'Good Catholic' Joe Biden Wanted To Force CatholicsTo Go Against Their Faith - It Goes Up In Smoke

I know this seems like an odd question, but how many American born Catholics in this country are even religious? Many, if not most, are "Catholic" by birthright, not by faith. Joe would seem to fit that mold. It is almost as if they see Catholicism as a genetic trait of some sort, not a part of the Christian faith.

I am not condemning the faith nor those who are truly practicing, but I would be willing to be that the majority of practicing Catholics do not have this point of view.
Correct. See my link in post #20. Catholics that attend Mass regularly poll 61% opposed to RvW
The Catholic Church is out of touch with society and needs to join the 20 th Century. 21st century is expecting too much
Keep throwing a temper tantrum.. it's entertaining. Don't worry, the Catholic Church still loves and accepts you even if you appear to desire for it to not be allowed to exist as it desires.

Meanwhile, based on human history... Faiths are justified in not transforming to the societies they happen to reside in, as so many societies have become rabidly immoral, especially the ones that your leftist policies produce.

You as a leftist like power, a faith thwarts your access to power, so you hate the faith. I get it, it makes you uncomfortable to not strive for tyrannical power.
No. The man made religion is the Christianity. What kind of fake religion says abortion is not ok yet has a recipe for abortion in it's book.

If you seek the one true God he will embrace you. It simply takes a open mind. Cast aside false religion and seek the truth.

I will pray for you.

Your prayer will fall on def ears.
My free excercises of my religion is violated when hospitals don't allow these medical procedures.

Actually, you have the option of going to another hospital / doctor that has no problem with performing abortions; therefore, your Constitutional rights are not being violated.

Its the same reason the bakery that denied making a cake for the homosexual couple finally won the law suit against them.
RvW did not support abortion up to the moment of birth which is why the ban was allowed to stand.
OK, just researched it. RvW banned abortions after viability, ~24 weeks.
Now most say ban them after 12-15 weeks.
OK, just researched it. RvW banned abortions after viability, ~24 weeks.
Now most say ban them after 12-15 weeks.

Yes, because the line of viability has grown smaller since 1972. Any such ban (not 12 weeks but 15 can be argued) would have fallen right in line with RvW.
Actually, you have the option of going to another hospital / doctor that has no problem with performing abortions; therefore, your Constitutional rights are not being violated.

But these particular hospitals are violating my religious rights.

Its the same reason the bakery that denied making a cake for the homosexual couple finally won the law suit against them.
Medical procedures vs cakes....hmmm, one of these doesn't belong.
But these particular hospitals are violating my religious rights.

I acknowledge your personal feelings. Now acknowledge the Constitution, existing law, and recent court rulings on this matter.

Judges have ruled against yours and others' feelings.
The true God, my God, always listens.

You need only seek his guidance with sincerity.

I will pray for you.

The Ten Commandments​

  1. Thou shall have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20:3)
  2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images. (Exodus 20:4-6)
  3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. (Exodus 20:7)
  4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy. (Exodus 20:8-11)
  5. Honor your father and mother. (Exodus 20:12)
  6. Thou shalt not murder. (Exodus 20:13)
  7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. (Exodus 20:14)
  8. Thou shalt not steal. (Exodus 20:15)
  9. Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. (Exodus 20:16)
  10. Thou shall not covet your neighbor. (Exodus 20:17)
Keep throwing a temper tantrum.. it's entertaining. Don't worry, the Catholic Church still loves and accepts you even if you appear to desire for it to not be allowed to exist as it desires.

Meanwhile, based on human history... Faiths are justified in not transforming to the societies they happen to reside in, as so many societies have become rabidly immoral, especially the ones that your leftist policies produce.

You as a leftist like power, a faith thwarts your access to power, so you hate the faith. I get it, it makes you uncomfortable to not strive for tyrannical power.

The Catholic Church has a right to establish any doctrine it wants.
The people have a right to attend or not

Many Catholics are leaving
I acknowledge your personal feelings. Now acknowledge the Constitution, existing law, and recent court rulings on this matter.

Judges have ruled against yours and others' feelings.
And judges have ruled against your and others' feelings.
I know this seems like an odd question, but how many American born Catholics in this country are even religious? Many, if not most, are "Catholic" by birthright, not by faith. Joe would seem to fit that mold. It is almost as if they see Catholicism as a genetic trait of some sort, not a part of the Christian faith.

I am not condemning the faith nor those who are truly practicing, but I would be willing to be that the majority of practicing Catholics do not have this point of view.
Joe Biden and his family have always been loyal Catholics who attend Mass weekly.

But he is also sworn to defend the Constitution and keep his religious views out of his governing.

Separation of Church and State
What constitutional basis?
The law states that as long as there is an alternative option someone's Constitutionally protected religeous freedom is protected in cases like this.

People wanting abortions can go elsewhere.

In the ruling in favor of the bakery it was declared 'the “general rule” that religious and other objections “ can not prohibit 'equal access to goods and services'; however,the law must be carried out in the leadt intrusive, oppressive way as not to trampke the Constitutional right of religeous freedom.

In other words, as long as there are alternatives - other bakeries and other doctors / hospitals that will perform the service the govt can not force select individuals / businesses to violate their religeous beliefs.
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