Going After Crumbs: Dems Push to Repeal Tax Cuts and Increase Taxes

Shocking news, I know.

On Wednesday, Senate Democrats launched an attack on the tax overhaul bill that President Trump signed into law in December, proposing raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, after the tax bill had lowered it from 35% to 21%; lowering the estate tax exemption from $11.2 back toward $5.6 million, where it had rested before the tax bill’s passage; and restoring the top individual tax rate to 39.6%, where it had been before the tax bill lowered it to 37%.

The GOP law passed in December in a totally partisan vote; no Democrat voted for it.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Democrats claimed their tax-raising proposals would generate more investment for infrastructure; Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, stated, “They are out scrounging around looking under the sofas trying to find some spare change in order to pay for our infrastructure. We are closing specific and major loopholes.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), indicated that the Democrats plan to use the tax plan as a cudgel against the GOP in the 2018 elections, gloating, “The contrast between tax cuts for the wealthiest people as opposed to middle-class jobs is one that we will forcefully advocate in the fall.”

THEY'RE AFTER YOUR MONEY AGAIN: Democrats Want To Repeal Parts Of Tax Bill, Raise Taxes

This tax cut exploded the deficit to $1T again - I thought you people hated trillion-dollar deficits...what gives?

Because the tax cut spikes the deficit to $1T again, that forces automatic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, which will start in January 2019. So everyone who uses one or both of those programs will see costs go up more than the amount they got in any tax cut.

100% of businesses got a tax cut, yet less than 3% of workers saw any kind of nominal benefit. According to NPR, only 6% of the tax cut went to workers while 58% went to dividends and shareholders.

Because you removed the individual mandate, health insurance premiums increased by an additional 10%, which negates any net increase to after-tax pay that this stupid tax cut may have provided to some, but not all, workers.

Most workers haven't seen or acknowledged a net increase in their take-home pay and the introduction of these tariffs will further negate any increase that may have appeared.
You're right.
Time to end all spending for Planned Parenthood, NPR, PBS, National Endowment of Arts and lay off half of all Federal employees and eliminate all retirement packages. They can put money in a 401K like normal Americans.

When you say half the Federal employees, that of course includes the military. They are Fed employees after all

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
why would we shrink our military, when the likes of you wish to take our country?

What exactly is “the likes of me”?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
this is just more evidence the left hates middle america.

Just more evidence the right hates our children and grandchildren

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
no explanation eh? how exactly? they claimed that when I was a kid. LOL.

And they passed the debt on to you and now you are saying “fuck that, keep passing it on, let our kids and grandkids figure it out”.

How self centered of you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I wanted to see social security stopped. people like the left complained and used it to stop the progress. One has to be willing to make changes, until that happens, you can have everyone's money and it won't balance the sheets. so, what is it you want exactly?

Simple solution. Make it mandatory the budget for the next FY is approved by April or we default to the previous year. Once it is approved adjust the tax rates for everyone until the spending is covered and there is no deficit.

Do this once and I bet the backlash would get our elected officials motived to control spending

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Shocking news, I know.

On Wednesday, Senate Democrats launched an attack on the tax overhaul bill that President Trump signed into law in December, proposing raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, after the tax bill had lowered it from 35% to 21%; lowering the estate tax exemption from $11.2 back toward $5.6 million, where it had rested before the tax bill’s passage; and restoring the top individual tax rate to 39.6%, where it had been before the tax bill lowered it to 37%.

The GOP law passed in December in a totally partisan vote; no Democrat voted for it.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Democrats claimed their tax-raising proposals would generate more investment for infrastructure; Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, stated, “They are out scrounging around looking under the sofas trying to find some spare change in order to pay for our infrastructure. We are closing specific and major loopholes.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), indicated that the Democrats plan to use the tax plan as a cudgel against the GOP in the 2018 elections, gloating, “The contrast between tax cuts for the wealthiest people as opposed to middle-class jobs is one that we will forcefully advocate in the fall.”

THEY'RE AFTER YOUR MONEY AGAIN: Democrats Want To Repeal Parts Of Tax Bill, Raise Taxes

This tax cut exploded the deficit to $1T again - I thought you people hated trillion-dollar deficits...what gives?

Because the tax cut spikes the deficit to $1T again, that forces automatic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, which will start in January 2019. So everyone who uses one or both of those programs will see costs go up more than the amount they got in any tax cut.

100% of businesses got a tax cut, yet less than 3% of workers saw any kind of nominal benefit. According to NPR, only 6% of the tax cut went to workers while 58% went to dividends and shareholders.

Because you removed the individual mandate, health insurance premiums increased by an additional 10%, which negates any net increase to after-tax pay that this stupid tax cut may have provided to some, but not all, workers.

Most workers haven't seen or acknowledged a net increase in their take-home pay and the introduction of these tariffs will further negate any increase that may have appeared.
You're right.
Time to end all spending for Planned Parenthood, NPR, PBS, National Endowment of Arts and lay off half of all Federal employees and eliminate all retirement packages. They can put money in a 401K like normal Americans.

When you say half the Federal employees, that of course includes the military. They are Fed employees after all

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
why would we shrink our military, when the likes of you wish to take our country?

What exactly is “the likes of me”?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
well from the internet it means:

someone or something that is equal to or as important as the person or thing being mentioned:
this is just more evidence the left hates middle america.

Just more evidence the right hates our children and grandchildren

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
no explanation eh? how exactly? they claimed that when I was a kid. LOL.

And they passed the debt on to you and now you are saying “fuck that, keep passing it on, let our kids and grandkids figure it out”.

How self centered of you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I wanted to see social security stopped. people like the left complained and used it to stop the progress. One has to be willing to make changes, until that happens, you can have everyone's money and it won't balance the sheets. so, what is it you want exactly?

Simple solution. Make it mandatory the budget for the next FY is approved by April or we default to the previous year. Once it is approved adjust the tax rates for everyone until the spending is covered and there is no deficit.

Do this once and I bet the backlash would get our elected officials motived to control spending

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
how do you make it mandatory? why not give the president the right to delete items from a budget.
I wanted to see social security stopped. people like the left complained and used it to stop the progress. One has to be willing to make changes, until that happens, you can have everyone's money and it won't balance the sheets. so, what is it you want exactly?

So if you get rid of Social Security, with what are you replacing it?
how do you make it mandatory? why not give the president the right to delete items from a budget.

Because that's not the President's job.

If you knew anything about how our government worked, you wouldn't post such trash.
Shocking news, I know.

On Wednesday, Senate Democrats launched an attack on the tax overhaul bill that President Trump signed into law in December, proposing raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, after the tax bill had lowered it from 35% to 21%; lowering the estate tax exemption from $11.2 back toward $5.6 million, where it had rested before the tax bill’s passage; and restoring the top individual tax rate to 39.6%, where it had been before the tax bill lowered it to 37%.

The GOP law passed in December in a totally partisan vote; no Democrat voted for it.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Democrats claimed their tax-raising proposals would generate more investment for infrastructure; Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, stated, “They are out scrounging around looking under the sofas trying to find some spare change in order to pay for our infrastructure. We are closing specific and major loopholes.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), indicated that the Democrats plan to use the tax plan as a cudgel against the GOP in the 2018 elections, gloating, “The contrast between tax cuts for the wealthiest people as opposed to middle-class jobs is one that we will forcefully advocate in the fall.”

THEY'RE AFTER YOUR MONEY AGAIN: Democrats Want To Repeal Parts Of Tax Bill, Raise Taxes

The Daily Wire is an American conservative news and opinion website founded in 2015 by political commentator Ben Shapiro.[2] He currently serves as editor-in-chief;

In addition to its written content, the site produces The Ben Shapiro Show, which is the largest growing conservative podcast in America,[citation needed] The Michael Knowles Show, and The Andrew Klavan Show. The Ben Shapiro Show webcast predates The Daily Wire.
Time to end all spending for Planned Parenthood, NPR, PBS, National Endowment of Arts and lay off half of all Federal employees and eliminate all retirement packages. They can put money in a 401K like normal Americans.

Even if you cut all discretionary spending, you're still coming in with deficits higher than what Obama left behind. And on top of that, you're creating a recession because you removed the demand created by government spending and didn't replace it with anything. So you contract the economy.

That's why Conservative policy always fails; you don't know math.
Eliminating retirement packages of Federal desk jockeys alone would balance the budget. Time for them to put into a 401k like everyone else has to.

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