Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wa

As one can see, wages haven't been near the high of $331.59 from 1972 and in the long run have decreased.
No wonder Main Street America is fed up. But, but we must cut taxes for the job creators even though they have held wages down and haven't created jobs since their big tax cuts in 2003. More jobs were ceated in the 90's when taxes were higher.

That's not something you can force business owners to raise though. Forcibly raising the minimum to whatever some abstract "living wage" level is, would only accomplish three things:

1) More layoffs
2) Higher cost of goods and services
3) More small businesses going under

If we want people to get paid more then we have to address other problems.

1) Free-Trade Agreements
2) Tax breaks for businesses that outsource
3) A weak US dollar
4) China

The usual Pub Piffle. ALL other modern countries have a living wage- over poverty level for full time workers, and health care. As I said Aussies have a $15 min wage, NZ 13, and I'd say we admire their countries. Are they commies like Europe? LOL!

You should read up on New Zealand... the fact that you are comparing countries like Austrailia and New Zealand show some serious misunderstandings... The U.S. cannot govern like these countries, while Australia is becoming more diverse, however, the U.S. is a far more diverse society in population, opinions, backgrounds, and work. It is so vast that you cannot do something like this it is simply unimplementable, you fail when you can't drive 3 hours from your house to PA and see for yourself how it wouldn't work. Drive another few hours to WV and you'll see even more so. NY has different cost of living than these states, and different sectors of the economy.

I mean are you seriously comparing NZ to the U.S. that is woefully ignorant of life. I can't even begin to describe it point by point because it is such a broad scope of difference in almost every way of life. You are a joke sir.

I also suggest you read up on Free Trade. You were just condemning deregulation but you are for free trade? I don't see any consistency in your points other than whatever figure head you follow spews them.

Additionally, how else could the average salary of the people in the U.S. decrease if not for a reduced value of the dollar, trade deficits and off shoring? I don't believe the income gap be credited for this... As you said, this problem must have began in 1972 then... since they have only decreased since then
I think we should all be proud of these young people for trying to do something positive. After all, they were dealt a pretty bad hand by older generations.

They were dealt a bad hand by the person they just installed in the Oval Office--Barack Obama.

View attachment 15499

Seriously? he made it worse, but he wasn't even a senator when the problem started...

You guys are right on a lot of stuff but you belittle your own opinion with such dumb comments
Total BS- Why we HAVE to discriminate against so many people- IDIOCY.

Glenn Beck’s Crazy Lies About Van Jones
By Eva Paterson, Equal Justice Society
Glenn Beck's Crazy Lies About Van Jones | | AlterNet

Eva Paterson
Glenn Beck spent last week smearing Van Jones with misinformation and outright lies. Here’s setting the record straight.
After smearing White House special advisor Van Jones for days on his show, Glenn Beck said on August 27, 2009: “I want to point out the silence; no one has challenged these facts — they just attack me personally.”
Well, the White House is wise to stay above the fray but someone has to set the record straight. And as the person who first hired Van Jones, initially as a legal intern and later as a legal fellow, I am in a unique position to know the truth.
And the truth is: Beck is fabricating his facts.
For instance: several times on his show, Beck has said or implied that Van went to prison for taking part in the Rodney King riots.
No Criminal Convictions
Van has never served time in any prison. He has never been convicted of any crime. And just to be clear: Van was not even in Los Angeles during those tumultuous days.
I know because he was working for me — in San Francisco — when the four Los Angeles police officers were acquitted in the beating of Rodney King. I was the Executive Director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area when Van was an intern.
The verdicts came down on April 29, 1992. I remember Van (who was then a legal intern working with me from Yale Law School) coming into my office in San Francisco. Many of us, including Van, sat there together, listening to the news and weeping. We were all in a state of shock. That night, TV showed the tragic images of LA burning.
The next day, when an initially peaceful march in downtown San Francisco devolved into chaos, Van left the area in tears. He was not involved in any destructive activity. He even penned an essay despairing of the violence and the state of the country.
So how can Beck make such unsubstantiated claims?
The True Story (From Someone Who Was There)

Van Jones
This is what really happened. On May 8, 1992, the week AFTER the Rodney King disturbances, I sent a staff attorney and Van out to be legal monitors at a peaceful march in San Francisco. The local police, perhaps understandably nervous, stopped the march and arrested hundreds of people — including all the legal monitors.
The matter was quickly sorted out; Van and my staff attorney were released within a few hours. All charges against them were dropped. Van was part of a successful class action lawsuit later; the City of San Francisco ultimately compensated him financially for his unjust arrest (a rare outcome).
So the unwarranted arrest at a peaceful march — for which the charges were dropped and for which Van was financially compensated — is the sole basis for the smear that he is some kind of dangerous criminal.
Van has spoken often about that difficult period 17 years ago — and its impact on him, as a young law student. But to imply that he was somehow a rioter who went to prison is absurd. Beck also bizarrely claims that Van was arrested in the Seattle WTO protests. That is just a flat-out falsehood.
You don’t have to take my word for it. Arrests and convictions are all a matter of public record. Beck is at best relying on Internet rumors or even inventing claims to boost his ratings.
Beck is no more accurate with present facts than he is with past ones.
Not a Mysterious ‘Czar”
Beck has said repeatedly that Van is some kind of a mysterious “czar,” accountable to no one but the President. A simple Internet search shows that this claim is false. A March 10, 2009, press release announced that Van was hired by the Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality – to work on her staff as a “special advisor.”
In other words, Van is within the normal White House chain of command, reporting to an office confirmed by the United States Senate, just like most White House staffers. Media outlets sometimes use the “czar” shorthand. But the facts show that Van has no mysterious role or extra-constitutional powers.
Beck has implied on two occasions that Van Jones and other Obama appointees were not vetted by the FBI. False. I was interviewed in my own office by an FBI agent, dutifully vetting Van. Yet another fabrication on the part of Mr. Beck.
Beck also claims that Van has somehow gained control over $500 million in Green Jobs Act funding and can hand out millions of dollars at his whim. Again, that is patently ridiculous.
No Authority to Hand out Billions
The law is clear that the Department of Labor has authority over the program, with normal rules governing the funds. Anybody who thinks that a lone government official can pass out money, arbitrarily and without oversight, knows nothing about our legal system. A blizzard of lawsuits would stop any such scheme in its tracks, if one were ever put in place.
Perhaps more importantly: final authority at the Department of Labor lies with the Secretary of Labor. Anyone who thinks that a Senate-confirmed, Cabinet-level Secretary would cede control of a $500 million program to some mid-level White House staffer knows nothing about our political system. It is ridiculous.
Promoting Business-Based Solutions
But I have to take on the worst one: Beck repeatedly and mistakenly asserts that Van is presently a communist.
Once again, this charge is easily refuted – most obviously by the pro-business, market-based ideas Van has promoted for years, including in his best-selling book, The Green Collar Economy. Van’s book is a veritable song of praise to capitalism, especially the socially responsible and eco-friendly kind.
Yes, for a while, Van and his student-aged friends ran around spouting 1960s rhetoric and romanticizing revolutionary icons. But that was years ago. Way back then, I counseled him to rethink his tactics and to work for change in wiser ways.
In time, he jettisoned his youthful notions and moved on to seek more effective and attainable solutions.
Fortunately for all of us, it looks like he has found some. Over the past several years, Van has emerged as the perhaps the nation’s chief proponent of using business-based solutions to create jobs and clean up the environment. In his book and his speeches, he highlights the key role of entrepreneurship in solving our nation’s problems.
The ‘Green’ Jack Kemp?
Van believes in government clearing the way for private-sector innovation. In a YouTube clip, he said recently that progressives and conservatives should work together to find common ground and create a clean energy economy.
Van said: “We are not promoting welfare. We are promoting work. … We are not expanding entitlements. We are expanding enterprise and investment. … We are not trying to redistribute existing wealth. We are trying to reinvent an existing sector, so that we can create NEW wealth – by unleashing innovation and entrepreneurship. This should be common ground.”
He has been preaching that gospel, in various forms, for years and years. Van Jones is the nation’s “Green” Jack Kemp — using business-based solutions to attack poverty.
I found it interesting that Bill O’Reilly in his interview repeatedly asked Glenn Beck whether Van Jones’ youthful views had changed over time. Beck never answers those inquiries and instead keeps insisting that Van has championed these ideas recently. Again, that is simply not true.
Quotes Taken Out of Context
Upon investigation, it turns out that Beck is quoting (out of context) an article that in fact makes the OPPOSITE point.
The 2005 profile that Beck is flogging actually makes it crystal clear — even in the headline — that Jones has “renounced” his earlier views, matured and moved on. Van’s transformation is the entire point of the piece, and it is impossible that Beck does not know this.
Fortunately, O’Reilly seemed to sense the truth. I remember seeing O’Reilly interview Van Jones some time ago and was struck by how much respect O’Reilly showed for Jones. Perhaps O’Reilly’s knowing queries were prompted by that encounter.
When Van worked for me, he did exhibit that “know it all” quality that so many of us – myself included — have when we are young. Over the years, I have enjoyed watching him grow and blossom into a loving father and husband — and a creative, effective leader.
Van Jones: A True Patriot
Mr. Beck’s unfounded attacks are misleading and false. All of us who know Van are so very proud of him and the work he is doing to improve the lives of ALL Americans. He has touched and improved thousands of lives in the course of his career. Now he is in a position to help millions.
He will do well because Van is a true patriot, who loves his country. He has dedicated his life to trying to make it better — especially trying to uplift the poor, the left-out and the left-behind.
In his book, Van draws a distinction between “cheap patriotism” and “deep patriotism.” I highly recommend that chapter to Mr. Beck.
I do hope Van is keeping his head up, walking tall and continuing to fight for green businesses and green jobs. Our country needs more of them – and more people like Van.
Amen! These young people bring tears to my eyes. I am so proud of them. It will take them time to totally get their act together. It takes all political movements time to polish. Even if they fizzle out, I still applaud their efforts. Personally, I doubt they will fizzle out...

So you support that $20 an hour minimum wage, guaranteed living wage, free tuition and abolishing all debt thing? Well heck, why're a progressive. You love all that kind of stuff!

You think it's going to take "time" for them to get their act together, Lakhota? If those are their ideas on how to fix the country then they bring tears to my eyes as well.

It's amazing to me that ANY group of people could get together and come up with a collection of ideas as completely moronic as the Occupy Wall Street crew has. I mean surely there must be one or two semi-intelligent members of this group that listened to what their fellow activists were proposing and spoke up and said "Hey, guys...those are REALLY stupid ideas and if we present them as the goals we're working towards, people are going to laugh at us." Surely SOMEONE must have said that?

Other than supporting their general protest - I don't support any of their specific demands/goals at this point. Hell, give them time to get their act together. Even they don't know exactly what they want at this point.

Your idiocy in this thread epitomizes what is wrong with this county...

for the greater good, please stop voting

"Who cares what you protesting, just get out there on that damn bridge and play in traffic!"

I mean really.... the only hypothesis I can offer is that the hard drugs of the 60s must have really take their toll on you Rose anne... that is without offending people who actually do suffer from varying illnesses
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The fact you think Van Jones's TITLE was "Green Jobs Czar" just shows how brainwashed you are, dittohead...LOL!!! CHANGE THE CHANNEL!
And the "we're too big a country to have policy like NZ or France (GASP!!)" is more RW twaddle. Later...
Total BS- Why we HAVE to discriminate against so many people- IDIOCY.

Glenn Beck’s Crazy Lies About Van Jones
By Eva Paterson, Equal Justice Society
Glenn Beck's Crazy Lies About Van Jones | | AlterNet

Eva Paterson
Glenn Beck spent last week smearing Van Jones with misinformation and outright lies. Here’s setting the record straight.
After smearing White House special advisor Van Jones for days on his show, Glenn Beck said on August 27, 2009: “I want to point out the silence; no one has challenged these facts — they just attack me personally.”
Well, the White House is wise to stay above the fray but someone has to set the record straight. And as the person who first hired Van Jones, initially as a legal intern and later as a legal fellow, I am in a unique position to know the truth.
And the truth is: Beck is fabricating his facts.
For instance: several times on his show, Beck has said or implied that Van went to prison for taking part in the Rodney King riots.
No Criminal Convictions
Van has never served time in any prison. He has never been convicted of any crime. And just to be clear: Van was not even in Los Angeles during those tumultuous days.
I know because he was working for me — in San Francisco — when the four Los Angeles police officers were acquitted in the beating of Rodney King. I was the Executive Director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area when Van was an intern.
The verdicts came down on April 29, 1992. I remember Van (who was then a legal intern working with me from Yale Law School) coming into my office in San Francisco. Many of us, including Van, sat there together, listening to the news and weeping. We were all in a state of shock. That night, TV showed the tragic images of LA burning.
The next day, when an initially peaceful march in downtown San Francisco devolved into chaos, Van left the area in tears. He was not involved in any destructive activity. He even penned an essay despairing of the violence and the state of the country.
So how can Beck make such unsubstantiated claims?
The True Story (From Someone Who Was There)

Van Jones
This is what really happened. On May 8, 1992, the week AFTER the Rodney King disturbances, I sent a staff attorney and Van out to be legal monitors at a peaceful march in San Francisco. The local police, perhaps understandably nervous, stopped the march and arrested hundreds of people — including all the legal monitors.
The matter was quickly sorted out; Van and my staff attorney were released within a few hours. All charges against them were dropped. Van was part of a successful class action lawsuit later; the City of San Francisco ultimately compensated him financially for his unjust arrest (a rare outcome).
So the unwarranted arrest at a peaceful march — for which the charges were dropped and for which Van was financially compensated — is the sole basis for the smear that he is some kind of dangerous criminal.
Van has spoken often about that difficult period 17 years ago — and its impact on him, as a young law student. But to imply that he was somehow a rioter who went to prison is absurd. Beck also bizarrely claims that Van was arrested in the Seattle WTO protests. That is just a flat-out falsehood.
You don’t have to take my word for it. Arrests and convictions are all a matter of public record. Beck is at best relying on Internet rumors or even inventing claims to boost his ratings.
Beck is no more accurate with present facts than he is with past ones.
Not a Mysterious ‘Czar”
Beck has said repeatedly that Van is some kind of a mysterious “czar,” accountable to no one but the President. A simple Internet search shows that this claim is false. A March 10, 2009, press release announced that Van was hired by the Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality – to work on her staff as a “special advisor.”
In other words, Van is within the normal White House chain of command, reporting to an office confirmed by the United States Senate, just like most White House staffers. Media outlets sometimes use the “czar” shorthand. But the facts show that Van has no mysterious role or extra-constitutional powers.
Beck has implied on two occasions that Van Jones and other Obama appointees were not vetted by the FBI. False. I was interviewed in my own office by an FBI agent, dutifully vetting Van. Yet another fabrication on the part of Mr. Beck.
Beck also claims that Van has somehow gained control over $500 million in Green Jobs Act funding and can hand out millions of dollars at his whim. Again, that is patently ridiculous.
No Authority to Hand out Billions
The law is clear that the Department of Labor has authority over the program, with normal rules governing the funds. Anybody who thinks that a lone government official can pass out money, arbitrarily and without oversight, knows nothing about our legal system. A blizzard of lawsuits would stop any such scheme in its tracks, if one were ever put in place.
Perhaps more importantly: final authority at the Department of Labor lies with the Secretary of Labor. Anyone who thinks that a Senate-confirmed, Cabinet-level Secretary would cede control of a $500 million program to some mid-level White House staffer knows nothing about our political system. It is ridiculous.
Promoting Business-Based Solutions
But I have to take on the worst one: Beck repeatedly and mistakenly asserts that Van is presently a communist.
Once again, this charge is easily refuted – most obviously by the pro-business, market-based ideas Van has promoted for years, including in his best-selling book, The Green Collar Economy. Van’s book is a veritable song of praise to capitalism, especially the socially responsible and eco-friendly kind.
Yes, for a while, Van and his student-aged friends ran around spouting 1960s rhetoric and romanticizing revolutionary icons. But that was years ago. Way back then, I counseled him to rethink his tactics and to work for change in wiser ways.
In time, he jettisoned his youthful notions and moved on to seek more effective and attainable solutions.
Fortunately for all of us, it looks like he has found some. Over the past several years, Van has emerged as the perhaps the nation’s chief proponent of using business-based solutions to create jobs and clean up the environment. In his book and his speeches, he highlights the key role of entrepreneurship in solving our nation’s problems.
The ‘Green’ Jack Kemp?
Van believes in government clearing the way for private-sector innovation. In a YouTube clip, he said recently that progressives and conservatives should work together to find common ground and create a clean energy economy.
Van said: “We are not promoting welfare. We are promoting work. … We are not expanding entitlements. We are expanding enterprise and investment. … We are not trying to redistribute existing wealth. We are trying to reinvent an existing sector, so that we can create NEW wealth – by unleashing innovation and entrepreneurship. This should be common ground.”
He has been preaching that gospel, in various forms, for years and years. Van Jones is the nation’s “Green” Jack Kemp — using business-based solutions to attack poverty.
I found it interesting that Bill O’Reilly in his interview repeatedly asked Glenn Beck whether Van Jones’ youthful views had changed over time. Beck never answers those inquiries and instead keeps insisting that Van has championed these ideas recently. Again, that is simply not true.
Quotes Taken Out of Context
Upon investigation, it turns out that Beck is quoting (out of context) an article that in fact makes the OPPOSITE point.
The 2005 profile that Beck is flogging actually makes it crystal clear — even in the headline — that Jones has “renounced” his earlier views, matured and moved on. Van’s transformation is the entire point of the piece, and it is impossible that Beck does not know this.
Fortunately, O’Reilly seemed to sense the truth. I remember seeing O’Reilly interview Van Jones some time ago and was struck by how much respect O’Reilly showed for Jones. Perhaps O’Reilly’s knowing queries were prompted by that encounter.
When Van worked for me, he did exhibit that “know it all” quality that so many of us – myself included — have when we are young. Over the years, I have enjoyed watching him grow and blossom into a loving father and husband — and a creative, effective leader.
Van Jones: A True Patriot
Mr. Beck’s unfounded attacks are misleading and false. All of us who know Van are so very proud of him and the work he is doing to improve the lives of ALL Americans. He has touched and improved thousands of lives in the course of his career. Now he is in a position to help millions.
He will do well because Van is a true patriot, who loves his country. He has dedicated his life to trying to make it better — especially trying to uplift the poor, the left-out and the left-behind.
In his book, Van draws a distinction between “cheap patriotism” and “deep patriotism.” I highly recommend that chapter to Mr. Beck.
I do hope Van is keeping his head up, walking tall and continuing to fight for green businesses and green jobs. Our country needs more of them – and more people like Van.

Look I think the dude is irrelevant... but I wouldn't necessarily put much weight in a friend of his writing an argument, no bias there...
The fact you think Van Jones's TITLE was "Green Jobs Czar" just shows how brainwashed you are, dittohead...LOL!!! CHANGE THE CHANNEL!
And the "we're too big a country to have policy like NZ or France (GASP!!)" is more RW twaddle. Later...

What do you mean? when did France come into play? and Yes we can't have a French system because as you see they have even more tensions there as they are growing into a Hellenic culture. The reason it works for places like Sweden, Norway, France, Spain, and Portugal... which if you check out a lot of these countries... NZ included they are struggling, but you won't address that right? However, the reason these countries have had this system for so long is the make up of their countries. They are largely metropolitan homogeneous cultures. They have existed for longer, and communities are structured differently as opposed to the do it yourself American individualism that has been reinforced through the development of suburbs.

I think you realize here you won't win this debate with me because you are flat out wrong.... Come back when you brush up on Comparative Politics...

I'd love to hear you actually state something that will challenge what I'm saying, but I know you won 't do that

From what I've seen in this thread you are incredibly unintelligent and ignorant.

Go look up NZ though really... go check out their economy you fuck I can't believe you people are suggesting to be more like NZ, really? What world do you live in?
The Truth Behind The Occupy Wall Street Marines
"In this case, what started as a muddled post by a friend of another friend’s post on Facebook ended up as a statement of fact in a major speech made by former White House green collar jobs czar Van Jones at the Take Back The American Dream Conference conference on Monday. "
No Marines putting the boot to cop jerk-faces? :frownyface:

Why am I not surprised that Watermelon Man lied?

Does no one on the left have any integrity? Serious question. I know some must but where the fuck are they hiding?

*blows kiss*
Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the “Books.” World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the “Books.” And I don’t mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.


God, how can people be so stupid!

Well, when they start off with the $20 ph min wage.... anyone with an double digit IQ can see it's gonna do downhill from there.... doncha think? :lol:

These people vote. How fucking scary is that? :lol::lol::eek:

Nobody would be making $20 a year if "Demand eleven" were to pass.
okey dokey...:eusa_whistle:
links in article at site.

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 3, 2011, 3:58 PM

These imbeciles are just as dumb as we thought. Occupy Wall Street protesters posted a proposed list of demands on their website today.
Thankfully, most American fifth graders aren’t this stupid.

A demonstrator dressed as a “corporate zombie” takes part in an Occupy Wall Street protest in lower Manhattan in New York October 3, 2011. The Occupy Wall Street protests moved into their third week on Monday with demonstrators camping out in Zuccotti Park. (REUTERS/Mike Segar)

From the Occupy Wall Street website, via Picket and Loesch:

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

read the rest with comments at..
Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wage” and “Across the Board Debt Forgiveness For All” | The Gateway Pundit

While I am no fan of Wall St., I am even less a fan of extreme whackjobbery such as this. I wonder how they will feel about that $20 minimum wage when they go to McDonald's and pay $14 for a Big Mac?
The Law of Unintended Consequences is a real beotch that way...
Can you 'splain why the Watermelon Man lied about the Marines?

If you mean Van Jones, he didn't. He repeated news that was going around on social media that proved to be misleading. A "lie" is a deliberate statement of something known to be false. He had no way of knowing this news to be inaccurate. Therefore, this was not a lie.

Oh, and there is also no reason to believe that the Marxism he believed in twenty years ago is something he still believes in. Your insistence on calling him "Watermelon Man" as if his environmental activism is somehow a cover for continued Marxism, is the lie here. Because unlike Jones, you ARE repeating something that you know, or at least should know, is false.
okey dokey...:eusa_whistle:
links in article at site.

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 3, 2011, 3:58 PM

These imbeciles are just as dumb as we thought. Occupy Wall Street protesters posted a proposed list of demands on their website today.
Thankfully, most American fifth graders aren’t this stupid.

A demonstrator dressed as a “corporate zombie” takes part in an Occupy Wall Street protest in lower Manhattan in New York October 3, 2011. The Occupy Wall Street protests moved into their third week on Monday with demonstrators camping out in Zuccotti Park. (REUTERS/Mike Segar)

From the Occupy Wall Street website, via Picket and Loesch:

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

read the rest with comments at..
Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wage” and “Across the Board Debt Forgiveness For All” | The Gateway Pundit

While I am no fan of Wall St., I am even less a fan of extreme whackjobbery such as this. I wonder how they will feel about that $20 minimum wage when they go to McDonald's and pay $14 for a Big Mac?
The Law of Unintended Consequences is a real beotch that way...

None of this is going to happen.... there's this thing that is apparently a foreign concept to the Patchouli Oilers... REALITY.

God, how can people be so stupid!

Well, when they start off with the $20 ph min wage.... anyone with an double digit IQ can see it's gonna do downhill from there.... doncha think? :lol:

These people vote. How fucking scary is that? :lol::lol::eek:

Nobody would be making $20 a year if "Demand eleven" were to pass.

Not to mention, why do we need colleges or schools for that matter if everybody gets $20/hr for doing nothing?

These people are idiots, they really are.
Can you 'splain why the Watermelon Man lied about the Marines?

If you mean Van Jones, he didn't. He repeated news that was going around on social media that proved to be misleading. A "lie" is a deliberate statement of something known to be false. He had no way of knowing this news to be inaccurate. Therefore, this was not a lie.

Oh, and there is also no reason to believe that the Marxism he believed in twenty years ago is something he still believes in. Your insistence on calling him "Watermelon Man" as if his environmental activism is somehow a cover for continued Marxism, is the lie here. Because unlike Jones, you ARE repeating something that you know, or at least should know, is false.

Ok, so he's guilty of talking out his ass.... he's still an idiot.
Well, when they start off with the $20 ph min wage.... anyone with an double digit IQ can see it's gonna do downhill from there.... doncha think? :lol:

These people vote. How fucking scary is that? :lol::lol::eek:

Nobody would be making $20 a year if "Demand eleven" were to pass.

Not to mention, why do we need colleges or schools for that matter if everybody gets $20/hr for doing nothing?

These people are idiots, they really are.
They're liberal progressives.......abject idiocy is their forte.

When a self professed communist scumbag like Van Jones speaks, they follow like the lil' ignorant sheep they all are.
Can you 'splain why the Watermelon Man lied about the Marines?

If you mean Van Jones, he didn't. He repeated news that was going around on social media that proved to be misleading. A "lie" is a deliberate statement of something known to be false. He had no way of knowing this news to be inaccurate. Therefore, this was not a lie.

Oh, and there is also no reason to believe that the Marxism he believed in twenty years ago is something he still believes in. Your insistence on calling him "Watermelon Man" as if his environmental activism is somehow a cover for continued Marxism, is the lie here. Because unlike Jones, you ARE repeating something that you know, or at least should know, is false.

You mean.... you choose to accept his version of his bullshit. I choose not to. He has a history of lying so one should judge him on his record. Jones will say whatever is expedient to say... whenever it is expedient to say it.

When he made the comment about the Marines, he knew it to be bullshit. Yet it suited his purpose.... and now it suits his purpose to say he didn't know. The man is a lying POS. Anyone who accepts his word is an idiot.

And, I call him Watermelon Man because that is what he is. It is common knowledge that the environmental movement has been hijacked by the reds. You may not want us to know that.... but we know it.

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