Gone- But Not Forgotten

Having given up their belief is God and morality, embracing secularism and even the 7th century blood cult was less of a problem.

14. “The result is an astounding silence by the Church about the persecution by Muslims of millions of Christians around the world. Churches are being burned down and Christians terrorized and killed by Muslims in Sudan, Congo, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Lebanon, Somalia, the Philippines and elsewhere. Yet in the face of this global persecution of its followers, the church that represents them is almost totally silent. It has abandoned its own flock and sucked up to their persecutors instead. When it does tiptoe into the subject—as Dr. Williams did in an article in December 2005 about the burning of churches and Bibles in the Punjab—it is done in such a limp and oblique way as to make a bad situation even worse.”

Phillips, Op.Cit.

The Democrat Party works day and night toward the same end.
"The Democrat Party works day and night toward the same end." Your posts lose cred when you say dumb shit like this.

seej the actual grain of truth
Perhaps they have seen their finest hour. We are just experiencing ours-at least thru 2020.

Sadly, I have to agree.....I have posted several times that I believe we are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.'

Any American who saw the Democrat Debates must be sickened.

Britain never was great in terms of morality.

They killed 10's of millions if not 100 million.

Leave it to dumb Protestants to nitpick Poles for self defense against Commie Koshers.
Turn a blind eye away from the many millions the Brits killed.

Protestants are prehistoric savages.
Why do you hate Protestants? And just what are you?
Sob is Muslim.

Certainly not a Muslim.

Traumatized altar boy
England. Our sister nation.
Gone in so very many ways.

We can’t forget how much of our heritage we gained, took, from England,…Great Britain after 1707….

1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]

2. The Magna Carta….Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ‘house’ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
“Know ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,….”
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

3. But, alas, the great and once noble nation has thrown in the towel, bowed to the threats and behavior of a 7th century barbarian cult.

“When the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced in October 2005 that he intended to "wipe Israel off the map," Britain, along with the rest of the civilized world, expressed shock and revulsion. Yet, two days later, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London to demand that Israel meet precisely such a fate.

While shocked demonstrators in Italy, Hungary, Austria and France waved around placards asking "Israel today, Europe tomorrow?", London resounded instead to shouts for Israel's destruction. Thousands of demonstrators marched through the city to mark "Al-Quds day"—when Muslims express solidarity with the Palestinian Arabs— on what was effectively a British march for genocide.

The crowd chanted: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," "Zionism, terrorism" and "We are all Hezbollah"; and no one turned a hair.”
Phillips, “Londonistan,” P. 116

How to explain the reversal from the people who braved the Nazi bombings….”We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” Churchill….

…..to a people ready to don the headscarf and grab the ankles?

And….is this a sign of our future, as well?
Perhaps they have seen their finest hour. We are just experiencing ours-at least thru 2020.

Sadly, I have to agree.....I have posted several times that I believe we are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.'

Any American who saw the Democrat Debates must be sickened.

Britain never was great in terms of morality.

They killed 10's of millions if not 100 million.

Leave it to dumb Protestants to nitpick Poles for self defense against Commie Koshers.
Turn a blind eye away from the many millions the Brits killed.

Protestants are prehistoric savages.
Why do you hate Protestants? And just what are you?

1.) I'm Catholic & mostly Polish & a little Irish Catholic.

2.) Protestants have a long history of mass murdering, oppressing & hating Catholics.

It has gotten better, but still Catholics tend to be the most picked on in the USA...Like Priests as Pedos or blaming Catholics for the Holocaust, but also Poles, French & Italians 3 Catholic groups tend to be the butt of jokes.

3.)Protestants tend to be very Liberal & or uncivilized.

4.) Protestants tend to be irrationally pro Jewish...They have become servants of the Globalists as a result....Just as annoying is many times Protestants throw Catholics under the bus to save face for the Jews.
Such as blaming Poles or the Vatican for killing millions of Jews...Is one but example....Worse the Protestants want Poland a reliable ally of the USA to pay Jews conpensations....But the vile hypocrites don't think Zionists owe Palestine compensations.

5.) Not all Protestants are the same.
It's mostly British Protestants which are deplorable.

At least Norse & Dutch Protestants despite being too Liberal can claim to be honest, civilized & peaceful for a few centuries.

Brits simply cannot.
Most picked on are Jews. The men who built America were Protestants and were philanthropists. Protestants are usually conservative, while Catholics and Jews are liberal. Very few people talk or know much about the Poles-and I married one.
Perhaps they have seen their finest hour. We are just experiencing ours-at least thru 2020.

Sadly, I have to agree.....I have posted several times that I believe we are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.'

Any American who saw the Democrat Debates must be sickened.

Britain never was great in terms of morality.

They killed 10's of millions if not 100 million.

Leave it to dumb Protestants to nitpick Poles for self defense against Commie Koshers.
Turn a blind eye away from the many millions the Brits killed.

Protestants are prehistoric savages.
Why do you hate Protestants? And just what are you?
Sob is Muslim.
Doesn't he know the Crusades were Catholic?

What Muslim celebrates Jan III Sobieski' s victory over Islamic Turks at Vienna?

Here's the thing.

Since I've created this account I've increasingly lost patience with the Chosen people.

When I made my account here 3 things were different.

A.) There were far less Kosher people blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

B.) They didn't sign an act to get Poland to pay Jews compensations.

C.) The Democrats/ Kosher Media / Kosher Favebook & Youtube have shifted more Left & it's become increasing obvious the Kosher Globalists are responsible.
Perhaps they have seen their finest hour. We are just experiencing ours-at least thru 2020.

Sadly, I have to agree.....I have posted several times that I believe we are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.'

Any American who saw the Democrat Debates must be sickened.

Britain never was great in terms of morality.

They killed 10's of millions if not 100 million.

Leave it to dumb Protestants to nitpick Poles for self defense against Commie Koshers.
Turn a blind eye away from the many millions the Brits killed.

Protestants are prehistoric savages.
Why do you hate Protestants? And just what are you?
Sob is Muslim.
Doesn't he know the Crusades were Catholic?
He's Polish and ugly, I cut him some slack.
Sadly, I have to agree.....I have posted several times that I believe we are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.'

Any American who saw the Democrat Debates must be sickened.

Britain never was great in terms of morality.

They killed 10's of millions if not 100 million.

Leave it to dumb Protestants to nitpick Poles for self defense against Commie Koshers.
Turn a blind eye away from the many millions the Brits killed.

Protestants are prehistoric savages.
Why do you hate Protestants? And just what are you?
Sob is Muslim.
Doesn't he know the Crusades were Catholic?

What Muslim celebrates Jan III Sobieski' s victory over Islamic Turks at Vienna?

Here's the thing.

Since I've created this account I've increasingly lost patience with the Chosen people.

When I made my account here 3 things were different.

A.) There were far less Kosher people blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

B.) They didn't sign an act to get Poland to pay Jews compensations.

C.) The Democrats/ Kosher Media / Kosher Favebook & Youtube have shifted more Left & it's become increasing obvious the Kosher Globalists are responsible.
If Poland simply gives back the Danzig corridor, WWII probably doesn't happen. So no Holocaust either.
Perhaps they have seen their finest hour. We are just experiencing ours-at least thru 2020.

Sadly, I have to agree.....I have posted several times that I believe we are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.'

Any American who saw the Democrat Debates must be sickened.

Britain never was great in terms of morality.

They killed 10's of millions if not 100 million.

Leave it to dumb Protestants to nitpick Poles for self defense against Commie Koshers.
Turn a blind eye away from the many millions the Brits killed.

Protestants are prehistoric savages.
Why do you hate Protestants? And just what are you?

1.) I'm Catholic & mostly Polish & a little Irish Catholic.

2.) Protestants have a long history of mass murdering, oppressing & hating Catholics.

It has gotten better, but still Catholics tend to be the most picked on in the USA...Like Priests as Pedos or blaming Catholics for the Holocaust, but also Poles, French & Italians 3 Catholic groups tend to be the butt of jokes.

3.)Protestants tend to be very Liberal & or uncivilized.

4.) Protestants tend to be irrationally pro Jewish...They have become servants of the Globalists as a result....Just as annoying is many times Protestants throw Catholics under the bus to save face for the Jews.
Such as blaming Poles or the Vatican for killing millions of Jews...Is one but example....Worse the Protestants want Poland a reliable ally of the USA to pay Jews conpensations....But the vile hypocrites don't think Zionists owe Palestine compensations.

5.) Not all Protestants are the same.
It's mostly British Protestants which are deplorable.

At least Norse & Dutch Protestants despite being too Liberal can claim to be honest, civilized & peaceful for a few centuries.

Brits simply cannot.
Most picked on are Jews. The men who built America were Protestants and were philanthropists. Protestants are usually conservative, while Catholics and Jews are liberal. Very few people talk or know much about the Poles-and I married one.

The Founders of this country had a reason for favoring the Jewish people, due to their attachment to the Bible, and because the Founders saw themselves as descendants of the People of the Book.

“Rather than just tolerate the Jews as another religious minority, America’s Founding Fathers were profoundly inspired by Jewish ideas, …. understanding liberty not as an individual license for each of us to pursue his or her bliss but as a collective commitment to a greater good under the watchful eyes of God.” In American Jewish History, a Key to Future Greatness

None of the Founders was a deist. All believed in a God who took an interest in us, and our country.

“Benjamin Franklin’s proposals for a Great Seal featuring not an eagle but Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.”

First Committee's Design for America's Great Seal - 1776

Clearly, the current Democrat Party, rife with anti-Semitism is an aberration, and not in accordance with the America as it was founded.

The other plans for America, abhorrent as well:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…
Perhaps they have seen their finest hour. We are just experiencing ours-at least thru 2020.

Sadly, I have to agree.....I have posted several times that I believe we are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.'

Any American who saw the Democrat Debates must be sickened.

Britain never was great in terms of morality.

They killed 10's of millions if not 100 million.

Leave it to dumb Protestants to nitpick Poles for self defense against Commie Koshers.
Turn a blind eye away from the many millions the Brits killed.

Protestants are prehistoric savages.
Why do you hate Protestants? And just what are you?

1.) I'm Catholic & mostly Polish & a little Irish Catholic.

2.) Protestants have a long history of mass murdering, oppressing & hating Catholics.

It has gotten better, but still Catholics tend to be the most picked on in the USA...Like Priests as Pedos or blaming Catholics for the Holocaust, but also Poles, French & Italians 3 Catholic groups tend to be the butt of jokes.

3.)Protestants tend to be very Liberal & or uncivilized.

4.) Protestants tend to be irrationally pro Jewish...They have become servants of the Globalists as a result....Just as annoying is many times Protestants throw Catholics under the bus to save face for the Jews.
Such as blaming Poles or the Vatican for killing millions of Jews...Is one but example....Worse the Protestants want Poland a reliable ally of the USA to pay Jews conpensations....But the vile hypocrites don't think Zionists owe Palestine compensations.

5.) Not all Protestants are the same.
It's mostly British Protestants which are deplorable.

At least Norse & Dutch Protestants despite being too Liberal can claim to be honest, civilized & peaceful for a few centuries.

Brits simply cannot.
Most picked on are Jews. The men who built America were Protestants and were philanthropists. Protestants are usually conservative, while Catholics and Jews are liberal. Very few people talk or know much about the Poles-and I married one.


Poles, French & Italians are the most picked on.

White Catholics voted Trump by as much as 64%.

Yes & No about Protestants making the USA.

Yes.. Besides 1 or a couple of Irish Catholics the Founding Fathers were British Protestants.

Still.... What you're overlooking is that without France a Catholic nation the USA would not exist.

Also some Polish Catholics like Pulaski & Kosciuszko played a role too.

I'm sure quite a few Irish & German Catholics were recruited too.
Sadly, I have to agree.....I have posted several times that I believe we are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.'

Any American who saw the Democrat Debates must be sickened.

Britain never was great in terms of morality.

They killed 10's of millions if not 100 million.

Leave it to dumb Protestants to nitpick Poles for self defense against Commie Koshers.
Turn a blind eye away from the many millions the Brits killed.

Protestants are prehistoric savages.
Why do you hate Protestants? And just what are you?

1.) I'm Catholic & mostly Polish & a little Irish Catholic.

2.) Protestants have a long history of mass murdering, oppressing & hating Catholics.

It has gotten better, but still Catholics tend to be the most picked on in the USA...Like Priests as Pedos or blaming Catholics for the Holocaust, but also Poles, French & Italians 3 Catholic groups tend to be the butt of jokes.

3.)Protestants tend to be very Liberal & or uncivilized.

4.) Protestants tend to be irrationally pro Jewish...They have become servants of the Globalists as a result....Just as annoying is many times Protestants throw Catholics under the bus to save face for the Jews.
Such as blaming Poles or the Vatican for killing millions of Jews...Is one but example....Worse the Protestants want Poland a reliable ally of the USA to pay Jews conpensations....But the vile hypocrites don't think Zionists owe Palestine compensations.

5.) Not all Protestants are the same.
It's mostly British Protestants which are deplorable.

At least Norse & Dutch Protestants despite being too Liberal can claim to be honest, civilized & peaceful for a few centuries.

Brits simply cannot.
Most picked on are Jews. The men who built America were Protestants and were philanthropists. Protestants are usually conservative, while Catholics and Jews are liberal. Very few people talk or know much about the Poles-and I married one.


Poles, French & Italians are the most picked on.

White Catholics voted Trump by as much as 64%.

Yes & No about Protestants making the USA.

Yes.. Besides 1 or a couple of Irish Catholics the Founding Fathers were British Protestants.

Still.... What you're overlooking is that without France a Catholic nation the USA would not exist.

Also some Polish Catholics like Pulaski & Kosciuszko played a role too.

I'm sure quite a few Irish & German Catholics were recruited too.
Obviously you have a European history book. The Poles, Irish and Italians picked on blacks and Jews when I was growing up. White Catholics aren't always conservative, look at the Kennedys. And they may have voted against Hillary-not for Trump.Never mind France, without England, the USA would not exist. Most Revolutionary soldiers were Protestant. See if you can get others on the USMB to agree with your points.
Sadly, I have to agree.....I have posted several times that I believe we are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.'

Any American who saw the Democrat Debates must be sickened.

Britain never was great in terms of morality.

They killed 10's of millions if not 100 million.

Leave it to dumb Protestants to nitpick Poles for self defense against Commie Koshers.
Turn a blind eye away from the many millions the Brits killed.

Protestants are prehistoric savages.
Why do you hate Protestants? And just what are you?

1.) I'm Catholic & mostly Polish & a little Irish Catholic.

2.) Protestants have a long history of mass murdering, oppressing & hating Catholics.

It has gotten better, but still Catholics tend to be the most picked on in the USA...Like Priests as Pedos or blaming Catholics for the Holocaust, but also Poles, French & Italians 3 Catholic groups tend to be the butt of jokes.

3.)Protestants tend to be very Liberal & or uncivilized.

4.) Protestants tend to be irrationally pro Jewish...They have become servants of the Globalists as a result....Just as annoying is many times Protestants throw Catholics under the bus to save face for the Jews.
Such as blaming Poles or the Vatican for killing millions of Jews...Is one but example....Worse the Protestants want Poland a reliable ally of the USA to pay Jews conpensations....But the vile hypocrites don't think Zionists owe Palestine compensations.

5.) Not all Protestants are the same.
It's mostly British Protestants which are deplorable.

At least Norse & Dutch Protestants despite being too Liberal can claim to be honest, civilized & peaceful for a few centuries.

Brits simply cannot.
Most picked on are Jews. The men who built America were Protestants and were philanthropists. Protestants are usually conservative, while Catholics and Jews are liberal. Very few people talk or know much about the Poles-and I married one.

The Founders of this country had a reason for favoring the Jewish people, due to their attachment to the Bible, and because the Founders saw themselves as descendants of the People of the Book.

“Rather than just tolerate the Jews as another religious minority, America’s Founding Fathers were profoundly inspired by Jewish ideas, …. understanding liberty not as an individual license for each of us to pursue his or her bliss but as a collective commitment to a greater good under the watchful eyes of God.” In American Jewish History, a Key to Future Greatness

None of the Founders was a deist. All believed in a God who took an interest in us, and our country.

“Benjamin Franklin’s proposals for a Great Seal featuring not an eagle but Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.”

First Committee's Design for America's Great Seal - 1776

Clearly, the current Democrat Party, rife with anti-Semitism is an aberration, and not in accordance with the America as it was founded.

The other plans for America, abhorrent as well:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

Wrong again.

Most of the Founders weren't pro-Jewish, quite the opposite most saw them negatively.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism
Britain never was great in terms of morality.

They killed 10's of millions if not 100 million.

Leave it to dumb Protestants to nitpick Poles for self defense against Commie Koshers.
Turn a blind eye away from the many millions the Brits killed.

Protestants are prehistoric savages.
Why do you hate Protestants? And just what are you?

1.) I'm Catholic & mostly Polish & a little Irish Catholic.

2.) Protestants have a long history of mass murdering, oppressing & hating Catholics.

It has gotten better, but still Catholics tend to be the most picked on in the USA...Like Priests as Pedos or blaming Catholics for the Holocaust, but also Poles, French & Italians 3 Catholic groups tend to be the butt of jokes.

3.)Protestants tend to be very Liberal & or uncivilized.

4.) Protestants tend to be irrationally pro Jewish...They have become servants of the Globalists as a result....Just as annoying is many times Protestants throw Catholics under the bus to save face for the Jews.
Such as blaming Poles or the Vatican for killing millions of Jews...Is one but example....Worse the Protestants want Poland a reliable ally of the USA to pay Jews conpensations....But the vile hypocrites don't think Zionists owe Palestine compensations.

5.) Not all Protestants are the same.
It's mostly British Protestants which are deplorable.

At least Norse & Dutch Protestants despite being too Liberal can claim to be honest, civilized & peaceful for a few centuries.

Brits simply cannot.
Most picked on are Jews. The men who built America were Protestants and were philanthropists. Protestants are usually conservative, while Catholics and Jews are liberal. Very few people talk or know much about the Poles-and I married one.


Poles, French & Italians are the most picked on.

White Catholics voted Trump by as much as 64%.

Yes & No about Protestants making the USA.

Yes.. Besides 1 or a couple of Irish Catholics the Founding Fathers were British Protestants.

Still.... What you're overlooking is that without France a Catholic nation the USA would not exist.

Also some Polish Catholics like Pulaski & Kosciuszko played a role too.

I'm sure quite a few Irish & German Catholics were recruited too.
Obviously you have a European history book. The Poles, Irish and Italians picked on blacks and Jews when I was growing up. White Catholics aren't always conservative, look at the Kennedys. And they may have voted against Hillary-not for Trump.Never mind France, without England, the USA would not exist. Most Revolutionary soldiers were Protestant. See if you can get others on the USMB to agree with your points.

And vice versa...A lot of them hate & bully us too.

Media, and Hollywood have instilled values against Poles, Italians & French.

Irish Catholics can be pretty Liberal.

Still most Dem politicians are Protestants.
I lived in England for a few years.
To be frank the whole fucking country is full of weirdos.
You can find clubs who collect dog shit from different breeds for Christ sake!
My advice: Don't go there! A beer will cost you ten bucks and a slice of the worst pizza in the world will cost you another ten bucks.
The odds of the pizza being spit on in the back of house when they know you are an American are about 90%
And who are the employees? 90% muslims!
No shit!
Britain never was great in terms of morality.

They killed 10's of millions if not 100 million.

Leave it to dumb Protestants to nitpick Poles for self defense against Commie Koshers.
Turn a blind eye away from the many millions the Brits killed.

Protestants are prehistoric savages.
Why do you hate Protestants? And just what are you?

1.) I'm Catholic & mostly Polish & a little Irish Catholic.

2.) Protestants have a long history of mass murdering, oppressing & hating Catholics.

It has gotten better, but still Catholics tend to be the most picked on in the USA...Like Priests as Pedos or blaming Catholics for the Holocaust, but also Poles, French & Italians 3 Catholic groups tend to be the butt of jokes.

3.)Protestants tend to be very Liberal & or uncivilized.

4.) Protestants tend to be irrationally pro Jewish...They have become servants of the Globalists as a result....Just as annoying is many times Protestants throw Catholics under the bus to save face for the Jews.
Such as blaming Poles or the Vatican for killing millions of Jews...Is one but example....Worse the Protestants want Poland a reliable ally of the USA to pay Jews conpensations....But the vile hypocrites don't think Zionists owe Palestine compensations.

5.) Not all Protestants are the same.
It's mostly British Protestants which are deplorable.

At least Norse & Dutch Protestants despite being too Liberal can claim to be honest, civilized & peaceful for a few centuries.

Brits simply cannot.
Most picked on are Jews. The men who built America were Protestants and were philanthropists. Protestants are usually conservative, while Catholics and Jews are liberal. Very few people talk or know much about the Poles-and I married one.

The Founders of this country had a reason for favoring the Jewish people, due to their attachment to the Bible, and because the Founders saw themselves as descendants of the People of the Book.

“Rather than just tolerate the Jews as another religious minority, America’s Founding Fathers were profoundly inspired by Jewish ideas, …. understanding liberty not as an individual license for each of us to pursue his or her bliss but as a collective commitment to a greater good under the watchful eyes of God.” In American Jewish History, a Key to Future Greatness

None of the Founders was a deist. All believed in a God who took an interest in us, and our country.

“Benjamin Franklin’s proposals for a Great Seal featuring not an eagle but Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.”

First Committee's Design for America's Great Seal - 1776

Clearly, the current Democrat Party, rife with anti-Semitism is an aberration, and not in accordance with the America as it was founded.

The other plans for America, abhorrent as well:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

Wrong again.

Most of the Founders weren't pro-Jewish, quite the opposite most saw them negatively.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

The first American Zionist was not Harry Truman. In fact, “the "first pro-Zionist declaration that was ever made by an American president" came from President John Adams, Founding Father, and the second President of the United States.

Two-hundred years ago this month, Adams wrote to a leader of the American Jewish community, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

Contrary to what is taught in the lying government schools, America was founded based religious principles, specifically Judeo-Christian ideas and values.

The Puritans saw parallels between themselves breaking away from England and the Jews' exodus from Egypt, wandering into the vast and unknown wilderness and reaching the promised land. The Bible was their guide, and their playbook. They adopted biblical customs and even gave their children Hebrew names.
… early American leaders saw parallels between the civil values they held and which they set as the standard for the United States, and values codified in the Bible.”
Why Does America Support Israel?

Blessing is promised to those who bless Abraham and his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The Founders recognized this, and believed it.

Zionism is as American as baseball and apple pie.
for the record---boys, Catholics in this country were mostly poor immigrants----
pro-union---and LIKE JEWS---democrats. As to the 'founding fathers'----mostly
Anglican or Scottish Methodist (or welsh with their weird religion) with the
"they killed jesus" as their first lullaby (they were also racists) ----the one POLISH
HERO was an admiral----who---I think----went back to Poland uhm KOS #%^W^KO
or what evah they named that bridge. AS to the holocaust------wrong again SOBIE
dear------I is a JOOOO not polish----only sorta polish----most of them fled to
austria somewhere around 1900 ---then to the USA (the rest died in Auschwitz (Poland) )
I did have a teacher in my youth----- born in KRACCOW He was deposited in
a Russian POW camp-----his relatives who remained in Poland were murdered by Poles.
It was safer to be in a Russian POW camp than in Poland. For anti-semitic chitchat-----
visit the ward of DELERIUM TREMENS in Woodhull Hospital where they keep the
polish "sick" PS---jews who were killed included those who RETURNED to
their properties after world war II--------
I invoke Godwin's Law, so you lose the argument without even one rebuttal. Nice going NorthKoreaChic.
Frau Braun still mourns the day the Nazis lost
The Nazis didn't lose.
They just switched parties.
Now they're Democrats.
So not Hair Trump?
View attachment 268233

Off topic, but you wanna see something scary?


They have the exact same facial structure. Ears and everything.
Last edited:
I invoke Godwin's Law, so you lose the argument without even one rebuttal. Nice going NorthKoreaChic.
Frau Braun still mourns the day the Nazis lost
The Nazis didn't lose.
They just switched parties.
Now they're Democrats.
So not Hair Trump?
View attachment 268233

Off topic, but you wanna see something scary?


They have the exact same facial structure.

There are no 'off-topic' posts.

This is a free speech zone, not a Democrat/Liberal one.
Sadly, I have to agree.....I have posted several times that I believe we are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.'

Any American who saw the Democrat Debates must be sickened.

Britain never was great in terms of morality.

They killed 10's of millions if not 100 million.

Leave it to dumb Protestants to nitpick Poles for self defense against Commie Koshers.
Turn a blind eye away from the many millions the Brits killed.

Protestants are prehistoric savages.
Why do you hate Protestants? And just what are you?
Sob is Muslim.
Doesn't he know the Crusades were Catholic?
He's Polish and ugly, I cut him some slack.

1.) You come off like a disgruntled Gay judging guys looks as a guy.

2.) Many females have said I'm good looking.
That matters more than some Gay Guy.

3.) As to mocking Poles for their intelligence.
Poles are actually prettty smart.
The PISA scores & literacy rates in Poland are well above the EU...including the UK.
Poland's IQ is 99 or about average for the EU.

Poland has produced more prominent intellectual figures than non- Whites.

Including Copernicus, Marie Curie, Chopin, Jozef.Conrad & Adam Mickiewicz.

This isnt bad by even European standards.

Many countries in Europe don't have as many great intellects.

Including Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Norway & most of Eastern Europe.
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Britain never was great in terms of morality.

They killed 10's of millions if not 100 million.

Leave it to dumb Protestants to nitpick Poles for self defense against Commie Koshers.
Turn a blind eye away from the many millions the Brits killed.

Protestants are prehistoric savages.
Why do you hate Protestants? And just what are you?
Sob is Muslim.
Doesn't he know the Crusades were Catholic?
He's Polish and ugly, I cut him some slack.

1.) You come off like a disgruntled Gay judging guys looks as a guy.

2.) Many females have said I'm good looking.
That matters more than some Gay Guy.

3.) As to mocking Poles for their intelligence.
Poles are actually prettty smart.
The PISA scores & literacy rates in Poland are well above the EU...including the UK.
Poland's IQ is 99 or about average for the EU.

Poland has produced more prominent intellectual figures than non- Whites.

Including Copernicus, Marie Curie, Chopin, Jozef.Conrad & Adam Mickiewicz.

This isnt bad by even European standards.

Many countries in Europe don't have as many great intellects.

Including Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Norway & most of Eastern Europe.
You're single and nobody wants to move to Poland. Not even you.
Why do you hate Protestants? And just what are you?
Sob is Muslim.
Doesn't he know the Crusades were Catholic?
He's Polish and ugly, I cut him some slack.

1.) You come off like a disgruntled Gay judging guys looks as a guy.

2.) Many females have said I'm good looking.
That matters more than some Gay Guy.

3.) As to mocking Poles for their intelligence.
Poles are actually prettty smart.
The PISA scores & literacy rates in Poland are well above the EU...including the UK.
Poland's IQ is 99 or about average for the EU.

Poland has produced more prominent intellectual figures than non- Whites.

Including Copernicus, Marie Curie, Chopin, Jozef.Conrad & Adam Mickiewicz.

This isnt bad by even European standards.

Many countries in Europe don't have as many great intellects.

Including Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Norway & most of Eastern Europe.
You're single and nobody wants to move to Poland. Not even you.

Just for a few days I've been Single.

Besides, it's not always easy to find people when you don't go out of your way & or are not in fixed social settings like school or work.

I'd probably be in Poland by now. if not for friends & family being here.
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Why do you hate Protestants? And just what are you?

1.) I'm Catholic & mostly Polish & a little Irish Catholic.

2.) Protestants have a long history of mass murdering, oppressing & hating Catholics.

It has gotten better, but still Catholics tend to be the most picked on in the USA...Like Priests as Pedos or blaming Catholics for the Holocaust, but also Poles, French & Italians 3 Catholic groups tend to be the butt of jokes.

3.)Protestants tend to be very Liberal & or uncivilized.

4.) Protestants tend to be irrationally pro Jewish...They have become servants of the Globalists as a result....Just as annoying is many times Protestants throw Catholics under the bus to save face for the Jews.
Such as blaming Poles or the Vatican for killing millions of Jews...Is one but example....Worse the Protestants want Poland a reliable ally of the USA to pay Jews conpensations....But the vile hypocrites don't think Zionists owe Palestine compensations.

5.) Not all Protestants are the same.
It's mostly British Protestants which are deplorable.

At least Norse & Dutch Protestants despite being too Liberal can claim to be honest, civilized & peaceful for a few centuries.

Brits simply cannot.
Most picked on are Jews. The men who built America were Protestants and were philanthropists. Protestants are usually conservative, while Catholics and Jews are liberal. Very few people talk or know much about the Poles-and I married one.

The Founders of this country had a reason for favoring the Jewish people, due to their attachment to the Bible, and because the Founders saw themselves as descendants of the People of the Book.

“Rather than just tolerate the Jews as another religious minority, America’s Founding Fathers were profoundly inspired by Jewish ideas, …. understanding liberty not as an individual license for each of us to pursue his or her bliss but as a collective commitment to a greater good under the watchful eyes of God.” In American Jewish History, a Key to Future Greatness

None of the Founders was a deist. All believed in a God who took an interest in us, and our country.

“Benjamin Franklin’s proposals for a Great Seal featuring not an eagle but Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.”

First Committee's Design for America's Great Seal - 1776

Clearly, the current Democrat Party, rife with anti-Semitism is an aberration, and not in accordance with the America as it was founded.

The other plans for America, abhorrent as well:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

Wrong again.

Most of the Founders weren't pro-Jewish, quite the opposite most saw them negatively.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

The first American Zionist was not Harry Truman. In fact, “the "first pro-Zionist declaration that was ever made by an American president" came from President John Adams, Founding Father, and the second President of the United States.

Two-hundred years ago this month, Adams wrote to a leader of the American Jewish community, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

Contrary to what is taught in the lying government schools, America was founded based religious principles, specifically Judeo-Christian ideas and values.

The Puritans saw parallels between themselves breaking away from England and the Jews' exodus from Egypt, wandering into the vast and unknown wilderness and reaching the promised land. The Bible was their guide, and their playbook. They adopted biblical customs and even gave their children Hebrew names.
… early American leaders saw parallels between the civil values they held and which they set as the standard for the United States, and values codified in the Bible.”
Why Does America Support Israel?

Blessing is promised to those who bless Abraham and his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The Founders recognized this, and believed it.

Zionism is as American as baseball and apple pie.

That's one... Out of the rest of the anti-Semitic Founders.

You clearly struggle with proportions a very rare thing for Asians.

Quite common among Brits.

You're very one track minded & desperate.. .closed minded, lack logical skills etc.

Not typical to East Asians.
But more with Brits & Jews.

I believe you're not honest about who you are.

I'm convinced you're either a Brit, or a Jew.

Firstly you never brag nor promote anything Korean or Asian.

You do constantly brag about Jews & Brits.

Your values are more like Brits & Jews too.

But, why the lie?

I'm convinced you're a Jew.
That you pretend to be Korean to divert anti-Semitism.

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