God never sanctioned religion.

Matthew 16:18 pretty much destroys that
And I tell you that you are Peter, "and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it".

- and the gates of hell will not overcome it"

- if the above were true there would not have been a need to be crucified ...

the religion of the Almighty is the parable of Noah, The Triumph of Good vs Evil - to its conclusion.


Noah is a verbal reference from Antiquity, no scriptural bible necessary - K and embellished world wide as the same singular event among all societies, being generically the same.


Matthew 16:18 pretty much destroys that
And I tell you that you are Peter, "and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it".

- and the gates of hell will not overcome it"

- if the above were true there would not have been a need to be crucified ...

the religion of the Almighty is the parable of Noah, The Triumph of Good vs Evil - to its conclusion.


Noah is a verbal reference from Antiquity, no scriptural bible necessary - K and embellished world wide as the same singular event among all societies, being generically the same.



That's nice but it's your opinion, everyone has one
"So I want to take a real look at God and religion."

In which case you’ll need to acknowledge the fact that ‘god’ doesn’t exist as perceived by theists, that religion and ‘god’ are creations of man.

Consequently, the premise of your thread is in essence correct: that religion came first, and later the invention of ‘deities’ and ‘gods’ – and finally ‘a god’ when religion and government were conjoined in an effort to realize total political power.
"So I want to take a real look at God and religion."

In which case you’ll need to acknowledge the fact that ‘god’ doesn’t exist as perceived by theists, that religion and ‘god’ are creations of man.

Consequently, the premise of your thread is in essence correct: that religion came first, and later the invention of ‘deities’ and ‘gods’ – and finally ‘a god’ when religion and government were conjoined in an effort to realize total political power.

You're nuts, Jones.
When we consider God and religion, there is an interesting side of God that should be noted. Isaiah 40:17, " All nations before him are as nothing; they are counted to him as less than nothing and meaningless."
This is how God feels about religion.
Matthew 16:18 pretty much destroys that
And I tell you that you are Peter, "and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it".

- and the gates of hell will not overcome it"

- if the above were true there would not have been a need to be crucified ...

the religion of the Almighty is the parable of Noah, The Triumph of Good vs Evil - to its conclusion.


Noah is a verbal reference from Antiquity, no scriptural bible necessary - K and embellished world wide as the same singular event among all societies, being generically the same.



That's nice but it's your opinion, everyone has one

That's nice but it's your opinion, everyone has one
so much for the evidence the biblicist say prove the flood occurred and is in the writings of multiple societies ... a reference greater than yours.

Noah is the reference used for the final Judgement of humanity as a collective the outcome for an individual's opinion is not considered.

Again in Dan.4:35, " And ALL the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing." Interesting that a side of God considers man as " Less than nothing." And in my view, that is how God really feels about our opinions. Our religious views are meaningless to him. He does not even count them.

God has other things on his mind.

I think it would be quite something to know him.
All this talk about religion, in my studies, God never endorsed , nowhere that I have seen. God never choose a religion. One time in scripture he choose a people; Israel. But he did not choose their religion. Jesus never endorsed a religion, none that I know of. In fact, from what I see, God uses religion moreso to confuse people, not to lead them to him. Religion does not represent God; I mean they think they do; they try to, but its not the will of God for religion to speak for him.

God never sanctioned religion.

Religion has been used by satan to deceive a whole world, Rev. 12:9. What better way to deceive people is it? If the people think God has something to do with it, they will follow blindly, like sheep. Religion is the great Trojan horse that was implanted in humanity, and has imploded.

You think satan can deceive a whole world, and the great God not be aware of it? Or have nothing to do with it? Nothing can happen, that God does not want to happen. If something happened that God did not want to happen, then that something would be stronger than God. Religion is what it is and has been and will be; man's best effort to reach God. Religion proves what men will do when THEY are in power.

Religion is a very powerful seduction, it can seduce a human's mind in all kinds of various ways; and the human can mean well, but religion can lead them away from the real truth of God. Because religion " Mask's itself as God." satan is the god of this world, largely through his masterful use of religion. The seduction of the religious mind has been stunning in history. Science used to be a part of religion, but science grew tired of " Church regulated science", they rebelled and that started the great scientific revolution. Religion wanted to dictate the terms of the very stars themselves, and science saw things differently. But that started a great war, religion was seen as the savior of the people, and science wanted that title. I think God most certainly had a hand in this great battle; still does.

God is really using religion as a bad example, mixed with some good; and what does that define? Well it perfectly describes the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; both differing fruit, different dynamics, growing in the same tree, occurring in the same society.

So I want to take a real look at God and religion.

The laws, the requirements of the temple, which tribe/family would be high priest, how to handle the arc, what safety requirements the priest must take.....
God is supposed to have made a covenant with Abraham and children of Israel

Religions evolve.
All this talk about religion, in my studies, God never endorsed , nowhere that I have seen. God never choose a religion. One time in scripture he choose a people; Israel. But he did not choose their religion. Jesus never endorsed a religion, none that I know of. In fact, from what I see, God uses religion moreso to confuse people, not to lead them to him. Religion does not represent God; I mean they think they do; they try to, but its not the will of God for religion to speak for him.

God never sanctioned religion.

Religion has been used by satan to deceive a whole world, Rev. 12:9. What better way to deceive people is it? If the people think God has something to do with it, they will follow blindly, like sheep. Religion is the great Trojan horse that was implanted in humanity, and has imploded.

You think satan can deceive a whole world, and the great God not be aware of it? Or have nothing to do with it? Nothing can happen, that God does not want to happen. If something happened that God did not want to happen, then that something would be stronger than God. Religion is what it is and has been and will be; man's best effort to reach God. Religion proves what men will do when THEY are in power.

Religion is a very powerful seduction, it can seduce a human's mind in all kinds of various ways; and the human can mean well, but religion can lead them away from the real truth of God. Because religion " Mask's itself as God." satan is the god of this world, largely through his masterful use of religion. The seduction of the religious mind has been stunning in history. Science used to be a part of religion, but science grew tired of " Church regulated science", they rebelled and that started the great scientific revolution. Religion wanted to dictate the terms of the very stars themselves, and science saw things differently. But that started a great war, religion was seen as the savior of the people, and science wanted that title. I think God most certainly had a hand in this great battle; still does.

God is really using religion as a bad example, mixed with some good; and what does that define? Well it perfectly describes the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; both differing fruit, different dynamics, growing in the same tree, occurring in the same society.

So I want to take a real look at God and religion.

The laws, the requirements of the temple, which tribe/family would be high priest, how to handle the arc, what safety requirements the priest must take.....
God is supposed to have made a covenant with Abraham and children of Israel

Religions evolve.

Religions do evolve, but they never evolved in the bible; I think the term religion is mentioned 6 times in the bible, and religion is never stressed by the bible, because it was never stressed by God or Christ.
Matthew 16:18 pretty much destroys that
And I tell you that you are Peter, "and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it".

- and the gates of hell will not overcome it"

- if the above were true there would not have been a need to be crucified ...

the religion of the Almighty is the parable of Noah, The Triumph of Good vs Evil - to its conclusion.


Noah is a verbal reference from Antiquity, no scriptural bible necessary - K and embellished world wide as the same singular event among all societies, being generically the same.



That's nice but it's your opinion, everyone has one

That's nice but it's your opinion, everyone has one
so much for the evidence the biblicist say prove the flood occurred and is in the writings of multiple societies ... a reference greater than yours.

Noah is the reference used for the final Judgement of humanity as a collective the outcome for an individual's opinion is not considered.


Flood when the bosporus broke due to ice cap melts

- and the gates of hell will not overcome it"

- if the above were true there would not have been a need to be crucified ...

the religion of the Almighty is the parable of Noah, The Triumph of Good vs Evil - to its conclusion.


Noah is a verbal reference from Antiquity, no scriptural bible necessary - K and embellished world wide as the same singular event among all societies, being generically the same.



That's nice but it's your opinion, everyone has one

That's nice but it's your opinion, everyone has one
so much for the evidence the biblicist say prove the flood occurred and is in the writings of multiple societies ... a reference greater than yours.

Noah is the reference used for the final Judgement of humanity as a collective the outcome for an individual's opinion is not considered.


Flood when the bosporus broke due to ice cap melts
Flood when the bosporus broke due to ice cap melts

could be and where Noah lived it was also necessary to rain 40 days and 40 nights to get all the ones the Almighty had no more time for - the Bosporus area must have been a kinder place to live.

Noah is a verbal reference from Antiquity, no scriptural bible necessary - K and embellished world wide as the same singular event among all societies, being generically the same.



That's nice but it's your opinion, everyone has one

That's nice but it's your opinion, everyone has one
so much for the evidence the biblicist say prove the flood occurred and is in the writings of multiple societies ... a reference greater than yours.

Noah is the reference used for the final Judgement of humanity as a collective the outcome for an individual's opinion is not considered.


Flood when the bosporus broke due to ice cap melts
Flood when the bosporus broke due to ice cap melts

could be and where Noah lived it was also necessary to rain 40 days and 40 nights to get all the ones the Almighty had no more time for - the Bosporus area must have been a kinder place to live.


Villages and shore lines have been found deep in the Black sea. Must have seemed like the end of the earth to those who lived there. Everything they knew was below water. It might well have seemed like the whole earth was flooded.

There are histories of floods in most cultures but they don't all date from the same time line.
In my view, the flood was not global, it only flooded where there were populations of humans. Why would God flood millions of miles of empty land where no people lived? For what? That would make no sense, and God has sense.
God never sanctioned religion.

It might well have seemed like the whole earth was flooded.

In my view, the flood was not global

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

the above may not be a sanctioning of religion but certainly is a sanction by someone to place humanity above all else on Earth that is nowhere verified than in (their) writings / scriptures and is contrary to the natural environment of Garden Earth - humanity was not Earth's original inhabitants, for one ... and so the biblicist and their writings are unaccountable.

however of those scriptures there are elements of the authentic religion passed down from the first realization, Antiquity and to the present tense of Creation, the Almighty.

the verbal accounting of Noah is authentic from the Almighty as a statement of religion if nothing else - when the last of one or the other, The Triumph of Good vs Evil perishes those who remain will be the final Judgement for mankind, to flourish or perish forever is the parable.

so as long as a single person remains contrary to the rest the Final Judgement can not occur - as the Almighty has proclaimed not to intervene ever again.

Again, Religion is mans effort to reach and explain God, revelation is God reaching man. Religion is man made, spirituality is God made.There is no such thing as authentic religion from God.
There is no such thing as authentic religion from God.

the verbal accounting of Noah is authentic from the Almighty as a statement of religion if nothing else

... well, basically the game plan for the Spirit is to accomplish Admission to the Everlasting from whence it came before the physiology it relies on to survive in Garden Earth expires - to do so from Antiquity a parable is given to triumph in a manner to do so and that an Almighty awaits to give judgement to the undertaking before the Spirit is finally set free.

- you may call it whatever pleases your fancy.

- what I am saying is you may not say Jesus, biblicist is required to accomplish the admission.

There is no such thing as authentic religion from God.

the verbal accounting of Noah is authentic from the Almighty as a statement of religion if nothing else

... well, basically the game plan for the Spirit is to accomplish Admission to the Everlasting from whence it came before the physiology it relies on to survive in Garden Earth expires - to do so from Antiquity a parable is given to triumph in a manner to do so and that an Almighty awaits to give judgement to the undertaking before the Spirit is finally set free.

- you may call it whatever pleases your fancy.

- what I am saying is you may not say Jesus, biblicist is required to accomplish the admission.


I sure would not call it religion.
Religions love to believe that they are " The chosen ones";

I personally don't think God has chosen anyone in this age.

I kind of wonder if he will.

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