Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wa

These are not "official" demands of Occupy Wall Street. I'm sure you guys are having fun with them, but they are either one person's individual views, neither shared by nor representative of the whole, or else a hoax.
Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the “Books.” World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the “Books.” And I don’t mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.


God, how can people be so stupid!

Thank the public education system.
These are not "official" demands of Occupy Wall Street. I'm sure you guys are having fun with them, but they are either one person's individual views, neither shared by nor representative of the whole, or else a hoax.

So which is it, Dragon? One person's views or a hoax? I assume since you've made this assertion you have some sort of proof to back it up? Why do I feel certain if I went down to that protest with those demands on a petition and asked for signatures supporting them that I'd have the majority of the activists readily supplying their "John Hancocks"?

There is a third alternative that you don't want to consider since you've quickly realized that the demands of Occupy Wall Street are ridiculous...and that is that these people are just plain clueless. After watching and listening to them in all these clips that's the alternative I'd be going with.
So which is it, Dragon? One person's views or a hoax?

How would I know? It wasn't me that wrote those things. I know there are a few wackos on the left that are out there enough to pen something like this. I also know that there are people on the right dishonest enough to create a hoax like this. It could be either one. Which one, I would need inside information to tell.

Either way, this is NOT the voice of OWS.

Why do I feel certain if I went down to that protest with those demands on a petition and asked for signatures supporting them that I'd have the majority of the activists readily supplying their "John Hancocks"?

Because you are absolutely clueless about who these people are and what they stand for, and all too ready to stereotype them.
"The thousands of indefatigable Wall Street protestors, risking their eyes and recording equipment against Wall Street’s personal jack-booted thugs in the NYPD, recently garnered even more support– the US Marines. That’s the type of support that may make an NYPD cop think twice before he decides to go all Tiananmen Square on a group of teenage girls, armed with chalk and cardboard signs."

Ward Reilly said:
“I’m heading up there tonight in my dress blues. So far, 15 of my fellow marine buddies are meeting me there, also in Uniform. I want to send the following message to Wall St and Congress: I didn’t fight for Wall St. I fought for America. Now it’s Congress’ turn.

My true hope, though, is that we Veterans can act as first line of defense between the police and the protester. If they want to get to some protesters so they can mace them, they will have to get through the Fucking Marine Corps first. Let’s see a cop mace a bunch of decorated war vets."

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These are not "official" demands of Occupy Wall Street. I'm sure you guys are having fun with them, but they are either one person's individual views, neither shared by nor representative of the whole, or else a hoax.

So which is it, Dragon? One person's views or a hoax? I assume since you've made this assertion you have some sort of proof to back it up? Why do I feel certain if I went down to that protest with those demands on a petition and asked for signatures supporting them that I'd have the majority of the activists readily supplying their "John Hancocks"?

There is a third alternative that you don't want to consider since you've quickly realized that the demands of Occupy Wall Street are ridiculous...and that is that these people are just plain clueless. After watching and listening to them in all these clips that's the alternative I'd be going with.

It's a bunch of stupid fucking kids and assorted clueless 60's leftovers. It's actually quite funny....
So which is it, Dragon? One person's views or a hoax?

How would I know? It wasn't me that wrote those things. I know there are a few wackos on the left that are out there enough to pen something like this. I also know that there are people on the right dishonest enough to create a hoax like this. It could be either one. Which one, I would need inside information to tell.

Either way, this is NOT the voice of OWS.

Why do I feel certain if I went down to that protest with those demands on a petition and asked for signatures supporting them that I'd have the majority of the activists readily supplying their "John Hancocks"?

Because you are absolutely clueless about who these people are and what they stand for, and all too ready to stereotype them.

Declaration of the Occupation of New York City | NYC General Assembly

Yes, that list of grievances is closer to being "official," and would probably meet with widespread agreement among OWS participants. You will observe that it is NOT the same as the "eleven demands."

There really is no such thing as an "official" declaration of the movement, but that list of grievances isn't too far off. The other, however, is totally bogus.
Amen! These young people bring tears to my eyes. I am so proud of them. It will take them time to totally get their act together. It takes all political movements time to polish. Even if they fizzle out, I still applaud their efforts. Personally, I doubt they will fizzle out...

So you support that $20 an hour minimum wage, guaranteed living wage, free tuition and abolishing all debt thing? Well heck, why're a progressive. You love all that kind of stuff!

You think it's going to take "time" for them to get their act together, Lakhota? If those are their ideas on how to fix the country then they bring tears to my eyes as well.

It's amazing to me that ANY group of people could get together and come up with a collection of ideas as completely moronic as the Occupy Wall Street crew has. I mean surely there must be one or two semi-intelligent members of this group that listened to what their fellow activists were proposing and spoke up and said "Hey, guys...those are REALLY stupid ideas and if we present them as the goals we're working towards, people are going to laugh at us." Surely SOMEONE must have said that?

Other than supporting their general protest - I don't support any of their specific demands/goals at this point. Hell, give them time to get their act together. Even they don't know exactly what they want at this point.
Of course they don't know what they want. They are loony lberal progressive followers, nothing more........When a communist piece of garbage like Van Jones speaks, they follow like the ignorant lil' sheep you progressive losers truly are......Thinking for yourselves is not your strong points, hence, all YOU can come up with is links to your asinine progressive sites that spew complete bullshit.

The following are perfect examples of the likes of you.......Dumber then boxes o' rocks!:cuckoo:

Bill O'Reilly -- Anti-capitalism Protests - YouTube

[ame=]Bill O'Reilly -- Anti-capitalism Protests V2 - YouTube[/ame]
So which is it, Dragon? One person's views or a hoax?

How would I know? It wasn't me that wrote those things. I know there are a few wackos on the left that are out there enough to pen something like this. I also know that there are people on the right dishonest enough to create a hoax like this. It could be either one. Which one, I would need inside information to tell.

Either way, this is NOT the voice of OWS.

Why do I feel certain if I went down to that protest with those demands on a petition and asked for signatures supporting them that I'd have the majority of the activists readily supplying their "John Hancocks"?

Because you are absolutely clueless about who these people are and what they stand for, and all too ready to stereotype them.

Yea.... it's just outrageous to stereotype people.... except when you're told to by the media. Like with the TEA Parties.

Fucking hypocritical jerks on the left.
The Truth Behind The Occupy Wall Street Marines
"In this case, what started as a muddled post by a friend of another friend’s post on Facebook ended up as a statement of fact in a major speech made by former White House green collar jobs czar Van Jones at the Take Back The American Dream Conference conference on Monday. "
No Marines putting the boot to cop jerk-faces? :frownyface:
"The thousands of indefatigable Wall Street protestors, risking their eyes and recording equipment against Wall Street’s personal jack-booted thugs in the NYPD, recently garnered even more support– the US Marines. That’s the type of support that may make an NYPD cop think twice before he decides to go all Tiananmen Square on a group of teenage girls, armed with chalk and cardboard signs."

Ward Reilly said:
“I’m heading up there tonight in my dress blues. So far, 15 of my fellow marine buddies are meeting me there, also in Uniform. I want to send the following message to Wall St and Congress: I didn’t fight for Wall St. I fought for America. Now it’s Congress’ turn.

My true hope, though, is that we Veterans can act as first line of defense between the police and the protester. If they want to get to some protesters so they can mace them, they will have to get through the Fucking Marine Corps first. Let’s see a cop mace a bunch of decorated war vets."


That is total fucking bullshit. If you had half an understanding of it, you would be embarrassed to have fallen for it.
The Truth Behind The Occupy Wall Street Marines
"In this case, what started as a muddled post by a friend of another friend’s post on Facebook ended up as a statement of fact in a major speech made by former White House green collar jobs czar Van Jones at the Take Back The American Dream Conference conference on Monday. "
No Marines putting the boot to cop jerk-faces? :frownyface:

Why am I not surprised that Watermelon Man lied?

Does no one on the left have any integrity? Serious question. I know some must but where the fuck are they hiding?
All you have to do it let these moron speak! One bitch stated, we have reports of a Wall Street broker getting a $3 million bonus! Yet he got that bonus because he made his company $30 mil! Meaning he got 10% of what he earned his company! In other words, for $3 mil bonus he earned his company $27 mil! Why the hell shouldn't he keep it?

Let him earn it, let him keep it..... As long as he pays the exact same percentage of it in federal taxes as I pay on my meager earnings, I say he's good to go.
Oh I'm sorry...what percentage of the population are your parents?

The point, little moronic one, is that you have no idea who these 'very wealthy' people are or how they have achieved their wealth. You're judging them because they have more money than you. Idiot.

Not only have you missed the entire point of my response, but you have proven yourself to be exactly like every prick California bitch who looks down their nose at anyone who they perceive to be lower class than they are.

Good job fulfilling your useless stereotype.

My Grandfather was a board executive for Exxon for 17 years. My other grandfather is a state lawyer for Maryland.

The Holocaust took their family, if anyone knows the American Dream better than my family, feel free to point them out.

Next time I attempt to have a reasonable conversation with you, perhaps you should respond in kind. I made a point and expected a point in return. But no, mindless inflammatory comments all the way.

Really showing how well you are able to express legitimate political views to other people.

So your point is that you understand these people because like them , you have never had to work for anything?
"Why do we have a minimum wage if we are going to pay "illegals" less (slave labor?)?"

That's the Pub Banana Republic model we're trying to END. We're the only modern country with full time workers living in poverty without health care. Thanks Pubs!

Why do we need to be like everyone else? we are the United States of America. We are unique and leaders. Let's do things our way and not the way thats failing in the rest of the world.

Yup, let's ignore history and experts, repeal the 20th century, go with "common sense" and the A-holes that got us and the rest of the world in this mess, greedy "Deregulate and cut enforcement, corporations and bankers know what's best!" Yikes.

You know Clinton started the trend of deregulation... Just saying, you are way to entrenched in to your party to saying anything of merit. The same thing goes for republicans, but they are overwhelmingly spot on in this thread...

You keep shifting the debate to something totally different, are u on your laptop on Wall Street right now? Bet your gettin some from Wi-Fi.... thief
Yea.... it's just outrageous to stereotype people.... except when you're told to by the media. Like with the TEA Parties.

Fucking hypocritical jerks on the left.

We've been over this on the other thread. Now I'm going to turn it around on you. If you acknowledge that what is happening here is stereotyping, and believe (correctly, of course) that it is wrong to do so in connection with the Tea Party, then you need to recognize that it is equally wrong to do it here.

And then you need to stop doing it.

CT9: Yes, there are Democrats who must share the blame and Bill Clinton is certainly one of them. Please do not confuse OWS with the Democratic Party.
Thinking Wall St. and the greedy Mega rich have too much power in DC is hardly crazy, and lots of these people had jobs before the 2nd Pub Great Depression. And Van Jones was no CZAR...idiocy.
Thinking Wall St. and the greedy Mega rich have too much power in DC is hardly crazy, and lots of these people had jobs before the 2nd Pub Great Depression. And Van Jones was no CZAR...idiocy.

He was specifically called Obama's green jobs czar. If you don't like the title, fine, but he was still a close advisor to the administration until he left to avoid answering questions.

Yes the mega rich have too much power. They are called Democrats. Their children are the lazy college students protesting in Wall St.

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