Good Cop, Bad Cop and Justice

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
If there are "good cops", as many claim and believe, why aren't good cops ratting out the "bad cops"? Why aren't good cops cleaning up their profession? Does the term "good cop" apply to those cops that write quota tickets, take part with other police officers beating an individual that is already hand cuffed and on the ground, and "bullying" citizens just because they can? How many police officers labeled as "good cops", lie to protect other officers, cover up wrong doing to protect other officers, and are guilty of perjury when under oath in court?

Are "bad cops" only those that murder unarmed citizens and are guilty of police brutality? What actually separates a "good cop" from a "bad cop"?

Is it justice when members of law enforcement aren't held to the same standards as those they arrest and detain? Should members of law enforcement be above the laws they're sworn to enforce? At what point do we hold members of law enforcement accountable for their actions?

Recent events have made the above questions legitimate for all of us to ask ourselves, and to consider what's right and what's wrong. There's no question that we need police officers and other members of law enforcement. But, we don't need anyone to be above the law, or to be held to a different standard than those they're sworn to protect and to serve.

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