Goldman Sachs Leads Split With Obama, as GE Jilts Him Too


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
This can't be good for Obama. You zombie-like Obama ass sniffers better get a deep nostril full now....he may not be there in 88 days.

Four years ago, employees of New York-based Goldman gave three-fourths of their campaign donations to Democratic candidates and committees, including presidential nominee Barack Obama. This time, they’re showering 70 percent of their contributions on Republicans.
Dallas-based AT&T Inc. (T) employees, who divided their contributions evenly between the parties in 2008, are now giving almost two-thirds of them to Republicans.
Employees of General Electric Co. (GE) are giving 63 percent of their contributions to Republicans this year, almost a mirror image of their distribution in 2008 when Democrats received 66 percent of their donations.

Goldman Sachs Leads Split With Obama, as GE Jilts Him Too - Bloomberg
You Of course understand to a lefty the fact that these employees of Evil Cooperation's are supporting Republicans is Proof Obama needs to win right?

You Of course understand to a lefty the fact that these employees of Evil Cooperation's are supporting Republicans is Proof Obama needs to win right?


Yep. They just want Hope and Change !! Stop the Evil corporations and Banksters!! :lol:

Still, I don't think a sitting POTUS has ever been reelected without raising more $$$ than the challenger......
You Of course understand to a lefty the fact that these employees of Evil Cooperation's are supporting Republicans is Proof Obama needs to win right?


Still, I don't think a sitting POTUS has ever been reelected without raising more $$$ than the challenger......

I believe you are right, but with the Super Pacs now I think that could easily change.
Obama has learned how to leverage his campaign funds. It's working...
Obama has learned how to leverage his campaign funds. It's working...

What he has learned how to do is Campaign exactly like the Type of Dirty say anything dirt bag Politician he claimed he would not be.

Oh wait NM he always knew how to do that all along.
Obama has to fight fire with fire, so I don't care how dirty he gets.
Obama has learned how to leverage his campaign funds. It's working...

Not according to today's e-mail:

[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]The headlines are talking about how you and I got beat again by the other side in fundraising.

Those headlines aren't going away. I will be outspent in this election. And we will not win the ad wars on TV and radio -- right now, the other side is outspending us on TV by at least 2-to-1 in most battleground states.

And that's OK. But only if we're able to keep the spending gap close enough so that our investments in a truly grassroots campaign pay off.[/FONT]
Who needs em, when he wins he will not owe them a fucking thing.

Obama is in the drivers seat...If he wins well he wins.
If he loses it had nothing at all to do with his record.
It was racism...plain and simple because that can be the only reason
why a man who is really a god among man lost his Presidency.
Obama has learned how to leverage his campaign funds. It's working...

Not according to today's e-mail:

[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]The headlines are talking about how you and I got beat again by the other side in fundraising.

Those headlines aren't going away. I will be outspent in this election. And we will not win the ad wars on TV and radio -- right now, the other side is outspending us on TV by at least 2-to-1 in most battleground states.

And that's OK. But only if we're able to keep the spending gap close enough so that our investments in a truly grassroots campaign pay off.[/FONT]
Yeah, but if he counted all the fluffy coverage he gets in the lamestream media, he might pull ahead.

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