"God's Will Is Of No Concern Of This Congress!" - D-Nadler Denounces / Rejects God On Floor of Congress

There are no god given rights, the rights we have imperfect rights made by the republicans ,only their rights are approved for everyone.
Thomas Jefferson and the liberal Age of Reason disagree with your fascistic nonsense.
Man's natural state is to be free. It's only the evil of tyrannical governments and tribes that oppose that
Those God-given rights? Those come from men and institutions. Leave God out of it | Lloyd Sheaffer

The prologue makes no mention of God or Creator or Supreme Being; in fact, the word God does not appear anywhere in the document—in no article, in no amendment, nowhere. It is We the People of the United States who confer the rights and privileges and responsibilities under which our citizenry lives.
“Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person,” although I am doubtful that security of person, which means self-protection, includes the necessity of wielding an AT-4 anti-tank weapon and two pistols while ordering a ham on nine-grain bread with tomatoes, Swiss cheese, and mayo sandwich at a Subway.

Those God-given rights? Those come from men and institutions. Leave God out of it | Lloyd Sheaffer | Pennsylvania Capital-Star (penncapital-star.com)
Who in the hell is Lloyd Sheaffer?

Before tagging me with the godless-secular-humanist badge and pinning it on me and my ideas, let me share some of my bona fides. I consider myself a person of faith, having been actively involved in church and other religious groups for my entire 72 years.

I have been teaching Christian education and biblical studies since I was 16. I have served in leadership and other capacities at the local, synodical, and national church levels. I have studied at a nearby Lutheran seminary. Most important, I make my personal and political decisions based upon the tenets of my Christian faith. I strive to live an evangelical—that is, spreading the Good News of the Gospel—lifestyle.

Now back to the matter at hand.

Those God-given rights? Those come from men and institutions. Leave God out of it | Lloyd Sheaffer | Pennsylvania Capital-Star (penncapital-star.com)
There are no god given rights, the rights we have imperfect rights made by the republicans ,only their rights are approved for everyone.
Thomas Jefferson and the liberal Age of Reason disagree with your fascistic nonsense.
Man's natural state is to be free. It's only the evil of tyrannical governments and tribes that oppose that
Those God-given rights? Those come from men and institutions. Leave God out of it | Lloyd Sheaffer

The prologue makes no mention of God or Creator or Supreme Being; in fact, the word God does not appear anywhere in the document—in no article, in no amendment, nowhere. It is We the People of the United States who confer the rights and privileges and responsibilities under which our citizenry lives.
“Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person,” although I am doubtful that security of person, which means self-protection, includes the necessity of wielding an AT-4 anti-tank weapon and two pistols while ordering a ham on nine-grain bread with tomatoes, Swiss cheese, and mayo sandwich at a Subway.

Those God-given rights? Those come from men and institutions. Leave God out of it | Lloyd Sheaffer | Pennsylvania Capital-Star (penncapital-star.com)
Who in the hell is Lloyd Sheaffer?

Before tagging me with the godless-secular-humanist badge and pinning it on me and my ideas, let me share some of my bona fides. I consider myself a person of faith, having been actively involved in church and other religious groups for my entire 72 years.

I have been teaching Christian education and biblical studies since I was 16. I have served in leadership and other capacities at the local, synodical, and national church levels. I have studied at a nearby Lutheran seminary. Most important, I make my personal and political decisions based upon the tenets of my Christian faith. I strive to live an evangelical—that is, spreading the Good News of the Gospel—lifestyle.

Now back to the matter at hand.

Those God-given rights? Those come from men and institutions. Leave God out of it | Lloyd Sheaffer | Pennsylvania Capital-Star (penncapital-star.com)
Is that supposed to impress me? The devil quoted Scripture to jesus. Jesus warned us about wolves in sheep's clothing. I see you, Mr. Demon.
There are zero references to abortion in the bible. The one time losing a baby is even mentioned, the bible passage treats the fetus, not as a human life earning the "eye for an eye" thing, but as property to be recompensed for.

There is zero reference to abortion in the new testament.

The old testament does. In fact, it gives instructions on how to perform an abortion.

Read Numbers 15:11 through 15:31.
There are zero references to abortion in the bible. The one time losing a baby is even mentioned, the bible passage treats the fetus, not as a human life earning the "eye for an eye" thing, but as property to be recompensed for.
There is the ordeal of bitter water, where priest can cause miscarriage.
So if the woman has sinned, no baby for her.
There are zero references to abortion in the bible. The one time losing a baby is even mentioned, the bible passage treats the fetus, not as a human life earning the "eye for an eye" thing, but as property to be recompensed for.

There is zero reference to abortion in the new testament.

The old testament does. In fact, it gives instructions on how to perform an abortion.

Read Numbers 15:11 through 15:31.
Nothing there condoning abortion. You're insane.
Which God should they use?
Well it is not Allah and it is not Yahweh so you figure it out and I will give you a hint. The population of the US is 70.6% Christian
What percent are real Christians? 30%

For example if us is 70% Christian that means a lot of Christians are getting abortions. Are pro choice people real Christians?
No. Most Americans are CINOS
Just like the 70% of Muslims who wouldnt kill you themselves are Muslim In Name Only, or CULTURAL Muslims

Still, the country is a better place if we are CINOs, than ruled by Muslins
Well it is not Allah and it is not Yahweh so you figure it out and I will give you a hint
I didn’t know the country was taking votes on which god was the correct one.

Watch out, you let religion control government, then government will control religion.

That is a recent progressive ideology. When Washington accepted the position of President, he and those who elected him spent the rest of the day in a church nearby, asking God for His blessing, favor, and direction.
The separation of church and state was to keep the state out of the church, not the other way around, obviously:

Are you telling me they all broke their own rules right off the bat?

They knew something Nadler doesn't:
Not all Satanists worship Satan or any other deity. They are athiests.
Did you even think that through before you posted it?
Educate yourself or remain ignorant, fool.

Anton LaVey | Biography, Books, & Facts | Britannica

"LaVey presented Satanism not as the practice of evil or as the worship of an actual Antichrist but as a kind of ethical egoism. According to LaVey, traditional religions were fundamentally hypocritical and dangerously inhibited the physical tendencies and emotional needs that were vital to human life. He claimed that his brand of Satanism was inspired by his having noticed as a teenager that the men he saw at church on Sunday, praying to God for absolution, were the same ones he had seen at burlesque shows on Saturday night.LaVey’s Satanism was in fact atheistic: the opposition between God and Satan represented for him the struggle between hypocrisy and repression on the one hand and indulgence and liberation on the other."
What Nadler actually said...

"Mr. Steube, what any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress,"

It appears that science is of no concern to the godless commies in congress either. No matter what drugs you take or how many mutilation surgeries you have, genetically, you will remain male or female. That's a scientific fact.


They are following science.

Male, female and transgender brains
“The male and female brain have structural differences,” he says. Men and women tend to have different volumes in certain areas of the brain.​
“When we look at the transgender brain, we see that the brain resembles the gender that the person identifies as,” Dr. Altinay says. For example, a person who is born with a penis but ends up identifying as a female often actually has some of the structural characteristics of a “female” brain.​
And the brain similarities aren’t only structural.​
“We’re also finding some functional similarities between the transgender brain and its identified gender,” Dr. Altinay says.​
In studies that use MRIs to take images of the brain as people perform tasks, the brain activity of transgender people tends to look like that of the gender they identify with.​
“Research in these areas is extremely limited, and more research needs to be done to find conclusive results,” Dr. Altinay notes. “But we’re already seeing definite trends.”​
Though these differences in brain structure and function are important markers for gender determination, it isn’t always as simple as male or female.​
Some research shows the brains of transgender people are somewhere in between, sharing characteristics of both male and female brains, Dr. Altinay says.​
This is consistent with the growing understanding that gender exists on a spectrum, with people identifying not only as male or female but also as genderqueer, genderfluid or nonbinary. These terms refer to gender identities that incorporate a variety of gender characteristics.

I will add that there is a hormone wash that goes over the brain of the fetus twice in the gestation process.

If the fetus is female an estrogen wash is supposed to happen twice.

If it's a male fetus a testosterone wash is supposed to happen twice.

If that wash doesn't happen both times or the wrong hormone is washed, I wouldn't be surprised that the result is what is found in the scans of transexual and homosexual brains.

It's not a choice. They are born that way.

Even if it was a choice, which it isn't, that is no reason to discriminate against them.
Well it is not Allah and it is not Yahweh so you figure it out and I will give you a hint
I didn’t know the country was taking votes on which god was the correct one.

Watch out, you let religion control government, then government will control religion.
Let religion control government, and citizens will lose their rights and protected liberties.


All people have to do is look at the many nations that allow religion to control government.
Well it is not Allah and it is not Yahweh so you figure it out and I will give you a hint
I didn’t know the country was taking votes on which god was the correct one.

Watch out, you let religion control government, then government will control religion.
Let religion control government, and citizens will lose their rights and protected liberties.


All people have to do is look at the many nations that allow religion to control government.
Such as?
Which God should they use?

Islam? Judaism? Christianity? Oh, right...they are one and the same.

No, there is only one God.
What did this god do before the Big Bang? Do you think this is his first or only universe?

I have no idea and neither do you.
If a god exists he must have existed before 13.8 billion years ago right?
Interesting question. Did he create the light immediately, or did He wait those millions of years for light of distant galaxies to reach the earth
Religious people wish they could rewrite the Bible.

In the beginning there was darkness then light and god spread his seed and 12 billion years later life took hold on earth and man would evolve out of the soup.

But they couldn’t grasp Darwin back then. So they imagine god poofed land creatures onto earth. Poof giraffe. poof zebra. Poof humans.

They didn’t even think Adam and Eve through. So their kids had babies? If ancient religions could write it now they’d say god poofed men into existence not man.

If the Adam and Eve story is true, all of humanity started from incest.

If the story about Noah and the Ark is true, all of humanity restarted from incest.

If the story about the garden of eden, Adam and Eve and the snake are true, who developed a language? When did a snake have a tongue developed enough to speak a language? Who taught that language to the snake or Adam and Eve? What language was it?

All a person has to do is ask some simple logical questions and bible stories fall apart.
Which God should they use?

Islam? Judaism? Christianity? Oh, right...they are one and the same.

No, there is only one God.
What did this god do before the Big Bang? Do you think this is his first or only universe?

I have no idea and neither do you.
If a god exists he must have existed before 13.8 billion years ago right?
Interesting question. Did he create the light immediately, or did He wait those millions of years for light of distant galaxies to reach the earth
Religious people wish they could rewrite the Bible.

In the beginning there was darkness then light and god spread his seed and 12 billion years later life took hold on earth and man would evolve out of the soup.

But they couldn’t grasp Darwin back then. So they imagine god poofed land creatures onto earth. Poof giraffe. poof zebra. Poof humans.

They didn’t even think Adam and Eve through. So their kids had babies? If ancient religions could write it now they’d say god poofed men into existence not man.

If the Adam and Eve story is true, all of humanity started from incest.

If the story about Noah and the Ark is true, all of humanity restarted from incest.

If the story about the garden of eden, Adam and Eve and the snake are true, who developed a language? When did a snake have a tongue developed enough to speak a language? Who taught that language to the snake or Adam and Eve? What language was it?

All a person has to do is ask some simple logical questions and bible stories fall apart.
Where did Adam and Eve's sons Cain and Able find their wives?
Which God should they use?

Islam? Judaism? Christianity? Oh, right...they are one and the same.

No, there is only one God.
What did this god do before the Big Bang? Do you think this is his first or only universe?

I have no idea and neither do you.
If a god exists he must have existed before 13.8 billion years ago right?
Interesting question. Did he create the light immediately, or did He wait those millions of years for light of distant galaxies to reach the earth
Religious people wish they could rewrite the Bible.

In the beginning there was darkness then light and god spread his seed and 12 billion years later life took hold on earth and man would evolve out of the soup.

But they couldn’t grasp Darwin back then. So they imagine god poofed land creatures onto earth. Poof giraffe. poof zebra. Poof humans.

They didn’t even think Adam and Eve through. So their kids had babies? If ancient religions could write it now they’d say god poofed men into existence not man.

If the Adam and Eve story is true, all of humanity started from incest.

If the story about Noah and the Ark is true, all of humanity restarted from incest.

If the story about the garden of eden, Adam and Eve and the snake are true, who developed a language? When did a snake have a tongue developed enough to speak a language? Who taught that language to the snake or Adam and Eve? What language was it?

All a person has to do is ask some simple logical questions and bible stories fall apart.
You believe a man can become a woman and a woman can become a man. I don't see any problem.
I have been teaching Christian education and biblical studies since I was 16. I have served in leadership and other capacities at the local, synodical, and national church levels. I have studied at a nearby Lutheran seminary. Most important, I make my personal and political decisions based upon the tenets of my Christian faith. I strive to live an evangelical—that is, spreading the Good News of the Gospel—lifestyle
You say a lot of words, but you never say. "I follow Jesus Christ as best as I understand His will."

God couldnt care less about YOUR church.
Do you FOLLOW Christ, and are you actually willing to CHANGE, or do you stubbornly hold on to YOUR will over God's?

I already know the answer. I dont think you are honest with yourself.
What Nadler actually said...

"Mr. Steube, what any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress,"

It appears that science is of no concern to the godless commies in congress either. No matter what drugs you take or how many mutilation surgeries you have, genetically, you will remain male or female. That's a scientific fact.


They are following science.

Male, female and transgender brains
“The male and female brain have structural differences,” he says. Men and women tend to have different volumes in certain areas of the brain.​
“When we look at the transgender brain, we see that the brain resembles the gender that the person identifies as,” Dr. Altinay says. For example, a person who is born with a penis but ends up identifying as a female often actually has some of the structural characteristics of a “female” brain.​
And the brain similarities aren’t only structural.​
“We’re also finding some functional similarities between the transgender brain and its identified gender,” Dr. Altinay says.​
In studies that use MRIs to take images of the brain as people perform tasks, the brain activity of transgender people tends to look like that of the gender they identify with.​
“Research in these areas is extremely limited, and more research needs to be done to find conclusive results,” Dr. Altinay notes. “But we’re already seeing definite trends.”​
Though these differences in brain structure and function are important markers for gender determination, it isn’t always as simple as male or female.​
Some research shows the brains of transgender people are somewhere in between, sharing characteristics of both male and female brains, Dr. Altinay says.​
This is consistent with the growing understanding that gender exists on a spectrum, with people identifying not only as male or female but also as genderqueer, genderfluid or nonbinary. These terms refer to gender identities that incorporate a variety of gender characteristics.

BLAH, blah, blah. Not conclusive, more research needed, yet you spew it as scientific fact. You're a liar.


And yet it is far more science and fact than you have. All you have is your feelings.

Yeah, they've described similar difference in the brains of creative people such as artist and actors and logical people such as engineers and scientist. They've also proven that any gender doubts usually resolve themselves by age 16. You commies will invent anything to justify your perversions and ideology. Sane people ain't buying your bullshit.


There is no such thing as "gender doubt". "Sane" people follow the actual science not how they feel about it. You aren't following the science. Guess that makes you not sane.

You're either male or female, xx or xy. Thats science.

Have you ever read the science. They find a lot of people who are xxy or xyy.

Yeah, most of the males have speech or motor skill issues.
You are speakin' of Mutants. Trans are just mentally ill. ANYONE who goes in for self mutilation is sick. Take Michael Jackson. He tried to become a White Girl. What a freak.
What Nadler actually said...

"Mr. Steube, what any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress,"

It appears that science is of no concern to the godless commies in congress either. No matter what drugs you take or how many mutilation surgeries you have, genetically, you will remain male or female. That's a scientific fact.


They are following science.

Male, female and transgender brains
“The male and female brain have structural differences,” he says. Men and women tend to have different volumes in certain areas of the brain.​
“When we look at the transgender brain, we see that the brain resembles the gender that the person identifies as,” Dr. Altinay says. For example, a person who is born with a penis but ends up identifying as a female often actually has some of the structural characteristics of a “female” brain.​
And the brain similarities aren’t only structural.​
“We’re also finding some functional similarities between the transgender brain and its identified gender,” Dr. Altinay says.​
In studies that use MRIs to take images of the brain as people perform tasks, the brain activity of transgender people tends to look like that of the gender they identify with.​
“Research in these areas is extremely limited, and more research needs to be done to find conclusive results,” Dr. Altinay notes. “But we’re already seeing definite trends.”​
Though these differences in brain structure and function are important markers for gender determination, it isn’t always as simple as male or female.​
Some research shows the brains of transgender people are somewhere in between, sharing characteristics of both male and female brains, Dr. Altinay says.​
This is consistent with the growing understanding that gender exists on a spectrum, with people identifying not only as male or female but also as genderqueer, genderfluid or nonbinary. These terms refer to gender identities that incorporate a variety of gender characteristics.

BLAH, blah, blah. Not conclusive, more research needed, yet you spew it as scientific fact. You're a liar.


And yet it is far more science and fact than you have. All you have is your feelings.

Yeah, they've described similar difference in the brains of creative people such as artist and actors and logical people such as engineers and scientist. They've also proven that any gender doubts usually resolve themselves by age 16. You commies will invent anything to justify your perversions and ideology. Sane people ain't buying your bullshit.


There is no such thing as "gender doubt". "Sane" people follow the actual science not how they feel about it. You aren't following the science. Guess that makes you not sane.

You're either male or female, xx or xy. Thats science.

Have you ever read the science. They find a lot of people who are xxy or xyy.

Yeah, most of the males have speech or motor skill issues.
You are speakin' of Mutants. Trans are just mentally ill. ANYONE who goes in for self mutilation is sick. Take Michael Jackson. He tried to become a White Girl. What a freak.

No they're not. As previously posted, being transgendered is a physiological phenomenon, which as many as 0.5% of Americans experience. That's 1.5 million people. That means it's NOT a mental illness, but rather a physical manifestation of their biology.

Yes, being transgendered really fucks with your head, but to say it's a mental illness, after previously acknowledging that there are people who have a different arrangement of their male and female chromosomes than the rest of us.

There was a recent sighting of a very rare cardinal which is half male and half female. It's has the bright red male plummage on one side, the the dull tan female plummage on the other. Is the bird mentally ill?

You claim that all of the children are created by God, and that God doesn't make mistakes, well God made gay and trans people too, but you reject them as "mentally ill" or "mutuants". And then you wonder why these people have higher rates of suicide and are asking for freedom from abuse and discrimination.
There are zero references to abortion in the bible. The one time losing a baby is even mentioned, the bible passage treats the fetus, not as a human life earning the "eye for an eye" thing, but as property to be recompensed for.

Wrong, this nation will pay for the 60 million abortions. Make no mistake.

Yes they just left them in the wilderness in ancient times to fend for themselves. Live infants.

Is that 60 million from 1972 and no govt. pays for them, are you anti the pill also?

What they did in baal sacrifice and leaving them in the woods to die is just as wrong then as it is now.

Down the rabbit hole, aren't you?

There is no diversion. You can't discern something that simple?
Those God-given rights? Those come from men and institutions. Leave God out of it | Lloyd Sheaffer
Those God-given rights? Those come from men and institutions. Leave God out of it | Lloyd Sheaffer | Pennsylvania Capital-Star (penncapital-star.com)

Man is fallible and imperfect and is incapable of bestowing life and liberty.

There are no god given rights, the rights we have imperfect rights made by the republicans ,only their rights are approved for everyone.

That makes no sense. This isn't an R vs D thing.
Which God should they use?

Islam? Judaism? Christianity? Oh, right...they are one and the same.

No, there is only one God.
What did this god do before the Big Bang? Do you think this is his first or only universe?

I have no idea and neither do you.
If a god exists he must have existed before 13.8 billion years ago right?
Interesting question. Did he create the light immediately, or did He wait those millions of years for light of distant galaxies to reach the earth
Religious people wish they could rewrite the Bible.

In the beginning there was darkness then light and god spread his seed and 12 billion years later life took hold on earth and man would evolve out of the soup.

But they couldn’t grasp Darwin back then. So they imagine god poofed land creatures onto earth. Poof giraffe. poof zebra. Poof humans.

They didn’t even think Adam and Eve through. So their kids had babies? If ancient religions could write it now they’d say god poofed men into existence not man.

If the Adam and Eve story is true, all of humanity started from incest.

If the story about Noah and the Ark is true, all of humanity restarted from incest.

If the story about the garden of eden, Adam and Eve and the snake are true, who developed a language? When did a snake have a tongue developed enough to speak a language? Who taught that language to the snake or Adam and Eve? What language was it?

All a person has to do is ask some simple logical questions and bible stories fall apart.

No they don't. Most people lived to around 950 years during the antediluvian times. There was no need for incest.

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