Going to Jail

This is stupid. Sometimes eating is illegal for a good reason.
Give me an example of when it is illegal to eat. . . with a link, please.

Hannibal Lecter.

View attachment 289485

I would argue that this in not a good example. In fact, in the corporate press around the world recently, they have been encouraging cannibalism.

No, in fact, it is only illegal to KILL humans, eating them is just fine by the standards of the establishment and the elites. Thus the Hannibal and Silence of the Lambs habituation.

Soylent Green - Wikipedia

Cannibalism is Common in the Animal Kingdom – Here's Why for Humans it's the Ultimate Taboo | Opinion
Cannibalism is common in the animal kingdom – here's why for humans it's the ultimate taboo | Opinion

Cannibalism is common in the animal kingdom – here's why for humans it's the ultimate taboo

Newsweek: Time to Rethink Taboo on Cannibalism?

Eat Me? Swedish Scientist Wants To Fight Climate Change With Cannibalism
I'm starting to change my mind. I think BOTH handled this wrong. The criminal sandwich eater knew he wasnt allowed to eat there


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