get rid of legal guns and ammo

In short the aim is to destroy America, to Cancel America.

What a load of alarmist pap. What next, you gonna tell us how the tooth fairy and santa claus really exist.
Good grief..

No actually that is the Democrat Platform, they have basically said all that but used perhaps different phrasing because they hope people are stupid and won't understand.

You're full of shit. That's not the Dem platform. If that's it, then post a link to it because I'm sure it's on the internet, you stupid bitch.

A few too many pills or not enough? Either way the thought of him "leading" is laughable.

If Americans are so stupid that they would elect this senile puppet of socialists, and destroy the lives of their children and grandchildren, then fuck'em all. They will get what they deserve. Their children and grandchildren will grow up in a socialist hell, and I'll be dead.

It will be the end of the great brief moment of freedom and liberty in human history. America's Tombstone will read: We were handed freedom, and gave it away out of stupidity.
Couldn't possibly be any worse than a buffoon who says retarded things like "Do you know that doctors get paid more money if more people die of COVID?"
You're full of shit. That's not the Dem platform

YOU are full of shit, you and your faggot ass avatar.

Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.

Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.

A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats offer, and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs is what Trump offers.
It's not about Biden. He's a lousy candidate, and his party is pretty unattractive.

It's about the issues, and it's about demonstrating that we're a more decent, thoughtful and intelligent country than the last four years have indicated.

There's nothing thoughtful or intelligent about the idea that government is a kindergarten teacher who will take care of us as the Democrats believe. Intelligence is realizing we can make better decisions for ourselves over our own lives than government can do for us
It's not about Biden. He's a lousy candidate, and his party is pretty unattractive.

It's about the issues, and it's about demonstrating that we're a more decent, thoughtful and intelligent country than the last four years have indicated.
When the marxists come to kill you, and they are, bye!
Um, okay!
You think this is a joke, you think the incivility is on Trump, which demonstrates two things, first you are just fucking stupid, and second you have it entirely ass backward. Trump fights back, all of the incivility, all of the hate, began with you fucktards, and ends with you fucktards! You started it with the refusal to peacefully transfer power in 2016 that you fucktards labeled "the resistance," then cower in basement and claim the men, and women you have pissed upon unrelentingly for four years are uncivil, which is ludicrous on its face. You hateful bastards started it all, we are going to end it, you are not gonna be a happy fema camper..... :wink:

Oh fuck off. This started with Clinton. You right-wing started way back then and it's gone downhill since then. Trump is a new low. Biden won't be as low, but he's still not that great.

Love the FEMA camp bit. At least you're honest about it. Have you had your uniform made up yet? Also, did you have many issues trying to get those swastika's made up? Not too many people would make them I imagine....
The most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER in US history is 'a new low'...

Yeah, if you are George Soros, Barak Obama, one of the members of Obama's treasonous administration who is looking at possibly spending the rest of their life in Prison if Trump wins, or an enemy of the United States who wants to use Biden as a puppet or have Komrade kamala lead the nation into a conversion to Socialism....

"...Yeah, if you are George Soros, Barak Obama, one of the members of Obama's treasonous administration who is looking at possibly spending the rest of their life in Prison if Trump wins...."""

You're fucking deluded.

'Unmasking' inquiry ordered by Barr finds no wrongdoing by ...
www.theguardian.com › us-news › oct › william-barr-i...

Oct 14, 2020 — The conclusion of an investigation by US attorney John Bash into the so-called “unmasking” of names in intelligence reports by Obama officials ...

Trump-hyped 'unmasking' investigation into Obama officials ...
www.cnn.com › 2020/10/13 › politics › william-barr-un...

Oct 14, 2020 — While Republicans for months have hyped the Obama-era unmasking requests as an enormous scandal, John Bash found no evidence of ...

'Unmasking' probe commissioned by Barr concludes without ...
www.washingtonpost.com › 2020/10/13

Oct 13, 2020 — How a Flynn theory became central to the Trump reelection campaign ... sought to investigate and highlight Obama-era unmasking requests, ...
You visited this page on 10/13/20.

U.S. quietly ends probe of Obama-era 'unmasking' of Trump ...
www.reuters.com › article › us-usa-justice-unmasking

Oct 14, 2020 — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has ended its probe into whether Obama administration officials improperly ...
If Bernie Sanders voters believed for 1 second Biden would be the REAL President and would completely reject the extremist agenda, if they thought for 1 second Biden was not going to be a puppet later replaced by comrade Kamala, they would screw the Democrats and Biden just as they did the Dems and Hillary in 2016...
You're as clueless about Progressives as you are about everything else.

'Progressive' is the new word for 'Socialist;. It's what the fake news media and the Socialist in the new Liberal Progressive Socialist Democratic Party use to describe themselves and their agenda and ideology.

Kamala, as I pointed out in a separate thread, explained the difference between 'Equality', which she. Joe / Democrats care nothing about, and 'Equity of treatment'.

Trump has brought prosperity to everyone, LIFTING everyone::

"A RISING tide lifts ALL boats."

Kamala and Joe are all about forcing everyone to be the same, status-wise and financially, which will require, as Marx pointed out', money to be stripped from those who have by a forceful socialist government and given to those who have less or none.:

"A RED tide drains the water until all boats are LOWERED down to the same level."
The most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER in US history is 'a new low'...

Yeah, if you are George Soros, Barak Obama, one of the members of Obama's treasonous administration who is looking at possibly spending the rest of their life in Prison if Trump wins, or an enemy of the United States who wants to use Biden as a puppet or have Komrade kamala lead the nation into a conversion to Socialism....

So now you think a lying windbag who has done nothing but ingratiate those around him; is incurious about the world; gave the elite tax cuts your country couldn't afford; did literally nothing about COVID; changes his mind on most things depending on what tweet he reads or hears on Hannity - is the most successful president in US history?

My god, you are so fucked in the head. Trump is successful like Ted Bundy was nice to coeds....
Last edited:
Couldn't possibly be any worse than a buffoon who says retarded things like "Do you know that doctors get paid more money if more people die of COVID?"

So I know you're hysterical and melting down and all. Bless your family dealing with your TDS.

But what Trump said was doctors are more likely to rule a multi-factor death as covid. Your quote implies he's saying they kill people. Not what he said.

Also, while your paraphrase was reasonably close to his words, if not the context, it still wasn't a quote. You don't quote paraphrases
You like those altered viddies I see...

Altered videos would seem to suit an altered president:

View attachment 410216

View attachment 410217

That's fine but those aren't videos. Those are JPGs. Man you Trumptoids are dumb fucks.

HEY SHITHEAD, LEARN TO READ. I wasn't talking about videos, joint photographic effects group or tagged image file formats, I was talking about Joe's COSMETIC SURGERY to remove all his age spots and crowsfeet as one more lie defrauding America making voters think this old coot isn't as ancient as he really is!
It's not about Biden. He's a lousy candidate, and his party is pretty unattractive.

It's about the issues, and it's about demonstrating that we're a more decent, thoughtful and intelligent country than the last four years have indicated.
When the marxists come to kill you, and they are, bye!
Um, okay!
You think this is a joke, you think the incivility is on Trump, which demonstrates two things, first you are just fucking stupid, and second you have it entirely ass backward. Trump fights back, all of the incivility, all of the hate, began with you fucktards, and ends with you fucktards! You started it with the refusal to peacefully transfer power in 2016 that you fucktards labeled "the resistance," then cower in basement and claim the men, and women you have pissed upon unrelentingly for four years are uncivil, which is ludicrous on its face. You hateful bastards started it all, we are going to end it, you are not gonna be a happy fema camper..... :wink:

Oh fuck off. This started with Clinton. You right-wing started way back then and it's gone downhill since then. Trump is a new low. Biden won't be as low, but he's still not that great.

Love the FEMA camp bit. At least you're honest about it. Have you had your uniform made up yet? Also, did you have many issues trying to get those swastika's made up? Not too many people would make them I imagine....
The most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER in US history is 'a new low'...

Yeah, if you are George Soros, Barak Obama, one of the members of Obama's treasonous administration who is looking at possibly spending the rest of their life in Prison if Trump wins, or an enemy of the United States who wants to use Biden as a puppet or have Komrade kamala lead the nation into a conversion to Socialism....

"...Yeah, if you are George Soros, Barak Obama, one of the members of Obama's treasonous administration who is looking at possibly spending the rest of their life in Prison if Trump wins...."""

You're fucking deluded.

'Unmasking' inquiry ordered by Barr finds no wrongdoing by ...
www.theguardian.com › us-news › oct › william-barr-i...

Oct 14, 2020 — The conclusion of an investigation by US attorney John Bash into the so-called “unmasking” of names in intelligence reports by Obama officials ...
Trump-hyped 'unmasking' investigation into Obama officials ...
www.cnn.com › 2020/10/13 › politics › william-barr-un...

Oct 14, 2020 — While Republicans for months have hyped the Obama-era unmasking requests as an enormous scandal, John Bash found no evidence of ...
'Unmasking' probe commissioned by Barr concludes without ...
www.washingtonpost.com › 2020/10/13

Oct 13, 2020 — How a Flynn theory became central to the Trump reelection campaign ... sought to investigate and highlight Obama-era unmasking requests, ...
You visited this page on 10/13/20.
U.S. quietly ends probe of Obama-era 'unmasking' of Trump ...
www.reuters.com › article › us-usa-justice-unmasking

Oct 14, 2020 — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has ended its probe into whether Obama administration officials improperly ...

Whatever you say, comrade. :p
You're full of shit. That's not the Dem platform

YOU are full of shit, you and your faggot ass avatar.

Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.

Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.

A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats offer, and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs is what Trump offers.

Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom.

No they are not. They are about fat, entitled, white trailer trash. Freedom? Ha!!! Liberty??? What you been smoking. Trump's base are Deplorables for a reason. They only care about themselves, they only care about the individual not the country as a whole, their 'traditional' values mean going to church and telling other people what to do with their bodies' their values include locking anybody up for doing practically nothing. Deplorable Conservative Americans are as close to fascism as you can get. Antifa (IMO) opinion - currently - are a bunch of loons. But they are anti-fascist for a reason.
The most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER in US history is 'a new low'...

Yeah, if you are George Soros, Barak Obama, one of the members of Obama's treasonous administration who is looking at possibly spending the rest of their life in Prison if Trump wins, or an enemy of the United States who wants to use Biden as a puppet or have Komrade kamala lead the nation into a conversion to Socialism....

So now you think a lying windbag who has done nothing but ingratiate those around him; is incurious about the world; gave the elite tax cuts your country couldn't afford; did literally nothing about COVID; changes his mind on most things depending on what tweet he reads or hears on Hannity - is the most successful president in US history?

My god, you are so fucked in the head. Trump is successful like Ted Bundy was nice to coeds....
You need to figure out the quote function, I didn't write that. You have been reported.
Couldn't possibly be any worse than a buffoon who says retarded things like "Do you know that doctors get paid more money if more people die of COVID?"

So I know you're hysterical and melting down and all. Bless your family dealing with your TDS.

But what Trump said was doctors are more likely to rule a multi-factor death as covid. Your quote implies he's saying they kill people. Not what he said.

Also, while your paraphrase was reasonably close to his words, if not the context, it still wasn't a quote. You don't quote paraphrases

Um...but even that is retarded. Are you saying that he said doctors get paid more if they rule a death COVID-relate than any other cause?
You like those altered viddies I see...

Altered videos would seem to suit an altered president:

View attachment 410216

View attachment 410217

That's fine but those aren't videos. Those are JPGs. Man you Trumptoids are dumb fucks.

HEY SHITHEAD, LEARN TO READ. I wasn't talking about videos, joint photographic effects group or tagged image file formats, I was talking about Joe's COSMETIC SURGERY to remove all his age spots and crowsfeet as one more lie defrauding America making voters think this old coot isn't as ancient as he really is!

Oh please, you're supporting a man who wears orange make up, has capped teeth, wears a girdle around his fat ass and lifts in his shoes, dyes his hair yellow and has an 18" comb-over that is plastered down with a whole can of Aquanet every day.

Look, Trump sweated and his makeup rubbed off on his collar.

You're full of shit. That's not the Dem platform

YOU are full of shit, you and your faggot ass avatar.

Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.

Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.

A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats offer, and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs is what Trump offers.

Why do you pervs always dream about / show memes of Trump with his pants down? Freud would say you have a secret desire to have sex with him....unfortunately Freud did not know Democrats and many snowflakes prefer children.

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