God... Is Time.

Somewhere, I lost track of the ideas discussed in this thread.

What are you two arguing about? How is the nature of our present important in determining if Time is God?

It's not about the "nature" of present. It's about our ability to observe, test and measure the actual present. The physical fact is, we cannot observe the instant of present time, we have to wait for light to travel. Anything we have perception of has already happened and is no longer in the present.

We have faith that a 'present' exists and our perception of it is accurate. This is the basis for my argument that God is Time. Both rely on faith, both are out of the realm of our comprehension and ability to observe.
I first considered writing the one-millionth thread on the philosophical discussion of a Creator, then I paused and thought deeper. Is there some way to break through the typical mundane chore of battling our way through various debates on religion and religious dogma to arrive at some point of mutual understanding or consideration? I am not sure if there is, but it's worth thinking about if you are able to hang your preconceptions at the door and be open minded.

The primary weapon of those who disbelieve concepts of God is science. There is no physical evidence to support the idea of God, therefore God is rejected as a possibility. We are all familiar with the argument, so what is the point in yet another thread to debate this? It's really pointless, right? But the thing is, science doesn't draw conclusions of certainty on the matter of God, or anything else, really. Science merely explores probability and possibility. Man creates conclusions of certainty, and at that moment, he also abandons science for faith. Science continues to explore possibility, and if possibility has been determined to not exist, science can do no more.

I am often asked what is my "proof" that God exists. My proof is Time. Time is God and God is Time. Before you jump to the conclusion this is not possible because Time is a physical dimension we can measure with science, consider the following: Our perception of Time is false. We assume Time exists, we can't perceive the present. We can divide Time into past, present and future. We have no perception of the future or if the future will happen at all. We only have evidence of the past, which includes our perceptions of the present. You see-- Every physical sense we have depends on the passing of time to happen. Something may happen in present time but by the time you perceive it, time has passed and it's in the past. The moment of the present is undetectable to mortal human beings. We assume the present time happened because evidence exists in the past that seems to confirm this. If we cannot observe it, does it really exist?
I have to disagree....."time" is meaningless to an eternal being......I believe that Genesis tells us the first thing created was "time".....that which separates day and night......the passage of time......
there needn't be a God for the existence of the Everlasting, where a Spirit may reside when set free - there just happens to be one or one would evolve ... as is.

to say the present is alterable is the same as saying 1+1 does not = 2, a stupid argument, almost as stupid as equating the Almighty in some way to Time.

It's about our ability to observe, test and measure the actual present.
And I gave you an experiment where the observed, measured and tested actual present had an effect on the past. That means in quantum time, which is physics by the way, past, present and future all exist at the same time.
It's about our ability to observe, test and measure the actual present.
And I gave you an experiment where the observed, measured and tested actual present had an effect on the past. That means in quantum time, which is physics by the way, past, present and future all exist at the same time.

Again... it's not about what "exists" but what is observable to us.
It's about our ability to observe, test and measure the actual present.
And I gave you an experiment where the observed, measured and tested actual present had an effect on the past. That means in quantum time, which is physics by the way, past, present and future all exist at the same time.

Again... it's not about what "exists" but what is observable to us.
No, it is also about what can be tested and measured.
It's about our ability to observe, test and measure the actual present.
And I gave you an experiment where the observed, measured and tested actual present had an effect on the past. That means in quantum time, which is physics by the way, past, present and future all exist at the same time.

Again... it's not about what "exists" but what is observable to us.
No, it is also about what can be tested and measured.

And nothing can be tested or measured if it cannot be observed.
It's about our ability to observe, test and measure the actual present.
And I gave you an experiment where the observed, measured and tested actual present had an effect on the past. That means in quantum time, which is physics by the way, past, present and future all exist at the same time.

Again... it's not about what "exists" but what is observable to us.
No, it is also about what can be tested and measured.

And nothing can be tested or measured if it cannot be observed.
Obviously false. The force of gravity is one example that refutes your claim.
Somewhere, I lost track of the ideas discussed in this thread.

What are you two arguing about? How is the nature of our present important in determining if Time is God?

It's not about the "nature" of present. It's about our ability to observe, test and measure the actual present. The physical fact is, we cannot observe the instant of present time, we have to wait for light to travel. Anything we have perception of has already happened and is no longer in the present.

We have faith that a 'present' exists and our perception of it is accurate. This is the basis for my argument that God is Time. Both rely on faith, both are out of the realm of our comprehension and ability to observe.
Again, accepting your false premise that both require faith ----

That doesnt get you, logically, to "thus, god IS time."

Theres zero logical connection there.
I first considered writing the one-millionth thread on the philosophical discussion of a Creator, then I paused and thought deeper. Is there some way to break through the typical mundane chore of battling our way through various debates on religion and religious dogma to arrive at some point of mutual understanding or consideration? I am not sure if there is, but it's worth thinking about if you are able to hang your preconceptions at the door and be open minded.

The primary weapon of those who disbelieve concepts of God is science. There is no physical evidence to support the idea of God, therefore God is rejected as a possibility. We are all familiar with the argument, so what is the point in yet another thread to debate this? It's really pointless, right? But the thing is, science doesn't draw conclusions of certainty on the matter of God, or anything else, really. Science merely explores probability and possibility. Man creates conclusions of certainty, and at that moment, he also abandons science for faith. Science continues to explore possibility, and if possibility has been determined to not exist, science can do no more.

I am often asked what is my "proof" that God exists. My proof is Time. Time is God and God is Time. Before you jump to the conclusion this is not possible because Time is a physical dimension we can measure with science, consider the following: Our perception of Time is false. We assume Time exists, we can't perceive the present. We can divide Time into past, present and future. We have no perception of the future or if the future will happen at all. We only have evidence of the past, which includes our perceptions of the present. You see-- Every physical sense we have depends on the passing of time to happen. Something may happen in present time but by the time you perceive it, time has passed and it's in the past. The moment of the present is undetectable to mortal human beings. We assume the present time happened because evidence exists in the past that seems to confirm this. If we cannot observe it, does it really exist?

God Almighty (who is above any form of humanness) existed before eternity. The Holy Qur'an also existed before eternity, it is the Uncreated Word of God.

Time is both eternity and before eternity. Rather than God being "Time", God is "The Time", as we have it in Islam. Consider that at one point humans used to hunt, fish and harvest. Now, there are industries and trade. Then realise that God is The Time.
It's about our ability to observe, test and measure the actual present.
And I gave you an experiment where the observed, measured and tested actual present had an effect on the past. That means in quantum time, which is physics by the way, past, present and future all exist at the same time.

Again... it's not about what "exists" but what is observable to us.
No, it is also about what can be tested and measured.

And nothing can be tested or measured if it cannot be observed.
Obviously false. The force of gravity is one example that refutes your claim.
????......you can't observe gravity?.....meet me on the roof of a tall building......
And I gave you an experiment where the observed, measured and tested actual present had an effect on the past. That means in quantum time, which is physics by the way, past, present and future all exist at the same time.

Again... it's not about what "exists" but what is observable to us.
No, it is also about what can be tested and measured.

And nothing can be tested or measured if it cannot be observed.
Obviously false. The force of gravity is one example that refutes your claim.
????......you can't observe gravity?.....meet me on the roof of a tall building......
The gawds have punished you by making you slow. Such are the wages of belief in YEC'ist dogma.

The affects of gravity are observable.
It's about our ability to observe, test and measure the actual present.
And I gave you an experiment where the observed, measured and tested actual present had an effect on the past. That means in quantum time, which is physics by the way, past, present and future all exist at the same time.

Again... it's not about what "exists" but what is observable to us.
No, it is also about what can be tested and measured.

And nothing can be tested or measured if it cannot be observed.
And yet physicists tested and measured the effect the present has on the past.
Again, accepting your false premise that both require faith ----

That doesnt get you, logically, to "thus, god IS time."

Theres zero logical connection there.

1) It's not a false premise, it's a true statement you're unable to refute.

2) It doesn't have to make logical sense to be true.

3) I have already indicated "God = Time" is somewhat allegorical... God is actually greater than Time. This is not presented as "scientific proof" of God, it's totally faith-based. Just as our acceptance of "present time" is faith-based.
And yet physicists tested and measured the effect the present has on the past.

Well no... they tested a perception of the present because they are physically unable to observe the present. In other words, they tested the effect of the past on a more distant past. What's interesting is they found the past can be changed (totally contradictory to logic, G.T.). Of course, if the past can be changed after it happens, then change can also happen between the actual moment of present and our perception of it happening in the past.
I first considered writing the one-millionth thread on the philosophical discussion of a Creator, then I paused and thought deeper. Is there some way to break through the typical mundane chore of battling our way through various debates on religion and religious dogma to arrive at some point of mutual understanding or consideration? I am not sure if there is, but it's worth thinking about if you are able to hang your preconceptions at the door and be open minded.

The primary weapon of those who disbelieve concepts of God is science. There is no physical evidence to support the idea of God, therefore God is rejected as a possibility. We are all familiar with the argument, so what is the point in yet another thread to debate this? It's really pointless, right? But the thing is, science doesn't draw conclusions of certainty on the matter of God, or anything else, really. Science merely explores probability and possibility. Man creates conclusions of certainty, and at that moment, he also abandons science for faith. Science continues to explore possibility, and if possibility has been determined to not exist, science can do no more.

I am often asked what is my "proof" that God exists. My proof is Time. Time is God and God is Time. Before you jump to the conclusion this is not possible because Time is a physical dimension we can measure with science, consider the following: Our perception of Time is false. We assume Time exists, we can't perceive the present. We can divide Time into past, present and future. We have no perception of the future or if the future will happen at all. We only have evidence of the past, which includes our perceptions of the present. You see-- Every physical sense we have depends on the passing of time to happen. Something may happen in present time but by the time you perceive it, time has passed and it's in the past. The moment of the present is undetectable to mortal human beings. We assume the present time happened because evidence exists in the past that seems to confirm this. If we cannot observe it, does it really exist?

You are calling what is of Satan - God. God is not Time. God does not live in time. Your teaching is based on Saturn - astrology and the occult. Very wicked.
...doesnt disprove that present exists.

Hold on... I don't have to disprove something you've yet to prove. ....Remember God?
Again....time is proven by motion.

Because its literally its measurement.

Are you disputing motion? Lay your evidence on the table that motion doesnt exist.

LOL... I have never disputed that Time exists!
... that would make me an Atheist because I believe Time is God. ;)

If Time is proven by motion then so is God.

You're supposed to be proving present time exists and not running away like a little girl.

You're a Satanist. Manson is a Satanist too and those who follow Satan believe in and practice astrology - See this video - note the 00:38 marker and the reader will see this:

Saturn is also associated with time, sharing the same persona as KRONOS, The god of Time, as well as the grim reaper.......

You are trying to deceive people on this board into believing you are speaking of God Almighty - Jesus Christ - but you are speaking of your god. Satan. It's a wicked lie. Jesus Christ is LORD and everyone including you are going to confess with your tongue Jesus is Lord and bow your knee to him one day! So is your god, Lucifer.

I first considered writing the one-millionth thread on the philosophical discussion of a Creator, then I paused and thought deeper. Is there some way to break through the typical mundane chore of battling our way through various debates on religion and religious dogma to arrive at some point of mutual understanding or consideration? I am not sure if there is, but it's worth thinking about if you are able to hang your preconceptions at the door and be open minded.

The primary weapon of those who disbelieve concepts of God is science. There is no physical evidence to support the idea of God, therefore God is rejected as a possibility. We are all familiar with the argument, so what is the point in yet another thread to debate this? It's really pointless, right? But the thing is, science doesn't draw conclusions of certainty on the matter of God, or anything else, really. Science merely explores probability and possibility. Man creates conclusions of certainty, and at that moment, he also abandons science for faith. Science continues to explore possibility, and if possibility has been determined to not exist, science can do no more.

I am often asked what is my "proof" that God exists. My proof is Time. Time is God and God is Time. Before you jump to the conclusion this is not possible because Time is a physical dimension we can measure with science, consider the following: Our perception of Time is false. We assume Time exists, we can't perceive the present. We can divide Time into past, present and future. We have no perception of the future or if the future will happen at all. We only have evidence of the past, which includes our perceptions of the present. You see-- Every physical sense we have depends on the passing of time to happen. Something may happen in present time but by the time you perceive it, time has passed and it's in the past. The moment of the present is undetectable to mortal human beings. We assume the present time happened because evidence exists in the past that seems to confirm this. If we cannot observe it, does it really exist?
I have to disagree....."time" is meaningless to an eternal being......I believe that Genesis tells us the first thing created was "time".....that which separates day and night......the passage of time......

No disrespect, I fully agree that time means nothing to God but this is not a theological argument I am making. God is actually greater than time, but for the sake of talking to the monkeys, I've simplified it so we can communicate.
You are trying to deceive people on this board into believing you are speaking of God Almighty - Jesus Christ - but you are speaking of your god. Satan. It's a wicked lie. Jesus Christ is LORD and everyone including you are going to confess with your tongue Jesus is Lord and bow your knee to him one day! So is your god, Lucifer.

I disregard negative spiritual energy. I've devoted my mortal life as a human to promoting the flow of positive spiritual energy. I am not here to proselytize or convert you to my religion because I don't have a religion. I think Jesus Christ was a swell guy who said a lot of powerful and important things. We could all learn some strong spiritual lessons from his teachings. BUT... this thread is not a theological debate. The concept of "God" is not owned by Christian religion.

Whenever your "religion" starts making you judge people and turn them into messengers of Satan and such... this makes you a danger to society. We need look no further than radical Islam for relevant examples. I recommend you turn the computer off and go read your Bible... Start with Matthew 7:1.

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