Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wa

What those in support of instant wage increases to "living wage" do not understand is that wages do not exist in a vacuum. If wages dramatically increase, so would the cost of goods and services. As labor is the largest portion of the cost of doing business, higher pay means higher prices. At the end of the day, those on the lower end of the wage scale would be right back at square one.

Look, the last time minimum wage was raised, bread and milk prices rose immediately.

It was just a coincidence! HONEST!!

Nah, it was 'corporate greed'. :lol:
Soon, some idiot leftist will demand a law preventing companies from passing along increased costs to consumers.
"The thousands of indefatigable Wall Street protestors, risking their eyes and recording equipment against Wall Street’s personal jack-booted thugs in the NYPD, recently garnered even more support– the US Marines. That’s the type of support that may make an NYPD cop think twice before he decides to go all Tiananmen Square on a group of teenage girls, armed with chalk and cardboard signs."

Ward Reilly said:
“I’m heading up there tonight in my dress blues. So far, 15 of my fellow marine buddies are meeting me there, also in Uniform. I want to send the following message to Wall St and Congress: I didn’t fight for Wall St. I fought for America. Now it’s Congress’ turn.

My true hope, though, is that we Veterans can act as first line of defense between the police and the protester. If they want to get to some protesters so they can mace them, they will have to get through the Fucking Marine Corps first. Let’s see a cop mace a bunch of decorated war vets."

That wasn't Reilly.

Ward Reilly
This is the ORIGINAL piece that I was sent this morning about the Marines that are coming....I simply SHARED the quote from the is real, but it's NOT ME. I am a veteran activist, and one of the organizers of Oct.6 in DC, but I am not coming to NYC...I wish I were, especially now. See you all in DC!!!!
Calling all Military Veterans of Reddit. We took an oath to protect the people and the constitution.
reddit: the front page of the internet
I'm heading up there tonight in my dress blues. So far, 15 of my fellow marine buddies are meeting me there, also in Uniform. I want to send the fo...
Like · Share · Saturday at 8:45pm ·​
Also, the last bit of the alleged Marine's post:
I'm no longer in active duty or in any way contractually indebted to the military. Nor are any of my friends that are joining me.
To the officers' of this thread: I'm aware of the potential, maybe inevitable trouble I can get in. So too are my friends.
I don't really care about the debate here, the upvotes, the downvotes or anything in here really. Mental masturbation is awesome and all. But fucking hell people get off reddit and do something about it. The decision is made. I just figured reddit to be a useful tool to get the attention of a good amount of veterans.​

He's a useful tool, all right. :lol:
The Truth Behind The Occupy Wall Street Marines
"In this case, what started as a muddled post by a friend of another friend’s post on Facebook ended up as a statement of fact in a major speech made by former White House green collar jobs czar Van Jones at the Take Back The American Dream Conference conference on Monday. "
No Marines putting the boot to cop jerk-faces? :frownyface:
You want a revolution, you fight it your own damn self.

Typical leftist...wants someone else to do the work, then you claim credit.
Its too far gone. I will simply send all of my money to the corporations and they will create jobs with it. We should all do the same. And please increase my taxes and take away my Social security which I have paid in for. America is great. LOL LOL
*blows kiss*


Horrah! A rational, intelligent liberal!

Can you 'splain why the Watermelon Man lied about the Marines?


22 seconds of research done by clicking on the link provided in the post yielded the following:

The Informative Link Below said:
As much as social media has proved itself as a revolutionary tool for political organization and messaging, sometimes it can also act as a Hall of Mirrors, as was the case over the week-end when a rumor started flying around online about the Marines getting involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement.

In this case, what started as a muddled post by a friend of another friend’s post on Facebook ended up as a statement of fact in a major speech made by former White House green collar jobs czar Van Jones at the Take Back The American Dream Conference conference on Monday.

The Truth Behind The Occupy Wall Street Marines | TPM Idea Lab

Emphasis in the last paragraph is mine.

The reason Mr. Van Jones lied about The Marines is.....

Wait for it.........


Of course. As I've always said, Communists are stupid. They have to be to believe in Communism.
The Truth Behind The Occupy Wall Street Marines
"In this case, what started as a muddled post by a friend of another friend’s post on Facebook ended up as a statement of fact in a major speech made by former White House green collar jobs czar Van Jones at the Take Back The American Dream Conference conference on Monday. "
No Marines putting the boot to cop jerk-faces? :frownyface:
You want a revolution, you fight it your own damn self.

Typical leftist...wants someone else to do the work, then you claim credit.
You're a hoot! However, if you're into monarchies, theocracies, feudal aristocracies, or if you're a corporatist, or a fascist, then you may validly refer to me as a leftist.

Regardless, you're a typical statist ... convinced you're morally entitled to dictate with force how everyone else should behave.
Its too far gone. I will simply send all of my money to the corporations and they will create jobs with it. We should all do the same. And please increase my taxes and take away my Social security which I have paid in for. America is great. LOL LOL

No one's forcing you to send your money to corporations, moron. It's strictly 100% voluntary.

Find a source for each product you use that's acceptible by your standards, or do without. The choice is yours.

But let me guess: "That's too HAAAAAARD!!" :cool:
You mean.... you choose to accept his version of his bullshit.

I mean that, given the timing between the first appearance of that thing about the 16 marines showing up in uniform and his speech, there is no way he COULD have known better.

And he does not have a history of lying. You, on the other hand, do.
I'm all for wall street but lets get the corruption out. It will take a long long long time but heck we can do it. Do you really trust what is happening there? Or are we being hoodwinked? None of you here can really answer this question. Either can I although none of you will ever admit it. cowards.
The Truth Behind The Occupy Wall Street MarinesNo Marines putting the boot to cop jerk-faces? :frownyface:
You want a revolution, you fight it your own damn self.

Typical leftist...wants someone else to do the work, then you claim credit.
You're a hoot! However, if you're into monarchies, theocracies, feudal aristocracies, or if you're a corporatist, or a fascist, then you may validly refer to me as a leftist.

Regardless, you're a typical statist ... convinced you're morally entitled to dictate with force how everyone else should behave.
You haven't read any of my posts, have you? :rofl:

Your ignorance aside, it's not me advocating forcing behavior with the threat of violence -- YOU are.

Or don't you remember writing this:

No Marines putting the boot to cop jerk-faces? :frownyface:​
From the OWS website

So? Have you actually looked at that website (which is NOT an official OWS website by the way; there is no such thing) other than that one page?

Here: Occupy Wall Street | NYC Protest for American Revolution

Now, take a cruise around that site why don't you. See if you can find those demands, without using your preprogrammed link. Or, see if you can find anybody else there saying anything remotely resembling that crap.

You won't be able to. I don't know if this is actually a hoax. It could be one single solitary left-wing nut job presenting his own opinions that righties have latched onto for propaganda purposes. But it doesn't matter. What I know for absolutely sure is, this is NOT the prevailing view of OWS participants, and presenting it as if it were is a big, fat LIE.
You want a revolution, you fight it your own damn self.

Typical leftist...wants someone else to do the work, then you claim credit.
You're a hoot! However, if you're into monarchies, theocracies, feudal aristocracies, or if you're a corporatist, or a fascist, then you may validly refer to me as a leftist.

Regardless, you're a typical statist ... convinced you're morally entitled to dictate with force how everyone else should behave.
You haven't read any of my posts, have you? :rofl:
I've read your 3 replies to me.

Your ignorance aside, it's not me advocating forcing behavior with the threat of violence -- YOU are.

Or don't you remember writing this:

No Marines putting the boot to cop jerk-faces? :frownyface:​
Marines defending girls armed with signs and chalk from the aggression of statist thugs with an over-developed sense of entitlement to use force, is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT notion of the use of force than what you're projecting upon me.
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