Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wa

You're a hoot! However, if you're into monarchies, theocracies, feudal aristocracies, or if you're a corporatist, or a fascist, then you may validly refer to me as a leftist.

Regardless, you're a typical statist ... convinced you're morally entitled to dictate with force how everyone else should behave.
You haven't read any of my posts, have you? :rofl:
I've read your 3 replies to me.

Your ignorance aside, it's not me advocating forcing behavior with the threat of violence -- YOU are.

Or don't you remember writing this:

No Marines putting the boot to cop jerk-faces? :frownyface:​
Marines defending girls armed with signs and chalk from the aggression of statist thugs with an over-developed sense of entitlement to use force, is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT notion of the use of force than what you're projecting upon me.
So you think the protesters have the right to break the law?

Hint: They don't. :lol:
From the OWS website

So? Have you actually looked at that website (which is NOT an official OWS website by the way; there is no such thing) other than that one page?

Here: Occupy Wall Street | NYC Protest for American Revolution

Now, take a cruise around that site why don't you. See if you can find those demands, without using your preprogrammed link. Or, see if you can find anybody else there saying anything remotely resembling that crap.

You won't be able to. I don't know if this is actually a hoax. It could be one single solitary left-wing nut job presenting his own opinions that righties have latched onto for propaganda purposes. But it doesn't matter. What I know for absolutely sure is, this is NOT the prevailing view of OWS participants, and presenting it as if it were is a big, fat LIE.

Those demands most certainly were on their web-site YESTERDAY--and when I looked a couple of hours after that I saw another one--LOL. And this was their web-site--not an off-iste description of it.

In FACT--here it is:
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Horrah! A rational, intelligent liberal!

Can you 'splain why the Watermelon Man lied about the Marines?


22 seconds of research done by clicking on the link provided in the post yielded the following:

The Informative Link Below said:
As much as social media has proved itself as a revolutionary tool for political organization and messaging, sometimes it can also act as a Hall of Mirrors, as was the case over the week-end when a rumor started flying around online about the Marines getting involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement.

In this case, what started as a muddled post by a friend of another friend’s post on Facebook ended up as a statement of fact in a major speech made by former White House green collar jobs czar Van Jones at the Take Back The American Dream Conference conference on Monday.

The Truth Behind The Occupy Wall Street Marines | TPM Idea Lab

Emphasis in the last paragraph is mine.

The reason Mr. Van Jones lied about The Marines is.....

Wait for it.........


Of course. As I've always said, Communists are stupid. They have to be to believe in Communism.

Thanks for the thanks and all daveman, but you're missing the point. Communists aren't stupid even if there are stupid communists. Same can be said for Republicans, Democrats and Catholics.

The point is that Jones was stupid. At least I hope he was stupid. Anyone stupid enough to lie that stupidly does not deserve the liar label.
So you think the protesters have the right to break the law?

Hint: They don't. :lol:

They have a right to be heard, even if everyone else is exercising their own right to not listen.
"Why do we have a minimum wage if we are going to pay "illegals" less (slave labor?)?"

That's the Pub Banana Republic model we're trying to END. We're the only modern country with full time workers living in poverty without health care. Thanks Pubs!

Who sets the minimum wage? Who is "encouraging" illegals to enter this country? If the laws only apply to citizens, and all illegals are welcome, it will be a banana republic, soon.

The people who hire them are the ones "encouraging" illegals to enter this country.

Do the "fat cat" politicians that do not enforce the law have any responsibility?
Are those the people that hire domestics or "odd jobs" supposed to do a background check with a false idenitity?
When I do a service call all I will do is jack my prices up to 150.00 an hour. like every other plumber I know.
Those demands most certainly were on their web-site YESTERDAY--and when I looked a couple of hours after that I saw another one--LOL. And this was their web-site--not an off-iste description of it.

In FACT--here it is:

Proposed List Of Demands For Occupy Wall St Movement! | Forum

Very well, not a hoax. Still the beliefs of one solitary guy, who does not represent the views of anyone but himself. That was always a possibility.

Perhaps the problem here is that you right-wing types are making the mistake of thinking that those participating on OWS are as lock-step and authoritarian as you are, so that anything found "on their web site" must be what they ALL believe. Foreign as this probably is to your mindset, all of these people are individuals who think for themselves. And anyone -- anyone at all -- can register for that web site and post something there. Just like people can do the same thing here.

Regardless of where you found it, this is not any kind of "official list of demands" by OWS. In fact, there is no such thing, anywhere, written by anyone. That's just not how we roll.

22 seconds of research done by clicking on the link provided in the post yielded the following:

Emphasis in the last paragraph is mine.

The reason Mr. Van Jones lied about The Marines is.....

Wait for it.........


Of course. As I've always said, Communists are stupid. They have to be to believe in Communism.

Thanks for the thanks and all daveman, but you're missing the point. Communists aren't stupid even if there are stupid communists. Same can be said for Republicans, Democrats and Catholics.

The point is that Jones was stupid. At least I hope he was stupid. Anyone stupid enough to lie that stupidly does not deserve the liar label.
Sorry, Joe. Communists ARE stupid. It's a fact.
A group is forming in University of Las Vegas for an Occupy Vegas. One of the organizers was being interviewed on our local news. He said his complaint was that the corporations are supposed to represent us, and all they really represent are their own profits and shareholders.

How did a university student get that stupid? Where did he get the idea that corporations are supposed to represent ANYONE or ANYTHING other than their own interests?

The protesters are shocking in their ignorance.

Maybe they were confused because "stockholders" have "elections"?
someone asked who started this? ran across this..THIS IS ALL IT IS FOLKS.

Alinsky Rules Return For Obama

Posted 06:58 PM ET

Politics: The hippie horde attempting to mob and "occupy" Wall Street this week has a method to its madness. It's all about getting President Obama re-elected by employing classic Alinskyite tactics.

At first glance, the latest protests staged by left-wing rent-a-mobs in New York, Washington, Los Angeles and elsewhere don't look terribly different from the World Trade Organization and global debt-amnesty spectaculars of a decade ago. Radicals swarm against some hated totem, chant, break a few Starbucks windows and leave scads of garbage for someone else to clean up.

But the "Occupy Wall Street" mob that shut down the Brooklyn Bridge last weekend and drew 700 arrests bears all the earmarks of a professional political machine effort to keep Obama in the White House.

This time, banks were the target, as mobs bore down on Wall Street and posted demands on their Twitter feed to tax and arrest bankers. They knew a soft spot when they saw one.

Polls show the public continues to blame banks instead of administration policies for the economic downturn and widespread joblessness. Singling out banks is a tactic torn right from the playbook of Obama's political mentor, Chicago community organizer Saul Alinsky.

"The goal," wrote David Horowitz's of Alinsky, "is to foment enough public discontent, moral confusion and outright chaos to spark the social upheaval that Marx, Engels and Lenin predicted — a revolution whose foot soldiers view the status quo as fatally flawed and unworthy of salvation."

"The key to radical social change," wrote Stanley Kurtz in his Alinsky biography "Radical-in-Chief," "was to turn the wrath of America's middle class against large corporations."

To some, it may be a stretch to see the hand of the Obama political machine in what is claimed to be a grass-roots effort. But the facts on the ground point to it.

For one thing, the organizers of these protests are the same ones who got Obama elected in 2008.

Last Aug. 11, former Obama "green czar" and community organizer Van Jones sent out an email to supporters calling for a new plan to "Rebuild the Dream." It called for infrastructure jobs to "rebuild our crumbling bridges" — exactly the line Obama presented in subsequent speeches.

In the same email, Jones — a self-described communist — called for jailing big bankers and instituting a "tiny fee" to siphon billions from bank transactions "to spend on Main Street job-creation," which are also things Obama favors.

This is from..
Alinsky Rules Return For Obama -
I can honestly say that I've been to every Tea Party protest in the Tulsa area since they started and I have yet to see anyone that doesn't have a job. Do you understand what that means? That means that the people at the Tea Party protests are the ones that actually PAY federal income tax and are the ones that are funding this crap that the federal government is doing. Get a clue folks, we're tired of paying.

I watched some interviews with the people on Wall Street this morning. The air head with the guitar says he doesn't know why he's there, but he's getting a good 'vibe'? And then there was the two guys who said that corporations were evil and they wanted to bring that to the attention of the 'masses'. And when asked which corporations, their answer was of course, "All of them." And then there was the girl who went into this rant about how Wall Street was using the 'people' as slaves and feeding off of the 'peoples' product. And that the 'people' were like slaves, you know dude?

I looked around at the edges of these dorks to see if I couldn't see Bill Ayers standing around. Isn't this the same crap that he tried to sell during the 60's? My GAWD we've come full circle.

Apparently, the tea party is made up of the approximately 50% that pay the taxes. That is why they are the target of such hate from the left. They should just pay the bills and shut up.
From the Occupy Wall Street website, via Picket and Loesch:

The opinion of one solitary person, representing no one but himself.

OWS is decentralized and non-authoritarian. There is no "official list of demands."
From the Occupy Wall Street website, via Picket and Loesch:

The opinion of one solitary person, representing no one but himself.

OWS is decentralized and non-authoritarian. There is no "official list of demands."

You can keep telling yourself that, but NO ONE is buying it and EVERYONE is JUST LAUGHING AT THEM..
I hope those college kids look back someday and see how they were used as dumb dope dupes. Especially when they have to fill out a resume FOR A JOB..:lol:
You can keep telling yourself that, but NO ONE is buying it

Everyone who doesn't buy it is an idiot. Everyone who pretends not to buy it (which is more likely) is a liar. All you are doing is demonstrating that every right-wing critic of OWS has the intellectual integrity of a con artist combined with a psychotic. You grab at anything, no matter how flimsy and fallacious, to convince yourselves that this is not legitimate, to reassure your building, blinding fear of something you had thought couldn't possibly exist, and your pathology is more and more obvious every second.

If you had the sense and personal honesty that God gave a rutting ram in mating season, you would see for yourself that everything I've said about this list is true. It's the work of one person. It appears only under that person's name. It has not been spread around by OWS people, only by you. To claim that this is any sort of "official" OWS position is totally without foundation and purely made-up nonsensical garbage. You know this -- in the rare moments when you're being honest with yourself, you know it perfectly well.

But you are so seldom honest with yourselves that you repeat it anyway, knowing it to be a lie, because it helps you to drown out the growing fear.
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You can keep telling yourself that, but NO ONE is buying it

Everyone who doesn't buy it is an idiot. Everyone who pretends not to buy it (which is more likely) is a liar. All you are doing is demonstrating that every right-wing critic of OWS has the intellectual integrity of a con artist combined with a psychotic. You grab at anything, no matter how flimsy and fallacious, to convince yourselves that this is not legitimate, to reassure your building, blinding fear of something you had thought couldn't possibly exist, and your pathology is more and more obvious every second.

If you had the sense and personal honesty that God gave a rutting ram in mating season, you would see for yourself that everything I've said about this list is true. It's the work of one person. It appears only under that person's name. It has not been spread around by OWS people, only by you. To claim that this is any sort of "official" OWS position is totally without foundation and purely made-up nonsensical garbage. You know this -- in the rare moments when you're being honest with yourself, you know it perfectly well.

But you are so seldom honest with yourselves that you repeat it anyway, knowing it to be a lie, because it helps you to drown out the growing fear.

No, we recognize this is a "legitimate" protest. These protest are happening all over the world. Would you care to cite one of those protests that actually caused things to get better? Everywhere the mob-like protests have occurred, there has been massive quantities of damage that will have to be paid out of the pool of money that these "protestors" want to support them. How intelligent is that?
I find it amazing that people come here, legally, from other countries with very little. They get a job and bust their backside working. They end up being independently wealthy. Why can't the citizens of this country do that? What is stopping them from learning to READ, learning to do MATH, and learning to COMMUNICATE in a mature conversation. There are libraries and computers, everywhere, take the time to improve yourself, before you start yelling at others to support the lifestyle that you would like to become accustomed to. Get a job (this will probably mean a low-starting pay job), and prove your worth to your employer. Get the experience and get a raise or look for a better paying job. If you have to move to accomplish your dream, do it!
Of course. As I've always said, Communists are stupid. They have to be to believe in Communism.

Thanks for the thanks and all daveman, but you're missing the point. Communists aren't stupid even if there are stupid communists. Same can be said for Republicans, Democrats and Catholics.

The point is that Jones was stupid. At least I hope he was stupid. Anyone stupid enough to lie that stupidly does not deserve the liar label.
Sorry, Joe. Communists ARE stupid. It's a fact.

Sorry daveman, we're going to have to agree to disagree on anything that involves a sweeping generalization statement like that.

Not vetting a story about the deployment of US Marines on American soil prior to using the news in a public speaking engagement is stupid, disagreeing with you on how useful a tool in society 'government' can and should be is just a disagreement.

The fact that a Proud Conservative and a Liberal American Mutt can both see stupid where political stupid lay means there's hope for America.
Every American vote counts. Even the Commies, Klansmen & Fags.
[ame=]Racist Libs Protest - YouTube[/ame]

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