God... Is Time.

Any delay in OBSERVING the present does not change the present, that is physics!

How can you draw such a conclusion? You cannot observe the present to verify this.
According to this :asshole: you can.

We can only observe a perception of the present in the past, after the present has happened

Well no, I didn't say that, Ed... you're taking selected words in a sentence and forming a new sentence out of context. Something you like doing while not sniffing your butt fingers but really has no meaning to anyone else.
Every one of your words are there in context, I just highlighted the pregnant ones that expose your contradiction!!!
But when you have to pretend that a magic word "physics" turns your bullshit into truth, all you have left is lying.
Greeks had Kronos. The Romans had Saturn, the bringer of old age.

Goes back further than that. Humans have always had some kind of spiritual connection to something greater than self. The oldest human civilization remains ever unearthed shows signs of ritual ceremonial burial using red ocher... this can only be spiritual, there is no other possible rational explanation. Human spirituality is our species most defining attribute.
More slogans that have re-cycled from thread to thread are a poor substitute for a coherent argument. Fear of the unknown and superstitions that were manifested in various forms of rituals are not the "spiritual" connection to gawds you're hoping to make.

The types of fears and superstitions you promote have been a defining characteristic of institutions created by men to control and manipulate the masses. Fortunately, we see a waning influence of these institutions that have been used as tools for manipulation.
I can understand that you believe repeating slogans is an effective way to make an argument. However, repeating falsehoods doesn't magically turn falsehoods into truth.

Nothing I have stated is a slogan or falsehood. Physics require time to happen. We cannot observe the moment of present time because physics must happen first.

That most of us experience the here and now in real time will conflict with your attempt at some silly philosophical argument intended to promote your inventions of gawds.

I've not said that you don't experience something, we all have experiences. I'm not making a philosophical argument here, I am making a physical argument and you're not refuting it. We cannot observe the instant of the present, it's not possible due to physics and the constraints of physical reality. I'm sorry if you are too dense to understand that, but it's a fact of physics not philosophy.

It's a shame that you have chosen to become the caricature of the angry fundamentalist. Creationist physics are not physics. You insist on pressing your religious agenda with the gawd=time meme and you're not understanding that your, or any version of creation science, is not a tool that can be used for an objective evaluation of contingent reality.

Gawds=time? Well no. You have failed to make any case for that slogan,

I'm not an angry caricature of anything. I don't have a religion. I've not mentioned religion. This is not a religious argument and I've repeatedly said that. So what the fuck are you talking like a crazy person for?
Any delay in OBSERVING the present does not change the present, that is physics!

How can you draw such a conclusion? You cannot observe the present to verify this.
According to this :asshole: you can.

We can only observe a perception of the present in the past, after the present has happened

Well no, I didn't say that, Ed... you're taking selected words in a sentence and forming a new sentence out of context. Something you like doing while not sniffing your butt fingers but really has no meaning to anyone else.
Every one of your words are there in context, I just highlighted the pregnant ones that expose your contradiction!!!
But when you have to pretend that a magic word "physics" turns your bullshit into truth, all you have left is lying.

Science changed since I was a kid. In 1968 I had a science book from the 1930's. Scientific principals change now so fast, it is amazing. Dark matter, Higgs bosons. It is dazzling. Einstein said, god doesn't gamble. Wrong!
More slogans that have re-cycled from thread to thread are a poor substitute for a coherent argument. Fear of the unknown and superstitions that were manifested in various forms of rituals are not the "spiritual" connection to gawds you're hoping to make.

The types of fears and superstitions you promote have been a defining characteristic of institutions created by men to control and manipulate the masses. Fortunately, we see a waning influence of these institutions that have been used as tools for manipulation.

You're not proving anything you are saying or even offering any evidence... it's just a rant. You claim this silly idea that humans invented God out of fearing the unknown but you cannot prove that. You have ZERO evidence of it! Furthermore, there is nothing in nature anywhere to suggest you are correct... it pretty much contradicts your idea.

Now Religions were created by men, and many of them may have been created to control others... but that's not the same as human spirituality which predates religions by thousands of years.
Any delay in OBSERVING the present does not change the present, that is physics!

That's NOT physics, that's FAITH. In order to prove that with physics, you need to be able to observe the actual present in the present, and you can't. Everything you observe is in the aftermath of the present. You have a perception of the present which cannot be confirmed due to physics. FAITH is what you have here.
That is faith, not physics.
According to you, physics has proven and it is not faith that "time has to pass for things to happen." There is nothing in Bossy's Law of Time that requires any present observation for that law to be true.

Now real physicists design instruments that can record events happening in the present for evaluation in the future, because in real physics "observation is never a proof." Physists depend on measurement rather than observation and physicists have many instruments that can measure the passage of time from the present to the past.
Correction: Time is one of many dimensions. We have human physical perception of four but we know there are more.
No, we theorize there are up to 11, but we do not know for sure. For you to claim "WE KNOW" is your faith speaking.

A perfect example of how in Bossy's "physics" faith and knowledge are flip-flopped!
Science changed since I was a kid. In 1968 I had a science book from the 1930's. Scientific principals change now so fast, it is amazing. Dark matter, Higgs bosons. It is dazzling. Einstein said, god doesn't gamble. Wrong!

I didn't argue that Science doesn't change... where in the hell do you people get this stuff when I'm not posting anything close to what you're claiming? It's mind blowing! I am often the one reminding Atheists that Science has drawn NO conclusions on anything... it's still possible for Science to one day unlock the mysteries of human spiritual connection and spiritual nature. In some ways, it may already be doing this... quantum entanglement, for example.
Correction: Time is one of many dimensions. We have human physical perception of four but we know there are more.
No, we theorize there are up to 11, but we do not know for sure. For you to claim "WE KNOW" is your faith speaking.

A perfect example of how in Bossy's "physics" faith and knowledge are flip-flopped!

Well according to you, everything that isn't already known and proven through our perception is only suitable for the trash bin anyway. Science means nothing to you except as a means to support your Godless Liberal agenda.
Humans have always had some kind of spiritual connection to something greater than self.
And,of course, you were there in the present to observe that, otherwise that can only be FAITH according to Bossy's Law of Time, Observation, and Faith.
Correction: Time is one of many dimensions. We have human physical perception of four but we know there are more.
No, we theorize there are up to 11, but we do not know for sure. For you to claim "WE KNOW" is your faith speaking.

A perfect example of how in Bossy's "physics" faith and knowledge are flip-flopped!

Well according to you, everything that isn't already known and proven through our perception is only suitable for the trash bin anyway. Science means nothing to you except as a means to support your Godless Liberal agenda.
Please link to in context quotes from me, you lying scum POS.
I pray, my mother might live a few more years. She dies hours later. Faith. Yeah. Is God TIME? Is god the X-axis? I don't know and I don't pray anymore. Shit happens. Randomness, the nemesis of Einstein.
Humans have always had some kind of spiritual connection to something greater than self.
And,of course, you were there in the present to observe that, otherwise that can only be FAITH according to Bossy's Law of Time, Observation, and Faith.

I've never claimed that I don't have faith.
No. In fact you have made it clear that the threads you open are for the purpose of proselytizing you own religion of magical spirit realms.
Science changed since I was a kid. In 1968 I had a science book from the 1930's. Scientific principals change now so fast, it is amazing. Dark matter, Higgs bosons. It is dazzling. Einstein said, god doesn't gamble. Wrong!

I didn't argue that Science doesn't change... where in the hell do you people get this stuff when I'm not posting anything close to what you're claiming? It's mind blowing! I am often the one reminding Atheists that Science has drawn NO conclusions on anything... it's still possible for Science to one day unlock the mysteries of human spiritual connection and spiritual nature. In some ways, it may already be doing this... quantum entanglement, for example.
You misread my post, slow down hoss. Throttle down.
No. In fact you have made it clear that the threads you open are for the purpose of proselytizing you own religion of magical spirit realms.

And you've made it clear that you are a god-hating liberal hack who is going to filibuster any thread by any conservative on any topic at any time. I've never seen you make a coherent argument on any topic. I don't think you are all that bright, to be honest.
I pray, my mother might live a few more years. She dies hours later. Faith. Yeah. Is God TIME? Is god the X-axis? I don't know and I don't pray anymore. Shit happens. Randomness, the nemesis of Einstein.

Shit does happen, but it takes time to happen. That's the point of the OP. Does a "present time" exist or not? We have a perception of something after the fact. We cannot observe the moment of present time because physics has to (like shit) happen.

God, regardless of what God you believe in, is not there to give you stuff. You prayed your mother would live a few more years and she didn't, but that wasn't what God had planned. I personally don't believe in a God with humanistic attributes... i.e.; a God that cares, loves, hates, wants, desires, spites, whatever. Those are human attributes... things humans do. God is omnipotent and omniscient. If God wanted anything, that's how it would be and we wouldn't have any control over it.
No. In fact you have made it clear that the threads you open are for the purpose of proselytizing you own religion of magical spirit realms.

And you've made it clear that you are a god-hating liberal hack who is going to filibuster any thread by any conservative on any topic at any time. I've never seen you make a coherent argument on any topic. I don't think you are all that bright, to be honest.

You're getting angry and emotive. You tend to do that when its pointed out that your posts are one long infomercial as proselytizing for your homemade religion of magical Spirit realms.

I have no reason to hate your gawds or anyone else's gawds. What you find infuriating is that your proselytizing, shrouded under a burqa of pseudo-science and carelessly configured "philosophical" Stuttering and mumbling, is so easily dismantled.
Please link to in context quotes from me, you lying scum POS.

Well I will begin with the most recent post where you extracted certain words I said out of context to make an invalid point. I said that we cannot observe the present, we can only observe a perception of it in the past. You dropped "perception" and tried to lie and claim I said we could observe the present. So apparently you think "perception" after the fact is the same thing as directly observing something. You even tried to make that very argument about present time and our observing it in the past.

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