Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wa

How is this positive?

It's kids getting involved, and caring about politics.

Even if you think they're wrong, it's still positive.

Amen! These young people bring tears to my eyes. I am so proud of them. It will take them time to totally get their act together. It takes all political movements time to polish. Even if they fizzle out, I still applaud their efforts. Personally, I doubt they will fizzle out...

So you support that $20 an hour minimum wage, guaranteed living wage, free tuition and abolishing all debt thing? Well heck, why're a progressive. You love all that kind of stuff!

You think it's going to take "time" for them to get their act together, Lakhota? If those are their ideas on how to fix the country then they bring tears to my eyes as well.

It's amazing to me that ANY group of people could get together and come up with a collection of ideas as completely moronic as the Occupy Wall Street crew has. I mean surely there must be one or two semi-intelligent members of this group that listened to what their fellow activists were proposing and spoke up and said "Hey, guys...those are REALLY stupid ideas and if we present them as the goals we're working towards, people are going to laugh at us." Surely SOMEONE must have said that?
It's kids getting involved, and caring about politics.

Even if you think they're wrong, it's still positive.

Amen! These young people bring tears to my eyes. I am so proud of them. It will take them time to totally get their act together. It takes all political movements time to polish. Even if they fizzle out, I still applaud their efforts. Personally, I doubt they will fizzle out...

So you support that $20 an hour minimum wage, guaranteed living wage, free tuition and abolishing all debt thing? Well heck, why're a progressive. You love all that kind of stuff!

You think it's going to take "time" for them to get their act together, Lakhota? If those are their ideas on how to fix the country then they bring tears to my eyes as well.

It's amazing to me that ANY group of people could get together and come up with a collection of ideas as completely moronic as the Occupy Wall Street crew has. I mean surely there must be one or two semi-intelligent members of this group that listened to what their fellow activists were proposing and spoke up and said "Hey, guys...those are REALLY stupid ideas and if we present them as the goals we're working towards, people are going to laugh at us." Surely SOMEONE must have said that?

Other than supporting their general protest - I don't support any of their specific demands/goals at this point. Hell, give them time to get their act together. Even they don't know exactly what they want at this point.
Amen! These young people bring tears to my eyes. I am so proud of them. It will take them time to totally get their act together. It takes all political movements time to polish. Even if they fizzle out, I still applaud their efforts. Personally, I doubt they will fizzle out...

So you support that $20 an hour minimum wage, guaranteed living wage, free tuition and abolishing all debt thing? Well heck, why're a progressive. You love all that kind of stuff!

You think it's going to take "time" for them to get their act together, Lakhota? If those are their ideas on how to fix the country then they bring tears to my eyes as well.

It's amazing to me that ANY group of people could get together and come up with a collection of ideas as completely moronic as the Occupy Wall Street crew has. I mean surely there must be one or two semi-intelligent members of this group that listened to what their fellow activists were proposing and spoke up and said "Hey, guys...those are REALLY stupid ideas and if we present them as the goals we're working towards, people are going to laugh at us." Surely SOMEONE must have said that?

Other than supporting their general protest - I don't support any of their specific demands/goals at this point. Hell, give them time to get their act together. Even they don't know exactly what they want at this point.

If you don't know what you want...then why would you attempt to shut down a city to get it?

So you support their "general protest" but you don't support any of their specific demands or goals? Wow, that says a lot about you, buddy...
Other than supporting their general protest - I don't support any of their specific demands/goals at this point. Hell, give them time to get their act together. Even they don't know exactly what they want at this point.

This protest has been planned for several months. You honestly think the organizers have no idea why they are protesting? Bullcrap. They are purposefully obscurring what they want because if they are bold about it right now, the movement will whither and die.

No. The purpose is to draw in a bunch of useful idiots. Get them angry. Cause some violence.

Top down, bottom up, inside out.

They are trying to overthrow our nation and people like you are helping them because you dont bother paying any attention.
Find the biggest radicals and make them the general rule...pfffft- TY propaganda machine...I'm for $10.50, the equivalent if 1968's min. wage. Doing away with the min. wage is just more Banana Republic stuff, unbelievable. BTW, the min wage in Australia is $15, NZ $13. Hello!!!!???

Hello! That's why if I lived in Aus, I would be paying 40% of my income to the gov't. :cuckoo:
They are trying to overthrow our nation and people like you are helping them because you dont bother paying any attention.

We have Gawd on our side!
Those demands sound about as ridiculous as those on the right who want to end Social Security, welfare, and the income tax.

How is that ridiculous? The first two didn't exist 50 years ago. And the third didn't exist 100 years ago.
Here is one of the best books for studying the push for cheap labor.
Capital moves: RCA's seventy-year ... - Jefferson R. Cowie - Google Books

The logic of capital demands the highest possible return on investment. This is why the cheapest possible labor is genetic to capitalism. What this means is that you cannot sustain a vigorous consumption economy without disastrous forms of credit (which becomes necessary as you cut wages and benefits). Capitalism is always in crisis because it never pays Labor enough to consume, unless it is forced by government, which happened during the postwar years. Check out the growth in the 50s and 60s. Point is: you cannot sustain a consumption economy unless your distribution system sufficiently capitalizes average hard working families. FDR did it with unions, entitlements, cost of living programs, public universities, infrastructure, and a fed that sustained full employment. Reagan did it with credit cards. Both methods have serious flaws, but the essential problem is quite clear: capital's drive for cheap labor versus the economy's need for strong demand.

You're posting pure, undiluted Marxism. This stuff was all debunked 100 years ago.

You're a commie moron.
REAL WAGES: 1964-2004
Average Weekly Earnings (in 1982 constant dollars)
For all private nonfarm workers

1964- $302.52

1965- $310.46
1966- $312.83
1967- $311.30
1968- $315.37

1969- $316.93
1970- $312.94
1971- $318.05
1972- $331.59

1973- $331.39
1974- $314.94
1975- $305.16
1976- $309.61

1977- $310.99
1978- $310.41
1979- $298.87
1980- $281.77

1981- $277.35
1982- $272.74
1983- $277.50
1984- $279.22

1985- $276.23
1986- $276.11
1987- $272.88
1988- $270.32

1989- $267.27
1990- $262.43
1991- $258.34
1992- $257.95

1993- $258.12
1994- $259.97
1995- $258.43
1996- $259.58

1997- $265.22
1998- $271.87
1999- $274.64
2000- $275.62

2001- $275.38
2002- $278.91
2003- $279.94
2004- $277.57
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Current and real (constant 1982-1984 dollars) earnings for production and nonsupervisory
employees on private nonfarm payrolls, seasonally adjusted
August 2011- $292.48

As one can see, wages haven't been near the high of $331.59 from 1972 and in the long run have decreased.
No wonder Main Street America is fed up. But, but we must cut taxes for the job creators even though they have held wages down and haven't created jobs since their big tax cuts in 2003. More jobs were ceated in the 90's when taxes were higher.

That's not something you can force business owners to raise though. Forcibly raising the minimum to whatever some abstract "living wage" level is, would only accomplish three things:

1) More layoffs
2) Higher cost of goods and services
3) More small businesses going under

If we want people to get paid more then we have to address other problems.

1) Free-Trade Agreements
2) Tax breaks for businesses that outsource
3) A weak US dollar
4) China

The usual Pub Piffle. ALL other modern countries have a living wage- over poverty level for full time workers, and health care. As I said Aussies have a $15 min wage, NZ 13, and I'd say we admire their countries. Are they commies like Europe? LOL!

Pubs are idiots who think cutting taxes will solve all of life's problems. Do not associate me with them.

Our country's lack of jobs and wages are due to very real issues besides just not passing a higher minimum wage.
Strangely you're wrong on all the facts. The $20 thing is from some guy on a message board THIS TIME. Every time with you brainwashed peabrains. Supporting boom and bust Pubs who wrap themselves in the flag and the bible while making billions for the greedy rich and screwing you fools EVERY TIME- that's the definition of insanity, or dementia...

Do you even try to post something worth reading?
He's one of those old, miserable, burned out hippies, who has failed so badly in life, he just waits around now to die.

Hopefully he does something to speed up the process
That's not something you can force business owners to raise though. Forcibly raising the minimum to whatever some abstract "living wage" level is, would only accomplish three things:

1) More layoffs
2) Higher cost of goods and services
3) More small businesses going under

If we want people to get paid more then we have to address other problems.

1) Free-Trade Agreements
2) Tax breaks for businesses that outsource
3) A weak US dollar
4) China

The usual Pub Piffle. ALL other modern countries have a living wage- over poverty level for full time workers, and health care. As I said Aussies have a $15 min wage, NZ 13, and I'd say we admire their countries. Are they commies like Europe? LOL!

Pubs are idiots who think cutting taxes will solve all of life's problems. Do not associate me with them.

Our country's lack of jobs and wages are due to very real issues besides just not passing a higher minimum wage.

A high minimum wage creates jobs?

Wow... you should get out and hit the streets with the rest of potheads there bud.

When people are paid $7 an hour some jerks will still call that a "job". That isnt a "job." I would work at 1/16 speed for that kind of pay. And yet some who occupy these jobs say they are "happy to have a job." Thats bizarro.

That is because a 7.50 Cent minimum wage job is suppose to be an entry level Job, Not a career.

This is one thing libtards NEVER get
Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods

Fair trade is a better policy than so called free trade. So called free trade is NOT free.

I estimate it cost this nation 30,000,000 industrial jobs over the last 30 or 40 years.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

That would have a positive effect for a while followed up by a massive increase in the costs sometime later.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Understand why they want that, but now is NOT the time to impose such a system.

Demand four: Free college education.

That is a good idea. Only before that is done?

The government ought to also increase the supply of college ed, before it dramtically increases the demand for it.
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Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods

Fair trade is a better policy than so called free trade. So called free trade is NOT free.

I estimate it cost this nation 30,000,000 industrial jobs over the last 30 or 40 years.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

That would have a positive effect for a while followed up by a massive increase in the costs sometime later.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Understand why they want that, but now is NOT the time to impose such a system.

Demand four: Free college education.

That is a good idea. Only before that is done?

The government ought to also increase the supply of college ed, before it dramtically increases the demand for it.

Sounds like a bunch of babies demanding a lot of free shit on someone else's nickel.

Nothing new here.
Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods

Fair trade is a better policy than so called free trade. So called free trade is NOT free.

I estimate it cost this nation 30,000,000 industrial jobs over the last 30 or 40 years.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

That would have a positive effect for a while followed up by a massive increase in the costs sometime later.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Understand why they want that, but now is NOT the time to impose such a system.

Demand four: Free college education.

That is a good idea. Only before that is done?

The government ought to also increase the supply of college ed, before it dramtically increases the demand for it.

How's this.. free college education if you're a MINOR... because once you're a fucking adult, it is YOU that is responsible for YOU....

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