'Good Catholic' Joe Biden Wanted To Force CatholicsTo Go Against Their Faith - It Goes Up In Smoke


Demonstrating that the Catholic Church is not only out of touch with other faiths but society in general

The secular world is more in touch with societies values while the Church remains mired in the 19th century
The secular world is currently supporting the murdering of children (abortion) and the massive suicide and confusion of children (LGBT issues in school).

Secular Medical science once supported labotamies as a good practice, but such a practice is now shunned and seen as barbaric. I'm guessing history won't be kind to the secularist treatment of children...
Things like eating meat on Friday, the Latin Mass, cremation, Capital Punishment….

Tenets can be changed
Core theology cannot.. interpretation and modern application can. I don't expect you to know the difference.

You're attacking core theology.. so, you're erroneous.
The secular world is currently supporting the murdering of children (abortion) and the massive suicide and confusion of children (LGBT issues in school).

Secular Medical science once supported labotamies as a good practice, but such a practice is now shunned and seen as barbaric. I'm guessing history won't be kind to the secularist treatment of children...

Guilt and expulsion from the Church has led to more suicides among gays than acceptance by society.

Science and medicine adapt as more is learned…..the Catholic Church does not
'Good, Practicing Catholics' do not support and attempt to force abortions right up to tbe moment of birth, and 'Good' Catholics don't try to force Catholics to go against their faith / belief to support and cy with libersl agendas; yet, here is Biden claiming to be a 'good, practicing Catholic' doing both.

What measurement does Bidrn go by IOT claim he is a 'good, practicing Catholic'? It must be his own because he sure isn't using any actual Catholic Church standards.

It was not tbe Catholic Church this week who pointed out Joe's actions and agenda are both not constitutional and against the Catholic church's faith, religeous freedom, and rights.

But since 2020, JoeXi's interest in puppetry has focused on his indebtedness to the CIA, not the Catholic protection rackets.
Ha! Christianity is flourishing in nations not blinded by 1st world temptations and distractions. The bible warns of, and accepts, that this will be the case. We've taken on persecution to the highest extent and will continue to thrive.

"Christian soldiers" are meant to evangelize, not use gov't power and politics to enforce their beliefs. That's what secularists desire. We give out of the charity of our hearts, they want to enforce taxes at threat of imprisonment to their desires. One is moral and pure, one is by authoritarian force.
Real Christianity is that when the totalitarianism goes into our faces if I do not fail or faces of those who say they are, they do not let the evil prevail. That is difficult as we are humans with frailties. So, will we die for the evil of our corrupted political class? My view is that we must include Christianity as part of all agendas, and it is not. In fact, if we have revelation involved, it should have a warning to not do it.
Core theology cannot.. interpretation and modern application can. I don't expect you to know the difference.

You're attacking core theology.. so, you're erroneous.
It's most astute to attack theology. When the CIA goes to church, it's certainly not to pray.
Guilt and expulsion from the Church has led to more suicides among gays than acceptance by society.

Science and medicine adapt as more is learned…..the Catholic Church does not
You have a point. Not screwing with people and promoting the traditional way of procreation can be done. However, reality with giving the old ways should be mandatory.
Guilt and expulsion from the Church has led to more suicides among gays than acceptance by society.
Prove it, you can't.. it's just a leftist narrative. LGBT child suicide is 40%. It's tragic. Yet, your ilk pushes it and celebrates it. You know these suicides will occur, and yet you promote it and want to spread the message. It's immoral given that you know the results.. and they've not changed even though our society celebrates LGBT as the most pure of us and pushes it aggressively in culture/TV/media/movies/etc. It poisons the mind overall, for every one person it "helps" it harms 100. You might accept that turmoil, but you'd be a sadist promoting an ideology over human life... right in line with leftist thinking.
Science and medicine adapt as more is learned…..the Catholic Church does not
The church has always celebrated medical science, and was the dominant scientific institution for humanity throughout the middle ages until you outsiders finally caught up and thankfully took the burden from us, so we could go back to focusing on souls and not being the only beacon of morality in the known world.
Joe Biden and his family have always been loyal Catholics who attend Mass weekly.

But he is also sworn to defend the Constitution and keep his religious views out of his governing.

Separation of Church and State

Dude, Tater is in no way a good Catholic.

You don't know the first thing about Catholicism. It's obvious
Well, biden saw the priests molest little boys as part of the congregation. He just followed by example in taking showers with his daughter. Later on, he would just confess his sins to one of the molesting priests.
Thank you
Demonstrating that the Catholic Church is not only out of touch with other faiths but society in general
The secular world is more in touch with societies values while the Church remains mired in the 19th century
Do humans have souls, or is that just more outdated thinking?
Nope. Doctors have had a choice.

You're an idiot.

Do you even know what thread you are posting in?

Let me remind you - here is the link this whole thread is based on:

'Appeals court BLOCKS Biden administration from FORCING Catholic groups to provide Transgendet Care'

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