'Good Catholic' Joe Biden Wanted To Force CatholicsTo Go Against Their Faith - It Goes Up In Smoke

1. You read my post #15 and gave me a "winner" rating. I get the OP.

2. RWer and I mix it up a lot in many threads. Sometime we stay on topic, but most of the time we don't.
RWer is the prototypical "thoroughly modern" secular democrat, who knows all the talking points.

3. What set me off this time was RWer's post #5 lie that "The majority of US Catholics support Roe v Wade".
The problem with the RvW abortion poll question is that it doesn't break down the specific type of abortion. Such as a "partial birth abortion", or within the first 15-weeks, or after 15-weeks, or to protect the life of the mother, etc. Asking if abortions should be "legal" isn't helpful, asking what circumstances and when abortions should be legal is better.

Partial Birth Abortion was banned in this country. There really was no one trying to overturn that. It has been now that RvW was overturned though.

Many, many Catholics supported RvW.
The Catholic Church is out of touch with society and needs to join the 20 th Century. 21st century is expecting too much
I don’t agree with the Catholic Church on several doctrines however, I don‘t belong to the Catholic Church so it doesn’t matter what I think. I believe they don’t care what you think either.
Partial Birth Abortion was banned in this country. There really was no one trying to overturn that. It has been now that RvW was overturned though.
Many, many Catholics supported RvW.
RvW is used as a term used to say "should abortions be legal".
I believe that SOME abortions should be legal, but not ALL abortions.
The real question is "which abortion procedures should be legal"?
I'm of the opinion that 15-weeks should be the time limit on abortions unless the life of the mother is at risk.

Saying that 61% of Catholics support RvW is misleading. Banning all abortions is the alternative.
IMHO a better question would have been "do you support abortion on demand after 15-weeks"?
I'm pretty sure most Catholics would have voted "no" on that one. Legal before 15-weeks, illegal after 15-weeks.
Hundreds of Thousands are
Then you shouldn’t have a problem then, they are free to believe what they want, you can disagree but the church doesn’t care what your beliefs are, just like you don’t care what their beliefs are. If Biden doesn’t believe in the Catholic Church’s stands, then he needs to leave the church, he must seem to think it benefits him politically.
'Good, Practicing Catholics' do not support and attempt to force abortions right up to tbe moment of birth, and 'Good' Catholics don't try to force Catholics to go against their faith / belief to support and cy with libersl agendas; yet, here is Biden claiming to be a 'good, practicing Catholic' doing both.

What measurement does Bidrn go by IOT claim he is a 'good, practicing Catholic'? It must be his own because he sure isn't using any actual Catholic Church standards.

It was not tbe Catholic Church this week who pointed out Joe's actions and agenda are both not constitutional and against the Catholic church's faith, religeous freedom, and rights.

No one will be forced to have an abortion.
RvW is used as a term used to say "should abortions be legal".
I believe that SOME abortions should be legal, but not ALL abortions.

Which is what RvW said.

The Partial Birth Abortion ban was upheld as it complied with RvW.

The real question is "which abortion procedures should be legal"?
I'm of the opinion that 15-weeks should be the time limit on abortions unless the life of the mother is at risk.

That's what Roberts argued. Basically Roberts argument was an arguments defined by RvW. RvW set parameters around viability. In 1972 that basically was the third trimester. Technology has improved and that line has shrunk and Roberts tried to argue that.

Saying that 61% of Catholics support RvW is misleading. Banning all abortions is the alternative.
IMHO a better question would have been "do you support abortion on demand after 15-weeks"?
I'm pretty sure most Catholics would have voted "no" on that one. Legal before 15-weeks, illegal after 15-weeks.

Irrelevant. RvW was overturned but the argument was a simple one. Despite the Catholic church being against abortion a large number of Catholics supported RvW.
1. You read my post #15 and gave me a "winner" rating. I get the OP.

It means I agree with some of your points, not all.

In post #15 you stated the thread was about forcing Catholic doctors and hospitals to perform abortions despite their religeous convictions and faith.

As YOU pointed out in post #15, this thread is not about ABORTION IN GENERAL. Its about Biden's authoritarian agenda and trampling of Constitutional rights being dealt another blow from the courts.
Which is what RvW said.
The Partial Birth Abortion ban was upheld as it complied with RvW.

That's what Roberts argued. Basically Roberts argument was an argument defined by RvW. RvW set parameters around viability. In 1972 that basically was the third trimester. Technology has improved and that line has shrunk and Roberts tried to argue that.

Irrelevant. RvW was overturned but the argument was a simple one. Despite the Catholic church being against abortion a large number of Catholics supported RvW.
1. What abortions did RvW ban? As far as I know, just partial birth abortions, correct?

2. Civilized countries, like many in the EU, settled on 15-weeks as the limit on abortion. Roberts did good sending the abortion issue back to the states where it always should have been. Its not in the Constitution as a Federal responsibility.

3. RvW was overturned, as it should have been. I disagree that most Catholics support RvW. They believe that abortions should be "LEGAL", but not up to the moment of birth. The Catholic Church can oppose ALL abortions since they don't have to raise all those kids.
1. What abortions did RvW ban? As far as I know, just partial birth abortions, correct?

RvW didn't actually ban any. It allowed for a ban after viability.

2. Civilized countries, like many in the EU, settled on 15-weeks as the limit on abortion. Roberts did good sending the abortion issue back to the states where it always should have been. Its not in the Constitution as a Federal responsibility.

Where states can now once again allow PBA.

3. RvW was overturned, as it should have been. I disagree that most Catholics support RvW. They believe that abortions should be "LEGAL", but not up to the moment of birth. The Catholic Church can oppose ALL abortions since they don't have to raise all those kids.

You can spin all you want. RvW was not a law that supported abortion right up until birth.
Depends on how they are funded. You can't deny health care to a woman because she's Catholic.
But you can't force a Catholic Doctor to go against his religeous convictions or his Constitutional rights to perform an abortion, which is what Biden tried to do ... and failed.
What religion? Gosnell worshipers?

My religion is personal.

This thread isn't about "your rights", its about forcing religious doctors and Catholic hospitals to perform abortions and tranny surgery against their religious beliefs. Its about THEIR rights.
From the OP link:
"The Catholic groups, which include hospitals, a university and nuns who run health clinics, say the Biden administration's rule violates their free exercise of religion."
My free excercises of my religion is violated when hospitals don't allow these medical procedures.
The majority of US Catholics support Roe V Wade

I know this seems like an odd question, but how many American born Catholics in this country are even religious? Many, if not most, are "Catholic" by birthright, not by faith. Joe would seem to fit that mold. It is almost as if they see Catholicism as a genetic trait of some sort, not a part of the Christian faith.

I am not condemning the faith nor those who are truly practicing, but I would be willing to be that the majority of practicing Catholics do not have this point of view.
RvW didn't actually ban any. It allowed for a ban after viability.

Where states can now once again allow PBA.

You can spin all you want. RvW was not a law that supported abortion right up until birth.
1. Exactly. RvW didn't ban ANY abortion.
2. If any states allow PBA they are animals.
3. You contradicted yourself. 1) RvW didn't ban any. 3) RvW did NOT support abortion up to moment of birth.
1. Exactly. RvW didn't ban ANY abortion.
2. If any states allow PBA they are animals.
3. You contradicted yourself. 1) RvW didn't ban any. 3) RvW did NOT support abortion up to moment of birth.

RvW did not support abortion up to the moment of birth which is why the ban was allowed to stand.
Any religion that is fine with abortion, is a man-made religion.
No. The man made religion is the Christianity. What kind of fake religion says abortion is not ok yet has a recipe for abortion in it's book.

If you seek the one true God he will embrace you. It simply takes a open mind. Cast aside false religion and seek the truth.

I will pray for you.

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