God... Is Time.

Again, NO we can't observe the present. We can only observe a perception of the present in the past, after the present has happened.
You stupidly contradict your stupid self! If we can observe the present after it has happened, then we CAN observe the present, just not in real time, but it can be observed and therefore no Godly faith is required.

All you are trying to moronically state is.. Something IS, even though it ISN'T! That is completely defiant of LOGIC! If we cannot observe the present in the present, then we're not observing the present! There isn't another way to cut that. What you have is a perception of the present which is coming to you in the past, the present has already gone, you didn't observe it, you couldn't observe it, physics had to happen first. You TRUST in FAITH that what you perceived as "the present" actually represents the present.... because it's impossible to observe it when it happened because of physics.
We are not able to observe the present. If we can't observe the present we can't evaluate the present with physics.
You can only argue that you cannot observe the present in the present, not that the present cannot be observed at all.

The present cannot be observed at all.
If the present isn't observed in the present it's not observed. DUH!
I'll let you answer your stupid self
We can only observe a perception of the present in the past, after the present has happened.
Again, NO we can't observe the present. We can only observe a perception of the present in the past, after the present has happened.
You stupidly contradict your stupid self! If we can observe the present after it has happened, then we CAN observe the present, just not in real time, but it can be observed and therefore no Godly faith is required.

All you are trying to moronically state is.. Something IS, even though it ISN'T! That is completely defiant of LOGIC! If we cannot observe the present in the present, then we're not observing the present! There isn't another way to cut that. What you have is a perception of the present which is coming to you in the past, the present has already gone, you didn't observe it, you couldn't observe it, physics had to happen first. You TRUST in FAITH that what you perceived as "the present" actually represents the present.... because it's impossible to observe it when it happened because of physics.
Any delay in OBSERVING the present does not change the present, that is physics!
We can only observe a perception of the present in the past, after the present has happened.
The present is non-observable. IT cannot BE observable unless you defy physics, which you can't because you're a mortal human being in a physical universe.
I love how those who nothing about physics claim it supports their contradictions!

You are the one contradicting yourself here. You keep saying we can observe the present even though we can't and you know we can't. You can't use physics to support your claim, you just flat out insist that we can do something we cannot do, in complete defiance of physics.

And I know a LOT about physics, buddy. I've never said that I didn't. I took it in high school and college and always made straight As. I'm wondering if some of you morons could pass a 9th grade basic science test the way you're arguing this. Not a damn thing have any of you presented to support your notion that we can observe the present. You keep saying it like it's some sort of immutable fact that can't be denied, but you can't explain it. Physics has to happen for you to have ANY perception, which means that anything you perceive has already happened and is already in the past before you can even perceive it. You simply CAN NOT OBSERVE THE PRESENT! ...Unless you are GOD!
We are not able to observe the present. If we can't observe the present we can't evaluate the present with physics.
You can only argue that you cannot observe the present in the present, not that the present cannot be observed at all.

The present cannot be observed at all.
If the present isn't observed in the present it's not observed. DUH!
I'll let you answer your stupid self
We can only observe a perception of the present in the past, after the present has happened.

Oh okay... So I have the "perception" that you are a retarded moron who lives in his mother's basement spending his days digging in his butt-hole and sniffing his finger. That's my perception of you so it MUST BE TRUE! :rofl:
Faith is belief in something not in evidence. Physics provides evidence:dunno:.
^^ exactly why we dont need faith in a present. Waa waa waaa

Are you with the Liberal Clown Posse too?

Again... We are not able to observe the present. If we can't observe the present we can't evaluate the present with physics. The very most we can do is use physics as a basis to support what we have faith in. We can apply this to God just as well, the cosmological constant, for instance. But all "evidence" is subjective and dependent upon what we are willing to accept as evidence. You know... a bloody glove in the garden and the victim's DNA in a Bronco... doesn't equal a murder conviction because some people don't consider the evidence as valid.
Again: yeah we can observe the present.

I wasn't aware we use physics to support religious faith. How does anyone do that?

Again, NO we can't observe the present. We can only observe a perception of the present in the past, after the present has happened. You cannot support your argument with physics, nor have you supported your argument with physics. You're just plain out being stubborn and insisting you don't need physics to have your opinion, and I agree, you don't... all you need is FAITH.
Again, yes we can observe the present. You're hoping to make some goofy philosophical argument wherein you can connect your religious fundamentalism surrounding your gawds with time and perception. That's fine as a philosophical argument because ultimately those arguments are not required to meet the discipline of facts and evidence.
We are not able to observe the present. If we can't observe the present we can't evaluate the present with physics.
You can only argue that you cannot observe the present in the present, not that the present cannot be observed at all.

The present cannot be observed at all.
If the present isn't observed in the present it's not observed. DUH!
I'll let you answer your stupid self
We can only observe a perception of the present in the past, after the present has happened.

Oh okay... So I have the "perception" that you are a retarded moron who lives in his mother's basement spending his days digging in his butt-hole and sniffing his finger. That's my perception of you so it MUST BE TRUE! :rofl:
As true as your bullshit that God = time!
Any delay in OBSERVING the present does not change the present, that is physics!

How can you draw such a conclusion? You cannot observe the present to verify this.
According to this :asshole: you can.

We can only observe a perception of the present in the past, after the present has happened

Well no, I didn't say that, Ed... you're taking selected words in a sentence and forming a new sentence out of context. Something you like doing while not sniffing your butt fingers but really has no meaning to anyone else.
Again, yes we can observe the present. You're hoping to make some goofy philosophical argument wherein you can connect your religious fundamentalism surrounding your gawds with time and perception. That's fine as a philosophical argument because ultimately those arguments are not required to meet the discipline of facts and evidence.

Hollie, we cannot observe the present. There is nothing philosophical about that, it's all a matter of physics. Time must happen for us to perceive anything. If time has happened, it's not the present anymore. Only the instant of the present is "the present" and everything following it is the past. Again you are insisting that we accept your bullheaded argument because you say so and not because you've supported it with any evidence.

You're another one of the fascist Liberals who can't allow a Conservative to speak, even when they are correct. You're going to shut down any conversation by a Conservative because they don't agree with your politics. That's what is happening here and it's obvious to anyone who reads the thread. You make about the fourth or fifth liberal in the thread who has displayed this obsessive discordance.
We are not able to observe the present. If we can't observe the present we can't evaluate the present with physics.
You can only argue that you cannot observe the present in the present, not that the present cannot be observed at all.

The present cannot be observed at all.
If the present isn't observed in the present it's not observed. DUH!
I'll let you answer your stupid self
We can only observe a perception of the present in the past, after the present has happened.

Oh okay... So I have the "perception" that you are a retarded moron who lives in his mother's basement spending his days digging in his butt-hole and sniffing his finger. That's my perception of you so it MUST BE TRUE! :rofl:
As true as your bullshit that God = time!

Except that my argument is supported by physics and yours isn't. Of course, that doesn't matter in a Liberal Universe where only Liberals are allowed to have thoughts and express them and our perception of things confirm truth over science. That's the universe where Hillary is the smartest woman to ever live.
Any delay in OBSERVING the present does not change the present, that is physics!

That's NOT physics, that's FAITH. In order to prove that with physics, you need to be able to observe the actual present in the present, and you can't. Everything you observe is in the aftermath of the present. You have a perception of the present which cannot be confirmed due to physics. FAITH is what you have here.
the OP refuses to realize the human Spirit is not bound by physics any more than he claims for his god.

dictating physiology as an anchor around his neck is a personal problem for the OP the same as his refusal for someone's ability to surmount the Apex of Knowledge and graduate to a higher level.

the OP offers at best a dead end, relying on faith not action for his sustenance.


Nowhere was it ever stated the human spirit, or any other spirit was bound by physics. Nor are claims of God or anything else, bound by physics. No one dictated physiology or whatever other wackadoodle allegations you make of the OP.

You are a butt-hurt Liberal goofball who doesn't like ME because I am a Conservative. So you have committed yourself to spending every waking hour trolling my threads and being generally disagreeable with everything I say and inferring I am wrong no matter what I say about any given topic. Your problem has reached the level of being an obsession and you should seek out professional help for that.

Faith is required to believe the present is as we perceive it to be in the past, and faith is required to believe in My God, Your God, The Almighty God, or any other God incarnation known to man. That's what the OP argues and you have failed miserably to disprove.

Nowhere was it ever stated the human spirit, or any other spirit was bound by physics. Nor are claims of God or anything else, bound by physics.

bo: Again, NO we can't observe the present. We can only observe a perception of the present in the past, after the present has happened.
we can't observe the present ....

boy, you are thick - your BODY can not observe the present, by your account of physics ... that does not include the individuals Spirit or God.

are you saying when the physiology perishes and were the Spirit to survive it would be BLIND ?

* your politics is an underlying thread to your conversation, and is a bearing for the final outcome to the Triumph of Good vs Evil and matters but deny it anyways is probably in your best interest.

we can't observe the present ....

boy, you are thick - your BODY can not observe the present, by your account of physics ... that does not include the individuals Spirit or God.

are you saying when the physiology perishes and were the Spirit to survive it would be BLIND ?

* your politics is an underlying thread to your conversation, and is a bearing for the final outcome to the Triumph of Good vs Evil and matters but deny it anyways is probably in your best interest.


No, YOU are the thick one. Spirits and Gods are not physical properties we can measure with physics. It's pointless to try and have a physical argument for spiritual things because they don't work.

WE cannot observe the present... PERHAPS our SPIRITS can? ....I can't prove that with physics!!!!

And this is not "by my account of physics" it's just by plain physics as humans understand physics... people don't have "accounts" of physics. People can't invent and create their own versions of physics. So how about stop spreading lies about what I've said and grow the fuck up?
Greeks had Kronos. The Romans had Saturn, the bringer of old age. I am agnostic, time is one of the 4 dimensions, not a supernatural power.
Greeks had Kronos. The Romans had Saturn, the bringer of old age. I am agnostic, time is one of the 4 dimensions, not a supernatural power.

Correction: Time is one of many dimensions. We have human physical perception of four but we know there are more. Still, you miss the point of the OP. The present instant of time exists outside our ability to observe it. We have a perception of it that we realize in the past, after the moment is gone. It is faith which makes us believe our perception is true.... there is no other way to confirm it. Everything you can possibly perceive requires passage of time, which means you aren't in the present when you perceive it.

Therefore.... If you believe the moment of present exists but it's impossible to observe directly, how is that different than faith in God? Sure, you have good evidence, your perception... but we all see the universe through our own eyes so every perception of it is different.
Greeks had Kronos. The Romans had Saturn, the bringer of old age.

Goes back further than that. Humans have always had some kind of spiritual connection to something greater than self. The oldest human civilization remains ever unearthed shows signs of ritual ceremonial burial using red ocher... this can only be spiritual, there is no other possible rational explanation. Human spirituality is our species most defining attribute.
Any delay in OBSERVING the present does not change the present, that is physics!

Nooooo.... Any delay in observing the present means you are no longer observing the present.
Again, yes we can observe the present. You're hoping to make some goofy philosophical argument wherein you can connect your religious fundamentalism surrounding your gawds with time and perception. That's fine as a philosophical argument because ultimately those arguments are not required to meet the discipline of facts and evidence.

Hollie, we cannot observe the present. There is nothing philosophical about that, it's all a matter of physics. Time must happen for us to perceive anything. If time has happened, it's not the present anymore. Only the instant of the present is "the present" and everything following it is the past. Again you are insisting that we accept your bullheaded argument because you say so and not because you've supported it with any evidence.

You're another one of the fascist Liberals who can't allow a Conservative to speak, even when they are correct. You're going to shut down any conversation by a Conservative because they don't agree with your politics. That's what is happening here and it's obvious to anyone who reads the thread. You make about the fourth or fifth liberal in the thread who has displayed this obsessive discordance.

I can understand that you believe repeating slogans is an effective way to make an argument. However, repeating falsehoods doesn't magically turn falsehoods into truth.

That most of us experience the here and now in real time will conflict with your attempt at some silly philosophical argument intended to promote your inventions of gawds.

It's a shame that you have chosen to become the caricature of the angry fundamentalist. Creationist physics are not physics. You insist on pressing your religious agenda with the gawd=time meme and you're not understanding that your, or any version of creation science, is not a tool that can be used for an objective evaluation of contingent reality.

Gawds=time? Well no. You have failed to make any case for that slogan,

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