GOOD Friday

If it were not for Christ, people like Trump who was crucified by the world ...

Are you totally mad? Donald Trumps extremely bad behavior has absolutelly nothing to do with anything else than Donald Trump himselve. This man is a shame for the whole mankind.
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Not Catholic. There is no Lent in the Bible though Jesus does mention His disciples would "fast and pray" when He's gone.

Now John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting. And people came and said to him, “Why do John’s disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?” And Jesus said to them, “Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast in that day.

Sunday is coming...

“He received 39 stripes because 40 was known to kill a man. They wanted him alive. They held handfuls of his beard, and hair and pulled it out by the roots. They wanted him alive. They kicked, punched, and spit on him for hours. Until there wasn't a single spot on his body not covered in blood. They wanted him alive. They shoved a crown of thorns down on his head so harshly it stuck in his skin. They wanted him alive. After hours of being beaten, mocked, whipped, flogged, and tortured they made him walk with a cross. They made him carry it. A rough piece of wood with splinters digging into fresh wounds. They wanted him alive. They wanted him to feel every ounce of pain they could bring. He had to feel it in order to heal us. Crucifixion was historically one of the cruelest most tortured deaths a human could face. Hours upon hours of torture. Torture most of us can not mentally think of because the cruelty isn't normal. It isn't something our minds can comprehend. We celebrate Easter with pastel colors, happy children hunting eggs, and chocolate. Truth is there was absolutely nothing happy about the day Jesus died. It was cruel, bloody, and nasty.
He could have stopped all of it. He could have called every angel in heaven to demolish every person standing and shouting "Crucify Him!" He didn't. He knew in order to have a Sunday you have to have a Friday. He knew in order to have joy you have to carry your cross. He felt everything that day. He felt how your heart broke wide open when you had to watch your baby die. He felt how heavy your life was when you were staring down the barrel of a gun wondering if the man you called husband was going to shoot you. He carried the weight of the burden you have felt since your spouse died and life just doesn't seem right since. On that cross he held the rapist and murderers, the sinner and the saint. He leveled every playing field and said ALL of you are worth it. He knew he had to carry the cross. He never promised the cross you carry in this life would not be heavy. His wasn't. His promise is that Sunday is coming.
No matter how heavy Friday is. Financially, emotionally, mentally, or physically. Friday is heavy. That cross is weighing you down and you are about to crumble under its weight. His promise was simply this. He won't make you carry it alone. What kind of king would step down from his throne for this?
Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God did. For you.
He did every bit of it for you and me. Oh yes it is heavy. So heavy sometimes you do not think you can take one more step. But look up, because Sunday is coming.”

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The story is plagiarized from the Baal Death scene found in predated tablets held in the British museum, which is why I stated they used Jesus as a mask for Baal worship.
The central source (Q) could have been written as a play, thus using the bel passion play to create the devine figure from as the Canaanite Mythology the son has to die to surpass his father Baal on the throne in heaven.
If you read my post, Dagon (fishman god) was Baal's father, when he became out of favor due to drought and famines Baal the Harvest god surplanted his image, but as Baal lost favor the son of the sun was born out of necessity and to collect taxes (tithes) through.
Today Rome still sports it's Dagon outfits (fish scale robes and fishead mitres, and fishman ring the Pope wears)
The greatest irony to the joke Rome played, was to use the tax revolter to collect your taxes (tithes) from many kingdoms unsuspected.
People today fall for the Scam of BLM in the same manner, it's called racketeering, people are conned into paying the troll toll= protection money, but it's the protectors who you pay protection to keep "them" off you=intimidation, in this case intimidated with the threat of hell and damnation. For a fee you can be saved and pretend to have a higher seat in heaven then those heathens who don't pay the troll toll.
Source Baal:
Baal passion play
"Christianity Before Christ" by John G. Jackson, 1985,
pp. 43-46.
(A) Arthur Findlay's report of the translation by a Professor H. Zimmern, in German, of an ancient tablet which Jackson reports (citing Findlay) as Babylonian dating back to circa 2000 BC now in the British
Museum in which the Babylonian myth of Bel (Baal in Hebrew) is described in a passion play in which:
(1) Bel is taken prisoner;
(2) Bel is tried in a great hall;
(3) Bel is smitten;
(4) Bel is led away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a hilltop);
(5) with Bel are taken two malefactors, one of whom is released;
(6) After Bel has gone to the Mount and is executed,
the city breaks into tumult;
(7) Bel's clothes are carried away;
(8.) Bel goes down into the Mount and disappears from life;
(9) weeping women seek Bel at the Tomb;
(10) Bel is brought back to life.

Below is tablet of Dagon Priests in fishman outfits:

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Does this mean I should fast or eat fish?

First: Water does not break the fast. That's a very important rule! And in an expansion of this rule fluids in general do not break the fast and nothing what lives in water is breaking the fast. This made sense in different contextes - specially in times when people had to do a lot of hard work every day. Beer is for example still today often called "fluid bread". And fish is often an sustainable source for food (and was also not an evil which had caused "the flood"). In such contextes there are many discussions about what makes sense today and what makes not sense today.

For sure the word "fast" has nothing to do with speed, with "to be fast" - it comes from the German word "fest" (the opposite of spongy, fuzzy, vague). "Hard" is often a good translation, but it means more something like "to be substantial". The idea behind the fast is training in spiritual self-control.
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christians are obsessed with their claims of innocence ...

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Christians do not burn crosses. Enemies of Christians burn crosses and/or also still crucify Christians.

they use to commit atrocities uninterrupted throughout recorded history - and celebrate as if theirs for the taking.

the true events of liberation theology, self determination they themselves lead - in perpetual crucifixion.

Sounds like absurde bullshit. A body of a human being is also a temple of god. A violent behavior against other human beings - and also against the own person - is obsolete.
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Christians do not burn a cross. Enemies of Christians burn Christian crosses.


during daytime, they hold hands ...

so who are you. talk is cheap, where in history have the crucifiers been brought to justice.

"Truly I tell you that tonight, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times."

celebrating the itinerants death is a joke ... who stood against the crime is not to be found in their book. christians have no remorse whatsoever.

This is a political demonstration of uniformed men with strange hats. ¿KuKluxKlan? ¿Fake picture"?

during daytime, they hold hands ...

so who are you. talk is cheap, where in history have the crucifiers been brought to justice.

celebrating the itinerants death is a joke ... who stood against the crime is not to be found in their book. christians have no remorse whatsoever.

What do you speak about when you use the word "Christians"? Your political rivals?
these people - who deny the history of the false desert religions.

The KKK is a political racist movement which has less than nothing do with our "false desert religion" - how you call us. For the reasons of the KKK you do not have to study the bible nor the catechism of the Holy Church.

- not fake at all and predominate the christian religion ...

The KKK is a special US-American phenomenon and not a Christian phenomenon.

By the way: He is not in the grave of your thoughts.

He's risen - he's truly risen. Alleluia.

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It is said the mad Roman emperor Nero burned early Christians like lighters. Perhaps you do understand such an "imperial" (=political) behavior better now. No reason not to understand the religious (=human) behavior of real Christians.
It's by the way also interesting in this context to know that the witness of women did not count anything "in politics" - in public - of this days.

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The KKK is a political racist movement which has less than nothing do with our "false desert religion" - how you call us. For the reasons of the KKK you do not have to study the bible nor the catechism of the Holy Church.

The KKK is a special US-American phenomenon and not a Christian phenomenon.

By the way: He is not in the grave of your thoughts.

He's risen - he's truly risen. Alleluia.

The KKK is a special US-American phenomenon and not a Christian phenomenon.

incorrect -


they are the bible belt of the desert religions ...

It is said the mad Roman emperor Nero burned early Christians like lighters. Perhaps you do understand such an "imperial" (=political) behavior better now.

that is you who does not understand, zaan - 1st century was liberation theology, self determination the religion of antiquity it is nero who wrote the c bible.

those persecuted including the itinerant knew their deeds and triumph over evil was the means for admission to the heavens not the false worship of a self styled messiah and monotheism.
... liberation theology ...

Gustavo Gutiérrez. Teología de la liberación. 1971

= A very young form of theology.

I do not know what this form of theology is and/or what it means in South America. I know only one German bishop - meanwhile he is cardinal - who had been influenced from the theology of liberation - and I'm very happy that I never had anything to do with this man. So I have prejudices against this form of theology.
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Gustavo Gutiérrez. Teología de la liberación. 1971

= A very young form of theology.

I do not know what this form of theology is and/or what it means in South America. I know only one German bishop - meanwhile he is cardinal - who had been influenced from the theology of liberation - and I'm very happy that I never had anything to do with this man. So I have prejudices against this form of theology.

generic - 1st century liberation theology - from slavery, gov't / religious oppression. the individuals triumph over evil, religion of antiquity - for judgement and admission to the heavens.

where are your etched tablets from the heavens - that claim monotheism and single worship over recognition for all forms of existence and life that were the basis for the Garden of Eden.

natzi were all christian ... stop being stupid.
christians are obsessed with their claims of innocence ...

View attachment 631399

they use to commit atrocities uninterrupted throughout recorded history - and celebrate as if theirs for the taking.

the true events of liberation theology, self determination they themselves lead - in perpetual crucifixion.
Thanks for displaying how deluded and uneducated you are.
You validate with your lies that after 2,000 years many are still terrified of Jesus.
generic - 1st century liberation theology - from slavery, gov't / religious oppression. the individuals triumph over evil, religion of antiquity - for judgement and admission to the heavens.

where are your etched tablets from the heavens - that claim monotheism and single worship over recognition for all forms of existence and life that were the basis for the Garden of Eden.

natzi were all christian ... stop being stupid.

You live in a totally absurde way of thoughts which has nothing to do with reality.
You live in a totally absurde way of thoughts which has nothing to do with reality.

you did not answer the question ...

where are your etched tablets from the heavens - that claim monotheism and single worship over recognition for all forms of existence and life that were the basis for the Garden of Eden.

your phony, madeup 10 commandments -

also, name one nazi that was not a christian ...
you did not answer the question ...

Which question? If you like to understand the world of the first Christians then you have to leave your [own] thoughts and to try to find them.

your phony, madeup 10 commandments -

also, name one nazi that was not a christian ...

Nazis had absolutelly nothing to do with Christians - what everyone knew during their so called "third empire". The only exception had been the so called "Deutsche Christen" - what's a very big difference to the expression "deutsche Christen". Translation is in both cases "German Christians". The "Deutsche Christen" had been a Nazi organisation which tried to overtake the protestants in Germany. They told weird stories about the Christian religion as for example that the Jew Jesus Christ had been an anti-semitic son of a German soldier in the Roman army who fought with a sword in his hands against the Jews. The Nazis followed the idea - and I fear this was the only true idea of the Nazis - that hate propaganda and disinformation is not able to be stupid enough because information and real knowledge needs a lot of time to be learned.

So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."

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Which question?

where are your etched tablets from the heavens - that claim monotheism and single worship over recognition for all forms of existence and life that were the basis for the Garden of Eden.

that question - basis for all 3 (phony) desert religions ...

etched tablets are not a matter of faith - to hide behind, too bad they never existed for who use them for their nefarious purposes. zann et all.

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