'Good Catholic' Joe Biden Wanted To Force CatholicsTo Go Against Their Faith - It Goes Up In Smoke

Thankfully the church isn't swayed by the mere nations it inhabits. Christians would have to support murder in Iran by your logic, because they would need to fit in to society.

It's a good thing the church doesn't take your advice, so they can maintain their beliefs and morality.
Yes because things like women’s rights, birth control, marriages failing are just fads
No, you lie. Or you're ignorant. Which are you?
It is the responsibility of physicians to treat individuals in need of medical care. Gender dysphoria is one such condition, recognized by the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and other medical, mental health, nursing and health care organizations.

Some authoritarian politicians with no medical expertise are in denial.

Yes because things like women’s rights, birth control, marriages failing are just fads
There's theological reasons for all of them, all with their own morality despite your leftist spin. The thing is, nobody is forced to join the church, so if you don't want to be a part, you can not participate.

1. I'm not sure how the church advocates against "women's rights" outside of an extreme leftist political vacuum via abortion (ignoring the life of the child). If a separate life wasn't involved, I'd agree with the pro-choice movement. It's a unique situation overall.
2. People outside of the church are free to use birth control but the church designates it as sinful behavior due to theological reasons that are easily accessible if you desire to know them (I'm guessing you don't). The church, and those who decide to participate within, are allowed to hold these beliefs regardless of your public opinion, nobody statistically is attempting to outlaw birth control.
3. Marriage failing is certainly a societal problem, and people who are within the church have far more success in it. If you care about society, you'd support marriage, as it produces far greater results for children.
Thankfully the church isn't swayed by the mere nations it inhabits. Christians would have to support murder in Iran by your logic, because they would need to fit in to society. It's a good thing the church doesn't take your advice, so they can maintain their beliefs and morality.
Secular animals without souls can do whatever they want, they have nothing to lose.
Thankfully the church isn't swayed by the mere nations it inhabits. Christians would have to support murder in Iran by your logic, because they would need to fit in to society.

It's a good thing the church doesn't take your advice, so they can maintain their beliefs and morality.
The Catholic Church condemns capitol punishment.

Among the major nations of the Western world, the United States is singular in still having the death penalty. After a five-year moratorium, from 1972 to 1977, capital punishment was reinstated in the United States courts. Objections to the practice have come from many quarters, including the American Catholic bishops, who have consistently opposed the death penalty. Some Catholics maintain that the death penalty is a violation of the right to life and an unauthorized usurpation by human beings of God's sole lordship over life and death.

Are all Catholic politicians who arrogate to the State the right to kill citizens in cold blood "going against their faith"?

When and where theocratic authoritarianism had been allowed to dictate medicine, most psychological disorders would have been diagnosed as demonic possession.

Maybe a pathological denial of gender dysphoria or other recognized medical disorders is demonic possession.
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Are all Catholic politicians who arrogate to the State the right to kill citizens in cold blood going against their faith?
When and where theocratic authoritarianism had been allowed to dictate medicine, most psychological disorders would have been diagnosed as demonic possession.
Not the Catholic church.. they are proponents of all scientific advancement.
Maybe a pathological denial of gender dysphoria or other recognized medical disorders is demonic possession.
The church has clearly identified male and female to exist, so supporting defined church theology is supporting the church. Clearly only a gotcha-seeking desperate radical outsider would suggest that supporting church teachings is REALLY a secret reversal of demons. By that logic, the church can't have any stance... because it MIGHT be a demon! That's awfully convenient for an opponent to try to enforce, and not a credible logical point in the slightest.
If defending life is "authoritarianism", then any laws against murder are so. Do you want to de-criminalize murder, and label any attempts to prevent it as "authoritarianism"?
The Catholic Church opposes capitol punishment, a primitive practice now proscribed in most advanced nations.

Do Catholic politicians who support it "go against their faith"?

Of course, regardless of doctrine and dogma, the Church recognizes conscience as the ultimate moral arbiter.
Not the Catholic church.. they are proponents of all scientific advancement.
The church has clearly identified male and female to exist, so supporting defined church theology is supporting the church. Clearly only a gotcha-seeking desperate radical outsider would suggest that supporting church teachings is REALLY a secret reversal of demons. By that logic, the church can't have any stance... because it MIGHT be a demon! That's awfully convenient for an opponent to try to enforce, and not a credible logical point in the slightest.
I wouldn't get too deep into the weeds with progs, they don't even know what the definition of a "woman" is.
The Catholic Church opposes capitol punishment, a primitive practice now proscribed in most advanced nations.
Do Catholic politicians who support it "go against their faith"?
Of course, regardless of doctrine and dogma, the Church recognizes conscience as the ultimate moral arbiter.
The Catholic church does not. If you feel something as a Catholic, it's not automatically within the Catholic church. That's more dangerous protestant thinking, which leads to very weird outcomes that are clearly outside of the church, as they have no supported ideological capital and are largely just a modern person who picked up a bible and attempted a hack-job interpretation with modern word meanings and culture. This usually provides extremely erroneous interpretations.
The Catholic Church opposes capitol punishment, a primitive practice now proscribed in most advanced nations.

Do Catholic politicians who support it "go against their faith"?

Of course, regardless of doctrine and dogma, the Church recognizes conscience as the ultimate moral arbiter.
Joe is going to hell. If he has a belief.
Joe is going to hell. If he has a belief.
That's certainly not up for you to decide, and as a Catholic you shouldn't desire for such in the slightest.

Any Christian should absolutely oppose Joe's immorality, but pray for his mind to be swayed by the holy spirit and for his soul to make it to heaven. Don't let politics poison your mind, although it's an easy temptation to fall into.

Christians are humble and pray for their enemies, and once you strip away all the posturing and politics, we're all human beings that value human life far more than those outside of the faith. We should humble ourselves daily to do this, but also can be proud and happy to hold this moral standard. We are all children of God. Don't fall into the secular societal cesspool that people like rightwinger subscribe to, and want to drag Christians down into.
That's certainly not up for you to decide, and as a Catholic you shouldn't desire for such in the slightest.

Any Christian should absolutely oppose Joe's immorality, but pray for his mind to be swayed by the holy spirit and for his soul to make it to heaven. Don't let politics poison your mind, although it's an easy temptation to fall into.

Christians are humble and pray for their enemies, and once you strip away all the posturing and politics, we're all human beings that value human life far more than those outside of the faith. We should humble ourselves daily to do this, but also can be proud and happy to hold this moral standard. We are all children of God. Don't fall into the secular societal cesspool that people like rightwinger subscribe to, and want to drag Christians down into.
You spout your belief. If real. you also then know there is a divide of original Christians fed to the lions and Onward Christian soldiers. Which one are we all? Currently we are on track to extermination. Covid and Trudeau shutting down truckers and Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand agendas are moving in that direction.
There's theological reasons for all of them, all with their own morality despite your leftist spin. The thing is, nobody is forced to join the church, so if you don't want to be a part, you can not participate.

1. I'm not sure how the church advocates against "women's rights" outside of an extreme leftist political vacuum via abortion (ignoring the life of the child). If a separate life wasn't involved, I'd agree with the pro-choice movement. It's a unique situation overall.
2. People outside of the church are free to use birth control but the church designates it as sinful behavior due to theological reasons that are easily accessible if you desire to know them (I'm guessing you don't). The church, and those who decide to participate within, are allowed to hold these beliefs regardless of your public opinion, nobody statistically is attempting to outlaw birth control.
3. Marriage failing is certainly a societal problem, and people who are within the church have far more success in it. If you care about society, you'd support marriage, as it produces far greater results for children.

Demonstrating that the Catholic Church is not only out of touch with other faiths but society in general

The secular world is more in touch with societies values while the Church remains mired in the 19th century
Your extremist support for authoritarianism does not reflect the view of most Americans, nor most Catholics in America,...
The tenets of the Catholic Church are not open to interpretation or popular vote.

If you support or facilitate abortion you support or facilitate a moral evil, and thus do not follow the tenets of the Catholic Church -- you are not, according to the Catholic Church, a Catholic.

And so, all of those "Catholics" that support/facilitate abortion, aren't

You spout your belief. If real. you also then know there is a divide of original Christians fed to the lions and Onward Christian soldiers. Which one are we all? Currently we are on track to extermination. Covid and Trudeau shutting down truckers and Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand agendas are moving in that direction.
Ha! Christianity is flourishing in nations not blinded by 1st world temptations and distractions. The bible warns of, and accepts, that this will be the case. We've taken on persecution to the highest extent and will continue to thrive.

"Christian soldiers" are meant to evangelize, not use gov't power and politics to enforce their beliefs. That's what secularists desire. We give out of the charity of our hearts, they want to enforce taxes at threat of imprisonment to their desires. One is moral and pure, one is by authoritarian force.
But you can't force a Catholic Doctor to go against his religeous convictions or his Constitutional rights to perform an abortion, which is what Biden tried to do ... and failed.

Nope. Doctors have had a choice.

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