Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wa

Oh? You want to play too?

Fine. To answer you, there is nothing about commerce that makes it inherently legal; so stopping illegal commerce is patently legal, and is something that the police should be engaged in--rather than violating the 1st amendment rights of girls armed with signs and chalk.

Now you tell me how violating 1st amendment rights is legal, "and we'll go from there".

Hint: It isn't.

I will stop you before you embarrass yourself.

They stopped traffic. Illegal. Traffic is commerce.
Blocking traffic is not a first amendment right.

It's good that you stopped. Too bad it wasn't before you embarrassed yourself.

Blocking traffic started the arrests.

Thanks for playing...................
(The New York Times coos, ooohs and ahhhs with adulation about the Occupy Wall Street Protests, the SEIU's Stephen Lerner, Van Jones "Take Down Capitalism" orchestrated protests, funded here and wherever, Boston, Cleveland, LA by America's best known economy and government destroyer George Soros, a man best known and characterized in his statements about his activities as a youth in his native Hungary when he assisted in the unloading of his fellow Hungarians possessions out of their former residences while they themselves waited in cattle cars for their inevitable shipment to Nazi provided humanitarian paradises such as Auschwitz. "They were heady, invigorating times" said Mr Soros. )

"NY Times’ poster child for #OccupyWallStreet not what he seems (Update: Cole responds)

Posted by William A. Jacobson Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 11:40am

The NY Times Dealbook section takes a very sympathetic look at the Occupy Wall Street protests, On Wall Street, a Protest Matures.

The article leads with a feature on Andrew Cole, who arrived from Madison, Wisconsin (shock!) where he recently lost a job:

“I think a good deal of the bankers should be in jail.”

That is what Andrew Cole, an unemployed 24-year-old graduate of Bucknell University, told me Monday morning in Zuccotti Park, the epicenter of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Mr. Cole, an articulate young man dressed in jeans, a sweatshirt and with a blue wool beanie on his head, had just arrived by bus from Madison, Wis., where he recently lost his job.

There was nothing particularly menacing or dangerous about Mr. Cole. He said he had come to participate in Occupy Wall Street because he believed in its “anticapitalist” message. “I see Wall Street as responsible for the mess we’re in.”

The New York Times does not tell us where Cole was working prior to being laid off. Must be construction, or perhaps one of those state workers brutalized by the evil Gov. Scott Walker and the Koch Brothers. Or perhaps some heartless business which puts profits over people.

No, a simple Google search reveals that Cole is a professional progressive operative, having worked — according to his LinkedIn profile – for the past three years for the Progressive Patriots Fund, which he still lists at his employer:

September 2008 – Present (3 years 2 months)

Trained and dispatched by Senator Russ Feingold’s PAC to work in the field for Eric Massa’s congressional campaign in New York’s 29th district. Responsibilities included volunteer recruitment, voter contact, and coordinating the GOTV push for a campaign satellite office in Canandaigua, NY.

Let’s say Cole was really fired by Progressive Patriots Fund, and his LinkedIn profile is not up to date, was the firing for real or just a set up so that Cole could agitate in New York City and make sure to get interviewed by media outlets as the face of the Occupy Wall Street movement?

Is Wall Street to blame for the fact that a progressive political action group fired Cole? Or if Cole had some interim job since that time, the fact that he now is unemployed?

Cole does not fit the profile of the downtrodden, hopeless, disaffected youth portrayed in the article. Cole comes from an upper-middle-class family and was sure to be a wise shopper for colleges, being featured in a U.S. News book about shopping for financial aid packages.

And if Cole did not immediately find a new job after being fired by Russ Feingold, or lost some other job recently, is it Wall Street’s fault, or the fact that Cole devoted his college experience to studying such job-relevant topics as Struggle, Revolution, and the MST: Reflections on the Meaning of Resistance:

The following is an ethnographic account of the motivations, attitudes, and ideology of several residents of Lenin Paz II, a Brazilian land-reform settlement in the northeastern state of Ceará. The particular focus of the study is on the reasons these individuals decided to get involved with the social movement (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra) that brought them to the settlement after a 2-3 year process of land occupation. Theoretically, the paper focuses on the development of a collective sense of social or class consciousness amongst the landless who were interviewed, drawing heavily on James Scott’s theory of resistance outlined in Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance.

Andrew Cole is not what he seems, and neither is #OccupyWallStreet.

Update: Mark Finkelstein at Newsbusters has the story of another Occupy Wall Street protest leader, a former employee of an investment bank!

Further Update: The photo in The Times article is not of Cole. I wonder if the ”Andrew Cole” in The Times’ article is the same as “Andrew P. Cole” who received funds from Feingold’s Progressive Patriots Fund, and if so, if he is the Andrew P. Cole who writes for the Socialist Worker Party newspaper and describes himself on Twitter at follows:

Socialist, writer, musician, activist, wage slave. Member of UAW 1981, the National Writers Union."

» NY Times’ poster child for #OccupyWallStreet not what he seems (Update: Cole responds) - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
Just a simple convocation of Commies, hippies, Socialists, and other fellow travelers dedicated to the overthrow of Capitalism worldwide and specifically the overthrow of the American Constitution which will hopefully be replaced by a Socialist worker's state. Merry Christmas, re education camps and Gulags for all citizens.
Yep, this is just the first of the newly reorganized Progressive Communist Party run by Van Jones (self proclaimed Marxist).
I watched him on C-Span, telling his group how he has learned all about the Tea Party. Yea right :)
His conclusion? There is no Tea Party. But we will STEAL from their ideas.
He said they are the same Repubs, but what they did was bring all of their organizations together as one.
Then he said that is what we are doing. We were fighting as different organizations separately. We have done what they have and united all of organizations together
Then he told them that when they blog or twitter to put their organization name and then a comma Tea Party Affiliate.
Spoken like a true Commie steal and deceive.
Steal from the rich, Steal from the tea party and then deceive by adding at the end of your org. name tea party affiliate.
His new org.'s name is Grassroots Organization Progressive Movement.
okey dokey...:eusa_whistle:
links in article at site.

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 3, 2011, 3:58 PM

These imbeciles are just as dumb as we thought. Occupy Wall Street protesters posted a proposed list of demands on their website today.
Thankfully, most American fifth graders aren’t this stupid.

A demonstrator dressed as a “corporate zombie” takes part in an Occupy Wall Street protest in lower Manhattan in New York October 3, 2011. The Occupy Wall Street protests moved into their third week on Monday with demonstrators camping out in Zuccotti Park. (REUTERS/Mike Segar)

From the Occupy Wall Street website, via Picket and Loesch:

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

read the rest with comments at..
Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wage” and “Across the Board Debt Forgiveness For All” | The Gateway Pundit

Yeah but you don't seem to have any problem whatsoever with a failure like Dick Fuld recieving 20 million in compensation for his last year at Lehman after he oversaw it's failure.

That's pretty amazing.
$20 wage reguardless of empolyment ... Does that mean that everyone that makes less tgen $20 an hour would just stay home instead if work? Maybe they could busy themselves with protesting their low "living wage"

Free collage ... Why? When you get 20 an hour to do nothing ... Why collage?

Removal if all debt ... Worldwide. Not just the defaulting debt, all debt ... Morgage? Car loan? Collage tuition? Forget it, it's free now




I once thought these 'protesters' had a at least some degree of knowledge, but now I see that they are the best and most staightforward example of why the department of education has failed us ... These are examples or what our education system is turning out

Get rid of the entire Department of increased stupidity ... I mean education
okey dokey...:eusa_whistle:
links in article at site.

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 3, 2011, 3:58 PM

These imbeciles are just as dumb as we thought. Occupy Wall Street protesters posted a proposed list of demands on their website today.
Thankfully, most American fifth graders aren’t this stupid.

A demonstrator dressed as a “corporate zombie” takes part in an Occupy Wall Street protest in lower Manhattan in New York October 3, 2011. The Occupy Wall Street protests moved into their third week on Monday with demonstrators camping out in Zuccotti Park. (REUTERS/Mike Segar)

From the Occupy Wall Street website, via Picket and Loesch:

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

read the rest with comments at..
Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wage” and “Across the Board Debt Forgiveness For All” | The Gateway Pundit

Yeah but you don't seem to have any problem whatsoever with a failure like Dick Fuld recieving 20 million in compensation for his last year at Lehman after he oversaw it's failure.

That's pretty amazing.

Yes we did, that's why the people voted in the Dems because of over spending by the Repubs. Then what did the Dems do? The same thing but even worse to the tune of 5 trillion so far.
I will stop you before you embarrass yourself.

They stopped traffic. Illegal. Traffic is commerce.
Blocking traffic is not a first amendment right.

It's good that you stopped. Too bad it wasn't before you embarrassed yourself.

Blocking traffic started the arrests.

Thanks for playing...................
Blocking traffic is not a first amendment right.

Thanks for playing.
This protest is getting bigger, yesterday I mentioned if the unions joined in they coulkd cause a lot of harm. Well, the word is out the unions are joining in the protest. Could this be the start of something bigger in line for 2012?
Yes we did, that's why the people voted in the Dems because of over spending by the Repubs.

Now there's an interesting misconception and evidence of total disconnect from the voters. :tongue:

By the way, those are not demands of OWS. Once more.
Those people are total idiots... as well as anyone that supports them. $20 minimum wage and free everything for everyone. Just insane.
This protest is getting bigger, yesterday I mentioned if the unions joined in they coulkd cause a lot of harm. Well, the word is out the unions are joining in the protest. Could this be the start of something bigger in line for 2012?

You mean you haven't figured that out yet?
this protest is getting bigger, yesterday i mentioned if the unions joined in they coulkd cause a lot of harm. Well, the word is out the unions are joining in the protest. Could this be the start of something bigger in line for 2012?

you mean you haven't figured that out yet?

and just who the fuck are you cock sucker?
How much do you want to bet that the "protestors" wander down to a Starbucks from time to time and pay for a large latte with a credit card?
The fact you think Van Jones's TITLE was "Green Jobs Czar" just shows how brainwashed you are, dittohead...LOL!!! CHANGE THE CHANNEL!
And the "we're too big a country to have policy like NZ or France (GASP!!)" is more RW twaddle. Later...

What do you mean? when did France come into play? and Yes we can't have a French system because as you see they have even more tensions there as they are growing into a Hellenic culture. The reason it works for places like Sweden, Norway, France, Spain, and Portugal... which if you check out a lot of these countries... NZ included they are struggling, but you won't address that right? However, the reason these countries have had this system for so long is the make up of their countries. They are largely metropolitan homogeneous cultures. They have existed for longer, and communities are structured differently as opposed to the do it yourself American individualism that has been reinforced through the development of suburbs.

I think you realize here you won't win this debate with me because you are flat out wrong.... Come back when you brush up on Comparative Politics...

I'd love to hear you actually state something that will challenge what I'm saying, but I know you won 't do that

From what I've seen in this thread you are incredibly unintelligent and ignorant.

Go look up NZ though really... go check out their economy you fuck I can't believe you people are suggesting to be more like NZ, really? What world do you live in?

They're struggling because your boy Boooosh and his banker pals ruined the world economy. The rest of your idiocy is some kind of racist, nationalist twaddle. Everyone in the modern world has a living wage and affordable health care for all. The reason we don't is brainwashed tools of the greedy rich like YOU..LOL!!!

You're a moron, I've actually lived life... I've gone without healthcare, I've lived under the poverty line... I've seen my mom work 3 jobs and not take a handout, I understand the implications of a handout

Its not brainwashing, its that I can decipher what is best for me, and that's not always the easiest route.

You haven't addressed anything I've brought up... from the difference in sizes of the states, demographics, social histories to the fact that the countries you bring up are either struggling economies or struggling to deal with the benefits they give out because they are just growing into a similar society as us....

You sound very uneducated, high school degree if that...

Or some useless trash that has no implications in the real world... Answer one of my points instead of saying the same dumb shit and not diverting from you talking points. You say Im brainwashed, but I only hear you repeat yourself and avoid the facts and opinions I bring up. I'm open to being convinced if you can create an argument, but I know that goes way past your intelligence and passion

BTW if you don't answer me, I'm just gonna give u shit and insults every post I see on here because you are proving to be nothing other than a fuck

The world bank screwed these economies? their debt to GDP ratio is embarrassing to those nations and shows a lack of discipline, which directly influences ideologies like yours. You have no discipline which makes an understanding of the actual world impossible

Point is the banks didn't make these countries spend this money, and these countries don't have a military expenditure anywhere near us... it is entitlements

I'm sure you'll ignore this because you know, its grounded in reality and you can't actually debunk that
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