Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wa

They're liberal progressives..

"They" are nobody, actually. These are non-real demands. Bogus. Probably a hoax, definitely NOT demands of OWS in any official or semi-official capacity, nor things that most of the movement believes in.

False. Bogus. Not real. Illusionary. Bullshit. Made-up crap.

Get it yet?
okey dokey...:eusa_whistle:
links in article at site.

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 3, 2011, 3:58 PM

These imbeciles are just as dumb as we thought. Occupy Wall Street protesters posted a proposed list of demands on their website today.
Thankfully, most American fifth graders aren’t this stupid.

A demonstrator dressed as a “corporate zombie” takes part in an Occupy Wall Street protest in lower Manhattan in New York October 3, 2011. The Occupy Wall Street protests moved into their third week on Monday with demonstrators camping out in Zuccotti Park. (REUTERS/Mike Segar)

From the Occupy Wall Street website, via Picket and Loesch:

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

read the rest with comments at..
Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wage” and “Across the Board Debt Forgiveness For All” | The Gateway Pundit

How can one "demand" a wage?

What the fuck do these idiots believe our economy is based on?


Do they want 20 bucks to become the new 7.50?

They want 20 bucks? I suppose milk will cost 10 bucks a gallon now...

The stupidity of these people is impressive...

Why not $1,500 dollars an hour because its just as logical?

Yeah lets inflate our currency...
They're liberal progressives..

"They" are nobody, actually. These are non-real demands. Bogus. Probably a hoax, definitely NOT demands of OWS in any official or semi-official capacity, nor things that most of the movement believes in.

False. Bogus. Not real. Illusionary. Bullshit. Made-up crap.

Get it yet?

Yea.... just a big collection of witless rubes.

Got it.
Their demands are delusional at best...

It's almost like they have not mentally matured past the age of 10.

20 dollars minimum wage, global governments, trillions spent on illogical energy, the immediate end of fossil fuels, the end of credit reporting agencies (because they never paid a bill in their life)...

Its a fucking joke...

They want ballots counted by hand in a country with 300,000,000 people that has epic voter fraud..

What so they can decide the outcome?

What the fuck are they going to do when they're told to fuck off and eat rats?

Make more insane demands?
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Their demands are delusional at best...

It's almost like they have not mentally matured past the age of 10.

20 dollars minimum wage, global governments, trillions spent on illogical energy, the immediate end of fossil fuels, the end of credit reporting agencies (because they never paid a bill in their life)...

Its a fucking joke...

They want ballots counted by hand in a country with 300,000,000 people that has epic voter fraud..

What so they can decide the outcome?

What the fuck are they going to do when they're told to fuck off and eat rats?

Make more insane demands?

They sound like a bunch of imbeciles to me.
Their demands are delusional at best...

It's almost like they have not mentally matured past the age of 10.

20 dollars minimum wage, global governments, trillions spent on illogical energy, the immediate end of fossil fuels, the end of credit reporting agencies (because they never paid a bill in their life)...

Its a fucking joke...

They want ballots counted by hand in a country with 300,000,000 people that has epic voter fraud..

What so they can decide the outcome?

What the fuck are they going to do when they're told to fuck off and eat rats?

Make more insane demands?

They sound like a bunch of imbeciles to me.

They sound like imbeciles?

You're way to kind.
They obviously have no concept of money or production...

They just want to live for free and do whatever the fuck they want...

Another blow to democrats.....
Jeebus Pub Dupes are brainwashed. Not interested in the facts at all....scary. Keep fighting for the greedy 1%, and putting idiocy in the mouths of the protestors.
The fact you think Van Jones's TITLE was "Green Jobs Czar" just shows how brainwashed you are, dittohead...LOL!!! CHANGE THE CHANNEL!
And the "we're too big a country to have policy like NZ or France (GASP!!)" is more RW twaddle. Later...

What do you mean? when did France come into play? and Yes we can't have a French system because as you see they have even more tensions there as they are growing into a Hellenic culture. The reason it works for places like Sweden, Norway, France, Spain, and Portugal... which if you check out a lot of these countries... NZ included they are struggling, but you won't address that right? However, the reason these countries have had this system for so long is the make up of their countries. They are largely metropolitan homogeneous cultures. They have existed for longer, and communities are structured differently as opposed to the do it yourself American individualism that has been reinforced through the development of suburbs.

I think you realize here you won't win this debate with me because you are flat out wrong.... Come back when you brush up on Comparative Politics...

I'd love to hear you actually state something that will challenge what I'm saying, but I know you won 't do that

From what I've seen in this thread you are incredibly unintelligent and ignorant.

Go look up NZ though really... go check out their economy you fuck I can't believe you people are suggesting to be more like NZ, really? What world do you live in?

They're struggling because your boy Boooosh and his banker pals ruined the world economy. The rest of your idiocy is some kind of racist, nationalist twaddle. Everyone in the modern world has a living wage and affordable health care for all. The reason we don't is brainwashed tools of the greedy rich like YOU..LOL!!!
Why am I not surprised that Watermelon Man lied?

Does no one on the left have any integrity? Serious question. I know some must but where the fuck are they hiding?

*blows kiss*


Horrah! A rational, intelligent liberal!

Can you 'splain why the Watermelon Man lied about the Marines?

If I could satisfactorily explain the motives of another human, I'd be sitting in a bar on South Beach with a Mojito in one hand and a smart phone with a stock trading account in the other, chatting up a hot waitress, not causing trouble on the internet.
*blows kiss*


Horrah! A rational, intelligent liberal!

Can you 'splain why the Watermelon Man lied about the Marines?

If I could satisfactorily explain the motives of another human, I'd be sitting in a bar on South Beach with a Mojito in one hand and a smart phone with a stock trading account in the other, chatting up a hot waitress, not causing trouble on the internet.

Fairy nuf. At least I have found my rational, intelligent liberal. :eusa_angel: So, meet me on South Beach.... I'll be the waitress - luke warm. :eusa_angel:
Why am I not surprised that Watermelon Man lied?

Does no one on the left have any integrity? Serious question. I know some must but where the fuck are they hiding?

*blows kiss*


Horrah! A rational, intelligent liberal!

Can you 'splain why the Watermelon Man lied about the Marines?


22 seconds of research done by clicking on the link provided in the post yielded the following:

The Informative Link Below said:
As much as social media has proved itself as a revolutionary tool for political organization and messaging, sometimes it can also act as a Hall of Mirrors, as was the case over the week-end when a rumor started flying around online about the Marines getting involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement.

In this case, what started as a muddled post by a friend of another friend’s post on Facebook ended up as a statement of fact in a major speech made by former White House green collar jobs czar Van Jones at the Take Back The American Dream Conference conference on Monday.

The Truth Behind The Occupy Wall Street Marines | TPM Idea Lab

Emphasis in the last paragraph is mine.

The reason Mr. Van Jones lied about The Marines is.....

Wait for it.........

Anyone know who started this bunch of crap??

Kinda looks to me like left wing may have started this to go along with Barry's class warfare crap.

If not. It does seem rather coincidental and is now spreading across the country. Wonky or what??

Why are these morons on Wall St.?? If it were me I would be in DC where the laws, regulations and oversite originate.

But you're not stupid. :lol:
I can honestly say that I've been to every Tea Party protest in the Tulsa area since they started and I have yet to see anyone that doesn't have a job. Do you understand what that means? That means that the people at the Tea Party protests are the ones that actually PAY federal income tax and are the ones that are funding this crap that the federal government is doing. Get a clue folks, we're tired of paying.

I watched some interviews with the people on Wall Street this morning. The air head with the guitar says he doesn't know why he's there, but he's getting a good 'vibe'? And then there was the two guys who said that corporations were evil and they wanted to bring that to the attention of the 'masses'. And when asked which corporations, their answer was of course, "All of them." And then there was the girl who went into this rant about how Wall Street was using the 'people' as slaves and feeding off of the 'peoples' product. And that the 'people' were like slaves, you know dude?

I looked around at the edges of these dorks to see if I couldn't see Bill Ayers standing around. Isn't this the same crap that he tried to sell during the 60's? My GAWD we've come full circle.

These idiots are the drones of the left elite. They are cannon fodder. They couldn't reach the IQ of room temperature if you added them all together. What worries me.... these people are Americans. What does that say about our education system?
It says the left can indoctrinate people, but it can't educate them.

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