Gone- But Not Forgotten

First off freedom is Liberalism.
Second off freedom is weak.
Third off most Collectivists are more Right-Wing than Individualists.

The problem with Freedom & Capitalism is it allows the Kosher Globalists the freedom to control the media, Hollywood, the social media too.

That's why your side is losing big.

"First off freedom is Liberalism."

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could attempt to be, but you wouldn't succeed.

"Liberalism' is the title the Socialist Party stole, and has used to hide its big government statism, demanding the bending of the neck and the knee by citizens.

Wise up.

Classical Liberalism & Neo Liberalism is what Republicans practice.

I blame mostly Reagan for botching up the definitions.

That's because you are ignorant.

Today's Liberals are not the classical liberals who founded this nation.....they would be referred to as conservatives today.

Communist John Dewey prevailed on the Socialist Party to change its name to 'Liberal.'

"...[John] Dewey arguably did more than any other reformer to repackage progressive social theory in a way that obscured just how radically its principles departed from those of the American founding. Like Ely and many of his fellow progressive academics, Dewey initially embraced the term “socialism” to describe his social theory. Only after realizing how damaging the name was to the socialist cause did he, like other progressives, begin to avoid it. In the early 1930s, accordingly, Dewey begged the Socialist party, of which he was a longtime member, to change its name. “The greatest handicap from which special measures favored by the Socialists suffer,” Dewey declared, “is that they are advanced by the Socialist party as Socialism. The prejudice against the name may be a regrettable prejudice but its influence is so powerful that it is much more reasonable to imagine all but the most dogmatic Socialists joining a new party than to imagine any considerable part of the American people going over to them.” Dewey’s influential 1935 tract, Liberalism and Social Action, should be read in the light of this." The Refounding of America | National Review

Very wrong.
The Founding Fathers weren't Classical Liberals.

They were a mix of Paleo Conservatives with the Authoritarian Right.

Both parties are Left wing here in the USA.

Interesting, and indicative, that you have yet to understand this fact: I'm never wrong.

You're usually wrong.

Capitalism wasn't a full concept during the Founding Fathers constructs, the initial beginnings started rolling a bit just after the American Revolutionary War,
by Scottish Adam Smith's philosophy works, like his work on the Wealth of Nations may have setup some minor Capitalist sentiments.

But, the Founding Fathers were largely Authoritarians for Mercantilism.

For example, the economy was driven quite the amount of regulation, and the Democracy was very limited, with only 6% of the USA being able to vote in the first election.... Being White male property owners.

They owned slaves, they were prejudiced, White supremacists.

They had no intention on equality for most people in America.
i think their ambassador to the US made it pretty clear what the brits think & boy oh boy is he spot on.


And that's from a (once) nation that thinks it might get a good trade deal with America if/when it breaks away from EU serfdom!

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England. Our sister nation.
Gone in so very many ways.

We can’t forget how much of our heritage we gained, took, from England,…Great Britain after 1707….

1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]

2. The Magna Carta….Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ‘house’ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
“Know ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,….”
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

3. But, alas, the great and once noble nation has thrown in the towel, bowed to the threats and behavior of a 7th century barbarian cult.

“When the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced in October 2005 that he intended to "wipe Israel off the map," Britain, along with the rest of the civilized world, expressed shock and revulsion. Yet, two days later, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London to demand that Israel meet precisely such a fate.

While shocked demonstrators in Italy, Hungary, Austria and France waved around placards asking "Israel today, Europe tomorrow?", London resounded instead to shouts for Israel's destruction. Thousands of demonstrators marched through the city to mark "Al-Quds day"—when Muslims express solidarity with the Palestinian Arabs— on what was effectively a British march for genocide.

The crowd chanted: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," "Zionism, terrorism" and "We are all Hezbollah"; and no one turned a hair.”
Phillips, “Londonistan,” P. 116

How to explain the reversal from the people who braved the Nazi bombings….”We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” Churchill….

…..to a people ready to don the headscarf and grab the ankles?

And….is this a sign of our future, as well?
Perhaps they have seen their finest hour. We are just experiencing ours-at least thru 2020.
12. What has happened to the English?

Britain is “…a society that has lost its moral compass and descended into the nihilism of moral relativism,…. The prevailing view, as one bishop observed, is that "there is no one truth, and we all have to respect each other's truths."

unlike the American churches where evangelical Christians are in the majority, the Church of England is dominated by liberals who control its bureaucracy and its thinking process…. it tends to go with the flow, even when that flow is in the direction of religious, moral and social collapse…. worship of social liberalism.

That of course leads directly to the view (not stated by the Church) that polygamy, female circumcision or the stoning of adulterers must be regarded as of equal merit to the concept of human dignity at the heart of Christianity.” Phillips, Op. Cit.

Hence, “… two absolutely fundamental problems for the Church.
The first is that the dominant contemporary political force within Islam is an ideology that seeks to destroy Christianity and its values.
The second is that, because the Church has failed to resolve its deeply ambiguous and conflict-laden attitude towards the Jews, it cannot recognize the threat posed by Islamism to the Jews and beyond them to the free world.

Instead, it has allowed itself to absorb much of the Islamist and Arab narrative of hostility to Israel and the Jews, thus positioning itself as an unwitting ally of those who would destroy Christianity itself.”

Can America resist the trend?

We may get an indication in the next election.

What has happened to the English?

The same thing that has happened to the USA, Germany, Canada, and well the "Western Europeans"

It's called Capitalist Individualism, and Kosher Cultural Marxism.

The Capitalist Individualists say judge the individual, not the group, they say groups don't matter, but what they get, and need.
That it's the freedom of Capitalists to sell Liberal & degenerate values into the mainstream through Media, Hollywood, Pornography, social Media, and to hire Illegal immigrants, or to outsource jobs to Communist China, and so forth.

To make matters worse, the Kosher Globalists have hijacked each of the above, they have taken over a lot of things, and have promoted Cultural-Marxist ideals, to collapse Western society.

Let's try again.

12. What has happened to the English?

Britain is “…a society that has lost its moral compass and descended into the nihilism of moral relativism,…. The prevailing view, as one bishop observed, is that "there is no one truth, and we all have to respect each other's truths."

unlike the American churches where evangelical Christians are in the majority, the Church of England is dominated by liberals who control its bureaucracy and its thinking process…. it tends to go with the flow, even when that flow is in the direction of religious, moral and social collapse…. worship of social liberalism.

That of course leads directly to the view (not stated by the Church) that polygamy, female circumcision or the stoning of adulterers must be regarded as of equal merit to the concept of human dignity at the heart of Christianity.” Phillips, Op. Cit.

Hence, “… two absolutely fundamental problems for the Church.
The first is that the dominant contemporary political force within Islam is an ideology that seeks to destroy Christianity and its values.
The second is that, because the Church has failed to resolve its deeply ambiguous and conflict-laden attitude towards the Jews, it cannot recognize the threat posed by Islamism to the Jews and beyond them to the free world.

Instead, it has allowed itself to absorb much of the Islamist and Arab narrative of hostility to Israel and the Jews, thus positioning itself as an unwitting ally of those who would destroy Christianity itself.”

Can America resist the trend?

We may get an indication in the next election.

It's largely that Western Europeans are very Individualistic, and easily Indoctrinated.

Czechs are mostly Atheist, they resisted the Islamic refugees, because of the fact they're somewhat Collectivist, with almost no Kosher Cultural Marxist Capitalists.

Chinese are also mostly Atheist, and they are extremely Nationalistic, because of the fact they've mega Collectivists, with basically no Kosher Cultural Marxist Capitalists.

It's not the Islamists who are the #1 problem.

The #1 problem are the Kosher Globalists.

I see.....this is really about the 3 million Jewish persons your Poles helped the Nazis kill, and you attempt to assuage the guilt.

This doesn't pertain to this thread....get lost.

I don't know what's more stupid.

That you think that Kosher people are king, and aren't f*cking up the USA with Liberalism.
That you think Poland killed 3 million Jews.

You're definitely not very bright, to say the very least.
You are grossly mistaken, doll.


JERUSALEM -- A prominent Polish historian presented evidence Wednesday about Polish villagers’ widespread killing of Jews fleeing Nazis during World War II, touching a raw nerve in a country still grappling with its role during the Holocaust.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience.

“The responsibility for the extermination of Jews in Europe is borne by Nazi Germany,” she writes. “Polish peasants were volunteers in the sphere of murdering Jews.” New book on killing of Jews in Poland exposes raw nerve
And like the story, "Schindler's List" a man who saved Jewish lives right under the Fuhrer's nose, there were good people in Poland who risked life and limb to save Jewish lives. Maybe you had a relative or a friend back in your Poland who befriended Jewish survivors of the Holocaust?


The research is likely to irk the nationalist Polish government, which has taken aim at those seeking to undermine its official stance that Poles were only heroes in the war, not collaborators who committed heinous crimes.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience. 700 Polish Citizens Killed While Helping Jews During the Holocaust by Terese Pencak Schwartz
Last edited:
What has happened to the English?

The same thing that has happened to the USA, Germany, Canada, and well the "Western Europeans"

It's called Capitalist Individualism, and Kosher Cultural Marxism.

The Capitalist Individualists say judge the individual, not the group, they say groups don't matter, but what they get, and need.
That it's the freedom of Capitalists to sell Liberal & degenerate values into the mainstream through Media, Hollywood, Pornography, social Media, and to hire Illegal immigrants, or to outsource jobs to Communist China, and so forth.

To make matters worse, the Kosher Globalists have hijacked each of the above, they have taken over a lot of things, and have promoted Cultural-Marxist ideals, to collapse Western society.

Let's try again.

12. What has happened to the English?

Britain is “…a society that has lost its moral compass and descended into the nihilism of moral relativism,…. The prevailing view, as one bishop observed, is that "there is no one truth, and we all have to respect each other's truths."

unlike the American churches where evangelical Christians are in the majority, the Church of England is dominated by liberals who control its bureaucracy and its thinking process…. it tends to go with the flow, even when that flow is in the direction of religious, moral and social collapse…. worship of social liberalism.

That of course leads directly to the view (not stated by the Church) that polygamy, female circumcision or the stoning of adulterers must be regarded as of equal merit to the concept of human dignity at the heart of Christianity.” Phillips, Op. Cit.

Hence, “… two absolutely fundamental problems for the Church.
The first is that the dominant contemporary political force within Islam is an ideology that seeks to destroy Christianity and its values.
The second is that, because the Church has failed to resolve its deeply ambiguous and conflict-laden attitude towards the Jews, it cannot recognize the threat posed by Islamism to the Jews and beyond them to the free world.

Instead, it has allowed itself to absorb much of the Islamist and Arab narrative of hostility to Israel and the Jews, thus positioning itself as an unwitting ally of those who would destroy Christianity itself.”

Can America resist the trend?

We may get an indication in the next election.

It's largely that Western Europeans are very Individualistic, and easily Indoctrinated.

Czechs are mostly Atheist, they resisted the Islamic refugees, because of the fact they're somewhat Collectivist, with almost no Kosher Cultural Marxist Capitalists.

Chinese are also mostly Atheist, and they are extremely Nationalistic, because of the fact they've mega Collectivists, with basically no Kosher Cultural Marxist Capitalists.

It's not the Islamists who are the #1 problem.

The #1 problem are the Kosher Globalists.

I see.....this is really about the 3 million Jewish persons your Poles helped the Nazis kill, and you attempt to assuage the guilt.

This doesn't pertain to this thread....get lost.

I don't know what's more stupid.

That you think that Kosher people are king, and aren't f*cking up the USA with Liberalism.
That you think Poland killed 3 million Jews.

You're definitely not very bright, to say the very least.
You are grossly mistaken, doll.


JERUSALEM -- A prominent Polish historian presented evidence Wednesday about Polish villagers’ widespread killing of Jews fleeing Nazis during World War II, touching a raw nerve in a country still grappling with its role during the Holocaust.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience.

“The responsibility for the extermination of Jews in Europe is borne by Nazi Germany,” she writes. “Polish peasants were volunteers in the sphere of murdering Jews.” New book on killing of Jews in Poland exposes raw nerve
And like the story, "Schindler's List" a man who saved Jewish lives right under the Fuhrer's nose, there were good people in Poland who risked life and limb to save Jewish lives. Maybe you had a relative or a friend back in your Poland who befriended Jewish survivors of the Holocaust?


The research is likely to irk the nationalist Polish government, which has taken aim at those seeking to undermine its official stance that Poles were only heroes in the war, not collaborators who committed heinous crimes.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience.

Poland obviously didn't kill 3 million Jews.... Such an ignorant, and vile slander won't be taken lightly by the usual genetic scums.

Nazi Germans did kill 3 million Jews, and more, the camps were staffed almost entirely staffed by Germans.

A few far smaller Pogroms don't prove anything.

There were also several anti-Polish Pogroms against Poles by Jews, like Skidel Revolt, the Konuichy Massacre, and the massacre of Brzostowica Mała.

I really think Protestants are inherently dumb, and primitive.
Let's try again.

12. What has happened to the English?

Britain is “…a society that has lost its moral compass and descended into the nihilism of moral relativism,…. The prevailing view, as one bishop observed, is that "there is no one truth, and we all have to respect each other's truths."

unlike the American churches where evangelical Christians are in the majority, the Church of England is dominated by liberals who control its bureaucracy and its thinking process…. it tends to go with the flow, even when that flow is in the direction of religious, moral and social collapse…. worship of social liberalism.

That of course leads directly to the view (not stated by the Church) that polygamy, female circumcision or the stoning of adulterers must be regarded as of equal merit to the concept of human dignity at the heart of Christianity.” Phillips, Op. Cit.

Hence, “… two absolutely fundamental problems for the Church.
The first is that the dominant contemporary political force within Islam is an ideology that seeks to destroy Christianity and its values.
The second is that, because the Church has failed to resolve its deeply ambiguous and conflict-laden attitude towards the Jews, it cannot recognize the threat posed by Islamism to the Jews and beyond them to the free world.

Instead, it has allowed itself to absorb much of the Islamist and Arab narrative of hostility to Israel and the Jews, thus positioning itself as an unwitting ally of those who would destroy Christianity itself.”

Can America resist the trend?

We may get an indication in the next election.

It's largely that Western Europeans are very Individualistic, and easily Indoctrinated.

Czechs are mostly Atheist, they resisted the Islamic refugees, because of the fact they're somewhat Collectivist, with almost no Kosher Cultural Marxist Capitalists.

Chinese are also mostly Atheist, and they are extremely Nationalistic, because of the fact they've mega Collectivists, with basically no Kosher Cultural Marxist Capitalists.

It's not the Islamists who are the #1 problem.

The #1 problem are the Kosher Globalists.

I see.....this is really about the 3 million Jewish persons your Poles helped the Nazis kill, and you attempt to assuage the guilt.

This doesn't pertain to this thread....get lost.

I don't know what's more stupid.

That you think that Kosher people are king, and aren't f*cking up the USA with Liberalism.
That you think Poland killed 3 million Jews.

You're definitely not very bright, to say the very least.
You are grossly mistaken, doll.


JERUSALEM -- A prominent Polish historian presented evidence Wednesday about Polish villagers’ widespread killing of Jews fleeing Nazis during World War II, touching a raw nerve in a country still grappling with its role during the Holocaust.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience.

“The responsibility for the extermination of Jews in Europe is borne by Nazi Germany,” she writes. “Polish peasants were volunteers in the sphere of murdering Jews.” New book on killing of Jews in Poland exposes raw nerve
And like the story, "Schindler's List" a man who saved Jewish lives right under the Fuhrer's nose, there were good people in Poland who risked life and limb to save Jewish lives. Maybe you had a relative or a friend back in your Poland who befriended Jewish survivors of the Holocaust?


The research is likely to irk the nationalist Polish government, which has taken aim at those seeking to undermine its official stance that Poles were only heroes in the war, not collaborators who committed heinous crimes.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience. 700 Polish Citizens Killed While Helping Jews During the Holocaust by Terese Pencak Schwartz

Poland obviously didn't kill 3 million Jews.... Such an ignorant, and vile slander won't be taken lightly by the usual genetic scums.

Nazi Germans did kill 3 million Jews, and more, the camps were staffed almost entirely staffed by Germans.

A few far smaller Pogroms don't prove anything.

There were also several anti-Polish Pogroms against Poles by Jews, like Skidel Revolt, the Konuichy Massacre, and the massacre of Brzostowica Mała.

I really think Protestants are inherently dumb, and primitive.
You didn't read a word of my post, did you.
It's largely that Western Europeans are very Individualistic, and easily Indoctrinated.

Czechs are mostly Atheist, they resisted the Islamic refugees, because of the fact they're somewhat Collectivist, with almost no Kosher Cultural Marxist Capitalists.

Chinese are also mostly Atheist, and they are extremely Nationalistic, because of the fact they've mega Collectivists, with basically no Kosher Cultural Marxist Capitalists.

It's not the Islamists who are the #1 problem.

The #1 problem are the Kosher Globalists.

I see.....this is really about the 3 million Jewish persons your Poles helped the Nazis kill, and you attempt to assuage the guilt.

This doesn't pertain to this thread....get lost.

I don't know what's more stupid.

That you think that Kosher people are king, and aren't f*cking up the USA with Liberalism.
That you think Poland killed 3 million Jews.

You're definitely not very bright, to say the very least.
You are grossly mistaken, doll.


JERUSALEM -- A prominent Polish historian presented evidence Wednesday about Polish villagers’ widespread killing of Jews fleeing Nazis during World War II, touching a raw nerve in a country still grappling with its role during the Holocaust.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience.

“The responsibility for the extermination of Jews in Europe is borne by Nazi Germany,” she writes. “Polish peasants were volunteers in the sphere of murdering Jews.” New book on killing of Jews in Poland exposes raw nerve
And like the story, "Schindler's List" a man who saved Jewish lives right under the Fuhrer's nose, there were good people in Poland who risked life and limb to save Jewish lives. Maybe you had a relative or a friend back in your Poland who befriended Jewish survivors of the Holocaust?


The research is likely to irk the nationalist Polish government, which has taken aim at those seeking to undermine its official stance that Poles were only heroes in the war, not collaborators who committed heinous crimes.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience. 700 Polish Citizens Killed While Helping Jews During the Holocaust by Terese Pencak Schwartz

Poland obviously didn't kill 3 million Jews.... Such an ignorant, and vile slander won't be taken lightly by the usual genetic scums.

Nazi Germans did kill 3 million Jews, and more, the camps were staffed almost entirely staffed by Germans.

A few far smaller Pogroms don't prove anything.

There were also several anti-Polish Pogroms against Poles by Jews, like Skidel Revolt, the Konuichy Massacre, and the massacre of Brzostowica Mała.

I really think Protestants are inherently dumb, and primitive.
You didn't read a word of my post, did you.

Anybody who suggests Poland killed 3 million Jews... Is clearly in need of institutionalization for either severe retardation, or severe insanity.

Poland was an Allied power, and still is.

If you want to go slander an actual ally of Poland, to help out Liberal Jews, go be an Protestant idiot on your own terms.

Because soon it will just be the USA, and Israel fighting off the World..
I see.....this is really about the 3 million Jewish persons your Poles helped the Nazis kill, and you attempt to assuage the guilt.

This doesn't pertain to this thread....get lost.

I don't know what's more stupid.

That you think that Kosher people are king, and aren't f*cking up the USA with Liberalism.
That you think Poland killed 3 million Jews.

You're definitely not very bright, to say the very least.
You are grossly mistaken, doll.


JERUSALEM -- A prominent Polish historian presented evidence Wednesday about Polish villagers’ widespread killing of Jews fleeing Nazis during World War II, touching a raw nerve in a country still grappling with its role during the Holocaust.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience.

“The responsibility for the extermination of Jews in Europe is borne by Nazi Germany,” she writes. “Polish peasants were volunteers in the sphere of murdering Jews.” New book on killing of Jews in Poland exposes raw nerve
And like the story, "Schindler's List" a man who saved Jewish lives right under the Fuhrer's nose, there were good people in Poland who risked life and limb to save Jewish lives. Maybe you had a relative or a friend back in your Poland who befriended Jewish survivors of the Holocaust?


The research is likely to irk the nationalist Polish government, which has taken aim at those seeking to undermine its official stance that Poles were only heroes in the war, not collaborators who committed heinous crimes.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience. 700 Polish Citizens Killed While Helping Jews During the Holocaust by Terese Pencak Schwartz

Poland obviously didn't kill 3 million Jews.... Such an ignorant, and vile slander won't be taken lightly by the usual genetic scums.

Nazi Germans did kill 3 million Jews, and more, the camps were staffed almost entirely staffed by Germans.

A few far smaller Pogroms don't prove anything.

There were also several anti-Polish Pogroms against Poles by Jews, like Skidel Revolt, the Konuichy Massacre, and the massacre of Brzostowica Mała.

I really think Protestants are inherently dumb, and primitive.
You didn't read a word of my post, did you.

Anybody who suggests Poland killed 3 million Jews... Is clearly in need of institutionalization for either severe retardation, or severe insanity.

Poland was an Allied power, and still is.

If you want to go slander an actual ally of Poland, to help out Jews, go be an Protestant idiot on your own terms.

Because soon it will just be the USA, and Israel fighting off the World..
And you didn't read my post's quote again, so continue on with your hollow mouthings, sir. I'll chalk it up to a failure of reading comprehension as to how you missed the point. You skipped every last detail all by yourself.
I don't know what's more stupid.

That you think that Kosher people are king, and aren't f*cking up the USA with Liberalism.
That you think Poland killed 3 million Jews.

You're definitely not very bright, to say the very least.
You are grossly mistaken, doll.


JERUSALEM -- A prominent Polish historian presented evidence Wednesday about Polish villagers’ widespread killing of Jews fleeing Nazis during World War II, touching a raw nerve in a country still grappling with its role during the Holocaust.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience.

“The responsibility for the extermination of Jews in Europe is borne by Nazi Germany,” she writes. “Polish peasants were volunteers in the sphere of murdering Jews.” New book on killing of Jews in Poland exposes raw nerve
And like the story, "Schindler's List" a man who saved Jewish lives right under the Fuhrer's nose, there were good people in Poland who risked life and limb to save Jewish lives. Maybe you had a relative or a friend back in your Poland who befriended Jewish survivors of the Holocaust?


The research is likely to irk the nationalist Polish government, which has taken aim at those seeking to undermine its official stance that Poles were only heroes in the war, not collaborators who committed heinous crimes.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience. 700 Polish Citizens Killed While Helping Jews During the Holocaust by Terese Pencak Schwartz

Poland obviously didn't kill 3 million Jews.... Such an ignorant, and vile slander won't be taken lightly by the usual genetic scums.

Nazi Germans did kill 3 million Jews, and more, the camps were staffed almost entirely staffed by Germans.

A few far smaller Pogroms don't prove anything.

There were also several anti-Polish Pogroms against Poles by Jews, like Skidel Revolt, the Konuichy Massacre, and the massacre of Brzostowica Mała.

I really think Protestants are inherently dumb, and primitive.
You didn't read a word of my post, did you.

Anybody who suggests Poland killed 3 million Jews... Is clearly in need of institutionalization for either severe retardation, or severe insanity.

Poland was an Allied power, and still is.

If you want to go slander an actual ally of Poland, to help out Jews, go be an Protestant idiot on your own terms.

Because soon it will just be the USA, and Israel fighting off the World..
And you didn't read my post's quote again, so continue on with your hollow mouthings, sir. I'll chalk it up to a failure of reading comprehension as to how you missed the point. You skipped every last detail all by yourself.

I'm well aware of Jedwabne, where 23 Poles were convicted of killing 360 Jews.

That's NOT the Holocaust, nor the killings of 3 million Jews like you suggested.
Because soon it will just be the USA, and Israel fighting off the World
There are SPIRITUAL reasons for that, that you're not capable of understanding. It can be found in the words of Joseph:

I am Joseph, your brother.

The devil understands, and he leads the gentile mind.
Because soon it will just be the USA, and Israel fighting off the World
There are SPIRITUAL reasons for that, that you're not capable of understanding. It can be found in the words of Joseph:

I am Joseph, your brother.

The devil understands, and he leads the gentile mind.

The devil is a Trickster God.
Boy have they tricked you.

The trick of them, was to make you think that they were Holy.

When in reality they're the anti-Christs who mock, and despise Jesus, and even killed Jesus as Judas.

The real Chosen people are Christians, the issue is one of semantics, that they hijacked terms that make you believe such, but it's not true.

Yes, the real evil is really the Chosen Globalists, and their Anglo Protestant collaborators, you've killed so many, a lot more than other Europeans.
England. Our sister nation.
Gone in so very many ways.

We can’t forget how much of our heritage we gained, took, from England,…Great Britain after 1707….

1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]

2. The Magna Carta….Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ‘house’ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
“Know ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,….”
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

3. But, alas, the great and once noble nation has thrown in the towel, bowed to the threats and behavior of a 7th century barbarian cult.

“When the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced in October 2005 that he intended to "wipe Israel off the map," Britain, along with the rest of the civilized world, expressed shock and revulsion. Yet, two days later, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London to demand that Israel meet precisely such a fate.

While shocked demonstrators in Italy, Hungary, Austria and France waved around placards asking "Israel today, Europe tomorrow?", London resounded instead to shouts for Israel's destruction. Thousands of demonstrators marched through the city to mark "Al-Quds day"—when Muslims express solidarity with the Palestinian Arabs— on what was effectively a British march for genocide.

The crowd chanted: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," "Zionism, terrorism" and "We are all Hezbollah"; and no one turned a hair.”
Phillips, “Londonistan,” P. 116

How to explain the reversal from the people who braved the Nazi bombings….”We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” Churchill….

…..to a people ready to don the headscarf and grab the ankles?

And….is this a sign of our future, as well?
Great post

Thank you.

Glad you liked it.
When I was kiddo, I used to have this sneaking admiration for the English. My forefathers came here from England. How England has been corrupted by immigration..[

They do seem to have given up a great deal of their character.
England. Our sister nation.
Gone in so very many ways.

We can’t forget how much of our heritage we gained, took, from England,…Great Britain after 1707….

1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]

2. The Magna Carta….Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ‘house’ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
“Know ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,….”
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

3. But, alas, the great and once noble nation has thrown in the towel, bowed to the threats and behavior of a 7th century barbarian cult.

“When the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced in October 2005 that he intended to "wipe Israel off the map," Britain, along with the rest of the civilized world, expressed shock and revulsion. Yet, two days later, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London to demand that Israel meet precisely such a fate.

While shocked demonstrators in Italy, Hungary, Austria and France waved around placards asking "Israel today, Europe tomorrow?", London resounded instead to shouts for Israel's destruction. Thousands of demonstrators marched through the city to mark "Al-Quds day"—when Muslims express solidarity with the Palestinian Arabs— on what was effectively a British march for genocide.

The crowd chanted: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," "Zionism, terrorism" and "We are all Hezbollah"; and no one turned a hair.”
Phillips, “Londonistan,” P. 116

How to explain the reversal from the people who braved the Nazi bombings….”We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” Churchill….

…..to a people ready to don the headscarf and grab the ankles?

And….is this a sign of our future, as well?
Perhaps they have seen their finest hour. We are just experiencing ours-at least thru 2020.

Sadly, I have to agree.....I have posted several times that I believe we are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.'

Any American who saw the Democrat Debates must be sickened.
I see.....this is really about the 3 million Jewish persons your Poles helped the Nazis kill, and you attempt to assuage the guilt.

This doesn't pertain to this thread....get lost.

I don't know what's more stupid.

That you think that Kosher people are king, and aren't f*cking up the USA with Liberalism.
That you think Poland killed 3 million Jews.

You're definitely not very bright, to say the very least.
You are grossly mistaken, doll.


JERUSALEM -- A prominent Polish historian presented evidence Wednesday about Polish villagers’ widespread killing of Jews fleeing Nazis during World War II, touching a raw nerve in a country still grappling with its role during the Holocaust.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience.

“The responsibility for the extermination of Jews in Europe is borne by Nazi Germany,” she writes. “Polish peasants were volunteers in the sphere of murdering Jews.” New book on killing of Jews in Poland exposes raw nerve
And like the story, "Schindler's List" a man who saved Jewish lives right under the Fuhrer's nose, there were good people in Poland who risked life and limb to save Jewish lives. Maybe you had a relative or a friend back in your Poland who befriended Jewish survivors of the Holocaust?


The research is likely to irk the nationalist Polish government, which has taken aim at those seeking to undermine its official stance that Poles were only heroes in the war, not collaborators who committed heinous crimes.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience. 700 Polish Citizens Killed While Helping Jews During the Holocaust by Terese Pencak Schwartz

Poland obviously didn't kill 3 million Jews.... Such an ignorant, and vile slander won't be taken lightly by the usual genetic scums.

Nazi Germans did kill 3 million Jews, and more, the camps were staffed almost entirely staffed by Germans.

A few far smaller Pogroms don't prove anything.

There were also several anti-Polish Pogroms against Poles by Jews, like Skidel Revolt, the Konuichy Massacre, and the massacre of Brzostowica Mała.

I really think Protestants are inherently dumb, and primitive.
You didn't read a word of my post, did you.

Anybody who suggests Poland killed 3 million Jews... Is clearly in need of institutionalization for either severe retardation, or severe insanity.

Poland was an Allied power, and still is.

If you want to go slander an actual ally of Poland, to help out Liberal Jews, go be an Protestant idiot on your own terms.

Because soon it will just be the USA, and Israel fighting off the World..

“Consider the weeks after the German invasion of eastern Poland on June 22, 1941. Public authority collapsed in the face of the advancing German army. In many communities, local Poles and other non-Jews beat, robbed, raped and murdered their Jewish neighbors. Our forthcoming book, “Intimate Violence: Anti-Jewish Pogroms on the Eve of the Holocaust,” documents 219 such pogroms in cities and small towns across eastern Poland, nearly 10 percent of the 2,304 localities where Jews and non-Jews dwelled together. Ethnic Poles were the primary perpetrators in approximately 25 percent of the pogroms; in the remaining instances, ethnic Ukrainians predominated.

Some argue that the Germans compelled Poles and other non-Jews to commit violence. It’s true that the Germans encouraged non-Jews to do their dirty work; some pogroms took place with the Germans observing. But in many other cases, the violence began before the Germans arrived or after they left.´”
I don't know what's more stupid.

That you think that Kosher people are king, and aren't f*cking up the USA with Liberalism.
That you think Poland killed 3 million Jews.

You're definitely not very bright, to say the very least.
You are grossly mistaken, doll.


JERUSALEM -- A prominent Polish historian presented evidence Wednesday about Polish villagers’ widespread killing of Jews fleeing Nazis during World War II, touching a raw nerve in a country still grappling with its role during the Holocaust.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience.

“The responsibility for the extermination of Jews in Europe is borne by Nazi Germany,” she writes. “Polish peasants were volunteers in the sphere of murdering Jews.” New book on killing of Jews in Poland exposes raw nerve
And like the story, "Schindler's List" a man who saved Jewish lives right under the Fuhrer's nose, there were good people in Poland who risked life and limb to save Jewish lives. Maybe you had a relative or a friend back in your Poland who befriended Jewish survivors of the Holocaust?


The research is likely to irk the nationalist Polish government, which has taken aim at those seeking to undermine its official stance that Poles were only heroes in the war, not collaborators who committed heinous crimes.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience. 700 Polish Citizens Killed While Helping Jews During the Holocaust by Terese Pencak Schwartz

Poland obviously didn't kill 3 million Jews.... Such an ignorant, and vile slander won't be taken lightly by the usual genetic scums.

Nazi Germans did kill 3 million Jews, and more, the camps were staffed almost entirely staffed by Germans.

A few far smaller Pogroms don't prove anything.

There were also several anti-Polish Pogroms against Poles by Jews, like Skidel Revolt, the Konuichy Massacre, and the massacre of Brzostowica Mała.

I really think Protestants are inherently dumb, and primitive.
You didn't read a word of my post, did you.

Anybody who suggests Poland killed 3 million Jews... Is clearly in need of institutionalization for either severe retardation, or severe insanity.

Poland was an Allied power, and still is.

If you want to go slander an actual ally of Poland, to help out Liberal Jews, go be an Protestant idiot on your own terms.

Because soon it will just be the USA, and Israel fighting off the World..

“Consider the weeks after the German invasion of eastern Poland on June 22, 1941. Public authority collapsed in the face of the advancing German army. In many communities, local Poles and other non-Jews beat, robbed, raped and murdered their Jewish neighbors. Our forthcoming book, “Intimate Violence: Anti-Jewish Pogroms on the Eve of the Holocaust,” documents 219 such pogroms in cities and small towns across eastern Poland, nearly 10 percent of the 2,304 localities where Jews and non-Jews dwelled together. Ethnic Poles were the primary perpetrators in approximately 25 percent of the pogroms; in the remaining instances, ethnic Ukrainians predominated.

Some argue that the Germans compelled Poles and other non-Jews to commit violence. It’s true that the Germans encouraged non-Jews to do their dirty work; some pogroms took place with the Germans observing. But in many other cases, the violence began before the Germans arrived or after they left.´”

That's certainly not 3 million Jews.

You are either very dumb or very biased.

First off they attacked Poles in the Skidel Revolt before this.
Were collaborating with the NKVD to send Poles to GULAGS.

It's no wonder why a small number of Poles got fef up.
When I was kiddo, I used to have this sneaking admiration for the English. My forefathers came here from England. How England has been corrupted by immigration..[

They do seem to have given up a great deal of their character.

Brits never had character.
Most did.& still do look favorably at the British Empire.

Even when the British Empire caused genocide, oppression & slavery on every continent.

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