God's presence? Yeah... I can't see any other potential explanation for it.

Hollie said:
You should take away from that a failure of your argument.

Hollie said:
Sadly, you're having issues with arranging written words into coherent sentences.

I see... .

Incoherent rambling.


Any thing else?

Review your earlier comments.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
You're what, 12 years old?
Hollie said:
You should take away from that a failure of your argument.

Hollie said:
Sadly, you're having issues with arranging written words into coherent sentences.

I see... .

Incoherent rambling.


Any thing else?

Review your earlier comments.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
You're what, 12 years old?

OH! Looky there... a follow up concession.

Noted and accepted.
Hey, look at what I found in my toast this morning.


It's a miracle!

"God's presence? Yeah... I can't see any other potential explanation for it."

That's good enough for me! Where do I sign up to be a Christian?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You're there... sign up.

Now with that said... you seem determined to advance some vacuous implications. Yet you clearly also need to imply that you're a person of considerable intellectual means.

The problem is that a person of such means, would set forth a valid point, not a feckless implication, set upon a lame sarcastic point.

HMmmm... Now what should we make of THAT?

Your concession is duly noted, sis.
Hey, look at what I found in my toast this morning.


It's a miracle!

"God's presence? Yeah... I can't see any other potential explanation for it."

That's good enough for me! Where do I sign up to be a Christian?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You're there... sign up.

Now with that said... you seem determined to advance some vacuous implications. Yet you clearly also need to imply that you're a person of considerable intellectual means.

The problem is that a person of such means, would set forth a valid point, not a feckless implication, set upon a lame sarcastic point.

HMmmm... Now what should we make of THAT?
Someone...I'm not sure who said recently that atheists want to believe or at the least want YOU to believe that they are in fact gods. Well ...I think THAT is a silly idea but at least I am more real than the one in your bible.

Now...as far as who is more intelligent...??? It is difficult for me to concede superiority to anyone that believes in the nonsense of the Christian, Jewish or Muslim scriptures.. even more wildly so when it comes to the Morman gobbly gook. I am more inclined to credit the "smart" religists as being "smart" enough to use these fairy tales as an advantage in dealing with those more clearly impeded by their lack of intelligence. In short...they are crooks that use the gulibility of others to their own advantage.

Up here in Seattle we recently had a church of rabid "believers" only to find out the truth that their leader was a criminal or at least a fraud. To me they are one in the same. The Mars Hill church disbanded.

The rise and fall of Mars Hill Church Local News The Seattle Times
Someone...I'm not sure who said recently that atheists want to believe or at the least want YOU to believe that they are in fact gods.

Yeah... not the least of those who say that, is me.

Well ...I think THAT is a silly idea but at least I am more real than the one in your bible.

So you're saying that you hold yourself superior to the God of the Bible? And this even as you deny that you feel yourself superior to God, thus that you, ARE GOD... ?

Well, now isn't THAT precious?


Folks, you can NOT make this crap up.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Someone...I'm not sure who said recently that atheists want to believe or at the least want YOU to believe that they are in fact gods.

Yeah... not the least of those who say that, is me.

Well ...I think THAT is a silly idea but at least I am more real than the one in your bible.

So you're saying that you hold yourself superior to the God of the Bible? And this even as you deny that you feel yourself superior to God, thus that you, ARE GOD... ?

Well, now isn't THAT precious?


Folks, you can NOT make this crap up.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

And to think you take these great leaps without a net... :lol:

I don't believe I am superior to what YOU believe this god has for powers.

Nor do I believe I am equal to the comic book version of Super Man. Neither am I as generous as the accepted Santa Claus being. I doubt if I was a rabbit I could lay eggs either. Fortunately I reside in reality and am not compelled to match skill sets with your imaginary fairies and other worldly creatures.
How weak must your faith be that you try to find validation in a random cloud formation?
I believe these images must mean that blind people cannot go to heaven. Clearly if Jesus intended to reach out to the blind he wouldn't have made these visual clues to his holy existance. If Jesus and god had a comfy spot in heaven for the blind there would be auditory examples of Jesus's voice and God's voice instead of these examples showing a preference for humans that can see. But then we would have the same problem with the deaf..

I do have a problem with the cross on the Colorado mountain though. Obviously the snow has been forming on that mountain face for millions of years. What does THAT mean??? Was there a Jesus millions of years ago??? A Jesus before his time??? Did Jesus show up too early only to find that there were no stupid white people in Colorado??? Did Jesus make it over to where Lucy was hanging out in East Africa only to discover that mankind looked more like Chimps after he changed the face of the Colorado Mountain millions of years ago???

If Jesus showed up a few million years ago in East Africa with little crosses that might explain why Chimps take little sticks and poke them into worm holes in trees to get the tasty grubs. Has anyone EVER thought of THAT????

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