GOOD Friday

really, have the desert religions ever stood for anything but deception and self interest ...

to disregard the true events of the 1st century liberation theology, self determination they vehemently and surreptitiously fight against.
Socialism has always sought to subordinate religion. It's the cosmic battle between good and evil. You're on the side of evil in case you didn't know/.
But you already had a freudian slip and admitted they plagiarized & not just included the OT.
Proof and admission of Plagiarizing:
1)in John Apochrypha they admit plagiarizing and borrowing from Zoroastrianism.
2)NT admits their intent to fit him in texts
Luke 24:44-45 "Then he said to them, 'everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets and the psalms.'
(-Meaning, fit me in every verse to make me out to be the one)
Thus They rewrote Matthew 1.1 through 4:11 to create his Genesis (Luke 1:5 - 4:13). He leaned on Mark 1:21 through 3:19 to create his Exodus (Luke 4:14 - 6:19).
They quarried Matthew in rather unique ways to develop his readings for Leviticus (Luke 6:20 - 8:25). He transcribed Mark 4 through 9 with some rather gaping omissions to provide appropriate readings to correspond with the material found in Numbers (Luke 8:26 - 9:50). Finally, in their most imaginative piece of writing, Luke created the expanded journey section of his gospel (Luke 9:51 - 18:14) to correspond to the readings from Deuteronomy.
In order to show Jesus as the fulfillment of the Torah, Luke wrote his infancy story against
the background of
the Book of Genesis.=PLAGIARISM

The blood atonement borrowed from Deut 21.
Jeremiah 13:13-14 was used in emulating out of it's context of time and message to create a disturbing threat in Matthew 10: 34-40 and Thomas Verse 16.
2Samuel 1:10 &1:12 was rewritten in the crucifixion scene of Jesus to be about him not Israel.
Even 1Sa 5:3 &5:4 mirrors his crucifixion that was written to emulate these verses about the Philistine deity "Dagon" he represents.
And read II Kings 4: 42 - 43(sound familiar to the loaves of bread story placed upon Jesus?)
Not only did they rehash text that was already in the bible but they also manipulate text that their teachings are based on making excuses for not fulfilling things or for problems that arise like his death etc. All the stories are based on twisted reasoning trying to avoid the inevitable questions like how could God die and allow himself to be tortured by his enemies etc. So they wrote the story and religion around these complications and twisted reason and common sense to make excuses for these things.-oops epic fail!

So angry. And yet so totally devoid of knowledge too. Wow.
Socialism has always sought to subordinate religion. It's the cosmic battle between good and evil. You're on the side of evil in case you didn't know/.
where are your etched tablets from the heavens - that claim monotheism and single worship over recognition for all forms of existence and life that were the basis for the Garden of Eden.

you are as phony as the 4th century 10000 page c bible ...


and the c. bible christian congregations use to inflict their egregious crimes against humanity. only to deny their responsibility as the 1st century itinerant claimed "Truly I say to you, during this night, before the rooster crowing, you will deny Me three times." bing.
you are as phony as the 4th century 10000 page c bible ...

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and the c. bible christian congregations use to inflict their egregious crimes against humanity. only to deny their responsibility as the 1st century itinerant claimed "Truly I say to you, during this night, before the rooster crowing, you will deny Me three times." bing.
I hope for nothing.

I fear nothing.

I am free.
So angry. And yet so totally devoid of knowledge too. Wow.
But I'm not angry, that perception is coming from the anger in your hurt frail human ego and you are merely deflecting your feelings onto an imaginary image. This kind of format you can not know facial expressions or tone or intent, which is exactly why people argue masks in schools deprive students of that nuance in communications. The fact you make such an ad hominem comment unprovoked is considered angry/hostile. So instead of personal attacks, why can't you argue the facts instead?
Answer: because those facts used The Bible, and you can't argue against the Bible without arguing against your own claims and faith.
This type of smokescreen personal attack is used in Political arguments as well as Religious arguments, as I warned all the way back in 2001 and didn't make sense to some theology debaters until 2016 to present times.
In other words you notice how liberal arguments aren't based on facts/policies/precepts and ideologies, instead they take the low road and smokescreen using ad hominem arguments based on personal attacks. Attacking the person and their rights to opinions instead of refuting the topic and facts laid out in discussion. So if you recognize this trait in politics, why can't you recognize it in religious debate? =human ego built by affiliation pride.
But I'm not angry, that perception is coming from the anger in your hurt frail human ego and you are merely deflecting your feelings onto an imaginary image. This kind of format you can not know facial expressions or tone or intent, which is exactly why people argue masks in schools deprive students of that nuance in communications. The fact you make such an ad hominem comment unprovoked is considered angry/hostile. So instead of personal attacks, why can't you argue the facts instead?
Answer: because those facts used The Bible, and you can't argue against the Bible without arguing against your own claims and faith.
This type of smokescreen personal attack is used in Political arguments as well as Religious arguments, as I warned all the way back in 2001 and didn't make sense to some theology debaters until 2016 to present times.
In other words you notice how liberal arguments aren't based on facts/policies/precepts and ideologies, instead they take the low road and smokescreen using ad hominem arguments based on personal attacks. Attacking the person and their rights to opinions instead of refuting the topic and facts laid out in discussion. So if you recognize this trait in politics, why can't you recognize it in religious debate? =human ego built by affiliation pride.

Sure. Anger revealed in your last line--"Epic fail"! Totally unobjective. Christianity is the biggest religion the world over, has been for centuries, and basically created much of the Western World.

That is not an "epic fail" of a religion even if you don't adhere to its doctrines.

That you think so reveals YOUR bias. And yes. Anger.
Sure. Anger revealed in your last line--"Epic fail"! Totally unobjective. Christianity is the biggest religion the world over, has been for centuries, and basically created much of the Western World.

That is not an "epic fail" of a religion even if you don't adhere to its doctrines.

That you think so reveals YOUR bias. And yes. Anger.
Once again, stating fact is not anger.
When your school teacher told you you failed, it was not anger it was fact and intention was to get you motivated to succeed, but you always called those teachers "mean", simply because your frail ego can never accept your imperfection and inadequacies. Eventually as you mature you realise those teachers sacrificed popularity to give you what you needed not what you wanted, like those beloved teachers who gave you what you wanted, so they could be accepted and let you fail or remain flawed not for your sake, but for their own benefit of popularity.

That being said: you still did not refute the basis of the post and are still attacking the poster not refuting the post.
no, religious fanatics are who persecute and victimize the innocent with their madeup, phony desert religion. bing.

- still looking for your etched tablets from heaven ...
You are the only one attacking anyone's faith.
Once again, stating fact is not anger.
When your school teacher told you you failed, it was not anger it was fact and intention was to get you motivated to succeed, but you always called those teachers "mean", simply because your frail ego can never accept your imperfection and inadequacies. Eventually as you mature you realise those teachers sacrificed popularity to give you what you needed not what you wanted, like those beloved teachers who gave you what you wanted, so they could be accepted and let you fail or remain flawed not for your sake, but for their own benefit of popularity.

That being said: you still did not refute the basis of the post and are still attacking the poster not refuting the post.

Can't address the content of my post.

Have a 4 year old home schooled kid explain it.
I don't have access to a 4 year old. So you're going to have to explain what you wrote. What does Friday being day one have to do with providing example which show that it was common to say that a daytime or a night time would be involved with an event when no part of a daytime or no part of a night time could occur?

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