'Good Catholic' Joe Biden Wanted To Force CatholicsTo Go Against Their Faith - It Goes Up In Smoke

The law states that as long as there is an alternative option someone's Constitutionally protected religeous freedom is protected in cases like this.

People wanting abortions can go elsewhere.
So some Catholic hospitals have to conduct abortions; if no other hospitals nearby can do it?
So some Catholic hospitals have to conduct abortions; if no other hospitals nearby can do it?
No - Some hospitals and doctors CHOOSE to conduct abortions. Because they do so the govt can't force those who choose not to due to religeous convictions to do so.
No - Some hospitals and doctors CHOOSE to conduct abortions. Because they do so the govt can't force those who choose not to due to religeous convictions to do so.
So even if another, non Catholic hospital, was not nearby, Catholic churches could refuse abortions?
The Catholic Church has a right to establish any doctrine it wants.
The people have a right to attend or not

Many Catholics are leaving
Okay, and?

The church has had times of struggle and times of fruition throughout history. It would arguably be expected that its message might struggle in a first world paradise where distraction and temptation are paramount.

Regardless, it’s not a government, so you’re appeal to polling numbers to attack it is hilarious, it shows you have no idea what you’re talking about
Okay, and?

The church has had times of struggle and times of fruition throughout history. It would arguably be expected that its message might struggle in a first world paradise where distraction and temptation are paramount.

Regardless, it’s not a government, so you’re appeal to polling numbers to attack it is hilarious, it shows you have no idea what you’re talking about

As bad as the Catholic Church is doing keeping parishioners, their bigger problem is attracting young priests.
The days of families wanting a son to become a priest are gone. Most priests are old or brought in from abroad.

But they only have themselves to blame.
Archaic rules on celibacy and the refusal to ordain women are major contributors
So even if another, non Catholic hospital, was not nearby, Catholic churches could refuse abortions?
I have explained the law and the court's Constitutional interpretation of the law in the simplest way I can, providing you with links to help.

If you still can't understand it I can't help you.
As bad as the Catholic Church is doing keeping parishioners, their bigger problem is attracting young priests.
The days of families wanting a son to become a priest are gone. Most priests are old or brought in from abroad.

But they only have themselves to blame.
Archaic rules on celibacy and the refusal to ordain women are major contributors
Your problem is thinking tougher times is deflating to the Catholic Church. The entire religion is based on bearing a cross and accepting difficulties. You sound like you’re pimping an ad campaign against the church, it’s really odd.
Why in the everloving fuck should insurance EVER cover your elective cosmetic surgery to help you cope with your delusion that you aren’t the sex you are? Or your hormones for same?

If you are a consenting adult and you want that shit, you should pay cash - that isn’t healthcare, and it isn’t something that can just suddenly come up and oh, golly, I better get insurance just in case next month I get a case of thinking I’m a lady.

This is beyond fucked.
Not knowing the ins and outs of Catholic ritual why don't they kick the likes of Tater out of the Church?

Kickbacks? :dunno:
A relationship with God does not require the approval of any man.
If you had to strictly follow the Bible to belong to a church every single fucking pew would be empty on Sundays.

Personally I find the idea of organized religion to be the BIGGEST SCAM ever perpetrated on human kind.
Your problem is thinking tougher times is deflating to the Catholic Church. The entire religion is based on bearing a cross and accepting difficulties. You sound like you’re pimping an ad campaign against the church, it’s really odd.

The Catholic Church was once dominant, now they are becoming irrelevant

They need to adapt or perish
Joe Biden want's Catholics to have abortions up to the point of birth?

The Hell you say!

Next you guys will be claiming Democrats have legalized infanticide.
The Catholic Church was once dominant, now they are becoming irrelevant

They need to adapt or perish
They've been persecuted to the greatest extent and had to barely survive underground while under truly tyrannical empires.

Don't worry, the church will be fine. Your temper tantrum about their right to hold their beliefs and not change them because you disagree is pathetic.
They've been persecuted to the greatest extent and had to barely survive underground while under truly tyrannical empires.

Don't worry, the church will be fine. Your temper tantrum about their right to hold their beliefs and not change them because you disagree is pathetic.
Depends on what you consider to be fine

A congregation diminished to the elderly with young Catholics abandoning in droves
A church who can no longer attract priests
A church totally out of touch with the society it serves
Depends on what you consider to be fine

A congregation diminished to the elderly with young Catholics abandoning in droves
A church who can no longer attract priests
I think they'll adapt, your faux concern is pathetic.
A church totally out of touch with the society it serves
If the society is outside of church teaching, that's a good thing that it's "out of touch" with it. The church should seem different than a secular society.
If the society is outside of church teaching, that's a good thing that it's "out of touch" with it. The church should seem different than a secular society.

Society has evolved and is much more tolerant and understanding than a church locked into ancient dogma

Society accepts the equality of women
Society accepts birth control and family planning
Society accepts homosexuality
Society has evolved and is much more tolerant and understanding than a church locked into ancient dogma

Society accepts the equality of women
Society accepts birth control and family planning
Society accepts homosexuality
The church accepts all sinners, but doesn't support their sins. Again, this is all derived from your temper tantrum in not having an "in" to change religious teachings you don't like. The type that go around using the word "tolerance" as a club to attack opponents of their ideology are the most intolerant. Look at you, you don't tolerate at all. Who are you kidding?
Not knowing the ins and outs of Catholic ritual why don't they kick the likes of Tater out of the Church?

Kickbacks? :dunno:
Good question.

Answer: The so-called Catholic Church is not the Catholic Church at all. All popes after Pius XII were fake.. usurpers. That's why they don't kick heretics and other troublemakers ou of the Church. I mean, really... you think the also-confused, heretical, non-Catholic pope is going to kick out a fellow traveler?

The true Catholic Church split with the Vatican II Church. Even the Society of St Pius X doesn't, however, believe that the modern popes are fake. So yeh.. it appears there are exceedingly FEW true Catholics in the world.

Nice to hear of those nuns fighting for true Catholicism.. :)

God bless them along with the true Catholic priests, some still in the NO Church.. Maybe some day they will have the courage to leave..

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