Gone- But Not Forgotten

I invoke Godwin's Law, so you lose the argument without even one rebuttal. Nice going NorthKoreaChic.
Frau Braun still mourns the day the Nazis lost
The Nazis didn't lose.
They just switched parties.
Now they're Democrats.

Nazis, Communists, Democrats......distinctions without difference.

These were listed as the aims of the communist party, (CPUSA) after the war, and, to an almost 100% extent, they the same as today's Liberals/Progressives/Democrats.

1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

2. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

3. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

4. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

5. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

6. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

7. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

8. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

10. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

11. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

12. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

13. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

Now....wouldn't an honest appraisal agree that all or almost all are clearly the aims and direction of Democrats/Liberals/Progressive leaders?

I got 'em from a website of declared communist goals...

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

10 planks of Communist manifesto

Communist Manifesto 10 Planks
It's amazing how NKChic has nothing but non-stop copy&paste. Can she not think for herself?

Shes not Korean.

Shes Jewish.

It's very, very obvious.

A.) She never once cared when people mocked Koreans or Asians.

She does go beserk if you mock Jews however.

Everything about her isn't Korean & more Jewish.

She has good verbal skills & is articulate but is terrible with math like basic proportions & spatial ability.
As well as logic she fails in.

Like Jews & unlike Asians.

If she was Korean she would be more anti- China.
& pro Korean.

Such as she would make threads boasting if Samsung Hyundai ; so forth.

Instead she does so about Jews & Brits like Jewish Irosie.
1.) I'm Catholic & mostly Polish & a little Irish Catholic.

2.) Protestants have a long history of mass murdering, oppressing & hating Catholics.

It has gotten better, but still Catholics tend to be the most picked on in the USA...Like Priests as Pedos or blaming Catholics for the Holocaust, but also Poles, French & Italians 3 Catholic groups tend to be the butt of jokes.

3.)Protestants tend to be very Liberal & or uncivilized.

4.) Protestants tend to be irrationally pro Jewish...They have become servants of the Globalists as a result....Just as annoying is many times Protestants throw Catholics under the bus to save face for the Jews.
Such as blaming Poles or the Vatican for killing millions of Jews...Is one but example....Worse the Protestants want Poland a reliable ally of the USA to pay Jews conpensations....But the vile hypocrites don't think Zionists owe Palestine compensations.

5.) Not all Protestants are the same.
It's mostly British Protestants which are deplorable.

At least Norse & Dutch Protestants despite being too Liberal can claim to be honest, civilized & peaceful for a few centuries.

Brits simply cannot.
Most picked on are Jews. The men who built America were Protestants and were philanthropists. Protestants are usually conservative, while Catholics and Jews are liberal. Very few people talk or know much about the Poles-and I married one.

The Founders of this country had a reason for favoring the Jewish people, due to their attachment to the Bible, and because the Founders saw themselves as descendants of the People of the Book.

“Rather than just tolerate the Jews as another religious minority, America’s Founding Fathers were profoundly inspired by Jewish ideas, …. understanding liberty not as an individual license for each of us to pursue his or her bliss but as a collective commitment to a greater good under the watchful eyes of God.” In American Jewish History, a Key to Future Greatness

None of the Founders was a deist. All believed in a God who took an interest in us, and our country.

“Benjamin Franklin’s proposals for a Great Seal featuring not an eagle but Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.”

First Committee's Design for America's Great Seal - 1776

Clearly, the current Democrat Party, rife with anti-Semitism is an aberration, and not in accordance with the America as it was founded.

The other plans for America, abhorrent as well:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

Wrong again.

Most of the Founders weren't pro-Jewish, quite the opposite most saw them negatively.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

The first American Zionist was not Harry Truman. In fact, “the "first pro-Zionist declaration that was ever made by an American president" came from President John Adams, Founding Father, and the second President of the United States.

Two-hundred years ago this month, Adams wrote to a leader of the American Jewish community, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

Contrary to what is taught in the lying government schools, America was founded based religious principles, specifically Judeo-Christian ideas and values.

The Puritans saw parallels between themselves breaking away from England and the Jews' exodus from Egypt, wandering into the vast and unknown wilderness and reaching the promised land. The Bible was their guide, and their playbook. They adopted biblical customs and even gave their children Hebrew names.
… early American leaders saw parallels between the civil values they held and which they set as the standard for the United States, and values codified in the Bible.”
Why Does America Support Israel?

Blessing is promised to those who bless Abraham and his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The Founders recognized this, and believed it.

Zionism is as American as baseball and apple pie.

That's one... Out of the rest of the anti-Semitic Founders.

You clearly struggle with proportions a very rare thing for Asians.

Quite common among Brits.

You're very one track minded & desperate.. .closed minded, lack logical skills etc.

Not typical to East Asians.
But more with Brits & Jews.

I believe you're not honest about who you are.

I'm convinced you're either a Brit, or a Jew.

Firstly you never brag nor promote anything Korean or Asian.

You do constantly brag about Jews & Brits.

Your values are more like Brits & Jews too.

But, why the lie?

I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism.

"I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism."

I'll take that as a compliment.
I am definitely a Zionist.

"How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

About an hour’s drive north of Seoul, in the Gwangju Mountains, nearly fifty South Korean children pore over a book. The text is an unlikely choice: the Talmud, the fifteen-hundred-year-old book of Jewish laws. The students are not Jewish, nor are their teachers, and they have no interest in converting. Most have never met a Jew before. But, according to the founder of their school, the students enrolled with the goal of receiving a “Jewish education” in addition to a Korean one."
How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea
Most picked on are Jews. The men who built America were Protestants and were philanthropists. Protestants are usually conservative, while Catholics and Jews are liberal. Very few people talk or know much about the Poles-and I married one.

The Founders of this country had a reason for favoring the Jewish people, due to their attachment to the Bible, and because the Founders saw themselves as descendants of the People of the Book.

“Rather than just tolerate the Jews as another religious minority, America’s Founding Fathers were profoundly inspired by Jewish ideas, …. understanding liberty not as an individual license for each of us to pursue his or her bliss but as a collective commitment to a greater good under the watchful eyes of God.” In American Jewish History, a Key to Future Greatness

None of the Founders was a deist. All believed in a God who took an interest in us, and our country.

“Benjamin Franklin’s proposals for a Great Seal featuring not an eagle but Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.”

First Committee's Design for America's Great Seal - 1776

Clearly, the current Democrat Party, rife with anti-Semitism is an aberration, and not in accordance with the America as it was founded.

The other plans for America, abhorrent as well:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

Wrong again.

Most of the Founders weren't pro-Jewish, quite the opposite most saw them negatively.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

The first American Zionist was not Harry Truman. In fact, “the "first pro-Zionist declaration that was ever made by an American president" came from President John Adams, Founding Father, and the second President of the United States.

Two-hundred years ago this month, Adams wrote to a leader of the American Jewish community, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

Contrary to what is taught in the lying government schools, America was founded based religious principles, specifically Judeo-Christian ideas and values.

The Puritans saw parallels between themselves breaking away from England and the Jews' exodus from Egypt, wandering into the vast and unknown wilderness and reaching the promised land. The Bible was their guide, and their playbook. They adopted biblical customs and even gave their children Hebrew names.
… early American leaders saw parallels between the civil values they held and which they set as the standard for the United States, and values codified in the Bible.”
Why Does America Support Israel?

Blessing is promised to those who bless Abraham and his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The Founders recognized this, and believed it.

Zionism is as American as baseball and apple pie.

That's one... Out of the rest of the anti-Semitic Founders.

You clearly struggle with proportions a very rare thing for Asians.

Quite common among Brits.

You're very one track minded & desperate.. .closed minded, lack logical skills etc.

Not typical to East Asians.
But more with Brits & Jews.

I believe you're not honest about who you are.

I'm convinced you're either a Brit, or a Jew.

Firstly you never brag nor promote anything Korean or Asian.

You do constantly brag about Jews & Brits.

Your values are more like Brits & Jews too.

But, why the lie?

I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism.

"I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism."

I'll take that as a compliment.
I am definitely a Zionist.

"How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

About an hour’s drive north of Seoul, in the Gwangju Mountains, nearly fifty South Korean children pore over a book. The text is an unlikely choice: the Talmud, the fifteen-hundred-year-old book of Jewish laws. The students are not Jewish, nor are their teachers, and they have no interest in converting. Most have never met a Jew before. But, according to the founder of their school, the students enrolled with the goal of receiving a “Jewish education” in addition to a Korean one."
How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

You are not Korean.

You never get upset at Anti- Asian or Anti-´ Korean mockery & slurs hurled at you.

You do go beserk over Jewish & anti- Israel slurs & even facts.
"... a Korean reverend and brings Christians from South Korea to Los Angeles, so that they can witness firsthand how Jews study, pray, and live. The reverend’s thesis is that the Jews have thrived for so many years because of certain educational and cultural practices, and that such benefits can be unlocked for Christians if those practices are taught to their children."
How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

I hope this hurts, too:

I have a good friend who teaches in NYC high school, said he had a student named Shapiro Lee....
So, open school night he asked the Chinese parent of the student how he happened to choose that name for his boy.
The guy said, he knew how good Jews were in business, so he wanted to give that hope for his son.

Or....maybe the Chinese guy was Jewish?

Didn't pick a Polish name, did he.
The Founders of this country had a reason for favoring the Jewish people, due to their attachment to the Bible, and because the Founders saw themselves as descendants of the People of the Book.

“Rather than just tolerate the Jews as another religious minority, America’s Founding Fathers were profoundly inspired by Jewish ideas, …. understanding liberty not as an individual license for each of us to pursue his or her bliss but as a collective commitment to a greater good under the watchful eyes of God.” In American Jewish History, a Key to Future Greatness

None of the Founders was a deist. All believed in a God who took an interest in us, and our country.

“Benjamin Franklin’s proposals for a Great Seal featuring not an eagle but Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.”

First Committee's Design for America's Great Seal - 1776

Clearly, the current Democrat Party, rife with anti-Semitism is an aberration, and not in accordance with the America as it was founded.

The other plans for America, abhorrent as well:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

Wrong again.

Most of the Founders weren't pro-Jewish, quite the opposite most saw them negatively.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

The first American Zionist was not Harry Truman. In fact, “the "first pro-Zionist declaration that was ever made by an American president" came from President John Adams, Founding Father, and the second President of the United States.

Two-hundred years ago this month, Adams wrote to a leader of the American Jewish community, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

Contrary to what is taught in the lying government schools, America was founded based religious principles, specifically Judeo-Christian ideas and values.

The Puritans saw parallels between themselves breaking away from England and the Jews' exodus from Egypt, wandering into the vast and unknown wilderness and reaching the promised land. The Bible was their guide, and their playbook. They adopted biblical customs and even gave their children Hebrew names.
… early American leaders saw parallels between the civil values they held and which they set as the standard for the United States, and values codified in the Bible.”
Why Does America Support Israel?

Blessing is promised to those who bless Abraham and his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The Founders recognized this, and believed it.

Zionism is as American as baseball and apple pie.

That's one... Out of the rest of the anti-Semitic Founders.

You clearly struggle with proportions a very rare thing for Asians.

Quite common among Brits.

You're very one track minded & desperate.. .closed minded, lack logical skills etc.

Not typical to East Asians.
But more with Brits & Jews.

I believe you're not honest about who you are.

I'm convinced you're either a Brit, or a Jew.

Firstly you never brag nor promote anything Korean or Asian.

You do constantly brag about Jews & Brits.

Your values are more like Brits & Jews too.

But, why the lie?

I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism.

"I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism."

I'll take that as a compliment.
I am definitely a Zionist.

"How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

About an hour’s drive north of Seoul, in the Gwangju Mountains, nearly fifty South Korean children pore over a book. The text is an unlikely choice: the Talmud, the fifteen-hundred-year-old book of Jewish laws. The students are not Jewish, nor are their teachers, and they have no interest in converting. Most have never met a Jew before. But, according to the founder of their school, the students enrolled with the goal of receiving a “Jewish education” in addition to a Korean one."
How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

You are not Korean.

You never get upset at Anti- Asian or Anti-´ Korean mockery & slurs hurled at you.

You do go beserk over Jewish & anti- Israel slurs & even facts.

OK....you must be right: I couldn't be this smart, and not Jewish, huh?
"... a Korean reverend and brings Christians from South Korea to Los Angeles, so that they can witness firsthand how Jews study, pray, and live. The reverend’s thesis is that the Jews have thrived for so many years because of certain educational and cultural practices, and that such benefits can be unlocked for Christians if those practices are taught to their children."
How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

I hope this hurts, too:

I have a good friend who teaches in NYC high school, said he had a student named Shapiro Lee....
So, open school night he asked the Chinese parent of the student how he happened to choose that name for his boy.
The guy said, he knew how good Jews were in business, so he wanted to give that hope for his son.

Or....maybe the Chinese guy was Jewish?

Didn't pick a Polish name, did he.

No...It's because you're not a Korean.

1.) You have had some vicious anti-Korean & anti-Asian slurs & mockery hurled at you & never cared.

2.)You care so much about Jews...mostly just Jews.

3.) You are an Individualist & not a collectivist like almost all Asians.

4.)Your brain patterns & personity traits are also more like Jews than Asians.
"... a Korean reverend and brings Christians from South Korea to Los Angeles, so that they can witness firsthand how Jews study, pray, and live. The reverend’s thesis is that the Jews have thrived for so many years because of certain educational and cultural practices, and that such benefits can be unlocked for Christians if those practices are taught to their children."
How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

I hope this hurts, too:

I have a good friend who teaches in NYC high school, said he had a student named Shapiro Lee....
So, open school night he asked the Chinese parent of the student how he happened to choose that name for his boy.
The guy said, he knew how good Jews were in business, so he wanted to give that hope for his son.

Or....maybe the Chinese guy was Jewish?

Didn't pick a Polish name, did he.

No...It's because you're not a Korean.

1.) You have had some vicious anti-Korean & anti-Asian slurs & mockery hurled at you & never cared.

2.)You care so much about Jews...mostly just Jews.

3.) You are an Individualist & not a collectivist like almost all Asians.

4.)Your brain patterns & personity traits are also more like Jews than Asians.

Can't argue with any of that....

I better ask mommy.
Wrong again.

Most of the Founders weren't pro-Jewish, quite the opposite most saw them negatively.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

The first American Zionist was not Harry Truman. In fact, “the "first pro-Zionist declaration that was ever made by an American president" came from President John Adams, Founding Father, and the second President of the United States.

Two-hundred years ago this month, Adams wrote to a leader of the American Jewish community, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

Contrary to what is taught in the lying government schools, America was founded based religious principles, specifically Judeo-Christian ideas and values.

The Puritans saw parallels between themselves breaking away from England and the Jews' exodus from Egypt, wandering into the vast and unknown wilderness and reaching the promised land. The Bible was their guide, and their playbook. They adopted biblical customs and even gave their children Hebrew names.
… early American leaders saw parallels between the civil values they held and which they set as the standard for the United States, and values codified in the Bible.”
Why Does America Support Israel?

Blessing is promised to those who bless Abraham and his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The Founders recognized this, and believed it.

Zionism is as American as baseball and apple pie.

That's one... Out of the rest of the anti-Semitic Founders.

You clearly struggle with proportions a very rare thing for Asians.

Quite common among Brits.

You're very one track minded & desperate.. .closed minded, lack logical skills etc.

Not typical to East Asians.
But more with Brits & Jews.

I believe you're not honest about who you are.

I'm convinced you're either a Brit, or a Jew.

Firstly you never brag nor promote anything Korean or Asian.

You do constantly brag about Jews & Brits.

Your values are more like Brits & Jews too.

But, why the lie?

I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism.

"I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism."

I'll take that as a compliment.
I am definitely a Zionist.

"How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

About an hour’s drive north of Seoul, in the Gwangju Mountains, nearly fifty South Korean children pore over a book. The text is an unlikely choice: the Talmud, the fifteen-hundred-year-old book of Jewish laws. The students are not Jewish, nor are their teachers, and they have no interest in converting. Most have never met a Jew before. But, according to the founder of their school, the students enrolled with the goal of receiving a “Jewish education” in addition to a Korean one."
How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

You are not Korean.

You never get upset at Anti- Asian or Anti-´ Korean mockery & slurs hurled at you.

You do go beserk over Jewish & anti- Israel slurs & even facts.

OK....you must be right: I couldn't be this smart, and not Jewish, huh?

Thanks for coming clean.

If you were Asian & Korean you'd argue their intelligence.


It's NOT that you're intelligent.

You look intelligent because of good verbal , bull shitting & articulate skills.

Fact is these are NOT ASIAN TRAITS they're Jewish traits.
The Founders of this country had a reason for favoring the Jewish people, due to their attachment to the Bible, and because the Founders saw themselves as descendants of the People of the Book.

“Rather than just tolerate the Jews as another religious minority, America’s Founding Fathers were profoundly inspired by Jewish ideas, …. understanding liberty not as an individual license for each of us to pursue his or her bliss but as a collective commitment to a greater good under the watchful eyes of God.” In American Jewish History, a Key to Future Greatness

None of the Founders was a deist. All believed in a God who took an interest in us, and our country.

“Benjamin Franklin’s proposals for a Great Seal featuring not an eagle but Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.”

First Committee's Design for America's Great Seal - 1776

Clearly, the current Democrat Party, rife with anti-Semitism is an aberration, and not in accordance with the America as it was founded.

The other plans for America, abhorrent as well:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

Wrong again.

Most of the Founders weren't pro-Jewish, quite the opposite most saw them negatively.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

The first American Zionist was not Harry Truman. In fact, “the "first pro-Zionist declaration that was ever made by an American president" came from President John Adams, Founding Father, and the second President of the United States.

Two-hundred years ago this month, Adams wrote to a leader of the American Jewish community, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

Contrary to what is taught in the lying government schools, America was founded based religious principles, specifically Judeo-Christian ideas and values.

The Puritans saw parallels between themselves breaking away from England and the Jews' exodus from Egypt, wandering into the vast and unknown wilderness and reaching the promised land. The Bible was their guide, and their playbook. They adopted biblical customs and even gave their children Hebrew names.
… early American leaders saw parallels between the civil values they held and which they set as the standard for the United States, and values codified in the Bible.”
Why Does America Support Israel?

Blessing is promised to those who bless Abraham and his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The Founders recognized this, and believed it.

Zionism is as American as baseball and apple pie.

That's one... Out of the rest of the anti-Semitic Founders.

You clearly struggle with proportions a very rare thing for Asians.

Quite common among Brits.

You're very one track minded & desperate.. .closed minded, lack logical skills etc.

Not typical to East Asians.
But more with Brits & Jews.

I believe you're not honest about who you are.

I'm convinced you're either a Brit, or a Jew.

Firstly you never brag nor promote anything Korean or Asian.

You do constantly brag about Jews & Brits.

Your values are more like Brits & Jews too.

But, why the lie?

I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism.

"I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism."

I'll take that as a compliment.
I am definitely a Zionist.

"How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

About an hour’s drive north of Seoul, in the Gwangju Mountains, nearly fifty South Korean children pore over a book. The text is an unlikely choice: the Talmud, the fifteen-hundred-year-old book of Jewish laws. The students are not Jewish, nor are their teachers, and they have no interest in converting. Most have never met a Jew before. But, according to the founder of their school, the students enrolled with the goal of receiving a “Jewish education” in addition to a Korean one."
How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

You are not Korean.

You never get upset at Anti- Asian or Anti-´ Korean mockery & slurs hurled at you.

You do go beserk over Jewish & anti- Israel slurs & even facts.
PoleChic is North Korean. That's why she hates the US so much.
Wrong again.

Most of the Founders weren't pro-Jewish, quite the opposite most saw them negatively.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

The first American Zionist was not Harry Truman. In fact, “the "first pro-Zionist declaration that was ever made by an American president" came from President John Adams, Founding Father, and the second President of the United States.

Two-hundred years ago this month, Adams wrote to a leader of the American Jewish community, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

Contrary to what is taught in the lying government schools, America was founded based religious principles, specifically Judeo-Christian ideas and values.

The Puritans saw parallels between themselves breaking away from England and the Jews' exodus from Egypt, wandering into the vast and unknown wilderness and reaching the promised land. The Bible was their guide, and their playbook. They adopted biblical customs and even gave their children Hebrew names.
… early American leaders saw parallels between the civil values they held and which they set as the standard for the United States, and values codified in the Bible.”
Why Does America Support Israel?

Blessing is promised to those who bless Abraham and his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The Founders recognized this, and believed it.

Zionism is as American as baseball and apple pie.

That's one... Out of the rest of the anti-Semitic Founders.

You clearly struggle with proportions a very rare thing for Asians.

Quite common among Brits.

You're very one track minded & desperate.. .closed minded, lack logical skills etc.

Not typical to East Asians.
But more with Brits & Jews.

I believe you're not honest about who you are.

I'm convinced you're either a Brit, or a Jew.

Firstly you never brag nor promote anything Korean or Asian.

You do constantly brag about Jews & Brits.

Your values are more like Brits & Jews too.

But, why the lie?

I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism.

"I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism."

I'll take that as a compliment.
I am definitely a Zionist.

"How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

About an hour’s drive north of Seoul, in the Gwangju Mountains, nearly fifty South Korean children pore over a book. The text is an unlikely choice: the Talmud, the fifteen-hundred-year-old book of Jewish laws. The students are not Jewish, nor are their teachers, and they have no interest in converting. Most have never met a Jew before. But, according to the founder of their school, the students enrolled with the goal of receiving a “Jewish education” in addition to a Korean one."
How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

You are not Korean.

You never get upset at Anti- Asian or Anti-´ Korean mockery & slurs hurled at you.

You do go beserk over Jewish & anti- Israel slurs & even facts.
PoleChic is North Korean. That's why she hates the US so much.

Not at all.
She just confirmed my suspicions by suggesting Jews are intelligent above Koreans.

Without a doubt now there's a 99.999. Percent chance shes Jewish & only 0.001% Korean.
Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

The first American Zionist was not Harry Truman. In fact, “the "first pro-Zionist declaration that was ever made by an American president" came from President John Adams, Founding Father, and the second President of the United States.

Two-hundred years ago this month, Adams wrote to a leader of the American Jewish community, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

Contrary to what is taught in the lying government schools, America was founded based religious principles, specifically Judeo-Christian ideas and values.

The Puritans saw parallels between themselves breaking away from England and the Jews' exodus from Egypt, wandering into the vast and unknown wilderness and reaching the promised land. The Bible was their guide, and their playbook. They adopted biblical customs and even gave their children Hebrew names.
… early American leaders saw parallels between the civil values they held and which they set as the standard for the United States, and values codified in the Bible.”
Why Does America Support Israel?

Blessing is promised to those who bless Abraham and his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The Founders recognized this, and believed it.

Zionism is as American as baseball and apple pie.

That's one... Out of the rest of the anti-Semitic Founders.

You clearly struggle with proportions a very rare thing for Asians.

Quite common among Brits.

You're very one track minded & desperate.. .closed minded, lack logical skills etc.

Not typical to East Asians.
But more with Brits & Jews.

I believe you're not honest about who you are.

I'm convinced you're either a Brit, or a Jew.

Firstly you never brag nor promote anything Korean or Asian.

You do constantly brag about Jews & Brits.

Your values are more like Brits & Jews too.

But, why the lie?

I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism.

"I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism."

I'll take that as a compliment.
I am definitely a Zionist.

"How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

About an hour’s drive north of Seoul, in the Gwangju Mountains, nearly fifty South Korean children pore over a book. The text is an unlikely choice: the Talmud, the fifteen-hundred-year-old book of Jewish laws. The students are not Jewish, nor are their teachers, and they have no interest in converting. Most have never met a Jew before. But, according to the founder of their school, the students enrolled with the goal of receiving a “Jewish education” in addition to a Korean one."
How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

You are not Korean.

You never get upset at Anti- Asian or Anti-´ Korean mockery & slurs hurled at you.

You do go beserk over Jewish & anti- Israel slurs & even facts.
PoleChic is North Korean. That's why she hates the US so much.

Not at all.
She just confirmed my suspucions by suggesting Jews are intelligent above Koreans.
She just threw you off the scent. :biggrin:
1.) I'm Catholic & mostly Polish & a little Irish Catholic.

2.) Protestants have a long history of mass murdering, oppressing & hating Catholics.

It has gotten better, but still Catholics tend to be the most picked on in the USA...Like Priests as Pedos or blaming Catholics for the Holocaust, but also Poles, French & Italians 3 Catholic groups tend to be the butt of jokes.

3.)Protestants tend to be very Liberal & or uncivilized.

4.) Protestants tend to be irrationally pro Jewish...They have become servants of the Globalists as a result....Just as annoying is many times Protestants throw Catholics under the bus to save face for the Jews.
Such as blaming Poles or the Vatican for killing millions of Jews...Is one but example....Worse the Protestants want Poland a reliable ally of the USA to pay Jews conpensations....But the vile hypocrites don't think Zionists owe Palestine compensations.

5.) Not all Protestants are the same.
It's mostly British Protestants which are deplorable.

At least Norse & Dutch Protestants despite being too Liberal can claim to be honest, civilized & peaceful for a few centuries.

Brits simply cannot.
Most picked on are Jews. The men who built America were Protestants and were philanthropists. Protestants are usually conservative, while Catholics and Jews are liberal. Very few people talk or know much about the Poles-and I married one.

The Founders of this country had a reason for favoring the Jewish people, due to their attachment to the Bible, and because the Founders saw themselves as descendants of the People of the Book.

“Rather than just tolerate the Jews as another religious minority, America’s Founding Fathers were profoundly inspired by Jewish ideas, …. understanding liberty not as an individual license for each of us to pursue his or her bliss but as a collective commitment to a greater good under the watchful eyes of God.” In American Jewish History, a Key to Future Greatness

None of the Founders was a deist. All believed in a God who took an interest in us, and our country.

“Benjamin Franklin’s proposals for a Great Seal featuring not an eagle but Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.”

First Committee's Design for America's Great Seal - 1776

Clearly, the current Democrat Party, rife with anti-Semitism is an aberration, and not in accordance with the America as it was founded.

The other plans for America, abhorrent as well:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

Wrong again.

Most of the Founders weren't pro-Jewish, quite the opposite most saw them negatively.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

The first American Zionist was not Harry Truman. In fact, “the "first pro-Zionist declaration that was ever made by an American president" came from President John Adams, Founding Father, and the second President of the United States.

Two-hundred years ago this month, Adams wrote to a leader of the American Jewish community, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

Contrary to what is taught in the lying government schools, America was founded based religious principles, specifically Judeo-Christian ideas and values.

The Puritans saw parallels between themselves breaking away from England and the Jews' exodus from Egypt, wandering into the vast and unknown wilderness and reaching the promised land. The Bible was their guide, and their playbook. They adopted biblical customs and even gave their children Hebrew names.
… early American leaders saw parallels between the civil values they held and which they set as the standard for the United States, and values codified in the Bible.”
Why Does America Support Israel?

Blessing is promised to those who bless Abraham and his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The Founders recognized this, and believed it.

Zionism is as American as baseball and apple pie.

That's one... Out of the rest of the anti-Semitic Founders.

You clearly struggle with proportions a very rare thing for Asians.

Quite common among Brits.

You're very one track minded & desperate.. .closed minded, lack logical skills etc.

Not typical to East Asians.
But more with Brits & Jews.

I believe you're not honest about who you are.

I'm convinced you're either a Brit, or a Jew.

Firstly you never brag nor promote anything Korean or Asian.

You do constantly brag about Jews & Brits.

Your values are more like Brits & Jews too.

But, why the lie?

I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism.
I am Ukrainian, you know, a higher class Pole.
That's one... Out of the rest of the anti-Semitic Founders.

You clearly struggle with proportions a very rare thing for Asians.

Quite common among Brits.

You're very one track minded & desperate.. .closed minded, lack logical skills etc.

Not typical to East Asians.
But more with Brits & Jews.

I believe you're not honest about who you are.

I'm convinced you're either a Brit, or a Jew.

Firstly you never brag nor promote anything Korean or Asian.

You do constantly brag about Jews & Brits.

Your values are more like Brits & Jews too.

But, why the lie?

I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism.

"I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism."

I'll take that as a compliment.
I am definitely a Zionist.

"How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

About an hour’s drive north of Seoul, in the Gwangju Mountains, nearly fifty South Korean children pore over a book. The text is an unlikely choice: the Talmud, the fifteen-hundred-year-old book of Jewish laws. The students are not Jewish, nor are their teachers, and they have no interest in converting. Most have never met a Jew before. But, according to the founder of their school, the students enrolled with the goal of receiving a “Jewish education” in addition to a Korean one."
How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

You are not Korean.

You never get upset at Anti- Asian or Anti-´ Korean mockery & slurs hurled at you.

You do go beserk over Jewish & anti- Israel slurs & even facts.
PoleChic is North Korean. That's why she hates the US so much.

Not at all.
She just confirmed my suspucions by suggesting Jews are intelligent above Koreans.
She just threw you off the scent. :biggrin:
That's one... Out of the rest of the anti-Semitic Founders.

You clearly struggle with proportions a very rare thing for Asians.

Quite common among Brits.

You're very one track minded & desperate.. .closed minded, lack logical skills etc.

Not typical to East Asians.
But more with Brits & Jews.

I believe you're not honest about who you are.

I'm convinced you're either a Brit, or a Jew.

Firstly you never brag nor promote anything Korean or Asian.

You do constantly brag about Jews & Brits.

Your values are more like Brits & Jews too.

But, why the lie?

I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism.

"I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism."

I'll take that as a compliment.
I am definitely a Zionist.

"How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

About an hour’s drive north of Seoul, in the Gwangju Mountains, nearly fifty South Korean children pore over a book. The text is an unlikely choice: the Talmud, the fifteen-hundred-year-old book of Jewish laws. The students are not Jewish, nor are their teachers, and they have no interest in converting. Most have never met a Jew before. But, according to the founder of their school, the students enrolled with the goal of receiving a “Jewish education” in addition to a Korean one."
How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

You are not Korean.

You never get upset at Anti- Asian or Anti-´ Korean mockery & slurs hurled at you.

You do go beserk over Jewish & anti- Israel slurs & even facts.
PoleChic is North Korean. That's why she hates the US so much.

Not at all.
She just confirmed my suspucions by suggesting Jews are intelligent above Koreans.
She just threw you off the scent. :biggrin:

You call Poles dumb?
YOU ARE DUMB & shes manipulative.
Most picked on are Jews. The men who built America were Protestants and were philanthropists. Protestants are usually conservative, while Catholics and Jews are liberal. Very few people talk or know much about the Poles-and I married one.

The Founders of this country had a reason for favoring the Jewish people, due to their attachment to the Bible, and because the Founders saw themselves as descendants of the People of the Book.

“Rather than just tolerate the Jews as another religious minority, America’s Founding Fathers were profoundly inspired by Jewish ideas, …. understanding liberty not as an individual license for each of us to pursue his or her bliss but as a collective commitment to a greater good under the watchful eyes of God.” In American Jewish History, a Key to Future Greatness

None of the Founders was a deist. All believed in a God who took an interest in us, and our country.

“Benjamin Franklin’s proposals for a Great Seal featuring not an eagle but Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.”

First Committee's Design for America's Great Seal - 1776

Clearly, the current Democrat Party, rife with anti-Semitism is an aberration, and not in accordance with the America as it was founded.

The other plans for America, abhorrent as well:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

Wrong again.

Most of the Founders weren't pro-Jewish, quite the opposite most saw them negatively.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

The first American Zionist was not Harry Truman. In fact, “the "first pro-Zionist declaration that was ever made by an American president" came from President John Adams, Founding Father, and the second President of the United States.

Two-hundred years ago this month, Adams wrote to a leader of the American Jewish community, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

Contrary to what is taught in the lying government schools, America was founded based religious principles, specifically Judeo-Christian ideas and values.

The Puritans saw parallels between themselves breaking away from England and the Jews' exodus from Egypt, wandering into the vast and unknown wilderness and reaching the promised land. The Bible was their guide, and their playbook. They adopted biblical customs and even gave their children Hebrew names.
… early American leaders saw parallels between the civil values they held and which they set as the standard for the United States, and values codified in the Bible.”
Why Does America Support Israel?

Blessing is promised to those who bless Abraham and his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The Founders recognized this, and believed it.

Zionism is as American as baseball and apple pie.

That's one... Out of the rest of the anti-Semitic Founders.

You clearly struggle with proportions a very rare thing for Asians.

Quite common among Brits.

You're very one track minded & desperate.. .closed minded, lack logical skills etc.

Not typical to East Asians.
But more with Brits & Jews.

I believe you're not honest about who you are.

I'm convinced you're either a Brit, or a Jew.

Firstly you never brag nor promote anything Korean or Asian.

You do constantly brag about Jews & Brits.

Your values are more like Brits & Jews too.

But, why the lie?

I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism.

"I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism."

I'll take that as a compliment.
I am definitely a Zionist.

"How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

About an hour’s drive north of Seoul, in the Gwangju Mountains, nearly fifty South Korean children pore over a book. The text is an unlikely choice: the Talmud, the fifteen-hundred-year-old book of Jewish laws. The students are not Jewish, nor are their teachers, and they have no interest in converting. Most have never met a Jew before. But, according to the founder of their school, the students enrolled with the goal of receiving a “Jewish education” in addition to a Korean one."
How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea
What is a Zionist as opposed to a Jew, as opposed to a Hebrew?
Most picked on are Jews. The men who built America were Protestants and were philanthropists. Protestants are usually conservative, while Catholics and Jews are liberal. Very few people talk or know much about the Poles-and I married one.

The Founders of this country had a reason for favoring the Jewish people, due to their attachment to the Bible, and because the Founders saw themselves as descendants of the People of the Book.

“Rather than just tolerate the Jews as another religious minority, America’s Founding Fathers were profoundly inspired by Jewish ideas, …. understanding liberty not as an individual license for each of us to pursue his or her bliss but as a collective commitment to a greater good under the watchful eyes of God.” In American Jewish History, a Key to Future Greatness

None of the Founders was a deist. All believed in a God who took an interest in us, and our country.

“Benjamin Franklin’s proposals for a Great Seal featuring not an eagle but Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.”

First Committee's Design for America's Great Seal - 1776

Clearly, the current Democrat Party, rife with anti-Semitism is an aberration, and not in accordance with the America as it was founded.

The other plans for America, abhorrent as well:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

Wrong again.

Most of the Founders weren't pro-Jewish, quite the opposite most saw them negatively.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

The first American Zionist was not Harry Truman. In fact, “the "first pro-Zionist declaration that was ever made by an American president" came from President John Adams, Founding Father, and the second President of the United States.

Two-hundred years ago this month, Adams wrote to a leader of the American Jewish community, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

Contrary to what is taught in the lying government schools, America was founded based religious principles, specifically Judeo-Christian ideas and values.

The Puritans saw parallels between themselves breaking away from England and the Jews' exodus from Egypt, wandering into the vast and unknown wilderness and reaching the promised land. The Bible was their guide, and their playbook. They adopted biblical customs and even gave their children Hebrew names.
… early American leaders saw parallels between the civil values they held and which they set as the standard for the United States, and values codified in the Bible.”
Why Does America Support Israel?

Blessing is promised to those who bless Abraham and his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The Founders recognized this, and believed it.

Zionism is as American as baseball and apple pie.

That's one... Out of the rest of the anti-Semitic Founders.

You clearly struggle with proportions a very rare thing for Asians.

Quite common among Brits.

You're very one track minded & desperate.. .closed minded, lack logical skills etc.

Not typical to East Asians.
But more with Brits & Jews.

I believe you're not honest about who you are.

I'm convinced you're either a Brit, or a Jew.

Firstly you never brag nor promote anything Korean or Asian.

You do constantly brag about Jews & Brits.

Your values are more like Brits & Jews too.

But, why the lie?

I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism.
I am Ukrainian, you know, a higher class Pole.

Is that why Poland's per capita income is nearly double that of Ukraine?
The Founders of this country had a reason for favoring the Jewish people, due to their attachment to the Bible, and because the Founders saw themselves as descendants of the People of the Book.

“Rather than just tolerate the Jews as another religious minority, America’s Founding Fathers were profoundly inspired by Jewish ideas, …. understanding liberty not as an individual license for each of us to pursue his or her bliss but as a collective commitment to a greater good under the watchful eyes of God.” In American Jewish History, a Key to Future Greatness

None of the Founders was a deist. All believed in a God who took an interest in us, and our country.

“Benjamin Franklin’s proposals for a Great Seal featuring not an eagle but Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.”

First Committee's Design for America's Great Seal - 1776

Clearly, the current Democrat Party, rife with anti-Semitism is an aberration, and not in accordance with the America as it was founded.

The other plans for America, abhorrent as well:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

Wrong again.

Most of the Founders weren't pro-Jewish, quite the opposite most saw them negatively.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

The first American Zionist was not Harry Truman. In fact, “the "first pro-Zionist declaration that was ever made by an American president" came from President John Adams, Founding Father, and the second President of the United States.

Two-hundred years ago this month, Adams wrote to a leader of the American Jewish community, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

Contrary to what is taught in the lying government schools, America was founded based religious principles, specifically Judeo-Christian ideas and values.

The Puritans saw parallels between themselves breaking away from England and the Jews' exodus from Egypt, wandering into the vast and unknown wilderness and reaching the promised land. The Bible was their guide, and their playbook. They adopted biblical customs and even gave their children Hebrew names.
… early American leaders saw parallels between the civil values they held and which they set as the standard for the United States, and values codified in the Bible.”
Why Does America Support Israel?

Blessing is promised to those who bless Abraham and his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The Founders recognized this, and believed it.

Zionism is as American as baseball and apple pie.

That's one... Out of the rest of the anti-Semitic Founders.

You clearly struggle with proportions a very rare thing for Asians.

Quite common among Brits.

You're very one track minded & desperate.. .closed minded, lack logical skills etc.

Not typical to East Asians.
But more with Brits & Jews.

I believe you're not honest about who you are.

I'm convinced you're either a Brit, or a Jew.

Firstly you never brag nor promote anything Korean or Asian.

You do constantly brag about Jews & Brits.

Your values are more like Brits & Jews too.

But, why the lie?

I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism.
I am Ukrainian, you know, a higher class Pole.

Is that why Poland's per capita income is nearly double that of Ukraine?
Taras Bulba!
Wrong again.

Most of the Founders weren't pro-Jewish, quite the opposite most saw them negatively.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

The first American Zionist was not Harry Truman. In fact, “the "first pro-Zionist declaration that was ever made by an American president" came from President John Adams, Founding Father, and the second President of the United States.

Two-hundred years ago this month, Adams wrote to a leader of the American Jewish community, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

Contrary to what is taught in the lying government schools, America was founded based religious principles, specifically Judeo-Christian ideas and values.

The Puritans saw parallels between themselves breaking away from England and the Jews' exodus from Egypt, wandering into the vast and unknown wilderness and reaching the promised land. The Bible was their guide, and their playbook. They adopted biblical customs and even gave their children Hebrew names.
… early American leaders saw parallels between the civil values they held and which they set as the standard for the United States, and values codified in the Bible.”
Why Does America Support Israel?

Blessing is promised to those who bless Abraham and his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The Founders recognized this, and believed it.

Zionism is as American as baseball and apple pie.

That's one... Out of the rest of the anti-Semitic Founders.

You clearly struggle with proportions a very rare thing for Asians.

Quite common among Brits.

You're very one track minded & desperate.. .closed minded, lack logical skills etc.

Not typical to East Asians.
But more with Brits & Jews.

I believe you're not honest about who you are.

I'm convinced you're either a Brit, or a Jew.

Firstly you never brag nor promote anything Korean or Asian.

You do constantly brag about Jews & Brits.

Your values are more like Brits & Jews too.

But, why the lie?

I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism.
I am Ukrainian, you know, a higher class Pole.

Is that why Poland's per capita income is nearly double that of Ukraine?
Taras Bulba!

Nikolai Gogol was at least half Polish.
The Founders of this country had a reason for favoring the Jewish people, due to their attachment to the Bible, and because the Founders saw themselves as descendants of the People of the Book.

“Rather than just tolerate the Jews as another religious minority, America’s Founding Fathers were profoundly inspired by Jewish ideas, …. understanding liberty not as an individual license for each of us to pursue his or her bliss but as a collective commitment to a greater good under the watchful eyes of God.” In American Jewish History, a Key to Future Greatness

None of the Founders was a deist. All believed in a God who took an interest in us, and our country.

“Benjamin Franklin’s proposals for a Great Seal featuring not an eagle but Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.”

First Committee's Design for America's Great Seal - 1776

Clearly, the current Democrat Party, rife with anti-Semitism is an aberration, and not in accordance with the America as it was founded.

The other plans for America, abhorrent as well:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

Wrong again.

Most of the Founders weren't pro-Jewish, quite the opposite most saw them negatively.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

The first American Zionist was not Harry Truman. In fact, “the "first pro-Zionist declaration that was ever made by an American president" came from President John Adams, Founding Father, and the second President of the United States.

Two-hundred years ago this month, Adams wrote to a leader of the American Jewish community, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

Contrary to what is taught in the lying government schools, America was founded based religious principles, specifically Judeo-Christian ideas and values.

The Puritans saw parallels between themselves breaking away from England and the Jews' exodus from Egypt, wandering into the vast and unknown wilderness and reaching the promised land. The Bible was their guide, and their playbook. They adopted biblical customs and even gave their children Hebrew names.
… early American leaders saw parallels between the civil values they held and which they set as the standard for the United States, and values codified in the Bible.”
Why Does America Support Israel?

Blessing is promised to those who bless Abraham and his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The Founders recognized this, and believed it.

Zionism is as American as baseball and apple pie.

That's one... Out of the rest of the anti-Semitic Founders.

You clearly struggle with proportions a very rare thing for Asians.

Quite common among Brits.

You're very one track minded & desperate.. .closed minded, lack logical skills etc.

Not typical to East Asians.
But more with Brits & Jews.

I believe you're not honest about who you are.

I'm convinced you're either a Brit, or a Jew.

Firstly you never brag nor promote anything Korean or Asian.

You do constantly brag about Jews & Brits.

Your values are more like Brits & Jews too.

But, why the lie?

I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism.

"I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism."

I'll take that as a compliment.
I am definitely a Zionist.

"How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea

About an hour’s drive north of Seoul, in the Gwangju Mountains, nearly fifty South Korean children pore over a book. The text is an unlikely choice: the Talmud, the fifteen-hundred-year-old book of Jewish laws. The students are not Jewish, nor are their teachers, and they have no interest in converting. Most have never met a Jew before. But, according to the founder of their school, the students enrolled with the goal of receiving a “Jewish education” in addition to a Korean one."
How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea
What is a Zionist as opposed to a Jew, as opposed to a Hebrew?

I am a believer in the homeland God promised the Jewish people.

Hence, Zionist.
chic is Korean? got any easy----predominately veggi, recipes, chic? ----
I like to practice chopstick skills. Sobie----besides potatoes and cabbage,
what do you put in pierogis?
15. It appears that the British public won’t let a little thing like terrorism, savagery, barbarism, and a 7th century morality, stand between them and their tea and crumpets.

Demanding an end to the homicidal pathology, and religious reformation, is out of the question. Simply turning a blind eye is far easier.

This is the sort of Brit one can admire, Lord Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury:

“…it was not enough for them to say how much they deplored violence if at the same time they were denying its nature as an expression of religious fanaticism rooted in Islamic theology.

"What appalled me about the reaction was the way they distanced themselves from the essential problem," he said. "They said the problem was that this was coming from 'extremists.' …. they pushed the problem away to safeguard the heart of Islam, without realizing that the theological issue is what drives fanatics.

In the long history of Christian or Jewish martyrdom, there wasn't one person who killed another to be a martyr. But here was a theology of Muslim martyrdom where you kill innocent people and go to heaven and God will bless a terrible act like that. I have said to Muslims, 'You've got to condemn it' and they say 'I have condemned it.' But they don't condemn the theology behind it."
Phillips, “Londonistan,” p. 143

We’ll miss you, Britain…..or, at least what you used to be.

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