Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wa

Probably victims of Reaganomics and the Republican economic crash of 2006. Anybody that doesn't work 24/7/365 is lazy right?

Or people who havent worked a day in their lives but expect things to be handed to them.

you mean like tea party protesters?

Yeah.. people protesting on a lunch break or a day they took off... in comparison to people camping out because they are lazy fucks without a job or ignorant college fucks without a clue to reality
Wow, Republicans and Tea Party people are bitching about having to pay too much in taxes. Too much of their income going to government and some dope heads camping out on Wall Street want to make $20.00 and hour to do nothing................:cuckoo:

Well excuse me while I go to work every day so I can pay for more government spending, more trips to Spain and two planes to Martha's Vineyard.

Just don't forget to call the AP photographer when I show up at WalMart to buy groceries, I can't afford Target. :D
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I'm still laughing about the $20 min wage thing. These people really are the dumbest of American society. Seriously. Has anyone else done the math on that min wage? :lmao:
Anyone know who started this bunch of crap??

Kinda looks to me like left wing may have started this to go along with Barry's class warfare crap.

If not. It does seem rather coincidental and is now spreading across the country. Wonky or what??

Why are these morons on Wall St.?? If it were me I would be in DC where the laws, regulations and oversite originate.

I used to work there.. there's always somebody down there bitching about something. We used to get sandwiches at the Water St. Deli and go sit on the steps of the Federal Building and gawk at the protesters.
okey dokey...:eusa_whistle:
links in article at site.

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 3, 2011, 3:58 PM

These imbeciles are just as dumb as we thought. Occupy Wall Street protesters posted a proposed list of demands on their website today.
Thankfully, most American fifth graders aren’t this stupid.

A demonstrator dressed as a “corporate zombie” takes part in an Occupy Wall Street protest in lower Manhattan in New York October 3, 2011. The Occupy Wall Street protests moved into their third week on Monday with demonstrators camping out in Zuccotti Park. (REUTERS/Mike Segar)

From the Occupy Wall Street website, via Picket and Loesch:

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

read the rest with comments at..
Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wage” and “Across the Board Debt Forgiveness For All” | The Gateway Pundit
Yeah., This is a classic case of over the top left wing demands for the ridiculous. When the demands are dismissed as farcical, those making the demands come back with "but we'd be willing to negotiate!!!!"....
Those people should go the fuck home and find ways to be productive citizens.
You people need to study history.

We didnt need SS.


Tell me some hard statistics from those years on old age poverty.
Those demands sound about as ridiculous as those on the right who want to end Social Security, welfare, and the income tax.
This is the second time one of you libs has mentioned the elimination of SS and Medicare. NO ONE has even suggested that. Those programs need to be FIXED and that is the goal.
You libs claim to be open minded. Bullshit. You are more resistant to new ideas and change than the typical rural dwelling Southerner.
Social Security and Elderly Poverty

Elderly poverty in the U.S. decreased dramatically during the twentieth century. Between 1960 and 1995, the official poverty rate of those aged 65 and above fell from 35 percent to 10 percent, and research has documented similarly steep declines dating back to at least 1939. While poverty was once far more prevalent among the elderly than among other age groups, today's elderly have a poverty rate similar to that of working-age adults and much lower than that of children.
I can honestly say that I've been to every Tea Party protest in the Tulsa area since they started and I have yet to see anyone that doesn't have a job. Do you understand what that means? That means that the people at the Tea Party protests are the ones that actually PAY federal income tax and are the ones that are funding this crap that the federal government is doing. Get a clue folks, we're tired of paying.

I watched some interviews with the people on Wall Street this morning. The air head with the guitar says he doesn't know why he's there, but he's getting a good 'vibe'? And then there was the two guys who said that corporations were evil and they wanted to bring that to the attention of the 'masses'. And when asked which corporations, their answer was of course, "All of them." And then there was the girl who went into this rant about how Wall Street was using the 'people' as slaves and feeding off of the 'peoples' product. And that the 'people' were like slaves, you know dude?

I looked around at the edges of these dorks to see if I couldn't see Bill Ayers standing around. Isn't this the same crap that he tried to sell during the 60's? My GAWD we've come full circle.
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well, has anyone yet decided what we're going to replace capitalism/corporations with? I'd love to know.

Cannot speak for the folks protesting on Wall Street.

But we do NOT need to REPLACE capitalism or corporations, either.

We just need to remember that the point of all capitalism and corporatism this is to have a fuctional society.

Some changes to the way we conduct business are in order.

Not that I expect any of that to happen, but that is what's needed.

well these protersters are anti capitalism and anti corporations...

so list the changes that need to be made and then tell me if the corporations these new regulations of your will be able to do business in the USA.. I'd be interested in knowing.
I can honestly say that I've been to every Tea Party protest in the Tulsa area since they started and I have yet to see anyone that doesn't have a job. Do you understand what that means? That means that the people at the Tea Party protests are the ones that actually PAY federal income tax and are the ones that are funding this crap that the federal government is doing. Get a clue folks, we're tired of paying.

I watched some interviews with the people on Wall Street this morning. The air head with the guitar says he doesn't know why he's there, but he's getting a good 'vibe'? And then there was the two guys who said that corporations were evil and they wanted to bring that to the attention of the 'masses'. And when asked which corporations, their answer was of course, "All of them." And then there was the girl who went into this rant about how Wall Street was using the 'people' as slaves and feeding off of the 'peoples' product. And that the 'people' were like slaves, you know dude?

I looked around at the edges of these dorks to see if I couldn't see Bill Ayers standing around. Isn't this the same crap that he tried to sell during the 60's? My GAWD we've come full circle.

These idiots are the drones of the left elite. They are cannon fodder. They couldn't reach the IQ of room temperature if you added them all together. What worries me.... these people are Americans. What does that say about our education system?

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