'Good Catholic' Joe Biden Wanted To Force CatholicsTo Go Against Their Faith - It Goes Up In Smoke

Don't look now, but as the House Select Committee on January 6 prepares to wind down, it is recommending criminal indictments to the US DoJ. ;)

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and the idiot Dems may actually have 'gotten him' this time... we'll see... an interesting next few months, I'd bet.
Yes, the Democrats want to continue to go after citizens who were there in J6 but did not engage in the violence.

As Joe Biden said about not wanting to visit the border, 'There are higher priorities'.

Hunter Biden, FBI personnel who participated in the cover-up / obstruction, govt involvement in Censorship at Twitter in an attempt to affect the resilts of an eletion, Biden's Constitution/law-violating Open Border ... hisxaiding Drug, human, child, & sex trafficking ... illegally transporting illegals across state lines, etc...

In the meantime Biden needs to hire someone who is smart about the Constitution because the courts are swatting his actions like flies, proving they don't know the Constitution or just don't care.
'History' said the GOP should have taken the Senate?
The way the Senate elections are designed made it almost impossible from the start for the GOP to take the Senate.
Predictions of the GOP HAVING A 'Red Wave' was a projection of personal GOP desires, not based on solid stats / data.
The GOP took the House - that was enough of a 'Red Wave' for now.
- Pelosi is gone
- 6 years of 'Get Trump' is over
- Schiff/Swalwell lose their committee assignments
- Drms and snowflakes are throwing tantrums and losing their minds
Merry Christmas
1. Yes history said that the GOP should have taken the senate. You can google the various predictions, here's one:

2. 2022 mid-term predictions were NOT GOP "desires", but historical norms, especially when Biden has a 75% WRONG TRACK record to run on.

3. Looking back at why the GOP didn't do better, there were many reasons. Young voters motivated by RvW and their $10,000 gift from Biden. The MSM's pounding Trump and his candidates as a "threat to democracy". Too many Republicans voting democrat since FL Sen. Rick Scott threatened to end Social Security, and Lindsay Graham wants to ban abortions nationwide. Etc.

4. Pelosi is there, just not as speaker. "Get Trump" will never be over. True dems lose their committee "chairs".

Merry Christmas!
1. Yes history said that the GOP should have taken the senate. You can google the various predictions, here's one:

'History' does not make predictions. It records what has happened. Fallible, biased, opinionated people make predictions.

Often predictions are as useless as endorsements.

The GOP took the House. Democrats / snowflakes seem to want to try to munimize that fact to make themselves feel better in the wake of the election.

You are talking to someone who never believed there would be a 'Red Wave' or that the GOP would take the Senate.

McConnel HATES being in the majority so much, for example, that he torpedoed several GOP candidates by withholding GOP campaign money.
I must say, it's hard to put any faith in what you say. You plainly told me you couldn't help me.........

Remember? :blahblah:
Encouragement is always promoted for without encouragement many would flounder, yet the truth can't be found by encouragement alone.
Encouragement is always promoted for without encouragement many would flounder, yet the truth can't be found by encouragement alone.

I understand. It's hard to point someone to the truth when you don't know where to find it yourself.
'History' does not make predictions. It records what has happened. Fallible, biased, opinionated people make predictions.
Often predictions are as useless as endorsements.
The GOP took the House. Democrats / snowflakes seem to want to try to minimize that fact to make themselves feel better in the wake of the election.
You are talking to someone who never believed there would be a 'Red Wave' or that the GOP would take the Senate.
McConnell HATES being in the majority so much, for example, that he torpedoed several GOP candidates by withholding GOP campaign money.
1. History does make predictions. They are called "norms", or "averages". They are math based.

2. You need to put up a link or some rationale' as to why you think McConnell doesn't want to have the senate majority. I also believe he withheld money from certain candidates, not to lose the senate, but to keep "loose cannon" MAGA candidates out of the senate. He gave that money to other more reliable candidates, that lost. The outcome is still losing the senate, but not on purpose.
1. History does make predictions. They are called "norms", or "averages". They are math based.

2. You need to put up a link or some rationale' as to why you think McConnell doesn't want to have the senate majority. I also believe he withheld money from certain candidates, not to lose the senate, but to keep "loose cannon" MAGA candidates out of the senate. He gave that money to other more reliable candidates, that lost. The outcome is still losing the senate, but not on purpose.
'Good, Practicing Catholics' do not support and attempt to force abortions right up to tbe moment of birth, and 'Good' Catholics don't try to force Catholics to go against their faith / belief to support and cy with libersl agendas; yet, here is Biden claiming to be a 'good, practicing Catholic' doing both.

What measurement does Bidrn go by IOT claim he is a 'good, practicing Catholic'? It must be his own because he sure isn't using any actual Catholic Church standards.

It was not tbe Catholic Church this week who pointed out Joe's actions and agenda are both not constitutional and against the Catholic church's faith, religeous freedom, and rights.

There is no Catholic teaching that commands a politician to support authoritarian laws, and America's separation of church and state reinforces that distinction.

Most Catholics respect a woman's liberty over the State's arrogating it.
There is no Catholic teaching that commands a politician to support authoritarian laws, and America's separation of church and state reinforces that distinction.

Most Catholics respect a woman's liberty over the State's arrogating it.

Thank you for that slanted opinion. Have a nice day.
I love how you delusional snowflakes just manufacture bullshit to make yourselves feel better.

I knew that you could not refute the truth.

The Catholic Church does not demand that politicians impose its teachings upon everyone.

When it proscribed eating meat on Fridays, it never demanded that Catholic politicians make eating meat on Friday illegal.
'Good, Practicing Catholics' do not support and attempt to force abortions right up to tbe moment of birth, and 'Good' Catholics don't try to force Catholics to go against their faith / belief to support and cy with libersl agendas; yet, here is Biden claiming to be a 'good, practicing Catholic' doing both.

What measurement does Bidrn go by IOT claim he is a 'good, practicing Catholic'? It must be his own because he sure isn't using any actual Catholic Church standards.

It was not tbe Catholic Church this week who pointed out Joe's actions and agenda are both not constitutional and against the Catholic church's faith, religeous freedom, and rights.

Where in the Bible does it say anything about transgenders or gays? Nowhere. Your definition of a good practicing catholic is someone who agrees with you. Abortion was accepted until the religious right needed a issue to play politics. Worth noting that a majority of Catholics support a woman's right to choose.

What we are talking about are right wing Nazi judges who are attacking our rights and want to establish a theocracy.
LIAR. The Church OPPOSES abortion. But democrats are pagans so they wouldn't understand religion.

The majority of democrats are criminals.

Parishioners do not oppose a woman's right to choose. Republicans are the criminals in this country.
Where in the Bible does it say anything about transgenders or gays? Nowhere. Your definition of a good practicing catholic is someone who agrees with you. Abortion was accepted until the religious right needed a issue to play politics. Worth noting that a majority of Catholics support a woman's right to choose.

What we are talking about are right wing Nazi judges who are attacking our rights and want to establish a theocracy.

No, it really wasn't. When it was done it was done behind the scene.
1. Divorce means that you pay some cash to get that marriage "annuled". No biggie.
2. Birth control is used by Catholics, true.
3. We're discussing ABORTION. The murder of a human being. Democrats would chop the kid up as he comes out of the chute, aka a "partial birth abortion". Most civilized countries, like in the EU, limit abortions to the 1st 15 weeks or so.
4. I know democrats don't have souls, so they can do what they want. But if they try to impose their fucked-upness on people (especially kids) with souls there will be severe repercussions.
5. The Church is timeless, God's Laws are not contemporary. Church rules can be revised from time to time, like meatless Fridays, but killing children is a non-starter.

ABORTION is not the murder of a human being. You have to have a human being first. Abortion is not the killing of children. I want to convince women not to have a abortion but I want to do it through persuasion not at the point of a gun. Republicans are no different than the mullahs in Iran.

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