Good Article on Germany

It is a telling fact of life that in today's Media, in almost every "western" country, the expression, "Far Right" is seen constantly, while "Far Left" is almost never used. Think about that. The Media is so far Left itself, that it cannot see anything to the left of itself. Left wing bullshit is therefore just "normal" or neutral to them

When you drill down to actual policy positions, what is seen as "Far Right" in Germany is probably just the typical positions of people who actually work for a living...something that is rare on the political Left. Same as it is in the U.S.

The article also talks about the Far Left
In the past few decades, I can’t think of many politicians who are friends of the working class. Can you?

Dennis Kucinich was and the D Party eliminated his district.
My congressman and both of my Senators. I`m an old school guy who still reads newspapers and watches the votes of those I voted for. Senator Fetterman isn`t afraid to be seen walking a picket line with striking UAW members.
My congressman and both of my Senators. I`m an old school guy who still reads newspapers and watches the votes of those I voted for.

I don’t know of any in congress who support the working class.

Did your representatives oppose Genocide Joe’s undermining the railroad worker’s strike?
Robert Kagan is a Zionist Neocon married to Victoria Nuland, another Zionist Neocon. Why would you believe anything they say?

Ops! I forgot. You now love neocons for provoking and prolonging the Ukraine War that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded Ukrainians and destruction of much of the country.

When will you ever learn?
The tl;dr version has a not unfamiliar premise many Americans can relate to - populist and extremist parties have been rising as a reaction against the elites who have pushed policies that are very unpopular amongst a good chunk of its voters, causing the center to get narrower and narrower.


Indeed an interesting article - but I miss a simple statement: Who votes for Sarah Wagenknecht and her political party (far left) votes for Vladimir Putin and who votes for Björn Höcke and his political party (far right) votes for Vladimir Putin.

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It is a telling fact of life that in today's Media, in almost every "western" country, the expression, "Far Right" is seen constantly, while "Far Left" is almost never used. Think about that. The Media is so far Left itself, that it cannot see anything to the left of itself. Left wing bullshit is therefore just "normal" or neutral to them

When you drill down to actual policy positions, what is seen as "Far Right" in Germany is probably just the typical positions of people who actually work for a living...something that is rare on the political Left. Same as it is in the U.S.

“Far right” is one of those buzz words that have conveniently and naively crept into present day vocabulary, to cover a multitude of equivalences, without people really knowing what it means.
Robert Kagan is a Zionist Neocon married to Victoria Nuland, another Zionist Neocon. Why would you believe anything they say?

Ops! I forgot. You now love neocons for provoking and prolonging the Ukraine War that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded Ukrainians and destruction of much of the country.

When will you ever learn?
You now love neocons for provoking and prolonging the Ukraine War that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded Ukrainians and destruction of much of the country

Do you support the russian invasion of ukraine?

Based on your words I think you do
You now love neocons for provoking and prolonging the Ukraine War that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded Ukrainians and destruction of much of the country

Do you support the russian invasion of ukraine?

Based on your words I think you do
What you think is always wrong. Statists are never right. Warmongering statists are the absolute worst.
What you think is always wrong. Statists are never right. Warmongering statists are the absolute worst.
Your inability to clearly state opposition to russian aggression tells us what we need to know
Your inability to clearly state opposition to russian aggression tells us what we need to know
Lol. Your support of Joe Biden’s genocide in Gaza and provoked war in Ukraine means you’re an anti-American Democrat.
Sez the anti American democrat who supports russian agression
Find one post of mine that confirms your opinion. I’ve been here 13 years. Certainly you could find something or are your really a Mossad agent or a fraudulent D?
Find one post of mine that confirms your opinion. I’ve been here 13 years. Certainly you could find something or are your really a Mossad agent or a fraudulent D?
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