GOOD Friday

you are as phony as the 4th century 10000 page c bible ...

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and the c. bible christian congregations use to inflict their egregious crimes against humanity. only to deny their responsibility as the 1st century itinerant claimed "Truly I say to you, during this night, before the rooster crowing, you will deny Me three times." bing.
Hitler thought the entire Bible was bunk other than the passage about the Jewish money collectors in the Temple whom Jesus took a whip to.

The Nazi regime were creating their own cult based upon Germanic pagan gods

Hitler actually admired and praised Islam. He said that if Charles Martel had not defeated the Muslim invasion of Europe in 732 AD that Germany would have become Islamic. He claimed it would have helped Germany conquer the world, because it is a religion that glorifies warriors. Here is the exact quote.

“Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers —already, you see, the world had fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing was Christianity !—then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies heroism and which opens the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so.”

This quote comes from the Book Hitler’s Table Talk, 1941-1944. It’s on page 667 in the paperback edition from a talk recorded on the 28th of August, 1942.

Hitler also allied himself with Muslims, during the war. Here, he is with the Grand Mufti of Palestine. The Grand Mufti recruited three predominately Muslim divisions in the Balkans for Hitler’s Waffen-SS.

Globalists see Islam as a tool that can help break down national borders and advance their agenda. Actually, this is similar to Hitler’s original idea that Islam can enable the conquest of the world.
Hitler actually admired and praised Islam. He said that if Charles Martel had not defeated the Muslim invasion of Europe in 732 AD that Germany would have become Islamic. He claimed it would have helped Germany conquer the world, because it is a religion that glorifies warriors. Here is the exact quote.

“Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers —already, you see, the world had fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing was Christianity !—then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies heroism and which opens the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so.”

This quote comes from the Book Hitler’s Table Talk, 1941-1944. It’s on page 667 in the paperback edition from a talk recorded on the 28th of August, 1942.

Hitler also allied himself with Muslims, during the war. Here, he is with the Grand Mufti of Palestine. The Grand Mufti recruited three predominately Muslim divisions in the Balkans for Hitler’s Waffen-SS.

Globalists see Islam as a tool that can help break down national borders and advance their agenda. Actually, this is similar to Hitler’s original idea that Islam can enable the conquest of the world.
Like the Left of today, Hitler was into the occult and Islam.
Hitler thought the entire Bible was bunk other than the passage about the Jewish money collectors in the Temple whom Jesus took a whip to.

The Nazi regime were creating their own cult based upon Germanic pagan gods


no such occurrence ever happened, christian.

all three desert religions are based on a lie - there were never tablets etched in the heavens with 10 commandments only forgeries and fallacies made for their own particular corrupt purposes.

the exemplar repudiated judaism is why they crucified him, 4th century christianity is no less the criminals than the jews.

- all three desert religions will need to be brought to justice for their crimes to renew the lost path of 1st century liberation theology, self determination those people were crucified for.
no such occurrence ever happened, christian.

all three desert religions are based on a lie - there were never tablets etched in the heavens with 10 commandments only forgeries and fallacies made for their own particular corrupt purposes.

the exemplar repudiated judaism is why they crucified him, 4th century christianity is no less the criminals than the jews.

- all three desert religions will need to be brought to justice for their crimes to renew the lost path of 1st century liberation theology, self determination those people were crucified for.
And you were there to prove it!
More lies and stupidity lol. Just give up.
We don't know what happened to...

stop lying bond - the desert religions are nothing more than political theater disguised as religion to give their participants, the crucifiers a cover for their crimes and self centered dishonesty.

1st century liberation theology, self determination even after the senseless persecution and victimization of the innocent by the false religions persists to this day - to bad for you bond.
stop lying bond - the desert religions are nothing more than political theater disguised as religion to give their participants, the crucifiers a cover for their crimes and self centered dishonesty.

1st century liberation theology, self determination even after the senseless persecution and victimization of the innocent by the false religions persists to this day - to bad for you bond.
It is YOU who is the LIAR. We all know about the Ten Commandments and you violate the first four.
It is YOU who is the LIAR. We all know about the Ten Commandments and you violate the first four.

the desert religions are based on that lie, etched tablets from the heavens and that alone negates all their scriptures as being similarly false by their pretense to that lie ...
to disregard the true events of the 1st century liberation theology, self determination they vehemently and surreptitiously fight against.

there are no 1st four commandments, crucifier -

the heavens are vast for the freed spirit, triumphant over evil to have accomplish admission and their continued existence. the prescribed religion of antiquity is what is required not a false single deity that is as a gatekeeper that still conforms to the religion and admission to the everlasting.

desert dwellers worship themselves - what could be worse, their crime, paterfamilias from the beginning - their world view, bond.
there are no 1st four commandments, crucifier -

the heavens are vast for the freed spirit, triumphant over evil to have accomplish admission and their continued existence. the prescribed religion of antiquity is what is required not a false single deity that is as a gatekeeper that still conforms to the religion and admission to the everlasting.

desert dwellers worship themselves - what could be worse, their crime, paterfamilias from the beginning - their world view, bond.
Like I said we have the Ten Commandments, so it's evidence that you are a liar.

The original was taken by King Solomon and lost, i.e. taken to heaven, but there are others such as the above -- Earliest known stone version of Ten Commandments sold for $850,000.
Like I said we have the Ten Commandments, so it's evidence that you are a liar.

The original was taken by King Solomon and lost, i.e. taken to heaven, but there are others such as the above -- Earliest known stone version of Ten Commandments sold for $850,000.
all three desert religions are based on a lie - there were never tablets etched in the heavens with 10 commandments only forgeries and fallacies made for their own particular corrupt purposes.

proof they are phony, they were "sold" for $850k - your religion is for sale, bond. that tablet also is not the same as the 4th century version.

provide the tablets etched in the heavens or remove the false commandments from the three desert religions transcripts - that prove their religions are nothing more than false aberrations from the original, prescribed religion of antiquity - all 3 have abandoned for their own personal gratification.
proof they are phony, they were "sold" for $850k - your religion is for sale, bond. that tablet also is not the same as the 4th century version.

provide the tablets etched in the heavens or remove the false commandments from the three desert religions transcripts - that prove their religions are nothing more than false aberrations from the original, prescribed religion of antiquity - all 3 have abandoned for their own personal gratification.
It's not phony, but shows they are historical relics. The atheists do not have anything and have no history. You can die today and nobody would blink an eye.
It's the best news that ever was:

And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit. And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.--Matthew 27:50-51

Through Christ's sacrifice on the Cross, access to God is no longer granted just to the High Priest once a year and after much ceremony. The Bible says:

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved...--Romans 10:9

Confess and believe--that's all we need to gain access to God and His Kingdom forever. It's always been Good News. It seems better and better as this world degenerates.
Part of truly believing in Christ is to repent and forsake your sins and to keep his commandments.
It's not phony, but shows they are historical relics. The atheists do not have anything and have no history. You can die today and nobody would blink an eye.

they were not the same as those used by the desert religions ... was there a 2nd addition from the heavens ...

it's you who has nothing and worse, use madeup etched tablets from the heavens to persecute and victimize the innocent - who have nothing as well to do with your phony 4th century c bible. either.

provide your heavenly 10 commandments or remove them from all 3 desert religions scriptures. or burn in hell - till your crimes are paid for.
they were not the same as those used by the desert religions ... was there a 2nd addition from the heavens ...

it's you who has nothing and worse, use madeup etched tablets from the heavens to persecute and victimize the innocent - who have nothing as well to do with your phony 4th century c bible. either.

provide your heavenly 10 commandments or remove them from all 3 desert religions scriptures. or burn in hell - till your crimes are paid for.
Are you an idiot? Of course, you are. The original may have been hidden by the Jewish priests or lost/destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar in the Ark of the Covenant (doubtful). It just goes to show the importance and value of the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments were and still are.
Are you an idiot? Of course, you are. The original may have been hidden by the Jewish priests or lost/destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar in the Ark of the Covenant (doubtful). It just goes to show the importance and value of the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments were and still are.

really, that makes a lot of sense, from the heavens ...

no idiot, they are who wrote them while worshiping the murder and liar moses who made them up as the cornerstone of their own religion of servitude - servitude to moses ... it was they, the crucifiers that crucified the 1st century events of liberation theology, self determination that were brought to an untimely ending.

they never existed - what's written in the desert religions scriptures are fabrications, lies to persuade through coercion and deception their false religions or to use them to persecute and victimize the innocent ... for their own unsavory self satisfaction.

- bring your tooth brush, bond - you'll be there quite a while.
really, that makes a lot of sense, from the heavens ...

no idiot, they are who wrote them while worshiping the murder and liar moses who made them up as the cornerstone of their own religion of servitude - servitude to moses ... it was they, the crucifiers that crucified the 1st century events of liberation theology, self determination that were brought to an untimely ending.

they never existed - what's written in the desert religions scriptures are fabrications, lies to persuade through coercion and deception their false religions or to use them to persecute and victimize the innocent ... for their own unsavory self satisfaction.

- bring your tooth brush, bond - you'll be there quite a while.

Hey, I saw you shopping at Walmart, but you need to wear a mask.
Hey, I saw you shopping at Walmart, but you need to wear a mask.

maybe while at walmart you might buy a few more tooth brushes, they'll prove handy as time passes by. its been claimed, clean teeth are harder to burn up ...

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