GOOD Friday

that question - basis for all 3 (phony) desert religions ...

Normally called "the Abrahamic religions"

etched tablets are not a matter of faith - to hide behind, too bad they never existed for who use them for their nefarious purposes. zann et all.

Do you have a problem with alcohol, drugs or other mind-altering substances? Do you need help? Which question do you have?
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Normally called "the Abrahamic religions"

Which question do you have?

you can run or ...


just hide - from the truth.

the results will be the same either way ... the desert religion10 commandments are phony and never have existed. made up by moses, the same as monotheism.
you can run or ...

View attachment 632650

just hide - from the truth.

the results will be the same either way ... the desert religion10 commandments are phony and never have existed. made up by moses, the same as monotheism.

Perhaps you are an artificial stupidity program, who knows? What is your problem with the 10 commandements? In the Ukraine many Russians do not understand for example the commandement "Thou shalt not kill!" because their god Vlaldimir Putin, autocrat over Russia, does not support this commandement.
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The story is plagiarized from the Baal Death scene found in predated tablets held in the British museum, which is why I stated they used Jesus as a mask for Baal worship.
The central source (Q) could have been written as a play, thus using the bel passion play to create the devine figure from as the Canaanite Mythology the son has to die to surpass his father Baal on the throne in heaven.
If you read my post, Dagon (fishman god) was Baal's father, when he became out of favor due to drought and famines Baal the Harvest god surplanted his image, but as Baal lost favor the son of the sun was born out of necessity and to collect taxes (tithes) through.
Today Rome still sports it's Dagon outfits (fish scale robes and fishead mitres, and fishman ring the Pope wears)
The greatest irony to the joke Rome played, was to use the tax revolter to collect your taxes (tithes) from many kingdoms unsuspected.
People today fall for the Scam of BLM in the same manner, it's called racketeering, people are conned into paying the troll toll= protection money, but it's the protectors who you pay protection to keep "them" off you=intimidation, in this case intimidated with the threat of hell and damnation. For a fee you can be saved and pretend to have a higher seat in heaven then those heathens who don't pay the troll toll.
Source Baal:
Baal passion play
"Christianity Before Christ" by John G. Jackson, 1985,
pp. 43-46.
(A) Arthur Findlay's report of the translation by a Professor H. Zimmern, in German, of an ancient tablet which Jackson reports (citing Findlay) as Babylonian dating back to circa 2000 BC now in the British
Museum in which the Babylonian myth of Bel (Baal in Hebrew) is described in a passion play in which:
(1) Bel is taken prisoner;
(2) Bel is tried in a great hall;
(3) Bel is smitten;
(4) Bel is led away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a hilltop);
(5) with Bel are taken two malefactors, one of whom is released;
(6) After Bel has gone to the Mount and is executed,
the city breaks into tumult;
(7) Bel's clothes are carried away;
(8.) Bel goes down into the Mount and disappears from life;
(9) weeping women seek Bel at the Tomb;
(10) Bel is brought back to life.

Below is tablet of Dagon Priests in fishman outfits:View attachment 631504
View attachment 631505
lol more ridiculous claims. As already pointed out, none of those 'ancient stories' resemble the OT stories, no matter how bizarrely you cultists keep trying to force them to.
lol more ridiculous claims. As already pointed out, none of those 'ancient stories' resemble the OT stories, no matter how bizarrely you cultists keep trying to force them to.
Who said OT, the Jesus mythology is NT and plagiarized from another central source.
Same rubbish, different day. They plagiarized nothing.
Pretty much. The idea of copying or plagiarizing was introduced in the late 1800s. By the 1930s, less than fifty years later, it had been totally discredited. When people declare a religion plagiarizes another, we know where their education stopped on that matter.
Pretty much. The idea of copying or plagiarizing was introduced in the late 1800s. By the 1930s, less than fifty years later, it had been totally discredited. When people declare a religion plagiarizes another, we know where their education stopped on that matter.

Not to mention Jews were fanatically strict about not having their theology tainted by anything that smacked of paganism, so the pre-Babylonian Exile ancient Hebrews' writings would be free of that stuff as well; the early Christians, being mostly Jewish and educated, wouldn't have been inclined to do so either. It has always been a ludicrous claim, and yes most of the rubbish dates from 19th Century and early 20th. Nobody ever claims the Mayans got their stories from ancient Mesopotamia or Egypt, or that the Persians stole theirs from the Chinese, who have several flood mythologies and by far the oldest. In fact, many of the Greek and Persian pagan cults rewrote theirs to compete with the Christians' revolution and mass conversions.

By the 1930s, less than fifty years later, it had been totally discredited.

Yep, and then the pseudo-intellectuals jumped on Walther Bauer's and his pet grad student Elaine Pagel's ridiculous theories that the Evul Christians stole it all and censored the Gnostics, another scam to try and legitimize rewriting it all to suit their own wish lists.

You can bet these pseudo-intellectual Xian bashers here never heard of Bauer and have no clue his rubbish is the source of theirs. They also have no clue that when they cite their Hero Bert Ehrman they have never even heard of his book that asserts Jesus was a real person, despite his bashing of the Orthodoxy, or they wouldnt run around citing him either.

Ehrman sets out to demonstrate the historical evidence for Jesus' existence, and he aims to state why all experts in the area agree that "whatever else you may think about Jesus, he certainly did exist."[/b]
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Not to mention Jews were fanatically strict about not having their theology tainted by anything that smacked of paganism, so the pre-Babylonian Exile ancient Hebrews' writings would be free of that stuff as well; the early Christians, being mostly Jewish and educated, wouldn't have been inclined to do so either. It has always been a ludicrous claim, and yes most of the rubbish dates from 19th Century and early 20th. Nobody ever claims the Mayans got their stories from ancient Mesopotamia or Egypt, or that the Persians stole theirs from the Chinese, who have several flood mythologies and by far the oldest. In fact, many of the Greek and Persian pagan cults rewrote theirs to compete with the Christians' revolution and mass conversions.
I have read somewhere that ancient Jews (even in the last centuries of the BC era) wasn't so strict in monotheism. Even in their last Temple some remnants of polytheism were found.
I have read somewhere that ancient Jews (even in the last centuries of the BC era) wasn't so strict in monotheism. Even in their last Temple some remnants of polytheism were found.

I've read that, too; I've read it with any credible sources cited, though. There were 'gnostic' Jewish sects, they just weren't large or influential; even the Pharisees probably only numbered some 6,000, out of a million estimated Jews in the 1st Century, and they were very influential. Yet there is Paul, the former Pharisee, and at least two of the Gospel 'books' show a lot of evidence of being written by people educated as Pharisees.
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I've read that, too; I've read it with any credible sources cited, though. There were 'gnostic' Jewish sects, they just weren't large or influential; even the Pharisees probably only numbered some 6,000, out of a million estimated Jews in the 1st Century, and they were very influential. Yet there is Paul, the former Pharisee, and at least two of the Gospel 'books' show a lot of evidence of being written by people educated as Pharisees.
Well, gnosticism and polytheism are a bit different things. I can't imagine how a Jewish (a follower of the Jewish religion) can be a gnostic of any kind. Gnosticism is basically a rejection of the OT God.
Well, gnosticism and polytheism are a bit different things. I can't imagine how a Jewish (a follower of the Jewish religion) can be a gnostic of any kind. Gnosticism is basically a rejection of the OT God.

Not really, they're just weak pseudo-intellectual attempts at discrediting Christianity and by extension early Hebrewism, and they're both cited by the same collection of deviants and pagan cultists. They're all the same people.
Well, gnosticism and polytheism are a bit different things. I can't imagine how a Jewish (a follower of the Jewish religion) can be a gnostic of any kind. Gnosticism is basically a rejection of the OT God.

It would just be weird if you could imagine that.

It would just be weird if you could imagine that.

Thanks for the link. It is an interesting piece and I should re-read it a couple of times more to get it coherently.

But then again, the first conclusion I got is the Helenistic Judaism isn't Gnosticism per se. Gnosticism is an antithesis to the Jewish worldview, rejection of the material world and its creator. And I just can't grasp how it could be combined.
Same rubbish, different day. They plagiarized nothing.
But you already had a freudian slip and admitted they plagiarized & not just included the OT.
Proof and admission of Plagiarizing:
1)in John Apochrypha they admit plagiarizing and borrowing from Zoroastrianism.
2)NT admits their intent to fit him in texts
Luke 24:44-45 "Then he said to them, 'everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets and the psalms.'
(-Meaning, fit me in every verse to make me out to be the one)
Thus They rewrote Matthew 1.1 through 4:11 to create his Genesis (Luke 1:5 - 4:13). He leaned on Mark 1:21 through 3:19 to create his Exodus (Luke 4:14 - 6:19).
They quarried Matthew in rather unique ways to develop his readings for Leviticus (Luke 6:20 - 8:25). He transcribed Mark 4 through 9 with some rather gaping omissions to provide appropriate readings to correspond with the material found in Numbers (Luke 8:26 - 9:50). Finally, in their most imaginative piece of writing, Luke created the expanded journey section of his gospel (Luke 9:51 - 18:14) to correspond to the readings from Deuteronomy.
In order to show Jesus as the fulfillment of the Torah, Luke wrote his infancy story against
the background of
the Book of Genesis.=PLAGIARISM

The blood atonement borrowed from Deut 21.
Jeremiah 13:13-14 was used in emulating out of it's context of time and message to create a disturbing threat in Matthew 10: 34-40 and Thomas Verse 16.
2Samuel 1:10 &1:12 was rewritten in the crucifixion scene of Jesus to be about him not Israel.
Even 1Sa 5:3 &5:4 mirrors his crucifixion that was written to emulate these verses about the Philistine deity "Dagon" he represents.
And read II Kings 4: 42 - 43(sound familiar to the loaves of bread story placed upon Jesus?)
Not only did they rehash text that was already in the bible but they also manipulate text that their teachings are based on making excuses for not fulfilling things or for problems that arise like his death etc. All the stories are based on twisted reasoning trying to avoid the inevitable questions like how could God die and allow himself to be tortured by his enemies etc. So they wrote the story and religion around these complications and twisted reason and common sense to make excuses for these things.-oops epic fail!
But you already had a freudian slip and admitted they plagiarized & not just included the OT.
Proof and admission of Plagiarizing:
1)in John Apochrypha they admit plagiarizing and borrowing from Zoroastrianism.
2)NT admits their intent to fit him in texts
Luke 24:44-45 "Then he said to them, 'everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets and the psalms.'
(-Meaning, fit me in every verse to make me out to be the one)
Thus They rewrote Matthew 1.1 through 4:11 to create his Genesis (Luke 1:5 - 4:13). He leaned on Mark 1:21 through 3:19 to create his Exodus (Luke 4:14 - 6:19).
They quarried Matthew in rather unique ways to develop his readings for Leviticus (Luke 6:20 - 8:25). He transcribed Mark 4 through 9 with some rather gaping omissions to provide appropriate readings to correspond with the material found in Numbers (Luke 8:26 - 9:50). Finally, in their most imaginative piece of writing, Luke created the expanded journey section of his gospel (Luke 9:51 - 18:14) to correspond to the readings from Deuteronomy.
In order to show Jesus as the fulfillment of the Torah, Luke wrote his infancy story against
the background of
the Book of Genesis.=PLAGIARISM

The blood atonement borrowed from Deut 21.
Jeremiah 13:13-14 was used in emulating out of it's context of time and message to create a disturbing threat in Matthew 10: 34-40 and Thomas Verse 16.
2Samuel 1:10 &1:12 was rewritten in the crucifixion scene of Jesus to be about him not Israel.
Even 1Sa 5:3 &5:4 mirrors his crucifixion that was written to emulate these verses about the Philistine deity "Dagon" he represents.
And read II Kings 4: 42 - 43(sound familiar to the loaves of bread story placed upon Jesus?)
Not only did they rehash text that was already in the bible but they also manipulate text that their teachings are based on making excuses for not fulfilling things or for problems that arise like his death etc. All the stories are based on twisted reasoning trying to avoid the inevitable questions like how could God die and allow himself to be tortured by his enemies etc. So they wrote the story and religion around these complications and twisted reason and common sense to make excuses for these things.-oops epic fail!

A deeper pile of rubbish. lol just making up a bigger pile is a game for those who don't know shit about it and are just trolling, like yourself. Do you ever read any real scholarship or do you just find the nutjobs and cite them?
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Thanks for the link. It is an interesting piece and I should re-read it a couple of times more to get it coherently.

But then again, the first conclusion I got is the Helenistic Judaism isn't Gnosticism per se. Gnosticism is an antithesis to the Jewish worldview, rejection of the material world and its creator. And I just can't grasp how it could be combined.

It's easy enough when you know the 'Judaism' of the post-Babylonian centuries wasn't the Hebrewism of the written Torah nor the same Jewish culture and social culture of the pre-exilic tribal confederacy prior to David and Solomon. It's only 'difficult' if one thinks the two are the same. Most of Jesus's teachings are about a return to 'original intent', i.e. 'old school Judaism, without the racist self-serving mentality invented by Ezra and the Babylonians making themselves into a racial purity cult and excluding most other Jews from the little club they set up for themselves under Cyrus's patronage. They left their new theology open to all sorts of warping and regressions.
A deeper pile of rubbish. lol just making up a bigger pile is a game for those who don't know shit about it and are just trolling, like yourself. Do you ever read any real scholarship or do you just find the nutjobs and cite them?
Not one refutation through source by you, and since I posted scripture, you just called your NT rubbish. *L*
Ad hominem replies are not intellectually honest refutations, they are more evidence of your inadequacies to defend your lies you protect by fraul human ego instead of knowledge and reason.

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