'Good Catholic' Joe Biden Wanted To Force CatholicsTo Go Against Their Faith - It Goes Up In Smoke

Civilized countries, such as the EU, have a 12-15 week limit. After that the baby feels pain and is viable.
If you want no time limit are you planning to bring back partial birth abortions and chop the kid up as he comes out?
time limits are rather "stupid" since it is a human life from DAY ONE
1. Don't just type lies, put up links proving what you type. Otherwise you're lying.

2. Catholics oppose abortions. If someone supports abortion then they are NOT a practicing Catholic. They can say they are, but they are outside the Church looking in. The Church should ban them from the Sacraments.
If you aren't Catholic already, you should be. You sound more Catholic than a lot of Catholics these days.

But when I say Catholic, I mean something different from what most Catholics (or catholics) mean. The "pope" francis church is NOT Catholic, to speak of.

I think of a verse in the Bible about fake .. either people or congregations or both..

"having a form of righteousness but denying the power thereof"

The Catholic Church used to have power.. (meaning the novus ordo 'church').. the power to lift one up to Heaven for the duration of the Mass (and even afterwards...). Today, it just seems like a shell of its former self, if that. I think a lot of priests belong to secret organizations who hate the Church..
They've been persecuted to the greatest extent and had to barely survive underground while under truly tyrannical empires.

Don't worry, the church will be fine. Your temper tantrum about their right to hold their beliefs and not change them because you disagree is pathetic.

Now they are the tyrants. They are imposing their religious values on us at the point of a gun.
The church accepts all sinners, but doesn't support their sins. Again, this is all derived from your temper tantrum in not having an "in" to change religious teachings you don't like. The type that go around using the word "tolerance" as a club to attack opponents of their ideology are the most intolerant. Look at you, you don't tolerate at all. Who are you kidding?

How do you know being transgender or gay is a sin. Whether abortion is a sin is questionable.
If you aren't Catholic already, you should be. You sound more Catholic than a lot of Catholics these days.
But when I say Catholic, I mean something different from what most Catholics mean. The "pope" Francis' church is NOT Catholic, to speak of.
I think of a verse in the Bible about fake .. either people or congregations or both..
"having a form of righteousness but denying the power thereof"
The Catholic Church used to have power.. (meaning the novus ordo 'church').. the power to lift one up to Heaven for the duration of the Mass (and even afterwards...). Today, it just seems like a shell of its former self, if that.
I think a lot of priests belong to secret organizations who hate the Church..
Pope Francis is too modern for many old Catholics.
His "who are we to judge?" statement doesn't keep us on the straight and narrow.
There are apparently way more bad priests than I would have thought. Kind of like the firemen preaching fire safety while being arsonists. If you haven't seen the movie "Spotlight" go see it, it explains why so many have left the Catholic church.
Preserving an American's freedom that had endured for half-a-century rather than facilitating statist coercion does not facilitate abortion.
You're lying to yourself.
to make (an action or process) easy or easier.
If you make abortion legal, or preserve its legality, you make it easier, and thus, facilitate it.
Again, it does not make it "easier."
Going from unable to legally have an abortion to legally able to have an abortion makes it "easier".
Thus, facilitation.
Most Americans, Catholics included...
It cannot possibly be more clear that a basic, fundamental tenet of Catholicism is that abortion, however procured, is a moral evil
If you support or facilitate abortion you support or facilitate a moral evil, and thus do not follow the tenets of the Catholic Church -- and thus, are not a Catholic.
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You're lying to yourself.
to make (an action or process) easy or easier.
If you make abortion legal, or preserve its legality, you make it easier, and thus, facilitate it.

Going from unable to legally have an abortion to legally able to have an abortion makes it "easier".
Thus, facilitation.

It cannot possibly be more clear that a basic, fundamental tenet of Catholicism is that abortion, however procured, is a moral evil
If you support or facilitate abortion you support or facilitate a moral evil, and thus do not follow the tenets of the Catholic Church -- and thus, are not a Catholic.
The thread's title is a lie.

Joe Biden Wanted To Force CatholicsTo Go Against Their Faith​

The President has never even suggested that Catholics "go against their faith."

If you prefer an authoritarian regime like Iraq's, Nicaragua's, or El Salvador's, where politicians and bureaucrats control wombs, that is your preference. There is no reason people in advanced, democratic nations should submit to it.
The thread's title is a lie.
Irrelevant to everything I said.
If you support or facilitate abortion you support or facilitate a moral evil, and thus do not follow the tenets of the Catholic Church -- and thus, are not a Catholic.

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I never accused you of saying what you have not said, of course.

Please support your claim that the President ever attempted "to force Catholic hospitals and Doctors to PERFORM them" by citing a credible source.

Did you make that up or are you parroting an extremist propaganda cite?
The link was provided in the 1st post, which is the basis for this thread, moron.
Irrelevant to everything I said.
If you support or facilitate abortion you support or facilitate a moral evil, and thus do not follow the tenets of the Catholic Church -- and thus, are not a Catholic.

One should note........the Catholic Church is also anti Capital Punishment.

The thread's title is a lie.

Joe Biden Wanted To Force CatholicsTo Go Against Their Faith​

The President has never even suggested that Catholics "go against their faith."

If you prefer an authoritarian regime like Iraq's, Nicaragua's, or El Salvador's, where politicians and bureaucrats control wombs, that is your preference. There is no reason people in advanced, democratic nations should submit to it.
I guarantee you Joe and the gang are very biblical now. In fact, near total. It's all perception though.
'Good, Practicing Catholics' do not support and attempt to force abortions right up to tbe moment of birth, and 'Good' Catholics don't try to force Catholics to go against their faith / belief to support and cy with libersl agendas; yet, here is Biden claiming to be a 'good, practicing Catholic' doing both.

What measurement does Bidrn go by IOT claim he is a 'good, practicing Catholic'? It must be his own because he sure isn't using any actual Catholic Church standards.

It was not tbe Catholic Church this week who pointed out Joe's actions and agenda are both not constitutional and against the Catholic church's faith, religeous freedom, and rights.

That was as great to watch. Struck down every time
The thread's title is a lie.

Joe Biden Wanted To Force CatholicsTo Go Against Their Faith​

The President has never even suggested that Catholics "go against their faith."

If you prefer an authoritarian regime like Iraq's, Nicaragua's, or El Salvador's, where politicians and bureaucrats control wombs, that is your preference. There is no reason people in advanced, democratic nations should submit to it.
No, you lie. Or you're ignorant. Which are you?
Irrelevant to everything I said.
If you support or facilitate abortion you support or facilitate a moral evil, and thus do not follow the tenets of the Catholic Church -- and thus, are not a Catholic.
Your extremist support for authoritarianism does not reflect the view of most Americans, nor most Catholics in America, nor the people of most advanced, democratic nations.

The regimes in Iraq, El Salvador, and Nicaragua reflect your statist extremism, however.
The thread's title is a lie.

Joe Biden Wanted To Force CatholicsTo Go Against Their Faith​

The President has never even suggested that Catholics "go against their faith."

If you prefer an authoritarian regime like Iraq's, Nicaragua's, or El Salvador's, where politicians and bureaucrats control wombs, that is your preference. There is no reason people in advanced, democratic nations should submit to it.
Right... The leader of the country calls people who disagree with his anti-Catholic, pro-abortion stance as evil and against women. But that isn't suggesting they change WHATSOEVER! No pressure! He's just going to politically demonize and slander you!

I hope you're not that obtuse and just attempting to be a contrarian.
Your extremist support for authoritarianism
If defending life is "authoritarianism", then any laws against murder are so. Do you want to de-criminalize murder, and label any attempts to prevent it as "authoritarianism"?
does not reflect the view of most Americans
Define "most"
nor most Catholics in America
Thankfully the Catholic church isn't a democracy that sways with whatever nation it's in.
The Church is behind the curve on women's equality, gay rights, birth control, divorce
Thankfully the church isn't swayed by the mere nations it inhabits. Christians would have to support murder in Iran by your logic, because they would need to fit in to society.

It's a good thing the church doesn't take your advice, so they can maintain their beliefs and morality.

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