Gone- But Not Forgotten

15. It appears that the British public wonā€™t let a little thing like terrorism, savagery, barbarism, and a 7th century morality, stand between them and their tea and crumpets.

Demanding an end to the homicidal pathology, and religious reformation, is out of the question. Simply turning a blind eye is far easier.

This is the sort of Brit one can admire, Lord Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury:

ā€œā€¦it was not enough for them to say how much they deplored violence if at the same time they were denying its nature as an expression of religious fanaticism rooted in Islamic theology.

"What appalled me about the reaction was the way they distanced themselves from the essential problem," he said. "They said the problem was that this was coming from 'extremists.' ā€¦. they pushed the problem away to safeguard the heart of Islam, without realizing that the theological issue is what drives fanatics.

In the long history of Christian or Jewish martyrdom, there wasn't one person who killed another to be a martyr. But here was a theology of Muslim martyrdom where you kill innocent people and go to heaven and God will bless a terrible act like that. I have said to Muslims, 'You've got to condemn it' and they say 'I have condemned it.' But they don't condemn the theology behind it."
Phillips, ā€œLondonistan,ā€ p. 143

Weā€™ll miss you, Britainā€¦..or, at least what you used to be.

All that is Britain can be easily explained by their extreme Individualism....From their self centered Capitalist outlook to it's greed induced Colonialism to their judging groups as individuals.
15. It appears that the British public wonā€™t let a little thing like terrorism, savagery, barbarism, and a 7th century morality, stand between them and their tea and crumpets.

Demanding an end to the homicidal pathology, and religious reformation, is out of the question. Simply turning a blind eye is far easier.

This is the sort of Brit one can admire, Lord Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury:

ā€œā€¦it was not enough for them to say how much they deplored violence if at the same time they were denying its nature as an expression of religious fanaticism rooted in Islamic theology.

"What appalled me about the reaction was the way they distanced themselves from the essential problem," he said. "They said the problem was that this was coming from 'extremists.' ā€¦. they pushed the problem away to safeguard the heart of Islam, without realizing that the theological issue is what drives fanatics.

In the long history of Christian or Jewish martyrdom, there wasn't one person who killed another to be a martyr. But here was a theology of Muslim martyrdom where you kill innocent people and go to heaven and God will bless a terrible act like that. I have said to Muslims, 'You've got to condemn it' and they say 'I have condemned it.' But they don't condemn the theology behind it."
Phillips, ā€œLondonistan,ā€ p. 143

Weā€™ll miss you, Britainā€¦..or, at least what you used to be.

All that is Britain can be easily explained by their extreme Individualism....From their self centered Capitalist outlook to it's greed induced Colonialism to their judging groups as individuals.
Gee, good thing we are not like that, huh?
15. It appears that the British public wonā€™t let a little thing like terrorism, savagery, barbarism, and a 7th century morality, stand between them and their tea and crumpets.

Demanding an end to the homicidal pathology, and religious reformation, is out of the question. Simply turning a blind eye is far easier.

This is the sort of Brit one can admire, Lord Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury:

ā€œā€¦it was not enough for them to say how much they deplored violence if at the same time they were denying its nature as an expression of religious fanaticism rooted in Islamic theology.

"What appalled me about the reaction was the way they distanced themselves from the essential problem," he said. "They said the problem was that this was coming from 'extremists.' ā€¦. they pushed the problem away to safeguard the heart of Islam, without realizing that the theological issue is what drives fanatics.

In the long history of Christian or Jewish martyrdom, there wasn't one person who killed another to be a martyr. But here was a theology of Muslim martyrdom where you kill innocent people and go to heaven and God will bless a terrible act like that. I have said to Muslims, 'You've got to condemn it' and they say 'I have condemned it.' But they don't condemn the theology behind it."
Phillips, ā€œLondonistan,ā€ p. 143

Weā€™ll miss you, Britainā€¦..or, at least what you used to be.

All that is Britain can be easily explained by their extreme Individualism....From their self centered Capitalist outlook to it's greed induced Colonialism to their judging groups as individuals.
Gee, good thing we are not like that, huh?

The USA is also extremely Individualist.

However it appears the USA are more masculine individualists being more focused on guns & cutting taxes & patriotism as opposed to Britain where Feminine Individualism is more prominent like judging. Gays, Abortionists & Islamists as individuals.
"Tommy Robinson asks President Trump for help: ā€˜grant me and my family political asylumā€™

Iā€™ve been found guilty of exercising what is the equivalent of exercising First Amendment rights. Benjamin Franklin had the foresight to know this. Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.

Robinson is facing jail time in the UK after he was found guilty of contempt of court at a retrial last week. The father of three was accused of breaching reporting restrictions by live-streaming outside Leeds Crown Court last year during the grooming gang trials."

Tommy Robinson asks President Trump for help: ā€˜grant me and my family political asylumā€™

"Tommy Robinsonā€™s Crime? Reporting The Truth About Muslim Rape Gangs In His Country!! #freetommyrobinson

I am writing this because free speech is a God-given right to all humanity. Most here in the United States have no clue that this is the only country where Free Speech is a Constitutional Right. Most Americans have no clue that, that is a fact!! In fact in England today you can go to jail for ā€œhate speechā€
According to Breitbart in British Police Arrest At Least 3,395 People for ā€˜Offensiveā€™ Online Comments in One Year, of course, seems to be a one-way street."
Tommy Robinsonā€™s Crime? Reporting The Truth About Muslim Rape Gangs In His Country!! #freetommyrobinson
England. Our sister nation.
Gone in so very many ways.

We canā€™t forget how much of our heritage we gained, took, from England,ā€¦Great Britain after 1707ā€¦.

1.Our legal systemā€¦. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ā€˜Twelve Tables,ā€™ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: ā€œThe will of the prince has the force of law.ā€( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justiniansā€™ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, ā€œlaw incarnate.ā€ [See ā€œJustinianā€™s Flea,ā€ Rosen]

2. The Magna Cartaā€¦.Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ā€˜houseā€™ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
ā€œKnow ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,ā€¦.ā€
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

3. But, alas, the great and once noble nation has thrown in the towel, bowed to the threats and behavior of a 7th century barbarian cult.

ā€œWhen the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced in October 2005 that he intended to "wipe Israel off the map," Britain, along with the rest of the civilized world, expressed shock and revulsion. Yet, two days later, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London to demand that Israel meet precisely such a fate.

While shocked demonstrators in Italy, Hungary, Austria and France waved around placards asking "Israel today, Europe tomorrow?", London resounded instead to shouts for Israel's destruction. Thousands of demonstrators marched through the city to mark "Al-Quds day"ā€”when Muslims express solidarity with the Palestinian Arabsā€” on what was effectively a British march for genocide.

The crowd chanted: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," "Zionism, terrorism" and "We are all Hezbollah"; and no one turned a hair.ā€
Phillips, ā€œLondonistan,ā€ P. 116

How to explain the reversal from the people who braved the Nazi bombingsā€¦.ā€We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.ā€ Churchillā€¦.

ā€¦..to a people ready to don the headscarf and grab the ankles?

Andā€¦.is this a sign of our future, as well?
Have you ever noticed who the Trump Klan rubs elbows with?
"Tommy Robinson asks President Trump for help: ā€˜grant me and my family political asylumā€™

Iā€™ve been found guilty of exercising what is the equivalent of exercising First Amendment rights. Benjamin Franklin had the foresight to know this. Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.

Robinson is facing jail time in the UK after he was found guilty of contempt of court at a retrial last week. The father of three was accused of breaching reporting restrictions by live-streaming outside Leeds Crown Court last year during the grooming gang trials."

Tommy Robinson asks President Trump for help: ā€˜grant me and my family political asylumā€™

"Tommy Robinsonā€™s Crime? Reporting The Truth About Muslim Rape Gangs In His Country!! #freetommyrobinson

I am writing this because free speech is a God-given right to all humanity. Most here in the United States have no clue that this is the only country where Free Speech is a Constitutional Right. Most Americans have no clue that, that is a fact!! In fact in England today you can go to jail for ā€œhate speechā€
According to Breitbart in British Police Arrest At Least 3,395 People for ā€˜Offensiveā€™ Online Comments in One Year, of course, seems to be a one-way street."
Tommy Robinsonā€™s Crime? Reporting The Truth About Muslim Rape Gangs In His Country!! #freetommyrobinson

It appears the UK modeled their governnent off of Orwell's 1984
It's thought crime punishments
His right to free speech does not over ride anyones right to a fair trial. Magna Carta. Fuck him the whining little prick.
What of Tommy's right to a fair trial?
Tommy Robinson
He has just had a fair trial. There were no stupid fucks outside trying to intimidate anyone.
Obviously, you didn't watch the video...
There's no question that he did NOT get a fair trial.
There were, in fact, people outside trying to intimidate him (though what their intentions were is subjective).
The intimidation you ascribe to Robinson consisted only of his asking defendants how they were feeling.
Please watch the video before replying.
His right to free speech does not over ride anyones right to a fair trial. Magna Carta. Fuck him the whining little prick.
Why have you made defending the rape of children your very raison d'etre?

I think you need to find a more healthy hobby..
Show me where I have done that dickhead.

Because of you & your ilk they should rename it to UGAY from UK & Great Shitstain from Great Britain.
His right to free speech does not over ride anyones right to a fair trial. Magna Carta. Fuck him the whining little prick.
What of Tommy's right to a fair trial?
Tommy Robinson
He has just had a fair trial. There were no stupid fucks outside trying to intimidate anyone.
Obviously, you didn't watch the video...
There's no question that he did NOT get a fair trial.
There were, in fact, people outside trying to intimidate him (though what their intentions were is subjective).
The intimidation you ascribe to Robinson consisted only of his asking defendants how they were feeling.
Please watch the video before replying.
The court found that he was encouraging a lynch mob. That is illegal in the UK and possibly is in the US.
His right to free speech does not over ride anyones right to a fair trial. Magna Carta. Fuck him the whining little prick.
What of Tommy's right to a fair trial?
Tommy Robinson
He has just had a fair trial. There were no stupid fucks outside trying to intimidate anyone.
Obviously, you didn't watch the video...
There's no question that he did NOT get a fair trial.
There were, in fact, people outside trying to intimidate him (though what their intentions were is subjective).
The intimidation you ascribe to Robinson consisted only of his asking defendants how they were feeling.
Please watch the video before replying.
The court found that he was encouraging a lynch mob. That is illegal in the UK and possibly is in the US.

What about Racist tram lady her crime was?
England. Our sister nation.
Gone in so very many ways.

We canā€™t forget how much of our heritage we gained, took, from England,ā€¦Great Britain after 1707ā€¦.

1.Our legal systemā€¦. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ā€˜Twelve Tables,ā€™ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: ā€œThe will of the prince has the force of law.ā€( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justiniansā€™ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, ā€œlaw incarnate.ā€ [See ā€œJustinianā€™s Flea,ā€ Rosen]

2. The Magna Cartaā€¦.Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ā€˜houseā€™ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
ā€œKnow ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,ā€¦.ā€
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

3. But, alas, the great and once noble nation has thrown in the towel, bowed to the threats and behavior of a 7th century barbarian cult.

ā€œWhen the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced in October 2005 that he intended to "wipe Israel off the map," Britain, along with the rest of the civilized world, expressed shock and revulsion. Yet, two days later, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London to demand that Israel meet precisely such a fate.

While shocked demonstrators in Italy, Hungary, Austria and France waved around placards asking "Israel today, Europe tomorrow?", London resounded instead to shouts for Israel's destruction. Thousands of demonstrators marched through the city to mark "Al-Quds day"ā€”when Muslims express solidarity with the Palestinian Arabsā€” on what was effectively a British march for genocide.

The crowd chanted: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," "Zionism, terrorism" and "We are all Hezbollah"; and no one turned a hair.ā€
Phillips, ā€œLondonistan,ā€ P. 116

How to explain the reversal from the people who braved the Nazi bombingsā€¦.ā€We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.ā€ Churchillā€¦.

ā€¦..to a people ready to don the headscarf and grab the ankles?

Andā€¦.is this a sign of our future, as well?
Have you ever noticed who the Trump Klan rubs elbows with?

Elucidate your point.
His right to free speech does not over ride anyones right to a fair trial. Magna Carta. Fuck him the whining little prick.
What of Tommy's right to a fair trial?
Tommy Robinson

Did I mention that England is gone from the pantheon of nations that stand for individual freedom?

Oh....right......that is the premise of the thread.

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