'Good Catholic' Joe Biden Wanted To Force CatholicsTo Go Against Their Faith - It Goes Up In Smoke

Parishioners do not oppose a woman's right to choose. Republicans are the criminals in this country.
1. Wrong. Parishioners believe that abortions should be "legal". The majority parishioners do NOT support the RvW 24 week limit on abortions. 12-weeks is a reasonable time limit, after that the kid is protected.

2. Democrats are the criminals, just look at the crime rates in the cities compared to the rest of the country.
No, it really wasn't. When it was done it was done behind the scene.

That is not true. Roe vs Wade was largely supported by the religious community. Jerry Falwell had no interest in overturning Roe vs Wade. Right wing religious fanatics decided to use Roe vs Wade as a organizing tool for the religious right.
What you are trying to do is change the subject. The question of whether abortion should be legal or not is a perfectly fine question. There is little difference between a 15 week abortion and a 23 week abortion in terms of a fetus surviving outside of the womb.
Civilized countries, such as the EU, have a 12-15 week limit. After that the baby feels pain and is viable.
If you want no time limit are you planning to bring back partial birth abortions and chop the kid up as he comes out?
1. Wrong. Parishioners believe that abortions should be "legal". The majority parishioners do NOT support the RvW 24 week limit on abortions. 12-weeks is a reasonable time limit, after that the kid is protected.

2. Democrats are the criminals, just look at the crime rates in the cities compared to the rest of the country.

Wrong. Catholics believe in a woman's right to choose. If a fetus cannot survive outside of the womb then it cannot be considered a child. Who stormed the capitol on Jan 6? Republicans.
Civilized countries, such as the EU, have a 12-15 week limit. After that the baby feels pain and is viable.
If you want no time limit are you planning to bring back partial birth abortions and chop the kid up as he comes out?

The baby is not viable at 12-15 weeks. Roe vs Wade set up the correct standard.
That is not true. Roe vs Wade was largely supported by the religious community. Jerry Falwell had no interest in overturning Roe vs Wade. Right wing religious fanatics decided to use Roe vs Wade as a organizing tool for the religious right.

Falwells Moral Majority didn't even start up until 1979.
Wrong. Catholics believe in a woman's right to choose.
According to whom?
This seems pretty clear.

1. Wrong. Parishioners believe that abortions should be "legal". The majority parishioners do NOT support the RvW 24 week limit on abortions. 12-weeks is a reasonable time limit, after that the kid is protected.

2. Democrats are the criminals, just look at the crime rates in the cities compared to the rest of the country.
True Catholics believe what the pre-Vatican Church taught--and SSPX "branch" still teaches, that abortion is murder at any age.

Vatican II changed things but only in appearance. Still, people are into appearances so I guess u could say phoniness began to rule in 1969

and has trickled down to all of society
Wrong. Catholics believe in a woman's right to choose. If a fetus cannot survive outside of the womb then it cannot be considered a child. Who stormed the capitol on Jan 6? Republicans.
1. Don't just type lies, put up links proving what you type. Otherwise you're lying.

2. Catholics oppose abortions. If someone supports abortion then they are NOT a practicing Catholic. They can say they are, but they are outside the Church looking in. The Church should ban them from the Sacraments.

3. Who stormed the Capitol on J6 has nothing to do with the abortion discussion. That is a Non-Sequitur.
The baby is not viable at 12-15 weeks. Roe vs Wade set up the correct standard.
WTF?? Why the fuck would you kill a VIABLE (24 week) BABY instead of a zygote???
You are way out of your league here, duh.
You're an idiot and a liar. Who knew?!

You can always tell who the snowflakes are - they are the ones making false accusations, manufacturing fake arguments just so they can say they won one. They're morons like you who try to tell others what THEY think / believe.


You're an idiot and I'll assume a liar because nobody could be as stupid as you pretend to be.

It's apparent that you do not or will not understand the contradiction between the basic principles of Christianity and your OP.

That's your problem.
But what we see from supposedly devout Catholics liken Biden, etc, is an effort to facilitate abortion.
Preserving an American's freedom that had endured for half-a-century rather than facilitating statist coercion does not facilitate abortion. It protects a right that had long been respected.

Your belief may not require you to use your position in government to outlaw abortion, but it certainly does not allow you to use your position in government to make it easier for people to have one.
Again, it does not make it "easier." It safeguards an American's right to make a private decision that some are hellbent upon abrogating.

Most Americans, Catholics included, oppose the statist authoritarianism.

You're an idiot and I'll assume a liar because nobody could be as stupid as you pretend to be.

It's apparent that you do not or will not understand the contradiction between the basic principles of Christianity and your OP.

That's your problem.
Thank you for your highly emotional, ignorant opinion and your attempt to imitate your therapist.
I never said the government is forcing anyone to HAVE an abortion, but Joe's attempt to force Catholic hospitals and Doctors to PERFORM them just got shot down
I never accused you of saying what you have not said, of course.

Please support your claim that the President ever attempted "to force Catholic hospitals and Doctors to PERFORM them" by citing a credible source.

Did you make that up or are you parroting an extremist propaganda cite?

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